LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='Matt Young']Yeah, but you didn't watch the first episode till 2009, right?[/QUOTE]

That's the way to do it though. Then you have the luxury of a serious fucking box set binge. I almost prefer to NOT watch a show until it's finished. Or at least for single seasons. I watched Dexter S1, Heroes S1, True Blood S1, Firefly, Deadwood S1, and all of Jericho in one shot and it's so much better than commercials and waiting a week between episodes.

So glad that HBO has The Pacific ready to roll out on Blu-Ray just a month after it finishes.
[quote name='billyrox']I would love a sequel series starring sidways miles and Sawyer... they would make a good buddy cop tv series[/QUOTE]

No one liked my idea last year (or two years ago?) for the Sayid secret agent of Ben spinoff.
Two holes in your theory though (at least if I remember correctly)...

Locke had already been screwed by his dad AND thrown out a window *before* Jacobs touch, so I don't know how you can attribute his bad life stuff to Jacob.

Hurley is a weird case, because he wasn't touched by Jacob until well after the island events when they were supposed to go back (once again if I remember correctly) so Jacobs meddling couldn't really have any affect on Hurleys destiny in the current timeline.

The only case that I possibly agree with you on is Sawyer - woth the Recon episode, maybe Jacob did not interfere and that's why Sawyer becomes a cop. But remember from the episode - "James" still isn't a "good" person necessarily. Being a cop was a means to an end. He might not have written the Sawyer letter, but his goal of killing Anthony Cooper was still the same.
[quote name='javeryh']Jacob is CLEARLY evil. So many good things have happened in the sideways universe when they weren't touched/influenced by Jacob. Jack is not an alcoholic, Sawyer is a cop, Hurley is a successful businessman, Locke is in a healthy relationship with Leela and knows his dad, Nadia is still alive for Sayid, etc. That is 5 of the 6 candidates that seem to be having better lives if they never came into contact with Jacob.

We still haven't seen the Sun/Jin episode and we don't know whether it is actually Sun or Jin that is the "Kwon" candidate but now I'm totally convinced it is Sun. The only glimpses we've seen of them in the alternate universe is when Sun is at the airport using her maiden name (meaning she got away from an abusive Jin) and that Jin was somehow involved with the gangsters that Sayid saved him from. Kate is not a candidate so that is why she is still on the run from the cops. Her life was not altered dramatically by not coming into contact with Jacob.

These last few episodes haven't been exciting or "OMG!" revealing but they have been pretty good within the context of the show and subtle character development.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Matt Young']
I can't wait to see next week's episode. That should be a classic. Oh, and count me in for a Sawyer/Miles buddy cop spinoff. :)[/QUOTE]

It will only work if Sawyer wears a trench coat and has a saxophone solo theme song every time he walks into frame.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']It will only work if Sawyer wears a trench coat and has a saxophone solo theme song every time he walks into frame.[/QUOTE]

and alternative reality hurley will have to be involved somehow.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']exactly. cop Sawyer and miles can eat chicken there and hurley will offer them sage advice and say dude a lot.[/QUOTE]

Also Hurley can help them financially. When there is a bind, Sawyer with Hurley's hummer come bustin' through the wall to the rescue!
Seriously, we need to start a site or facebook account to convince the producers of ABC to make a show called Lost 2: Beyond the Island starring Cop Miles and Sawyer with special appearance Hurley
The sad thing is a spinoff cop show would probably work, given how shitty the existing cop shows are. Although after watching The Wire, it's hard to get into any cop shows. They all seem so hokey compared to The Wire.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The sad thing is a spinoff cop show would probably work, given how shitty the existing cop shows are. Although after watching The Wire, it's hard to get into any cop shows. They all seem so hokey compared to The Wire.[/QUOTE]

Check the Shield excellent cop show. Also for current shows Southland is very solid
Can't stand cop shows.... every one of them... The only one that was watchable was Life on Mars.. just a teeny bit. And I suppose Castle too because Nathon Fillon is in it.

As for the next episode... A+ show, Tuesday can't get here fast enough.
[quote name='Matt Young']Aside from the Kate episode, this season has been awesome.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad someone has enjoyed it. I'm sure the last few episodes will be amazing and when I go back and watch the season over I'll enjoy it more, but right now I'm having a hard time appreciating what I'm watching. Sundown and the season premiere were pretty good though as well as Ben's episode.
What do you not like? I know a lot of people have complained about the alternate reality, but I have enjoyed all of that except for the part about Jack having a kid. Sawyer's, Sayid's, Locke's, and Ben's alternate timeline stories have been especially great. And I'm really digging the stuff on the island, too.

I just hope that this season's finale is a lot better than last year's, because there's no "next season" to redeem the show. Season 3's finale was the greatest thing I've ever seen on television, and season 4's finale was excellent as well. But last season's ending just left a bad taste in my mouth. 85% of the episode was great, but the way it ended kind of sucked. I'd hate to be let down by the ending of my favorite show of all time.
Let me preface this by saying that LOST is one of my favorite shows of all time and I'm very hard on it when it may not deserve it. After seeing episodes like the great Desmond ones and most of the seasons finales I'm disappointed when the show doesn't blow my mind on a weekly basis. Unfair? Probably. Is this season good compared to other television? Absolutely. Is this season good compared to LOST standards? IMHO, no. I didn't really like season five until the end either, then I watched it again and appreciated it a lot more. I don't know if the commercials keep me from getting into the episode when it originally airs or what.

