LEGO Deals 2

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LEGO is just trying too hard. Apparently they're running the show now and not the original developers.

I'm with 180husher, I have a nice backlog of much better games to play anyway.

The LEGO store in my area dropped Series 4 today. Hopefully I got all of them.
LEGO Universe was a huge bomb like everyone saw was gonig.

Make it so you can buy a year in the game for $X.

VIP members are getting the game for free in Canada, UK and I guess the USA, I still don't want it.

Amazon had series one minifigures last week for less than $60, that's your best bet.
I saw a full case of series 3 or 4 at walmart or target recently... almost grabbed a few packs, but I avoid legos.. too much money >.> ...but the megablok marvel stuff has been taunting me.
[quote name='TheHelix']The problem with the current Borders coupon is that the 40% off deal excludes toys.[/QUOTE]

Really? Those asshats stopped me from shopping there when they jacked up all the Lego prices, but now you can't even use the coupons...:roll:.
[quote name='180husher']Series 1 was under-produced so your trade isn't 1:1.[/QUOTE]

It's not exactly a 1:1, but it's worth keeping in mind that somebody buying a complete series 4 paid about 50% more in most cases than somebody that purchased series 1, so people shouldn't completely dismiss the idea out of hand... On eBay, a set of 1 goes for about $80 and a set of 4 goes for about $70, which isn't a giant chasm if somebody wants a series 4 and has an extra series 1...

I'm jus sayin'...
[quote name='Darthjer']It's not exactly a 1:1, but it's worth keeping in mind that somebody buying a complete series 4 paid about 50% more in most cases than somebody that purchased series 1, so people shouldn't completely dismiss the idea out of hand... On eBay, a set of 1 goes for about $80 and a set of 4 goes for about $70, which isn't a giant chasm if somebody wants a series 4 and has an extra series 1...

I'm jus sayin'...[/QUOTE]

Part of that is the limited amount.

Say like batman sets now vs IJ sets..... Batman is higher because of how limited there is still around.

I'm sure we'll still see series 4 when 5 are coming out just like now with series 3 with 4.

Did anyone see much left of series 2 when 3 came out?

And places like here never got s1 and didn't see all but an empty box of s2, yet TRU still has boxes of s3 around.
[quote name='skiizim']Call the Lego Store and make sure they are even selling them, I don't think they can sell them till April, the Lego Calendar shows them highlighted between the 15th-17th, so call and make sure. Also, if your willing to make the drive and gas being the way it is, why don't you just eBay for them.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the tip. I'm going there for the Maersk Train and birthday presents for my kids anyways. But it's good to know about the calendar which I had not looked at yet.

I'll actually look into ebay and maybe trading here with some cag's once I find more.
Well if anyone wants to trade I have the following doubles:

From Series 4:

Werewolf x2
Hockey Player
Punk Rocker
Mad Scientist

From Series 2 & 3:

I have a ton of Elves, 3 Gladiators and such...let me know what you're looking for. I have a few.

I'm interested in the following:

Series 4

The Artist
Figure Skater

Series 1

Zombie (sealed)**
Skier (sealed)
Spaceman (sealed)**
Caveman (sealed)
Robot (sealed)**

** - most interested

Serious traders plz!
[quote name='xycury']Part of that is the limited amount.

Say like batman sets now vs IJ sets..... Batman is higher because of how limited there is still around.

I'm sure we'll still see series 4 when 5 are coming out just like now with series 3 with 4.

Did anyone see much left of series 2 when 3 came out?

And places like here never got s1 and didn't see all but an empty box of s2, yet TRU still has boxes of s3 around.[/QUOTE]

My TRU hasn't had minifigures since the week before Christmas. Lego still really fucked up the whole thing. It should be an exclusive for S@H.
Well since people are listing their trades here... I have a complete sealed series 2 and want to trade for a complete series 1 or 4. Or I'll sell the set for $45 + S&H :)
[quote name='180husher']Really? Those asshats stopped me from shopping there when they jacked up all the Lego prices, but now you can't even use the coupons...:roll:.[/QUOTE]

Yeah what that coupon I was gonna get Vader's TIE for around 22 bucks after tax but oh well.
[quote name='encendido5']Well since people are listing their trades here... I have a complete sealed series 2 and want to trade for a complete series 1 or 4. Or I'll sell the set for $45 + S&H :)[/QUOTE]

Very decent price if you ask me.
[quote name='encendido5']Well since people are listing their trades here... I have a complete sealed series 2 and want to trade for a complete series 1 or 4. Or I'll sell the set for $45 + S&H :)[/QUOTE]

Going to vouch for my boy here. That's a great price! If i didn't already have a complete set, which I got from him, I would be all over this.
[quote name='mickeyp']I have series 1 but I think they are worth more than series 4, which I also want.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. While maybe the Zombie will hold in value, I believe because of the fact that S1 is showing up in the BAM stations at the LEGO stores, the prices will begin to drop.
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[quote name='JAYMATIK']I disagree. While maybe the Zombie will hold in value, I believe because of the fact that S1 is showing up in the BAM stations at the LEGO stores, the prices will begin to drop.[/QUOTE]

Only if all the parts are there, if we see only 1/3, it'll just make the rest more rare.

