League of Legends anyone?

; o; Down to +17 now. Had a teammate go 1-9-1 last game, and the other one rage quit because he was a tank and taking the kills! What does he expect when he flashes over for the final hit? The carries won't get the kill.

I'm dropping like a stone.
I need to learn some Melee tanky-dps champ. I have Amumu, Rammus, and Alistar.. but they're not really DPS and they want to spec AP if possible.

I could go Tryn since I own him (and a skin of his for some reason), but he's far from Tanky and requires skill to use effectively.

[quote name='icedrake523']BTW Rabbitsuit, Silver Bolts won't proc if you dodge the 3rd hit.[/QUOTE]

Eh, you certain?
That's what I was told on Leaguecraft and it makes more sense.

I tried 2 games today that went horribly. First game I was Amumu since I have more luck as him. Unfortunately our Master Yi was absolutely useless. Was 3/13 (started 0/8) and rushed an Infinity Edge. Never seen a Yi do that.

For my next game, I thought, "My last good champion was laning Nunu and I haven't played him in ages." Thought I'd have a good shot at winning with him since his Ice Ball hits like a truck in laning. Unfortunately, our Trundle had a 4k ping and couldn't even move. So it was a 4v5 from the beginning. Our team comp was shit since we didn't have any other AD besides Trundle. Though our Taric was building AD for some stupid reason.

I played another game after that as Zilean. If I'm going to lose, might as well be as someone different. I went 2/1/10 and did well. Didn't get a full build since they surrendered. My next game I was mid against Orianna. She was a huge pain in the ass, I got first blood somehow. She killed me later only b/c i lagged as I tried to ult myself. It stayed 1/1 but she was farming better. We got rolling later on thanks to Cho Gath and Soraka was like our general telling us what to do. I did a weird build though. Got a Neg Cloak early b/c of Orianna. Then finished Rod of Ages, then Glacial Shroud. Finally upgraded my boots to Sorc Shoes since I didn't need CDR. Got Visage b/c of Soraka and finished Frozen Heart so Irelia would be less of a pain in the ass. Had to go defensive since I got focused hard when I had Oracles for their Shaco.
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Is my experimental Irelia build as bad as people make it sound? I jungled and carried my whole team for 35 minutes until we inevitably started to lose team fights, and then they look at my build and say I'm terrible (been tearing up with the build in every other game, of course) =[. Basically, everyone agrees that tri-force is essential for all Irelias. I've used it since forever in my survival builds, and it is indeed very helpful.

But lately when jungling I've been trying: Madreds -> boots -> wriggles -> merc treads -> [now instead of going trinity like usual, i go ->] youmuu ghost blade -> black cleaver -> frozen hammer

(non-jungle i've been rushing a hextech in place of wriggles).

Now, saving you all the math -- I do more damage, period. Non-jungle game, 20 minute mark if farm goes well, I'm sitting with a tri-force and lvl 2 boots -- ~135 attack damage, plus the bonus ability power from sheen to my R and E, as well as the sheen proc. Also get bonus attack speed, crit, and movement. Good burst, no doubt, and the +300 hp is invaluable. It's a good build.

On the other hand, 20 minute mark (before youmuus) -- ~165 attack damage, 60 ability power for my R an E (against sheen's 25), 300 dmg gunblade/slow (double a sheen proc and slow). I'm -300hp more squishy, but also life stealing a lot(both vamp and melee), and killing people in one rotation instead of two.

I'm not saying I figured out a great build, but I feel like playing Irelia as you know, an assassin, can work sometimes. Triforce makes you solid all round, but I think what can make Irelia very powerful is capitalizing on her ability to turn a fight around with a 2 second stun, and actually be able to kill you before you can get out.

Being a tri-force tanky dps with a nasty stun is also good. Just trying new things.
Ok about after this past week of playing, I have deemed that this game hates me. This past week about 90-95% of my games, my lane partner either has been bad, disconnects, or is lagging so bad it's hard to even play.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Ok about after this past week of playing, I have deemed that this game hates me. This past week about 90-95% of my games, my lane partner either has been bad, disconnects, or is lagging so bad it's hard to even play.[/QUOTE]

It's not just you. EVERY game my friends and I play, we've got at least one, if not all terrible pubbers. Like, I dont believe half these people are actually level 30. Seems like they bought their accounts and have never played a game in their life.
[quote name='icedrake523']Of course I need to be carried, I exclusively play tanks. Flippr plays everything but.

