LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

yeah, the candidates are jack, hurley, sawyer, sun or jin, sayid and locke (still not convinced hes dead).

so that means miles, kate, lapidus, ben, jin or sun are caught in the middle along with those other cronies, iliana, richard, etc.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']I honestly thought the same thing. I enjoyed hearing Ben complaining about the coffee, he fits being a teacher.

Then I got thinking, if that is suppose to be the timeline that they blew up the island on, how is Ben alive? He was shot by Sayid and given to Richard to be healed. The others had him from that point, so there how could he have gotten off the island before it blew up to even become the teacher? I guess I really shouldn't think too hard about it and just hope it wraps up decently.[/QUOTE]

The fact that Ben's Dad said that they were on the island(in the alternate timeline), leads me to believe that is the 1977 from which the island blew up(since the island is underwater as well). That just brings me to my point previously stated about how exactly would Ben have survived the island with him not being with the Dharma people to escape with.

Also I may have missed it but was anything said to specifically wrong with Ben's dad?
[quote name='ImLuhkee']The fact that Ben's Dad said that they were on the island(in the alternate timeline), leads me to believe that is the 1977 from which the island blew up(since the island is underwater as well). That just brings me to my point previously stated about how exactly would Ben have survived the island with him not being with the Dharma people to escape with.

Also I may have missed it but was anything said to specifically wrong with Ben's dad?[/QUOTE]

since it was the first time the island was mentioned in the alternate timeline, you have to figure that its going to start coming into play (because if it doesnt this season will quickly turn into another season 3). id assume that they left on the sub when the island was evacuated.

as far as bens dad, they didnt specify. figure it was just old age. he had to have been 65+
Really great episode in my opinion. Though I am a HUGE fan of Ben and Michael Emmerson continues to amaze me as an actor.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']
Also I may have missed it but was anything said to specifically wrong with Ben's dad?[/QUOTE]

I just assumed it was a got ya moment. Ben killed him with gas on the island, but in this reality was providing him with gas to keep him alive.
I just read somewhere that Cuse and Lindelof confirmed that Nikki and Paulo were bitten by the smoke monster in the form of the spiders. That was never mentioned in the show at all, and I certainly wouldn't have figured that out on my own.

That's what I love and hate about this series. You can't take anything at face value.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']yeah, the candidates are jack, hurley, sawyer, sun or jin, sayid and locke (still not convinced hes dead).

so that means miles, kate, lapidus, ben, jin or sun are caught in the middle along with those other cronies, iliana, richard, etc.[/QUOTE]

Funny you say that about Locke because the whole Richard thing got me thinking along those lines too. He was touched by Jacob and really should have died falling out of that building. I just don't see any way that it could logically work

Also the fact the other five candidates are men I'm leaning more towards Jin being #6
yanked this from the TVGuide.com recap comments section good thoughts about Jacob in fact being evil.

Jacob not only touched Sawyer, but gave him the pen to write the letter; Sawyer carried that letter with him every day of his life. That Letter kept Sawyers burning desire alive to kill the man responsible for his parents death. If not for Jacob, Sawyer would not be a murderer. So Jacob's touch did not make James Ford a better person, just a vengeful murderer.
Jacob paid for the lunchbox Kate Austin shoplifted. Jacob stopped Kate from getting into trouble, and no good lesson was taught to the child (she walked away without any real punishment). Maybe if Jacob had not touched her, and saved her from a minor punishment as a shoplifter, Kate would not have grown up to be a murderer.
Jacob touched Sayid just in time to bring revenge to his heart; after Jacob's touch, Sayid was more than willing to start killing the men he believed responsible for his wife's death. When Sayid was first on the island, he was bound and determined to repent for everything done during the war (all the torture he performed) ---- One touch from Jacob, and Sayid goes back to being a mass murderer.
Jack and Locke were both touched? Yes, and both men contemplated suicide after that; Jack became a drug addict, and was ready to jump off the bridge to kill himself; Jack was flying back and forth over the Pacific Ocean every week hoping to crash in another plane -------- John Locke was going to hang himself. Ben stopped him, then killed him. Jacob's touch made each man self destructive; instead of becoming a murderer of others, they became a murderer of self.
Hugo was only touched just before returning to the island. And maybe Hugo is not drawn to the dark side as easily as Jacob can turn others.

