Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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My blowout sale order says "in production" even though every individual game shows a ready status. Makes no sense but I'm sure it will take months to actually ship these "in hand" games.
My single game purchase (Tiny Metal Ultimate - standard) from the sale is also showing "in production" but with a "status: Ready". They probably all say that by default until it actually ships.

Got my order from the blowout sale yesterday

Just out of curiosity did you get any kind of notification it shipped and if so does your account properly reflect that it shipped. Just curious what to expect since it's been since 2021 that I've directly ordered anything from LRG.

Any time someone gets any type of heat online, they come back with "I've gotten so many death threats" or "I'm gay//trans/non-binary/identify as a waffle" and expect people to sympathize with them.

Like dude, you've been running scheme based on nostalgia for years now and over-promise and undelivered- yeah people are gonna be pissed. If you're that concerned about the death threats, stop doing such a shitty job.
If you're that concerned about the death threats, stop doing such a shitty job.
The cabal of scumbags profiting off deserved criticisms and complaints about their scumbaggery, spun to their benefit, disgusts me as much as anyone else; but not sure this is the best counterpoint. Imagining this as a company wide motivational poster “Concerned about death threats? Do a better job.” Pic is a cat we all know is a scumbag doing a bad job with a good dog typing at a computer.
I'm surprised by how many people placed orders given how much garbage there was.
I got Astalon, Ender Lilies, Blacksmith of Sand Kingdom, Night in the Woods, and This Way Madness Lies. I don't think any of those are garbage games, the Kemco one being a non-ExCreate games for the record.

There was good stuff there.

No one deserves death threats. Being on the internet with a gamer-based business, however, should have the expectation you're going to get hate mail given the current climate of always-angry, KIA, anti-SBI/DEI/ABC/123 being rabid and having Twitter to breed their rage.

LRG needs to take the appropriate precautions on assuring their security, their employees security, and means of reaction to gamer hate, such as the appropriate mental health offerings and HR/IT-like rolls to better filter that garbage out.

I, too, feel like "I got death threats" is used as a strawman to deflect any legitimate criticism. There's plenty of us pointing it out without resorting to calls of violence (and there's no reason to do so for games, for the record). And have so for years.

Also, Phoenix Resale is a dubious "influencer/content creator." Allegedly, he has been known to solicate games from his fans for cheap and then resale them. Allegedly, he goes to gaming conventions and does high pressuring buying using his status as a reason to work with him. He's essentially the kind of person primed to take advantage of a FOMO-based market. I'd never take anything they say as credible, IMO.
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The cabal of scumbags profiting off deserved criticisms and complaints about their scumbaggery, spun to their benefit, disgusts me as much as anyone else; but not sure this is the best counterpoint. Imagining this as a company wide motivational poster “Concerned about death threats? Do a better job.” Pic is a cat we all know is a scumbag doing a bad job with a good dog typing at a computer.

A better counterpoint is he made sure the DEATH THREATS part was on the thumbnail.

The death threats sure haven't stopped him from posting publicly about the old game shit he buys.

Not that I know anything about this (nor am I going to give the video a view), and I am mercifully out of the public eye to not warrant them, but these deaths threats, are we talking 'lol die you fuck" or something legitimate and specific with some psycho messaging him that he's going to drive to his house, break down his door, beat him silly and crochet a doily out of his spleen?

If it's the latter, well then yes, you have death threats. If it's the former.... I guess Josh has never played a FPS in online multiplayer before. If it's the former, he's as good as discerning death threats from an internet insult as AI is, which is a low bar.
I mean, it’s Josh, I’m sure there’s way more in the former category. That having been said, given the popularity and reach of LRG at this point, I wouldn’t rule out at least some of the latter.

I’ve only watched about half of the video so far and yeah it absolutely feels like a fluff piece filled with softballs, no pushback on “yeah people are mad cause our stuff is awesome and takes a while make” completely ignoring the significant problem shipping in stock items and even Josh’s own public admission that “we ship the new stuff first, why make the new customers mad when we can keep making the old ones mad”

Pretty amusing Doug got mentioned. Otherwise, if it’s true the story of LRG’s founding is certainly interesting. The barely making it on personal loans, to basically his attitude that Breach and Clear wasn’t too great of a game but he wanted to have a trophy of just how dumb the idea was. I particularly thought it was interesting when he touched on the fleeting nature of digital-only releases. Felt a little like comparing to the flood of streaming-only movies/shows.
I'm not watching the video either, but for once, the YouTube comments all seem to be dunking on both of them the majority of the time.