Also, there won't be any new champions or balance changes until after Dreamhack (June 21). So we can keep playing a broken game until then.[/QUOTE]

Its too easy when I play a tank. Remember my Cho days?? We whooped some ass!!

Last night I had a HILARIOUS normal solo queue game.

My team was picking squishes. This one person picked Morgana and was like "pick a tank". So I picked Brand. Then the whole game she was mad, wouldnt lane with me, said I was trolling, calling me f@g the whole time, blah blah blah. It was just hilarious.

Wanna know what was more funny? As MORGANA, she had under 80 CS in a 45-min game. I also had a much better k-d-a than her.

It was a fun game messing with her too :) I kept saying i loved her and stuff.
[quote name='Morphx2']Its too easy when I play a tank. Remember my Cho days?? We whooped some ass!!

Last night I had a HILARIOUS normal solo queue game.

My team was picking squishes. This one person picked Morgana and was like "pick a tank". So I picked Brand. Then the whole game she was mad, wouldnt lane with me, said I was trolling, calling me f@g the whole time, blah blah blah. It was just hilarious.

Wanna know what was more funny? As MORGANA, she had under 80 CS in a 45-min game. I also had a much better k-d-a than her.

It was a fun game messing with her too :) I kept saying i loved her and stuff.[/QUOTE]
That reminds me of last night. It was me and my three friends in a co-op vs ai game for the IP. Our pug member was this Kat who started the match whining that she was going mid and no ranged character went mid. She was a good player but she went into every lane and kill stealed. So we all decided to troll their ass and stop playing like halfway through the game and just let her finish the whole game by herself :lol:. Needless to say we just sat back and talked over chat. It was awesome.
Perhaps they're mistaken. The LoL forums have several topics about Vayne being able to do it regardless. And I just tested it out in a Custom match, Teemo vs Vayne. I was using dodge boots, but we weren't able to get it to work and avoid the physical attack on the third hit. When blinded, it went through everytime. Ditto for tumble.

Is Miss =/= Dodge then?
[quote name='icedrake523']Blind only affects auto-attacks, not abilities.[/QUOTE]

Same as dodge.

Also, this fiasco is absurd. The same folks that took down the PSN DDOS'd League of Legends today. And Escapist Magazine, Eve Online, Minecraft and other unnamed items.
Weird. I've got no issues logging into LOL (aside from Riots servers being crappy as usual and making me wait in a five minute queue).
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Same as dodge.

Also, this fiasco is absurd. The same folks that took down the PSN DDOS'd League of Legends today. And Escapist Magazine, Eve Online, Minecraft and other unnamed items.[/QUOTE]

Not exactly. Blind is a CC that blocks auto-attacks. Dodge completely avoids a physical attack.
28 minute log-in queue here. Guess I'll do something else, and you guys will have to find someone else to carry you

eh, it went down pretty quick actually. I should be on in a couple minutes.
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Tried Orianna last night for a bit. I was going to buy her regardless because well she is Glados (and it is kinda a joke between some friends and I), but I actually really do like her as a champ :D.
Just had a horrible game.

Early game we were doing well but had a retarded Vlad. He bought 2 Needless Large Rods and a Blasting Wand, didn't finish a Rabadon's first. Then we were mid and a big minion wave was at bot. Vlad started to go but stopped, then went but didnt get there in time and it was gone. Then they initiated a fight and ace'd us. We might have won but Annie and Maokai quit. I really hate this game sometimes.
Welp, games down. I don't understand how they can release no patches or updates, yet the game still somehow breaks itself.
LulzSec attacked them both yesterday and today.

It happened when I was in Champ Select. Tried to click Shen but took forever to load. I Alt+F4 to dodge (10 sec left). I tried to sign immediately after, wouldn't work. Tried a few min later, got in and was still in the game I tried to dodged. Was randomed Tryndamere which was horrible. Fortunately the loss was forgiven, so free IP.
Those are just how many more wins I have than losses. I recently got even and then 1 over, maybe 2, but then it went crashing down again.

