LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

Yeah, I thought it was apparent that the answer was that he truly doesn't have a name as his mother didn't have a 2nd name picked.

Lame, but that's the story.
Ok, I guess I'll say it's a question that I would like an answer too. It doesn't make a difference to the story but it would be nice to know.
[quote name='tcrash247']Nobody knows. It's a question that needs an answer that we'll never get.[/QUOTE]

This is the kind of dumb crap that people are going to get all bent out of shape about? How would knowing his name make the story any better? Yeah, him not having a name isn't really necessary either, but it's a choice the writers made. There may be a point to it. There may not be. But at the very least, you could say that he was the "2nd son" or the "unwanted son". If they don't tell us his name in the final 2.5 hours it's not going to ruin the ending. Get over it.
[quote name='tcrash247']Ok, I guess I'll say it's a question that I would like an answer too. It doesn't make a difference to the story but it would be nice to know.[/QUOTE]

His name is Steve. Feel better?
[quote name='Matt Young']I prefer to believe that his true name is Reginald VelJohnson. He seems like a Reginald.[/QUOTE]

Best post in this thread.
[quote name='SpazX']Yeah I don't really care what his name is if he even has one. What difference does it make?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm amazed at how many people (on other boards especially) are bitching about minor things like that.

I get the bitching over all the stuff that started as a huge deal/mystery that's gotten pushed aside like:

-Widmore never really being fleshed out before dying.

-Dharma Initiative--focuse of mystery first 3-4 seasons, focus of season 5, now seems to have little point.

-Walt. Guess he's not so special after all.

-Aaron. Guess nothing horrible happened when Claire didn't raise him.

But little things like MiB's name, who was in the outrigger shooting at the losties when jumping through time last season etc? Very minor, and kind of silly to focus on given all the other crap above.
[quote name='dmaul1114'] who was in the outrigger shooting at the losties when jumping through time last season etc? Very minor, and kind of silly to focus on given all the other crap above.[/QUOTE]

This one only bothers me because it was just introduced LAST SEASON and already dropped. I can give them some credit for it being difficult to plan out resolutions to questions from six years ago, but introducing this last season - with less than 30 episodes left and an end date set -- and then totally failing to bring it up again does show a remarkable lack of forethought.
[quote name='dmaul1114']But little things like MiB's name, who was in the outrigger shooting at the losties when jumping through time last season etc? Very minor, and kind of silly to focus on given all the other crap above.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I'm satisfied with a lot of compelling material remaining obscured, including Aaron, Widmore, Eloise, Dharma, and more of the backstory concerning those interested in the Island. Yet there are some important questions that propped up characters and themes in the show that deserve attention IMO. Walt. The duality of the Island in its "healing" effects yet hatred for healthy, fertile wombs.

I'd also include the Outrigger alongside the NEED ANSWERS material, but only because it was introduced so recently and it might tidy up the time travel, and I hate messy time travel. Plus, given all the coming and going on the Island (through time), how hard it is to find the Island, and what we know about the different factions associated with the Island, it might reveal something new.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']This one only bothers me because it was just introduced LAST SEASON and already dropped. I can give them some credit for it being difficult to plan out resolutions to questions from six years ago, but introducing this last season - with less than 30 episodes left and an end date set -- and then totally failing to bring it up again does show a remarkable lack of forethought.[/QUOTE]

I took it as just a random event of them popping up at the wrong time and place. Assumed it was just some of the others shooting at them. *shrugs* Though since there was a line about the outrigger being Widmore's in the last episode, I suppose they could have jumped into the future at that time and got shot at by his people from this current season.

I wouldn't mind getting more info on it, but it's hardly pressing than all the other stuff that's happened that's really made most everything before the season 5 finale pointless to the main plot.
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Calm down, guys. I'm not obsessing over it or bitching about it. I merely said it would be nice to know. I'm not condemning the show for not giving me that bit of information because it is very minor and I won't be upset if they never let us know his name.
Yeah, I was more using it as an example of complaining about little things, not meaning to attack you specifically.

You're comment was pretty tame compared to some of the bitching about minor things on other boards.
Hmm, I wonder what happened to the development of Walt anyway. I thought he could bring stuff back to life.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Hmm, I wonder what happened to the development of Walt anyway. I thought he could bring stuff back to life.[/QUOTE]

I saw a recent picture of him on the news the other day talking about how someone tried to rob his house. He doesn't even look the same anymore. At all. The show's confusing enough without puberty.