I imagine this video is primed for hate watching between the LRG crowd and the collectors crowd.
I'm not interested in the video... but I understand all sides on this one. Including those a bit too passionate that have been burned a few too many times by the company and crossed a line (not condoning it, just that I get it). Ideally LRG should have been a great place for those of us that love physical games to buy them and know we'd get taken care of because these guys were gamers and collectors first and they should know how to package items and get them to us fast. At first, they were pretty dang great even as a DIY company with Doug packing everything and communicating progress. As they got bigger, quality and that personal feeling died as they fumbled around DIY'ing their expansions. The excuses got more common. Delays got worse to the point that people opted out completely or at least cut back. Most (not all) people have a story now of being burned. Even the most diehard LRG defenders gave up defending them. Now that LRG is a subsidiary within a division of a company... you'd think they would at least improve to be as good as any other publisher that sells games on their own website (fast shipping for in stock items... etc)... but they haven't really improved in a predictable way to grow beyond the sense that this is a DIY game publisher that is still in way over their heads. Which really is a shame as they should have been a reliably great company and something we could have all openly recommended without having to list out a bunch of hurdles a buyer needs to be ok with before they buy anything.

While naive, I sitll have some hope in time that LRG does turn things around. That they may lose some of that "we publish anything at all" randomness where they get something legit good that is lesser known...but they hire enough people to be more professional. Like my order earlier this year at the Xseed website was a perfect experience. I bought games, they put them in a box and shipped them to me, I was happy. No weird delays for in stock items. No issues because they are too much of a DIY outfit to have proper order processing procedures that keep things timely. I'd buy from them again with my only concern being the actual game I'm buying and how much I want it for the price. That really should be the ideal for any of these companies. Not keeping the fomo going.
I can see LRG doing a little better. Not many companies are doing what they do, and it's taking them time to not suck at it as much. They now have way more releases and it buries the old orders. The video says the partner with VGP now instead of Best Buy. I've got a few from VPG already and it's nice knowing that if the game is on there, it'll ship pretty soon. I know people have had a ton of issues with waiting on old orders and that sucks, but I don't think they are actively trying to screw people out of their monies.
From what little I did listen to, I just wish he was willing to take accountability as a CEO. The first topic after the intro sizzle reel is explaining away the shipping latency with the open pre-order concept. The interviewer didn't press him about the fact that some games are produced in four months and some take over a year for standard editions, he just nodded and smiled. Then he said "Oh our issue was actually not communicating but now we have a Customer Service person." He wasn't pressed on why that took five plus years, why their updates still kinda suck and are hit-or-miss, or the quality of their CS person (who seems to largely only respond to positive feedback and provides the most generic, parrotable corporate responses possible).

I don't know if I can withstand an hour of this. In the past, it really didn't seem like he understood or empathized with customers' experiences and complaints. I remember him complaining about GI Joe or Star Wars releasing too many toys around Christmas at the same time LRG was releasing multiple games every week that month. His tone deafness knows no bounds. It seems like not much has changed.

Plus, the interviewer (Phoenix Resale) is kind of a douche. I only know him from the Gamecube saga (Google it if you're not familiar), but a dude with a channel about flipping games sure is an odd choice to interview LRG considering a lot of the flack they get/got for people reselling.

It feels very clickbaity to put the death threat quote in the thumbnail, but that's just 2024 YouTube for you. Nobody in their right mind is going to argue that death threats are acceptable, but there are just some unhinged people out there. I've gotten death threats for posting on Reddit, it's never a good time regardless of how numb you think you are to it. I don't wish that on Josh, regardless of how much I dislike modern day LRG.
From what little I did listen to, I just wish he was willing to take accountability as a CEO. The first topic after the intro sizzle reel is explaining away the shipping latency with the open pre-order concept. The interviewer didn't press him about the fact that some games are produced in four months and some take over a year for standard editions, he just nodded and smiled. Then he said "Oh our issue was actually not communicating but now we have a Customer Service person." He wasn't pressed on why that took five plus years, why their updates still kinda suck and are hit-or-miss, or the quality of their CS person (who seems to largely only respond to positive feedback and provides the most generic, parrotable corporate responses possible).

