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[quote name='justErin']Got my pilates bands today. They were ordered 3/6, received shipping confirmation 4/6 or 4/7.[/quote]

Same here. Was wondering what had happened to them. Unfortunately there was no date on it to see when it was actually shipped.
[quote name='winterice']Just got a shipping email for the black controller I ordered on 3/24. I ordered the pink controller on that day too but got nothing on it.[/QUOTE]

I ordered one on the same day...haven't gotten confirmation yet, but I suppose I'll get it soon.
they are not offered as a prize anymore so i bet we will be waiting on the pink controllers like we are still waiting on the drills also got ship info for black controllers 3 of um
lol I might try to score vista after I get my controller first =p or should I just save up the point for vista? If it still selling good in like a month lol.
Here are some pics of the Xbox 360 I received on Monday.



[quote name='Negra3060']Here's some pics of the Xbox 360 I received on Monday.





Ho HDMI but I'm happy.[/quote]
Congrats! :applause: Just hope that I dont get flagged so I can order one and hopefully get it.:bouncy:
[quote name='8ball305']Congrats! :applause: Just hope that I dont get flagged so I can order one and hopefully get it.:bouncy:[/quote]

Thanks! My only problem now is that I don't have any games to play, but I've already ordered Forza 2 and GPR4. But I do have some demos which came on the HD. One of the demos was Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legends which was actually pretty good so now I'm trying to find a really cheap copy and a way to pay for it.
My Ticket Balance: 21,358
Don't know if I should blow it on Vista or Office when I reach the amount for redemption. Since is a good point made about the 360. I know that Vista can retail at about 200$ and on the other hand Office goes for about $300-$400 or somewhere there. So with that money thinking of getting a new 360 console. So is either 2x Vista or just one Office.
I got a shipping confirmation for a black controller yesterday. I ordered it the same day the pink came up, as well as a white. No word on those two colors.
My brother just dropped off my Zune Cable Pack & Zune Dock Pack I ordered on 3/5, arrived 4/20. Now I'm just waiting on like 10 other orders.
I have a question. I have a few different accounts spread between a few browsers on my computer, and the problem happens when I use the account on internet explorer. I'm using IE 8 and every time in Flexicon where one of the answers gets linked to a picture, the window pans away from the game and takes me to few what the search shows. Does anybody know how to fix this?
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']I have a question. I have a few different accounts spread between a few browsers on my computer, and the problem happens when I use the account on internet explorer. I'm using IE 8 and every time in Flexicon where one of the answers gets linked to a picture, the window pans away from the game and takes me to few what the search shows. Does anybody know how to fix this?[/quote]
Just resize your window so that the search bar shows. What's happening is that the search query is being inputted to the search box, which the blinking cursor is located. So every time you try to type, it automatically goes to the box. That's what happened to me and I THINK that's what you're talking about.
[quote name='Jackrabbit$lim']Is ebay the best place to sell Office or Vista, or is there another site I could sell it at, out of curiousity?[/quote]

I gave up on IE and started using Opera browser for LSC.
It rarely does that.
[quote name='The93owner']Just resize your window so that the search bar shows. What's happening is that the search query is being inputted to the search box, which the blinking cursor is located. So every time you try to type, it automatically goes to the box. That's what happened to me and I THINK that's what you're talking about.[/quote]
No that's not it. When I type into the puzzle and click the search glass, if the answer brings up a picture, than the window will shift down to the live search part, away from the game. This doesn't happen in any other browser.
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']No that's not it. When I type into the puzzle and click the search glass, if the answer brings up a picture, than the window will shift down to the live search part, away from the game. This doesn't happen in any other browser.[/quote]
Well, I use firefox. Which is six billion times better than IE.
[quote name='Jackrabbit$lim']Is ebay the best place to sell Office or Vista, or is there another site I could sell it at, out of curiousity?[/quote]
Take it to BB or a big retail store and huslte your way into store credit and sell it or try local, and also amazon.
[quote name='The93owner']Well, I use firefox. Which is six billion times better than IE.[/QUOTE]

AGREED!! I had tons of glitches with IE, but with firefox all LSC games run flawless.
[quote name='8ball305']Take it to BB or a big retail store and huslte your way into store credit and sell it or try local, and also amazon.[/quote]
read the fucking thread title douche.

also i got my black controller today.
[quote name='The93owner']Well, I use firefox. Which is six billion times better than IE.[/quote]
I use firefox too, but I use it for another account. Is there anyway to have more than 1 hotmail addressed signed in because firefox is my main browser and I hate logging in and out of my accounts which is why I have seperate browsers.
just got a shipping confirmation on my black controller