Also, Gold/10 items may be getting nerfed. They may be given a unique passive. It's unknown if you can only get the gold/10 from one each or just one even if the items are different. If they do this, I hope Heart of Gold gets it's Armor component back.
I guess I've just been spoiled by FPS games where it's not uncommon to be a 100w over losses. And seeing streamers with that just reinforces the ideal.

D: But I just discovered the greatness of Gold/10!

Played a 5 v 5 today where I had four Philosopher stones on Maokai. Looked like a pretty decent setup, but our Irelia DC'd near the start and she was our solotop. I was duo bottom, and my partner wanted to go top to take the lane against Xin. In response, the enemy jungler came in and laned bottom. I was against Anivia, Orianna, and Amumu in lane as Maokai. It was damn difficult. Dived me at lvl 5 for a kill. I was able to get back to the tower with two stones before they took it down. With the MP Regen and Health Regen, I was able to constantly slaughter the minions and take their harass before they could reach the tower.

Proceeded to tank the enemy team with ease thanks to my level advantage. I hope my new toys won't go unique.
Just had a good game for once.

I was Renekton solo top since we had a jungling Amumu (he's my preferred solo top). Farming was hard against Ashe and Veigar, though that lane combo hurts both. I died early b/c Amumu didn't ping when he went in for a gank, Ashe was low but she got away and we died. Our early game sucked since our Amumu was dumb. He'd be off getting buffs, they'd initiate, and we were kinda screwed since we didn't have Amumu. Then they'd kill him and steal his buff.

Once he stayed with us, it was easy. We killed 4 of them and only our Brand died so we got Baron and pushed (though our Kat was annoying, she was almost full health and instead of helping us Baron, went mid to clear a minion wave even though it was in the middle of the lane. Amumu Q'd in on them and ulted, I stayed back waiting for Veigar stun, once he did, I ulted, blinked and went after while my team got the rest of them. Feels good to win a game where your team listens to you.
Had to do a 3v3 yesterday since somehow the server being busy = no summoners rift. Had Ez, Teemo, Rumble (me) vs Sion, Mokai, Irelia. I got first blood on Sion when he face check the bush on bottom where all 3 of us were. Me and Ez pushed their lane back to the tower, and could keep both Sion and Irelia low health the whole time. Then Ez just kinda walks away and says to harass them so he can ULT. Which I do, but Sion gets his stun off on me, and I cant move cause Irelia follows with her stun. I die, Ez runs back and gets Sion then dies to Irelia. Had he just stayed with me and waited like 20 more seconds, I'd have my ult and we'd kill them both. The game was pretty even after that for awhile, then they took our first towers top and bot. Teemo and I planned a gank on Irelia, cause everyone is like "focus Irelia". We go after her, I get her down to a sliver of health, and Mokai comes. I keep chasing because I seriously need only one hit from anything to kill her. Teemo could have easily ran her down, but instead switched to Mokai and dies. He then blames me because I left him to die to Mokai by himself. I told him he should have killed Irelia cause she had so little health, to which he says that she had lots of health and I shouldnt have chased her because she had so much health. I figure it's GG at this point because he's an idiot and Ez wanders off alot, but we end up starting a gank on Mokai, Sion runs in and uses his stun, then leaves. We kill Mokai, Irelia jumps in cause 2 of us are low, we kill her. Then Sion comes back and dies. We push bot to the nexus. They come back up, we kill Irelia and Mokai, we push top to the nexus, kill Sion and win.

The other team blamed the whole game on Sion, who did kinda suck but wasnt THAT bad. We basically won by luck cause Teemo didnt do much, Ez spent the first 10 minutes bitching he wasnt getting kills, and I was focused too hard to do much. I think I was like 6/7
Just played a frustrating enough game to complain about.

Did a 3v3 in which my team's Irelia not only gave first blood but died 5 times within 3 minutes (Twice before minion spawn!!) and then preceded to call us noobs the rest of the game, while they carried their death count to 9 by the surrender.

Rah. >.
[quote name='ExplodingRat']Just played a frustrating enough game to complain about.

Did a 3v3 in which my team's Irelia not only gave first blood but died 5 times within 3 minutes (Twice before minion spawn!!) and then preceded to call us noobs the rest of the game, while they carried their death count to 9 by the surrender.