I don't know if I can withstand an hour of this. In the past, it really didn't seem like he understood or empathized with customers' experiences and complaints. I remember him complaining about GI Joe or Star Wars releasing too many toys around Christmas at the same time LRG was releasing multiple games every week that month. His tone deafness knows no bounds. It seems like not much has changed.

Plus, the interviewer (Phoenix Resale) is kind of a douche. I only know him from the Gamecube saga (Google it if you're not familiar), but a dude with a channel about flipping games sure is an odd choice to interview LRG considering a lot of the flack they get/got for people reselling.

It feels very clickbaity to put the death threat quote in the thumbnail, but that's just 2024 YouTube for you. Nobody in their right mind is going to argue that death threats are acceptable, but there are just some unhinged people out there. I've gotten death threats for posting on Reddit, it's never a good time regardless of how numb you think you are to it. I don't wish that on Josh, regardless of how much I dislike modern day LRG.
I watched the entire thing and I frankly think the interviewer did Josh and LRG a disservice by emphasizing the death threats click bait line. From what I recall, Josh only really mentioned it once in the context of what prompted the switch from limited print runs in advance of sale to the current model of open pre-orders following the release of Night Trap for PS4. Oddly, Josh made it sound as if the death threats actually resulted in the change which I don't think was really his intent.

In looking at some of the responses to the video on social media, there still appear to be a lot of really unhinged gamers who are convinced that LRG owes them reprints of Shantae and a bunch of other games simply because the reseller prices are several times the original MSRP on the secondary market. I honestly don't get it. As a collector and gamer, there are lots of things I have missed out on over the years and I don't hold the publisher responsible for my inability to purchase something, especially if they have provided a reasonable pre-order window that I didn't use for whatever reason. The reality is that all of these games can be purchased for a fraction of the cost digitally and so there is no real restriction on anyone owning and playing these games if they feel so inclined.

As for the rest, I do agree that Josh still seems pretty out of touch with the reality of his business. I think it's pretty clear that delays aren't simply happening because of all the "really cool stuff" that LRG is putting into CEs as Josh seems to believe. Frankly, with the exception of the occasional steelbook or action figure, most of the content of their CEs is stuff that can be printed quickly at low cost . They still have very serious logistical issues and an inability to manage their inventory in a way that maximizes speed of fulfillment. While fulfillment speed has increased in recent months for older items and I am personally starting to see a lot of those orders arrive, I am also getting more and more damaged items which I assume is primarily because some of this stuff has been sitting in the warehouse for months or even years at a time while smaller orders or single item orders are fulfilled first.

Their customer service is generally fine, but they still seem very aggressive in their gate keeping in trying to avoid exchanges of damaged items. I'm not crazy picky like some of the people I have seen complain about damaged items, but I don't think I should be stuck with badly crushed or dented boxes or clearly broken items in CEs I have paid significant premiums to purchase and for which I have waited years in some cases.

I agree that Josh has done himself no favors by posting his own massive collection and regular video game acquisitions. Oddly, the head of PMStudios has started doing the same thing on his company's FUZE app and it's equally cringeworthy. Maybe there's something about collectors who become CEOs of game publishers that damages their judgment about how to appropriately share their own interests with their customers.

In any event, I do wish that LRG would put more emphasis on quality and less on just constantly cranking out junk for each individual release. A fully working copy of the game (yes, the publisher has the obligation to assure this is the case regardless of what the developer sent them and the publisher should step up and provide replacement media if something is broken), a more premium box and maybe a soundtrack and steelbook is all I would like to see from most collector's editions. Not sure what people do with all the plastic and paper junk LRG ships out and I sure don't understand why anyone is buying all the extra junk like skate decks or low quality vinyl pressings.
Let's be real, I would make a bet that most LRG stuff is never opened. More so, it's bought with the idea it won't ever be opened.

So people spending gobs of money on anything but the standard edition for shelf-hogging boxes full of dubious quality "collector's items" really doesn't impact most of the modern LRG audience since they're on the "hoarding" side of collecting versus creating a pruned collection of their favorites.