But it's just stupid that they didn't foresee from the outset that having a kid on the show wouldn't work for aging reasons.

Just more proof that they had no idea what they were doing from the start. But that's just a weakness of serial drama's on TV. They have no way of knowing how many seasons they'll get, so it's pointless to fully flesh out a multi-year plot line. The medium is better suited to shows that have each season be a standalone story.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep.

But it's just stupid that they didn't foresee from the outset that having a kid on the show wouldn't work for aging reasons.[/QUOTE]

If only they had cast Gary Coleman...
[quote name='Soodmeg']I am just now catching up on this entire season and just finished The Candidate. The only thing I can say is that some of these characters deserves much better death scenes.

Its reminding me of a saturday morning cartoon, dropping anvils on people, off screen explosions......these people have been here since the beginning and thats all they get? Also, why cant Kate just die, she hasnt been interesting since the 2nd season, kill off all the cool people yet she only gets a bullet in the shoulder. Lame.[/QUOTE]

+ 1 Sayid, Jin and Sun AND the pilot guy all dead in 1 episdoe...but fucking Kate gets shot and still survives
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep.

But it's just stupid that they didn't foresee from the outset that having a kid on the show wouldn't work for aging reasons.


The really annoying thing is that they had a three year time skip to explain away his growth, and they still failed to bring him back in any major way, even when the main plot of a season was "everyone who left has to go back."

Finale Spoilers:
However, he will appear in the finale, so maybe we'll get something.
the real thing that screwed walt over is the timeline of lost. the first 4 seasons were set in like 5 months. if the timeline had been over several years walt could have lingered. even with the 3 year jump in the time line last year walt couldnt keep up, though its more believable than say the season 3 finale.
Lost fans are already sweating the prospect that Sunday’s series won’t resolve their favorite pet mystery or most burning question. For those left wanting, there is hope: EW has confirmed a TV Guide report that the producers plan to address a selection of baffling bits of unfinished business on the season 6 DVD, which goes on sale in August. An ABC insider says the set will include “new content that addresses some of the unanswered questions in an entertaining way,” though disputed reports that there could be as much as 20 minutes worth of mystery-resolution material.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']the real thing that screwed walt over is the timeline of lost. the first 4 seasons were set in like 5 months. if the timeline had been over several years walt could have lingered. even with the 3 year jump in the time line last year walt couldnt keep up, though its more believable than say the season 3 finale.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I meant with my earlier post.

They clearly had no idea what they were doing with the plot at the start, as if they knew the first several seasons would only be a few months they'd have not had a kid on the show as a main character.

Much less built a lot of plot around him with the first season ending with his kidnapping, making him special etc.
I'm really hoping for a great finale but I'm not holding my breath. With it being 2hrs and 30 minutes (probably about 1hr 45min of actual show) I think there is still a redeeming chance at salvaging a not so great season 6.

No matter if the finale is a complete letdown (to me) or a great finish to an epic series I will say that the music in this series is the best of any tv/movie, it is simply amazing. LOST also has some of the best characters in television history along with some of the best television acting.
Yeah, it's been a great ride for sure, and even a crappy ending can't take that away.

Though if the ending is truly awful, it would lessen the chance of my picking up the series on blu ray to rewatch sometime down the road. Had seasons 1-3 on DVD before, but ditched them figuring I could just wait and get the complete series blu ray set down the road if it ends well and I get the urge to rewatch it all (seldom do with TV shows as it's just too much of a time investment to rewatch multiple seasons).
Lost is disappointing because Kate isnt dead yet. Sure you can kill off all of the cool people but leave her alive.