Rah. >.
Nunu and Malzahar are getting nerfs. Lolwut?

Malzahar is pretty powerful but inferior to other mages. Nunu is perfectly balanced. The only nerf I can see is Blood Boil, either it's duration shortened or CD increased so he can't have it up all the time. Other than that, he's fine. His Q only works on enemy minions and neutrals, does nothing to champs or your own minions. Ice Ball is great harass/debuff, and his ult is great but SO unreliable.

Ok, here's a list of all the upcoming changes (not necessarily next patch) from all I've read

  • Gangplank buffs
  • Fiddlestick buffs
  • Jarvan nerfs
  • Vlad nerfs
  • Malzahar nerfs
  • Nunu nerfs
  • Vayne nerfs (low priority of course, they are in no rush to nerf a tank killer)
  • Tryndamere given Fury for Bloodlust (Q)
  • Pantheon rework
  • Kayle rework
  • Stealth/Eve/Twitch rework
  • New Ward feature (possible slot)
  • Clairvoyance changes (ie nerfs)
  • Global skill change (Pantheon, TF, probably Shen too since he's a tank which they hate)
  • Removal/rework of Nasus and Veigar's Q-farming (gaining AD/AP from last hits)
  • Gold/10 sec becoming unique passive (may only be able to get gold from 1 item)
  • Spectator mode
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Malz needs a nerf just because of his ult.

Derp, I can hold you here for five minutes and rape you of all your HP while you do nothing.
It's powerful 1v1, 2v2, or even 1v2 (Malz being the one) but it's less useful during a teamfight. It's a channel though like Nunu and Kat's ults. He supresses 1 but screams to the rest of the team "CC ME SO YOU CAN MAKE ME COMPLETELY USELESS THE REST OF THIS TEAM FIGHT."

He needs buffs if anything. His ult is his best ability. His silence is a skill shot they have to pass through to be affected, his AoE is like Spirit Fire in that it can be walked around, and his Malefic Visions is just DoT.

New champ info if you haven't seen it

The work of gravediggers is essential amongst the living, but invaluable in the Shadow Isles. There are many shades of death there, and each is embraced rather than feared or reviled. One can only ascend from one state to the next with the magical aid of a skilled professional. At the end of the first Rune War, Yorick Mori made his living as a gravedigger. His family owned and maintained the Final Rest Memorial, one of the oldest cemeteries in Valoran. The shovel he employed for his work had been passed down for generations. Each gravedigger taught his son that this shovel was imbued with the spirit of every forefather, and that those spirits would protect him during the long lonely nights amongst the tombstones. To his eternal regret, Yorick died without an heir, bringing the proud Mori line to a close. His body was interred with his shovel in the family mausoleum, and the Final Rest Memorial soon fell to ruin. Death, however, was not the end Yorick had expected.
Yorick emerged on the haunted shores of the Shadow Isles – not quite dead, definitely not alive – still clutching his beloved shovel. He soon learned that with it he could act as a ferryman for the Isles’ undead denizens, helping them climb death’s many-tiered ladder. This proved a curse, as a gravedigger must “bury his quota” before he too can ascend, or so the legend goes. No one knows what “his quota” is. Yorick dug tirelessly, waiting in vain for the day when he would be freed of his burden. As decades turned to centuries, the shame of his failures came to a head. He returned to Valoran to find his corpse, convinced that salvation might be buried with it. When he arrived, no trace remained of either the mausoleum or the memorial. Hope nearly lost, he discovered the League of Legends, and there saw an opportunity to immortalize the family name he allowed to be forgotten ages ago.
“Die first, then we’ll talk.” -Yorick
Omen of War: Yorick’s next attack will deal bonus physical damage and summon a Spectral Ghoul that deals additional damage and moves faster than Yorick’s other ghouls. While the Spectral Ghoul is alive, Yorick moves faster as well.
Omen of Pestilence: Yorick summons a Decaying Ghoul that arrives with a violent explosion, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies. While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive, nearby enemies continue to be slowed.
Omen of Famine: Yorick steals life from his target and summons a Ravenous Ghoul that heals Yorick for the damage it deals.
Omen of Death (Ultimate): Yorick conjures a revenant in the image of one of his allies. If his ally dies while its revenant is alive, the revenant sacrifices itself to reanimate them and give them time to enact vengeance.
Unholy Covenant (Passive): Yorick’s attacks deal more damage for each summon that is active. Meanwhile, Yorick’s ghouls deal some percent of Yorick’s Attack Damage and have some percent of his total health.
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I remember reading some red comments on Malz from a while ago. The % pool was their major concern. Late game with Void staff it could easily tear through tanks, especially with it acting as an AoE slow with Ryali's and then being able to easily suppress with the ult.