me and a few friends have discussed the possibility about jacob being evil and smokey being the good guy. would not be surprised if they threw that twist in towards then end. but because i wouldnt be surprised, and you gotta figure other people think it too, they probably wont.
It's possible that Jacob is evil. It's also possible that Jacob bestows too much power for people to handle. The ones who arguably haven't gone apeshit, Jack and Hurley, are also the most beneficent ones.
[quote name='jlarlee']yanked this from the TVGuide.com recap comments section good thoughts about Jacob in fact being evil.

Jacob not only touched Sawyer, but gave him the pen to write the letter; Sawyer carried that letter with him every day of his life. That Letter kept Sawyers burning desire alive to kill the man responsible for his parents death. If not for Jacob, Sawyer would not be a murderer. So Jacob's touch did not make James Ford a better person, just a vengeful murderer.
Jacob paid for the lunchbox Kate Austin shoplifted. Jacob stopped Kate from getting into trouble, and no good lesson was taught to the child (she walked away without any real punishment). Maybe if Jacob had not touched her, and saved her from a minor punishment as a shoplifter, Kate would not have grown up to be a murderer.
Jacob touched Sayid just in time to bring revenge to his heart; after Jacob's touch, Sayid was more than willing to start killing the men he believed responsible for his wife's death. When Sayid was first on the island, he was bound and determined to repent for everything done during the war (all the torture he performed) ---- One touch from Jacob, and Sayid goes back to being a mass murderer.
Jack and Locke were both touched? Yes, and both men contemplated suicide after that; Jack became a drug addict, and was ready to jump off the bridge to kill himself; Jack was flying back and forth over the Pacific Ocean every week hoping to crash in another plane -------- John Locke was going to hang himself. Ben stopped him, then killed him. Jacob's touch made each man self destructive; instead of becoming a murderer of others, they became a murderer of self.
Hugo was only touched just before returning to the island. And maybe Hugo is not drawn to the dark side as easily as Jacob can turn others.[/QUOTE]

Those are some good points. But I don't think Jacob touched Ben till Ben killed him. I think maybe Jacob's touch is like Moral steroids. It brings out the most in you, some times that's your good side like Hurly and Jack or your bad side like Sawyer and Siad. Jacob's touch makes you either completely dark or light. On lost there doesn't seem to be any gray.
[quote name='jlarlee']Funny you say that about Locke because the whole Richard thing got me thinking along those lines too. He was touched by Jacob and really should have died falling out of that building. I just don't see any way that it could logically work

Well Ben was able to kill Jacob, why wouldn't Ben be able to kill John? Though both kills he now regrets. I really wouldn't want OG Locke to come back, last thing the island needs is two Lockes.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I just assumed it was a got ya moment. Ben killed him with gas on the island, but in this reality was providing him with gas to keep him alive.[/QUOTE]

Is that Irony or Juxtaposition?

Where the hell are Jin and Sawyer anyway?
Well....spoiler sources have collaborated to release out-of-ten scores for the remaining episodes up until 16....

It ain't looking good. :(
I'm going to spoiler them just in case.

[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Those aren't bad scores at all... Only one bad episode[/QUOTE]

I see nothing when I click his spoiler. Can someone PM me the list/scores/link or whatever?
scores nothing. lets talk to the actual episode.

i hate/love how they have teased widmore for this long. hes been a bad guy for so long, and now hes working against locke. whos wrong and whos right, thats some good stuff.

the claire thing, not sure what to make of it, shes crazy, but i still cant help and think that aaron plays a major role towards the end.

as far as the flash sideways go, yeah its getting old. i dont like it, i feel like they are showing the destiny thing down our throats. but were just going to have to accept that destiny is going to play a big role towards the end of the season.
^ Funny that he was allowed to pork the girl. Reminds me of that episode of The Wire with McNulty at the whorehouse.