What TLG should do is release complete sets of 16 in a nice collection and sell those at the 1 year mark.
Why was my post deleted?

Anyway, I stopped by Walmart and target today but didn't see any of the polybags and nothing on clearance.
I think someone hacked your post and posted in Arabic or Russian or something.

I'm not kidding, there was this insane post with some weird lettering.
I think because it looked like a different language when it was posted. If that was yours that is there was one that had another language show up in it.
[quote name='xycury']What TLG should do is release complete sets of 16 in a nice collection and sell those at the 1 year mark.[/QUOTE]

For $100 ;)
[quote name='bigdaddy']I think someone hacked your post and posted in Arabic or Russian or something.

I'm not kidding, there was this insane post with some weird lettering.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rezputin']I think because it looked like a different language when it was posted. If that was yours that is there was one that had another language show up in it.[/QUOTE]

That's really weird. I posted it from work too so I don't know how it could've gotten hacked.
I was just posting saying I had a complete series 2 available, but I found a buyer.
[quote name='etcrane']For $100 ;)[/QUOTE]
:lol: I sure hope not.

if they priced them at 3 x 16, then making it $50 isn't too much to ask.

[quote name='encendido5']That's really weird. I posted it from work too so I don't know how it could've gotten hacked.
I was just posting saying I had a complete series 2 available, but I found a buyer.[/QUOTE]

There was a spammer in russian, I reported the post, but who knows what the Mod did then.

Been pillaging the Ebay Groupon deal and finally now own a Minifig Ghost shell...

If anyone wants a good deal on a set on ebay, one could do the 7 for 15 GC enough times to get anything half off.
Pretty interesting find for me yesterday. Spent about 20 minutes "feeling up" a bunch of Series 4 baggies looking for the Artist (last one I needed). I was getting restless and finally found one when I recognized the brush. Got home, opened the bag and found this:


Two Artists for the price of one? Yes please!! :bouncy:
I thought Lego had good quality control but that is a win for you!!!! When I felt for the artist, I try and feel for the palette, it is really distinguishable from the rest, its round and has that little bump where he holds on too. Looking for the brush is fine but trying to find little pieces in the bag is a pain.
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']


Two Artists for the price of one? Yes please!! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Ha! Nice!

I managed to find 3 pouches of series 2 online. One of the pouches was Mariachi Guy - he had a third maraca. Yay?

It's no second figure in the pouch but I'll take what I can get!
That's what I don't get...Series 1 & 2 had lower production runs, had extra parts, and were $1.99...then Series 3 rolls around with no extra parts, a higher production run (which should equate to lower production cost per figure), and they decide to make them a dollar more. Stupid LEGO making me pay more for things.
[quote name='ArmyOfFun']bigdaddy minifigs? (via brothers-brick)[/QUOTE]

That's awesome, but I'm not into leather.

Also awesome you got a double bag! That's so cool!

The extra pieces is why I'm pissed I never got two skiers for $4, because then I'd have enough for 3 skiers.
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My TRU just got their Series 4 re-up. Wednesday is that store's LEGO delivery day. They got a single box last Wednesday, and a single box today. I was in 35 minutes after opening and they had six packets left. Five Sailors and a Frankenstein.

Anyone else find that they are buying less sets because of these minifigs? I'm blowing my LEGO budget on them and skipping the sets.
[quote name='cassidyarch']My TRU just got their Series 4 re-up. Wednesday is that store's LEGO delivery day. They got a single box last Wednesday, and a single box today. I was in 35 minutes after opening and they had six packets left. Five Sailors and a Frankenstein.

Anyone else find that they are buying less sets because of these minifigs? I'm blowing my LEGO budget on them and skipping the sets.[/QUOTE]

I know without any clearances like before, my spending is way down. I hate SW so that alone eliminates about 50% of sets.

I am waiting on summer sets now, ninjago doesn't interest me much. And I bought all of PQ already and Atlantis.

There just isn't enough new.
[quote name='xycury']
There just isn't enough new.[/QUOTE]

This is good for my wallet ;).

@cassidyarch - Yes, some of my budget has gone towards CMF. Sometimes I wish I could find Series 1 and (more) Series 2, but then I realize that that would be even less spending on the actual sets that I enjoy.
My set money has been going into the Series 4. There however isn't many sets new that I'm interested in. The shuttle is all that is new that we really want.
Stopped at two walmarts today. one had all the polybags and both had tons of series 3. tru was cleared out of the three boxes of series 3 they had last week and had less than half a box of series 4.
Alien Conquest just stopped by to wave and say Hi to everyone's full wallets ... says he'll be back in a few months. Cool dude, that Alien Conquest
I can't wait for AC!!!!

As for the bn coupon, they made all Lego sets online unavailable for coupon discounts.

Pisses me off, since bm stores carry nothing...
My son decided last night that he wants to try Lego Universe. Waiting on my free copy from Lego. It will be here in a few days.
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