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the only decent prize on there is the George Foreman Grill

The DVD player is pretty overpriced and the GB to ticket ratio on that portable drive is pretty meh considering they could've given us 500 GB Externals for the ticket ratio.

darn I was saving up tickets too and I don't got enough for the grill X_X
Well, I ordered the portable hard drive just now. Hopefully I can flip it for a good bundle of cash. The DVD player looks like it's not worth the tickets.
it isn't when you consider if you got a xbox 360 you can simply just buy a VGA cable and use that to Upscale your DVD's for your HDTV. You can't do it over Component cables due to some dumb copyright law :(
[quote name='carwave']are the 2.5” Portable Hard Drive 160gig an external hardrive? or is it a laptop hardrive[/QUOTE]

LOL I dont think they worded it that well either but I am pretty darn sure its an EXTERNAL not a notebook one.
[quote name='meatwad3000']it isn't when you consider if you got a xbox 360 you can simply just buy a VGA cable and use that to Upscale your DVD's for your HDTV. You can't do it over Component cables due to some dumb copyright law :([/QUOTE]

I think that has to do with m$ protecting their own interests (HD-DVD).

Either way, probably not worth much.

[quote name='carwave']are the 2.5” Portable Hard Drive 160gig an external hardrive? or is it a laptop hardrive[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure its external.
[quote name='CRU']3 new prizes added:
George Forman Grill 12750
160GB Portable Hard Drive 14050
Samsung DVD player 1080P (w/ Divx) 19150[/QUOTE]

Thats what I am talking about!!!! These are the kinds of prizes they need to be adding....I snagged an external harddrive, kinda wish it had a little more storage capacity, but is free!
Wonder what brand he hard drive is....from the pic looks alot like my Western Digital one which I've never had problems with but doesn't get the best reviews.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']LOL I dont think they worded it that well either but I am pretty darn sure its an EXTERNAL not a notebook one.[/QUOTE]

You might be wrong, because i pop open every Portable Hard Drive. And they always end up with notebook hard drive.
[quote name='carwave']Is there a difference between USB Y cable and just a regular usb cable?[/QUOTE]

Some (mostly older) laptops don't supply enough power via the usb port for these external hard drives. To compensate they make these Y cables so you can plug the hard drive into two USB ports. I have an external drive with one of these and I've only needed to use two ports on one computer ever.
[quote name='carwave']Is there a difference between USB Y cable and just a regular usb cable?[/QUOTE]

The Y-cable is because a lot of USB ports don't deliver enough power to spin the drive through a single port. Some manufacturers address this by including an AC adapter. Others draw power from 2 USB ports with a Y-cable.

Other notes...

It's an external but all externals are just a case wrapped around a standard form factor drive. In this case, a 2.5" 160 GB notebook drive. You might be able to crack this open and swap the drive into a notebook but there's two popular interfaces, ATA-6 and SATA. Without knowing the manufacturer, I have no idea what this one might be.
[quote name='rickyff7']You might be wrong, because i pop open every Portable Hard Drive. And they always end up with notebook hard drive.[/QUOTE]
its gonna be a notebook drive in there.

it says 2.5" right there in the title
I love how they put a forman grill and just for that Im going to order it =]], and yeah I know you guys have been discusting this. Also I could use extra 160 gb.
We all know that if the drives are on LSC, then more than likely they are refurbished drives which makes me a little worried to order one. Something like a hard drive going bad is much worse than a refurbished camera going bad.

Don't hold me to this, but those drives look like one of those passport drives made by Western Digital.
[quote name='rickyff7']You might be wrong, because i pop open every Portable Hard Drive. And they always end up with notebook hard drive.[/QUOTE]

I think maybe i misunderstood the original person asking if it was a portable hardrive or an external, or maybe you misunderstood my response : )

I meant that this is an EXTERNAL hard drive, not a hard drive that you would pop into a laptop. I was not refering to the "guts" inside the external harddrive.... :)
From May 16th:

[quote name='Jmac825']Just ordered Lost Odyssey. :) I would go for Gears, but it will probably be gone by the time I get enough...I'll probably shoot for Too Human.[/QUOTE]

Jmac825, did you get Gears, yet? I missed two days last week and still had enough time to order it on 5/23. Create another LSC account and max it out to 4950 tickets this week if you haven't gotten the game already (it's definitely worth it).

I Just ordered Lost Odyssey (yay) :applause:. Might go for the Forman Grill next. How long do you guys think it'll be available (since they say it's "Limited Time Only!")?

Or in other words:

Does anyone think that I'll have 13 days to daily max out an account to reach 12,750 tickets?
[quote name='FreeStuffFan85']From May 16th:

Jmac825, did you get Gears, yet? I missed two days last week and still had enough time to order it on 5/23. Create another LSC account and max it out to 4950 tickets this week if you haven't gotten the game already (it's definitely worth it).

I Just ordered Lost Odyssey (yay) :applause:. Might go for the Forman Grill next. How long do you guys think it'll be available (since they say it's "Limited Time Only!")?