I believe this more so when seeing people trying to sell the LEs on the aftermarket in Facebook groups and they kinda sit there. Or people chime in with their own "yea, they're really big, I should clear them out."

They should just pump out a majority of games as standard editions. Maybe make a special cover the community votes on to bring in engagement. Save the CEs for your bread winners (ex. Castlevania, Persona, etc.) and make them truly rad, so your time investment is going into something memorable.

Related, I still see people saying "well, I had no problem ever." To those folks (not here), my general open letter is that you can see their delivery record, you can see the actual issues people have (CD-Rs for retail copies?!), and see them miss their promises and perhaps shed an iota of empathy for those that have had and continue to have issues.

I'll admit, I've rarely had personal issues since I only ordered standard editions and now purchase all my LRG either through the physical shop or VGP. That doesn't discount that they're generally crap to deal with.
Josh was convinced that the Nicalis games were just test prints and not a full production run. Nice to see he was wrong, but I'm sure this will be a bloodbath to get.
In fairness I think a lot of collectors believed that as well. Certainly the people that paid outrageous amounts for the hole punch copies did. I'm still skeptical since they only showed a PS4 copy and are making everyone wait until October for more details about how to "score" them.
In other news, First Press Games gives a Chained Echoes update.

Minus the update.

Run Hello GIF
"The wait for Chained Echoes has been longer than anticipated." They think that is long? I ordered Crimzon Clover Switch Regular Edition on 9/12/2021 and have heard nothing.
They should just pump out a majority of games as standard editions. Maybe make a special cover the community votes on to bring in engagement. Save the CEs for your bread winners (ex. Castlevania, Persona, etc.) and make them truly rad, so your time investment is going into something memorable.
I always have been a standard edition buyer since the Vita days. I have bought one Collector's box and that is because I thought it was a good value for the price and they just started releasing Switch games at the time. The Tribute Treasure Box with Mercenary Kings with Flinthook. Came with both games, two soundtrack CDs and a Steel Book for $90. I bought one Deluxe edition of Neurovoider with the Soundtrack CD for PS4 because I really enjoyed that soundtrack. Everything else has been standard editions.

I would love better deluxe editions with a Steel Book or Artbook depending on the game with a simple slipbox to house them.
I just recently received the Hellboy Web of the Wrym collectors edition for PS5 and it is great. Simple slipbox with the game and a artbook. $50
"The wait for Chained Echoes has been longer than anticipated." They think that is long? I ordered Crimzon Clover Switch Regular Edition on 9/12/2021 and have heard nothing.
In other news, First Press Games gives a Chained Echoes update.

Minus the update.

I'm surprised this company still exists. I have never bought anything from them and I am glad I have not. They have so many games that I thought were released already that are still in production. That is wild.
I am one of the few who have opened up some of their LRG releases. I've also sold/donated some releases as well that were mainly blind box orders (learned quickly that was an awful idea). Some like the Kunio-Kun collection for Switch are opened, while some went so cheap digitally I got them there and sold/kept sealed their physicals (some anime fighting game was one of them).

I only generally buy very niche games like visual novels and cool doujin games from LRG. Since they rarely have those I also rarely buy from them. I mainly did this for the Vita as it got quite a lot of visual novels made from LRG. My only Switch releases I own are Gotta Protectors (previous game rocked on 3DS so need to play this) and the Kunio-Kun collection. I own a few PS4 releases which are likely bound for sale soon (some anime fighting game, Anno whatever, Ender Lilies (likely will be opened and played)). The only games I've been truly tempted by lately where P4G and P3P for Switch and Clock Tower.

The company just keeps getting more and more stuff and will be eternally backlogged. I NEVER expect them to get to a normal company timeline for production and shipping, and frankly most of their stuff just doesn't appeal to me, or I'm happy getting it cheap digitally especially on PC. I am one of the ones who own Breach and Clear, which I'll eventually sell since I own it already digitally elsewhere. A few of my other Vita LRG games are now gonezo.
Let's be real, I would make a bet that most LRG stuff is never opened. More so, it's bought with the idea it won't ever be opened.