However the white ones that I ordered on 2 accounts have yet to receive any confirmation however
I just got shipping confirmation for my pink controller. Still waiting on two basketballs and a football.
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[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Just addressing a few previous posts:[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Got shipping confirmations for both a Pink controller ordered on 3/24 and a White controller ordered on 3/25. They have no shipping date yet since the tracking info only says Billing Information Received. But I estimate sometime next week, maybe Monday or even Tuesday since my Xbox 360, Zune Dock Pack & Zune Cable Pack all shipped on 4/16 (last Thursday, exactly one week ago) and arrived on 4/20 (Monday).[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I agree Firefox is the best for LSC, but I still use IE. With Firefox the page isn't scrolled to the pictures. I've found that in IE if a link is for MySpace the window will change from the game and show the entire MySpace page and you lose your progress in the game.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Sometimes if you take products back to Best Buy and tell them that it was a gift and you don't have a receipt they might let you exchange it for store credit but they might ask you for your license to scan into the register before they give you the credit. Also if the item is worth a lot then they are going to ask you for a receipt. I tried this once in August I got a duplicate order or DVD's of the Second season of Bones and the First & Second seasons of Big Love from Amazon and I took them to three separate BB but I was only able to return the Bones DVD, I ended up selling the Big Love DVD's on Amazon because each season was priced at $80.00+ at BB.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I gave my brother a copy of Forza 2 before I got my Xbox 360 and he said he didn't like it, but now that I have the Xbox 360 and no games I asked him to let me borrow it and he told me that he plays it every day and that the game really grew on him. He used to play Halo all the time but now all he plays is Forza 2. I couldn't tell you if the game is any good since I've never played it but I should be getting another copy sometime next month so I'll post a mini review once I've played it.[/FONT]
Just addressing a few previous posts:

Got shipping confirmations for both a Pink controller ordered on 3/24 and a White controller ordered on 3/25. They have no shipping date yet since the tracking info only says Billing Information Received. But I estimate sometime next week, maybe Monday or even Tuesday since my Xbox 360, Zune Dock Pack & Zune Cable Pack all shipped on 4/16 (last Thursday, exactly one week ago) and arrived on 4/20 (Monday).

I agree Firefox is the best for LSC, but I still use IE. With Firefox the page isn't scrolled to the pictures. I've found that in IE if a link is for MySpace the window will change from the game and show the entire MySpace page and you lose your progress in the game.

Sometimes if you take products back to Best Buy and tell them that it was a gift and you don't have a receipt they might let you exchange it for store credit but they might ask you for your license to scan into the register before they give you the credit. Also if the item is worth a lot then they are going to ask you for a receipt. I tried this once in August I got a duplicate order or DVD's of the Second season of Bones and the First & Second seasons of Big Love from Amazon and I took them to three separate BB but I was only able to return the Bones DVD, I ended up selling the Big Love DVD's on Amazon because each season was priced at $80.00+ at BB.

I gave my brother a copy of Forza 2 before I got my Xbox 360 and he said he didn't like it, but now that I have the Xbox 360 and no games I asked him to let me borrow it and he told me that he plays it every day and that the game really grew on him. He used to play Halo all the time but now all he plays is Forza 2. I couldn't tell you if the game is any good since I've never played it but I should be getting another copy sometime next month so I'll post a mini review once I've played it.
Got shipping confirmation for both black and pink controllers ordered.

Only black has a set shipping date (4/29) whereas the pink says "Billing Information Received"
Got my shipping confirmation for my Drill just now, going to go check my other accounts for confirmations.

Got 2 Pink Controllers and 2 Black controllers shipped today too.
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YAY on teh drillz I am hearing about from you guys.

How do you guys order so many xbox controllers?
Does LSC let you order like 3 or more off one account ? As long as they are shipped to 3 different addresses? Or are you guys using multiple account of saved up tickets.

Or is it just 1 item per account per address?

I would of order like 2 pink + 2 black controllers if they let you do it on one account. :whistle2:k

edit: I know LSC only allows one of each item shipped per address. From my understanding you can do another account and get another of the same item shipped a different address. But would it be possible to order 2 of the same item off of 1 account's tickets and have the 2nd of the identical prize shipped to 2nd different addresses. Is this allowed or will they block one? Or maybe give ya teh ban hammerz.
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i have several accounts but 3 addresses lol, sadly i didn't get back to live search before the pink controllers were gone, wanted to get one for my sis lolz
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