I'm not really into the alternate reality ("Flash Sideways") that's going on, which is partially why I think I'll appreciate it more when I watch it all again after the season is over. I also have a feeling that either these flash sideways or the previous five seasons, are or were a waste. That is probably completely unwarranted but I can't help feeling it. I also feel the has been quite a bit of filler. The alternate realities are pretty interesting but on the island is seems things are moving a little slow, and in some episodes nothing really happens.

EDIT: I totally agree with you about the Kate episode, it made me poop in my pants a little.
[quote name='FrankySox']
I'm not really into the alternate reality ("Flash Sideways") that's going on, which is partially why I think I'll appreciate it more when I watch it all again after the season is over. [/QUOTE]

i think this is one thing lost fans in general are discouraged about. but i have a feeling (and hope) that they will play a big big role in winding up the season.
Hmm, so this episode tries to suggest that
the island is hell
. Thinking back to "The Man from Tallahassee" episode,
Cooper (Locke's Dad) magically appeared on the island. Locke asked him how he got there, and his answer was "Don't you know where we are, John?" Maybe they actually are in hell?
[quote name='moojuice']Hmm, so this episode tries to suggest that
the island is hell
. Thinking back to "The Man from Tallahassee" episode,
Cooper (Locke's Dad) magically appeared on the island. Locke asked him how he got there, and his answer was "Don't you know where we are, John?" Maybe they actually are in hell?

He didn't magically appear. There was a car accident, and he was abducted from the ambulance, presumably by the Others.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']
So was Richard lied to, following The Man In Black thinking he was Jacob?!

Thats exactly what I was thinking , But I think I might have just mistaken . IDK

But i really liked the ending where
Man In Black ( smoke monster ) smashed what I think is the key to eternal life on the rock . overall a good episoide , atleast now I have an idea of how old richardo/richard is :)
It's definately not Purgatory unless the producers are lying more than Smokey does :D.

But anyway - I thought this episode was average at best. Almost everything they revealed about Richard could be inferred from previous episodes. The most interesting part I thought was
when Smokey gave Richard the knife and gave him the same instructions Sayid was given when he received the knife to kill Smokey.

Beyond that it just hammered home that
Jacob = good,smokey = evil
which they are probably doing so they can pull a big switcharoo in the finale and say that all along
Jacob was evil and smokey was good
for the big *twist* ending. (And if that's what they do, I'm really going to be pissed:bouncy:.

The other thing I noticed is that Smokeys tactics haven't changed much in 160 years.
Manipulate Richard with images of his dead wife... Wash... Rinse... Repeat for everone else he comes in contact with!
I'd like to formally announce I was wrong about Richard's "chains" and being a slave. Congrats to those who had it right.

Solid episode.
I wish his origin story only took half the episode. I would like to have seen more of what he's been doing to be his representative the past 150+ years.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I wish his origin story only took half the episode. I would like to have seen more of what he's been doing to be his representative the past 150+ years.[/QUOTE]

I think it could have used a wider range of time periods(not just boat crashing). I guess, it's best that they didn't throw in more useless stuff to the story.
I'm not liking this Smokey storyline, it's like he's just been killing nobodies for five season and popped into the last season, feels like a cop out.
that was a great episode, different pace, giving you backstory on richard and almost nothing going on currently on the island.
an important episode for sure that gave some interesting facts.
I was SUPER pumped about the Richard episode. Pretty nonexistant reveals about his life on the island, which is was what I was dying for the most. Bleh.

What exactly did we learn?

The Black Rock crashed into the statue. Good to know.
People were chained (including Richard) into the hull of the ship. Slaves/laborers? Who really knows?
We know how long Richard has been on the island. Thanks for that.
Richard was tempted by the Smoke Monster before he joined with Jacob. Ok.
Anything else I missed?

Where's the stuff thru the last 100+ years of Richard interacting with other "survivors" who land on the island? What the hell did he do all this time?

Clue me in if I've missed something. But there's not much time left in the show to fill in some of these gaps....we'l probably never know.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I thought it was a very good hour of television, but a so-so episode of LOST.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? This was Season 2 level of Lost. More episodes like last night will make up for what they've been feeding us so far. Last night was great.
[quote name='munch']Are you serious? This was Season 2 level of Lost. More episodes like last night will make up for what they've been feeding us so far. Last night was great.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say it was bad TV. It was great to watch, but what did we really learn about the show? We now know what smashed the statue, and we know where and when Richard is from. Almost everything else that was stated has been pretty much assumed by a lot of people.
[quote name='munch']Craziness. The first two were the shit. Bud Bundy's opinions stink.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say it was bad. I just said it was the worst. If I had to rank the first 5 seasons (seeing as how this one is only half over) I'd rank them as such:


And my favorite finale was season 3, followed by season 4.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I didn't say it was bad TV. It was great to watch, but what did we really learn about the show? We now know what smashed the statue, and we know where and when Richard is from. Almost everything else that was stated has been pretty much assumed by a lot of people.[/QUOTE]

This was also confirmation that Sun was a candidate, right?
We also learned that Hurley can talk to dead people he's never met. I don't think there was anyone else he's talked to that he didn't previously know.
bread's done