So people spending gobs of money on anything but the standard edition for shelf-hogging boxes full of dubious quality "collector's items" really doesn't impact most of the modern LRG audience since they're on the "hoarding" side of collecting versus creating a pruned collection of their favorites.

I believe this more so when seeing people trying to sell the LEs on the aftermarket in Facebook groups and they kinda sit there. Or people chime in with their own "yea, they're really big, I should clear them out."

They should just pump out a majority of games as standard editions. Maybe make a special cover the community votes on to bring in engagement. Save the CEs for your bread winners (ex. Castlevania, Persona, etc.) and make them truly rad, so your time investment is going into something memorable.

Related, I still see people saying "well, I had no problem ever." To those folks (not here), my general open letter is that you can see their delivery record, you can see the actual issues people have (CD-Rs for retail copies?!), and see them miss their promises and perhaps shed an iota of empathy for those that have had and continue to have issues.

I'll admit, I've rarely had personal issues since I only ordered standard editions and now purchase all my LRG either through the physical shop or VGP. That doesn't discount that they're generally crap to deal with.
I’m not saying all of their issues would be solved with better communication, but it certainly would be a start. And yeah, general production and fulfillment delays are one thing but when they don't communicate stuff such as the 3DO discs, the Doom classics account sign-on required for Switch, or the shiren pc and just try to get away with it, that’s a significant erosion of trust and confidence in your company. And for what? It’s blown up in their face and they have to backtrack anyway each and every time. So they’re spending more money to try and hide an issue that just creates more negative press. They’ve never gotten away with trying to hide stuff, I’m not sure why they keep trying (or never learn).
I’m not saying all of their issues would be solved with better communication, but it certainly would be a start. And yeah, general production and fulfillment delays are one thing but when they don't communicate stuff such as the 3DO discs, the Doom classics account sign-on required for Switch, or the shiren pc and just try to get away with it, that’s a significant erosion of trust and confidence in your company. And for what? It’s blown up in their face and they have to backtrack anyway each and every time. So they’re spending more money to try and hide an issue that just creates more negative press. They’ve never gotten away with trying to hide stuff, I’m not sure why they keep trying (or never learn).
I don't really think it's about communication though. They communicate constantly and most of it is useless updates that most people don't even read and which do nothing to calm down those customers who expect quick deliveries as they might have from other non-limited game publishers.

From my perspective, it's really about stepping up and taking responsibility for your products. They immediately blame the developer and disavow any responsibility whenever someone discovers a game that is broken or has a serious issue like the 3do discs that wouldn't load. I understand that product recalls are costly, but there is no reason this far in that they shouldn't have a clause in their contracts with third party developers that require those developers to bear any costs of reprinting media if the problem was with the code that the developer delivered.

Someone mentioned on another forum that one of the developers that released a broken product through LRG is actually trying to work with Premium Edition to release a working version of the same game. That developer should have worked with LRG to send out fixed copies of the game rather than trying to get paid a second time for a defective product and it speaks poorly of Premium Edition and LRG that this problem has not been resolved previously at no cost to the consumer.

Personally, I think the Doom thing is not an actual problem and speaks to an absurd use case where someone can somehow own a console that has never connected to the Internet even once for product updates which really is not a thing. Rather than wasting time and money with a replacement program that required lots of hoops to qualify, they should have just offered refunds to anyone that requested one and been done with it. On Shiren, they should have simply cancelled the PC orders the second they realized they couldn't deliver the discs and offered a gift card for an additional amount above the refund rather than dealing with what was clearly a very niche product that they were not prepared to deliver.
Okay, DRM free versions on flash drives is a win-win, IMO. No more worries about disk printing and you get a copy that's literally forever free.

Wish they'd sell the ROM directly, but...

Also, more NES remakes and homebrew? I don't get it. Is that really profitable or is that more pet projects?

By the way, did we all miss that Doug's new venture has a game up for pre-order?

Never heard of it, but it's overwhelmingly positive on Steam.

Never heard of it, but it's overwhelmingly positive on Steam.

What are the odds that these are fake reviews? Not saying it's not a great game but I kinda feel like all these indie games on Steam is basically like all those random-name Chinese companies on Amazon that sell anything/everything and just have people post spoof reviews. Or hell, maybe a better analogy is mobile games and their fake reviews.
bread's done