But yeah, in a teamfight, I agree, can't do jack without his skills. EU loves the guy though.

But really... Nunu nerfs? Why the hell does he need to be nerfed?
My previous march to a .500 record was with Xin. After I got there, it was an utter disaster.

Now I'm on a 5 game winning streak with Renekton. I LOOOOVE Force of Nature on him. Boots, Brutalizer/Ghostblade, Force of Nature, and Chain Vest and I'm good to go. I could probably switch to flat MR glyphs for an earlier advantage but I'll do that some other time.
I don't understand why they are nerfing Nunu, he is fine. Also why are they buffing Fiddlesticks, he is OP in the right hands.

Sometimes Riot amazes me with their fucking terrible decisions.

Actually wait, watch they Nerf his ulti for being too powerful or something making him useless to play, knowing Riot.
Play a game vs a high ELO team with a jungle Nunu and watch what happens

Hey, I got Safari Cait. Go get Outback Renekton icedrake and lets go hunting for elephants
Nunu offers is a fast jungle time, the ability to secure Dragon/Baron, and being able to chain snowballs well once he gets Blue Buff making overextenders pay dearly. Outside of all that, I really don't see him as much of a threat. Granted, I love having one on my team. He does strike fear into people whenever he presses R.

And congrats Drake! I'm kinda kicking myself for not picking up Ren when he was 50% off.
[quote name='Morphx2']Play a game vs a high ELO team with a jungle Nunu and watch what happens

Hey, I got Safari Cait. Go get Outback Renekton icedrake and lets go hunting for elephants[/QUOTE]

When it's on sale

Speaking of skins, here are some that will come out soon. Including the long awaited Commando Lux



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That Mundo skin rules. Even though I don't play him much, I may have to grab that.

While on the topic of skins, I finally got a hold of a Riot Singed skin.
From Mr. Phreak himself:

Nunu is just the best jungler in the game. Level 1 Ice Blast is too impossible to get away from, and he is too good of an anti-jungler. He isn't losing anything at level 18, but he's going to slow less and consume slightly less hard early.

Vlad's losing 3 second Transfusion.

Malzahar has consistently received number buffs due to him being hard to play and not bringing a lot to the table to compensate. Now that he's been learned, we're bringing the numbers back down to something more reasonable. Simiarly, if Anivia or Ashe were released today, they'd probably be called "underpowered." Remember when Jarvan was released and was "balanced" and Irelia was "underpowered" and Vladimir was "underpowered"?

Jarvan just does too many things too well. He's very much a "generalist" where he has some sustain, some burst, some tank, some mobility. He kind of does have "it all." We're lowering damage/stat numbers, such that he feels the same, just is slightly less potent.
[quote name='SEH']That Mundo skin rules. Even though I don't play him much, I may have to grab that.

While on the topic of skins, I finally got a hold of a Riot Singed skin.[/QUOTE]

I'm not big on the Mundo skin. Kinda looks like he's the M in a S&M relationship.

Congrats on the Riot Singed pick up. I'm still ranting about him z_z
Horrible games tonight. Tried Nidalee in 2 games. First kinda sucked but wasn't too bad. Second I was mid. It was tough to harass Annie since she was behind minions but I did good farming and keeping her overextended. Unfortunately, our top sucked (Waughoo and the Trynd fed but Waughoo at least had as many kills). Another game I was Renekton, but kept getting weird lag even though my ping and FPS were fine. I DC'd and our team surrendered before I could reconnect.
I love that them adding two new skins to the games has completely fucked it up once again. It'd be hilarious if Dreamhack couldn't start because the servers are messed once again.
bread's done