I am also really pissed about the Pilot dying, he was one of the few "outside the main cast members" that didnt completely suck ass.
why do i have a funny feeling we will see a

LOST UNSLOVED either online or a tv show come fall

Stlll sucks they never showed the DRAGONS ... i want to know what that map meaned when it said


I wanted to see dragons :(

Unless the island time traveled before and someone called the werid looking people with armor dragons when they misspelled the word and meant Dragoons
Here's what I want to know. What was up with the sharks decorated with the Dharma logo? One swam past the camera in season 1 or 2 and had the logo on its tail. There was no mention that I noticed of the Dharma Initiative genetically engineering sharks or at least tattooing them.
I think there was a part with the sharks in the Lost game. That room Jack was locked in was a shark container if I recall correctly, that's how the whole area was able to be flooded or some other such nonsense.
[quote name='Halo05']Here's what I want to know. What was up with the sharks decorated with the Dharma logo? One swam past the camera in season 1 or 2 and had the logo on its tail. There was no mention that I noticed of the Dharma Initiative genetically engineering sharks or at least tattooing them.[/QUOTE]

Remember the beginning of season 3 when Jack was locked up in the tank on the Hydra island? That was where they studied sharks. The logo was part of everything Dharma-related having the logo.
Walt will probably be in the alternate reality. I do agree that they never resolved the character though. Like when he's predicting the future and then they just yank the character.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Remember the beginning of season 3 when Jack was locked up in the tank on the Hydra island? That was where they studied sharks. The logo was part of everything Dharma-related having the logo.[/QUOTE]

Not specifically but it has been a while. Glad to know it got ironed out.

At this point for me, the challenge of Lost is remembering everything that has happened. I have most of the DVDs but I don't really have the time to rewatch everything. That said, stuff in the current season keeping reminding me of previously mentioned things so as long as that continues, I don't think I'll miss the big idea.
[quote name='slidecage']Stlll sucks they never showed the DRAGONS ... i want to know what that map meaned when it said



I don't even know what map you're talking about, but generally it's a somewhat cliched reference to the fact that cartographers used to draw giant sea monsters in unexplored (and therefore dangerous) areas of their maps.

EDIT: Wait, was that one of the things on the glow in the dark hatch map?
I'm kinda pumped for Hawaii 5-0 on CBS. Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park are going to be on it. Those two should help the show from falling into generic CSI type bullshit status.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I'm kinda pumped for Hawaii 5-0 on CBS. Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park are going to be on it. Those two should help the show from falling into generic CSI type bullshit status.[/QUOTE]

now we only need sideways Sawyer and Miles Buddy Cop show
[quote name='Magus8472']http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hic_sunt_dracones

I don't even know what map you're talking about, but generally it's a somewhat cliched reference to the fact that cartographers used to draw giant sea monsters in unexplored (and therefore dangerous) areas of their maps.

EDIT: Wait, was that one of the things on the glow in the dark hatch map?[/QUOTE]

To answer your question.... Yes.
Good enws on the finale, courtesy of a friend of mine. NO SPOILERS HERE:

just got back from a live Q & A deal with Cuse and Lindelof from LOST that was played live in theaters, simulcast from NYC. It was pretty fuckin cool but of course they didn't reveal much or answer many (or should i say, any) questions of note. They also played a scene from the finale that really dropped a major hint. it made me mark the fuck out, and i was only one of five in the theater so it was kind of awkward when i actually bellowed out in markdom at the end of that scene they showed. judging by how they came across in this discussion, i think the finale is going to deliver, and answer the main questions of the series, and most importantly, put a final touch on each of the character's arc.
They're airing the "enhanced" (pop ups) 2 hour pilot tonight.

Doubt I'll watch it, but will DVR it as my girlfriend wants to watch it, the recap, the finale and the Kimmell special when she gets back in town in a couple weeks. So I may watch it with her down the road.
I know the Others wanted to study what was going on with pregnancy and babies on the island or whatever, but did they ever explain why they were absolutely insane people? I still have no idea what that part of the series was all about.
[quote name='panzerfaust']but did they ever explain why they were absolutely insane people?[/QUOTE]

I assume fanatacism. Jacob's followers were essentially a cult Richard formed but did not wish to lead.
Yeah, that's one of those questions that has a really simple, direct answer that doesn't really need to be given. You can pretty much put it together yourself.
So are you all excited ? I mean this is it, this is all that will be !! This is what I have spent watching since September of '04 , crazy right ?
Does anyone know if they will be doing a season recap before the finale tonight. I have all the episodes DVRed and am watching them now, but I won't be able to watch them all before the finale and if I don't watch the finale tonight, someone will spoil the whole thing for me.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']At 7est there's a two hour recap, the kind with cast/crew interviews mixed in.[/QUOTE]
Great! I'll watch that instead of trying to watch the last 10 episodes.
bread's done