Or in other words:

Does anyone think that I'll have 13 days to daily max out an account to reach 12,750 tickets?[/QUOTE]

i doubt it will be there that long but try for it anyway
[quote name='modchamp']They just added Vista Home Premium for 20k tickets.[/QUOTE]

Is anyone going to actually order Home Premium when Ultimate is only 8,000 more tickets?

8 days of extra work to get more features. Hmmm.......... :whistle2:k

[quote name='killer9']i doubt it will be there that long but try for it anyway[/QUOTE]

Well, I'll definitely at least TRY, but that'll suck if it disappears before I (or others) get to day 13.
[quote name='FreeStuffFan85']From May 16th:

Might go for the Forman Grill next. How long do you guys think it'll be available (since they say it's "Limited Time Only!")?

Or in other words:

Does anyone think that I'll have 13 days to daily max out an account to reach 12,750 tickets?[/QUOTE]

Here's the thing: If it's gone by the time you get the points, there will always be something else to come along you'll use the points for. It's always best to be prepared.
Zune Premium earplugs - 4880 tickets.

Buried under the Zune Accessories category. I don't know if anyone has caught this one yet or not.
[quote name='inubu']Here's the thing: If it's gone by the time you get the points, there will always be something else to come along you'll use the points for. It's always best to be prepared.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='killer9']exactly have 4 50k plus ticket accts for that very reason[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have three accounts that recently got depleted to under 100 tickets apiece. I missed a few days last week, so I'm JUST getting around to re-maxing out all of them. I figured something like this would happen (really good prizes show up when I don't have enough tickets).

I'm gonna have to figure out a way to not use at least one of the accounts for anything. But I guess I'm just paranoid that a prize I want might not be around the next day (use the tickets if you got 'em, right?). So I've been ordering things on my wishlist as soon as I get enough tickets for them (instead of saving).

I'm sure all you guys with 50k+ accounts are going to town right now :D.


[quote name='inubu']Zune Premium earplugs - 4880 tickets.

Buried under the Zune Accessories category. I don't know if anyone has caught this one yet or not.[/QUOTE]

Just saw it. Thanks.

Did anyone miss the chance to snag one of these before they got taken down last time?
[quote name='ohram']What's so special about the dvd player? Can it play Bluray?[/QUOTE]

No it cannot play blu ray, however its "special" because its an UPCONVERSION dvd player which means it will not deliver TRUE HD however when you play a regular dvd in it, it will clean up the picture alot and get close to HD. Its intended for HDTV owners.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Black 360 controller go bye bye[/QUOTE]

My heart just sank. I had the tickets to get one earlier. I was going to order one this weekend.


Didn't they disappear and come back before?
[quote name='FreeStuffFan85']My heart just sank. I had the tickets to get one earlier. I was going to order one this weekend.


Didn't they disappear and come back before?[/QUOTE]

Yeah they did disappear before, so you got a chance....Personally I would LOVE a red one.
[quote name='FreeStuffFan85']My heart just sank. I had the tickets to get one earlier. I was going to order one this weekend.


Didn't they disappear and come back before?[/QUOTE]

They've been gone before and returned.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Yeah they did disappear before, so you got a chance....Personally I would LOVE a red one.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='inubu']They've been gone before and returned.[/QUOTE]

I hope it returns soon. I only have one Xbox controller and I was pushing to get all three in the next two weeks. I'm not so bummed out by the fact that the controller's color is now unavailable (black is cool and red would also be a great addition). But I'm now stuck only getting two controllers (looks like players 3 and 4 will have to share).
Just ordered some earbuds. I'm interested to see if they come since I ordered some in October before the rule change, if not they will refund my tickets right?
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']No it cannot play blu ray, however its "special" because its an UPCONVERSION dvd player which means it will not deliver TRUE HD however when you play a regular dvd in it, it will clean up the picture alot and get close to HD. Its intended for HDTV owners.[/QUOTE]

Ah, didn't think it would. That kind of ruins it for me. I might still get it though.

Also, it'll take 14 days. 80 games a day, that's 1120 games. with 35 words a game... Let's see how smart you all are! What does this equal?
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']Just ordered some earbuds. I'm interested to see if they come since I ordered some in October before the rule change, if not they will refund my tickets right?[/QUOTE]

I may order some of these too. I have always wanted to try that style of earbud. I always use the regular ones (like the ones that come with the ipod) but these look like they would deliver great sound, however I have had quite a few different people tell me that they make thier ears sore.
[quote name='ohram']Ah, didn't think it would. That kind of ruins it for me. I might still get it though.

Also, it'll take 14 days. 80 games a day, that's 1120 games. with 35 words a game... Let's see how smart you all are! What does this equal?[/QUOTE]

39,200 words. That's a LOT of words.
Used my main account which I was aiming for another 360 for backup, to get the harddrives. Planning on getting the DVD player next. Hope it doesn't go OOS.
[quote name='ohram']Ah, didn't think it would. That kind of ruins it for me. I might still get it though.

Also, it'll take 14 days. 80 games a day, that's 1120 games. with 35 words a game... Let's see how smart you all are! What does this equal?[/QUOTE]

Carpal Tunnel?
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