Can't wait for next week, the long awaited Richard Alpert origin story!?
Jacob is CLEARLY evil. So many good things have happened in the sideways universe when they weren't touched/influenced by Jacob. Jack is not an alcoholic, Sawyer is a cop, Hurley is a successful businessman, Locke is in a healthy relationship with Leela and knows his dad, Nadia is still alive for Sayid, etc. That is 5 of the 6 candidates that seem to be having better lives if they never came into contact with Jacob.

We still haven't seen the Sun/Jin episode and we don't know whether it is actually Sun or Jin that is the "Kwon" candidate but now I'm totally convinced it is Sun. The only glimpses we've seen of them in the alternate universe is when Sun is at the airport using her maiden name (meaning she got away from an abusive Jin) and that Jin was somehow involved with the gangsters that Sayid saved him from. Kate is not a candidate so that is why she is still on the run from the cops. Her life was not altered dramatically by not coming into contact with Jacob.

These last few episodes haven't been exciting or "OMG!" revealing but they have been pretty good within the context of the show and subtle character development.
[quote name='javeryh']Jacob is CLEARLY evil. So many good things have happened in the sideways universe when they weren't touched/influenced by Jacob. Jack is not an alcoholic, Sawyer is a cop, Hurley is a successful businessman, Locke is in a healthy relationship with Leela and knows his dad, Nadia is still alive for Sayid, etc. That is 5 of the 6 candidates that seem to be having better lives if they never came into contact with Jacob.

We still haven't seen the Sun/Jin episode and we don't know whether it is actually Sun or Jin that is the "Kwon" candidate but now I'm totally convinced it is Sun. The only glimpses we've seen of them in the alternate universe is when Sun is at the airport using her maiden name (meaning she got away from an abusive Jin) and that Jin was somehow involved with the gangsters that Sayid saved him from. Kate is not a candidate so that is why she is still on the run from the cops. Her life was not altered dramatically by not coming into contact with Jacob.

These last few episodes haven't been exciting or "OMG!" revealing but they have been pretty good within the context of the show and subtle character development.[/QUOTE]

Is it Jacob or the island? Everyone who appears to be acting on behalf of the island does evil. We'll have our answer once we see which side Jack ends up on.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Is it Jacob or the island? Everyone who appears to be acting on behalf of the island does evil. We'll have our answer once we see which side Jack ends up on.[/QUOTE]

Well, Jacob is acting on behalf of the island I guess (he is the guardian, right?) so I'm not sure it matters. Knowing his idiotic personality, I think Jack is going to pick the "wrong" side and he will be the only one - Hurley will cross over to Sawyer's side.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Can't wait for next week, the long awaited Richard Alpert origin story!?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely, next week's episode has me more excited than any episode so far.

[quote name='javeryh']Jacob is CLEARLY evil. So many good things have happened in the sideways universe when they weren't touched/influenced by Jacob. Jack is not an alcoholic, Sawyer is a cop, Hurley is a successful businessman, Locke is in a healthy relationship with Leela and knows his dad, Nadia is still alive for Sayid, etc. That is 5 of the 6 candidates that seem to be having better lives if they never came into contact with Jacob.

We still haven't seen the Sun/Jin episode and we don't know whether it is actually Sun or Jin that is the "Kwon" candidate but now I'm totally convinced it is Sun. The only glimpses we've seen of them in the alternate universe is when Sun is at the airport using her maiden name (meaning she got away from an abusive Jin) and that Jin was somehow involved with the gangsters that Sayid saved him from. Kate is not a candidate so that is why she is still on the run from the cops. Her life was not altered dramatically by not coming into contact with Jacob.

These last few episodes haven't been exciting or "OMG!" revealing but they have been pretty good within the context of the show and subtle character development.[/QUOTE]

It certainly looks that way, but we still no very little. It's possible that they are going for a "You have to look deeper than just the surface to figure out the bad/good". I think Richard's episode next week should shed some light on what the island is and whatnot, due to the previews, which might help in trying to figure out what side is the 'good' side.
[quote name='javeryh']Jacob is CLEARLY evil. So many good things have happened in the sideways universe when they weren't touched/influenced by Jacob. Jack is not an alcoholic, Sawyer is a cop, Hurley is a successful businessman, Locke is in a healthy relationship with Leela and knows his dad, Nadia is still alive for Sayid, etc. That is 5 of the 6 candidates that seem to be having better lives if they never came into contact with Jacob.[/QUOTE]

It's still too early to tell which one is the evil one here, especially considering we still haven't learned exactly what role Jacob plays on the island, or how the mirror universe interacts with the main timeline. Both sides seem to proclaim good intentions yet act completely different.
[quote name='javeryh']Jacob is CLEARLY evil. .[/QUOTE]

vs Flocke, who's main objective seems to be "kill everyone I come across who I can't use to my advantage"?
I'm surprised no one is talking about unlock's "mother". Unless he just stated that as a false story to sway over Kate....

The next episode is one that I'm most excited about.

so far the answers have been "assumed" they haven't told us much of anything and the side story is fluff. The plot is moving slower than a snail. It's rarely been tiny chunks of 5 minutes where it goes somewhere.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']vs Flocke, who's main objective seems to be "kill everyone I come across who I can't use to my advantage"?[/QUOTE]

He is killing people who are evil! Like John McClaine does!
i didnt think about it, but if widmore wants to take out smokey, then he (and assuringly jacob by proxy) have sent the freighter crew, the new sub and are working on the same side as ilana and co. whereas smokey has nobody on his side except people already on the island that he can manage to recruit.

[quote name='xycury']I'm surprised no one is talking about unlock's "mother". Unless he just stated that as a false story to sway over Kate....


well given that the current candidates are all normal men i would assume he was at one time too. but we dont know enough about jacob and smokey to say one way or the other at this time.
[quote name='javeryh']
We still haven't seen the Sun/Jin episode and we don't know whether it is actually Sun or Jin that is the "Kwon" candidate but now I'm totally convinced it is Sun. The only glimpses we've seen of them in the alternate universe is when Sun is at the airport using her maiden name (meaning she got away from an abusive Jin) and that Jin was somehow involved with the gangsters that Sayid saved him from. Kate is not a candidate so that is why she is still on the run from the cops. Her life was not altered dramatically by not coming into contact with Jacob.[/QUOTE]

I'm somewhat convinced it's Jin because all the other canidates are men and Sun wasn't taken to the past like everyone else was.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I'm somewhat convinced it's Jin because all the other canidates are men and Sun wasn't taken to the past like everyone else was.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... you make a good point there. He's also a "true" Kwon and not married in so he has that going for him as well.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']WAIT !!! why didnt Sayid help Kate when she was getting shanked by crazy blonde headed girl[/QUOTE]

Did you miss an episode or something?
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']WAIT !!! why didnt Sayid help Kate when she was getting shanked by crazy blonde headed girl[/QUOTE]

Because the evil has consumed him, and he just doesn't care. Or atleast that's what I got from what Dogen said.

I wonder if sideways Miles still has the talks to dead people thing? Might be good to have being a cop and all.
Just watched "Recon". Sawyer and Locke-heavy episodes never disappoint, and this one was awesome. I loved the whole flash sideways deal, and the first 5 minutes made me giddy. I also loved John telling Sawyer, "I am the smoke thing."

I can't wait to see next week's episode. That should be a classic. Oh, and count me in for a Sawyer/Miles buddy cop spinoff. :)
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm glad to see you're getting into the show so much, Jake. Took you long enough. :p[/QUOTE]

I was hooked as soon as I watched the first episode Matt.
bread's done