Madden 12 League - Official Fantasy CAG League Week 9 Live , Deadline is Friday

only thing id say agreeing with both sides that it shouldnt happen and is a dick move but in the other league i played mog wen i was out of timeouts 40 seconds left i was down 6 he chose to run the ball and i made him fumble and if it wasnt for johnny knox it would have been a td and i would have won. so with that said it shouldnt happen but as deuce said with ones stupitity comes consequence.... id prefer them to try also lol its funner to me to have an unlikely shot with then being a dick then watching 40 seconds run off
[quote name='MasterAwesome']You guys can sim my game with the CPU Packers...I don't really care enough to play a sub.[/QUOTE]

This seems to be a growing sentiment.

It looks like almost half the games still need to be played. I'm beginning to think we either need to start cracking the whip more in this league or just forget about it. I really like the concept, and I've had a lot of fun with my team, but we're moving at such a slow pace that it's hard to stay invested.
I'm beginning to think we either need to start cracking the whip more in this league or just forget about it. QUOTE]

More whip cracking. I really would like to see a SuperBowl atleast. I don't think anyone will mind simming games to end the weeks, since no one seems to care about this league anyways..

Maybe if we get the weeks going quicker it will generate more interest.
[quote name='LVPatriots']
Maybe if we get the weeks going quicker it will generate more interest.[/QUOTE]

That's my thought as well. Set a definitely window for the games (3 days would be ideal). If you play your game, good. If you don't, tough luck.
[quote name='bvharris']That's my thought as well. Set a definitely window for the games (3 days would be ideal). If you play your game, good. If you don't, tough luck.[/QUOTE]

That might work. I was in a league that tried that and it killed it pretty quick. However it would get us to a superbowl.
[quote name='bvharris']That's my thought as well. Set a definitely window for the games (3 days would be ideal). If you play your game, good. If you don't, tough luck.[/QUOTE]

If an opponent is unreachable in 3 days, we should be able to play the cpu or a sub instead of simming it though.
[quote name='bvharris']This seems to be a growing sentiment.

It looks like almost half the games still need to be played. I'm beginning to think we either need to start cracking the whip more in this league or just forget about it. I really like the concept, and I've had a lot of fun with my team, but we're moving at such a slow pace that it's hard to stay invested.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm just saying in MY clarify: I'm already 3-5 and playoffs don't look likely, and I just don't get the same satisfaction playing against (and hopefully BEATING) a sub that I do when I play against my actual opponent. I've posted in here 2 or 3 times since advance that I was looking for a sub and no one stepped up or even acknowledged it (not complaining, just saying that earlier on I would have been willing to play a sub). Since then though...I've gotten a bit busier and since we're nearing the end of the week I just figured simming my game would be better in respect to moving things along. I know lately people have been posting offering to sub for anyone who needs one, but by that point I was kinda drained from a combination of work, other Madden leagues, lack of sleep...etc. etc. I'm not gonna lie though...I get the least enjoyment out of this league than any of my other 3 franchises, but I'm still in it for the long haul if y'allz can manage to keep it going.
Update on Browns/Rams. I sent a xbl message to EFR yesterday asking if he could play at 8:30 (I sent it at 8). He didn't immediately respond so I went away from the computer and ended up falling asleep. I just checked xbl now and he responded saying he could play. I just sent him a pm asking if he could play tonight, saying that the earlier the better. So now just waiting for a response.
I'm thinking about dropping out of this league. I've been pretty busy and looking at my schedule , 5/8 of my remaining games will be a pain in the ass to schedule. I'm not 100% I want to leave this league, but I can say now that I won't be back for season 2. The 1st 8 games were fun as well as the draft, but I'm just starting to lose interest.
[quote name='Doomtime']I'm finishing this season and I'll probably drop too.[/QUOTE]

Aren't you supposed to be the commissioner? :whistle2:s
[quote name='bvharris']Aren't you supposed to be the commissioner? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

If Doom was running things id like ti think it would be a little different. When the commish doesn't show up for weeks what is the point?
[quote name='staticz']If Doom was running things id like ti think it would be a little different. When the commish doesn't show up for weeks what is the point?[/QUOTE]

Yep this. Cru is in charge. I just said I would help out not take on this league full time.
[quote name='staticz']If Doom was running things id like ti think it would be a little different. When the commish doesn't show up for weeks what is the point?[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm saying. When we set up this league the idea was Doom and Cru were running it together. Obviously Cru is really busy, and that's fine, but it seems logical to me that Doom should take over the reins. Of course, it's entirely possible that he's not interested in doing that anymore, which is fine.
[quote name='bvharris']That's what I'm saying. When we set up this league the idea was Doom and Cru were running it together. Obviously Cru is really busy, and that's fine, but it seems logical to me that Doom should take over the reins. Of course, it's entirely possible that he's not interested in doing that anymore, which is fine.[/QUOTE]

Problem is the league is full of Cru's friends who only communicate via text...I wouldn't want to run it either.

A league doesn't have to be time consuming, hell maybe we should just start over lol.
[quote name='staticz']
A league doesn't have to be time consuming, hell maybe we should just start over lol.[/QUOTE]

I don't see what that would solve.
[quote name='bvharris']I don't see what that would solve.[/QUOTE]

I think he means without all the people who don't communicate. That would solve that problem, but there would only be like 10 people in the league :lol:
[quote name='gbpackers94']I think he means without all the people who don't communicate. That would solve that problem, but there would only be like 10 people in the league :lol:[/QUOTE]

I think we could conceivably do a 16 team league, right? I think the Online Franchise is set up for that. Although if it was a fantasy draft, the rosters would be ridiculous.

I really hope you don't leave though. Part of the fun for me is having good guys in my division (I love the rivalry uber/fero/myself have going in the other league). If you left, it would be a lot less appealing for me to stay too.
[quote name='bvharris']I think we could conceivably do a 16 team league, right? I think the Online Franchise is set up for that. Although if it was a fantasy draft, the rosters would be ridiculous.

I really hope you don't leave though. Part of the fun for me is having good guys in my division (I love the rivalry uber/fero/myself have going in the other league). If you left, it would be a lot less appealing for me to stay too.[/QUOTE]

That actually sounds pretty awesome. Imagine a league where everyone had stacked rosters, everyone was active on the boards, and communication was good. That would be amazing.
[quote name='gbpackers94']That actually sounds pretty awesome. Imagine a league where everyone had stacked rosters, everyone was active on the boards, and communication was good. That would be amazing.[/QUOTE]

it does sound like a great idea
I think I was wrong, I don't think you can actually set up a 16-team league. You can restrict it to 16 human players, but I think the rest of the teams would be CPU.
[quote name='staticz']I'd do it like the JV league. Everyone gets a secondary team and only known active players are allowed in.[/QUOTE]

Woah, 2 teams. I never even considered that. I assume there would be rule that states you couldnt trade between the two teams?
I think if we get to the point where this league can't hold our interest (and I'm not there yet, I like this league), it might be more sustainable to just do a series of tournaments as our side activity. That way people can drop in and out as they like, and we can get through them pretty quickly. We could do different themes like "crappy teams", "switch teams every round", etc. Obviously that would take the trading component out, but it would probably be easier to manage than a whole 2nd league.
Personally, the idea of doing tournaments isn't as appealing since my favorite things about online franchises are the various aspects that go along with having multiple seasons. Things like player progressions, rookie drafts, trading, etc. I love managing a team for the long haul.
[quote name='bvharris']I think if we get to the point where this league can't hold our interest (and I'm not there yet, I like this league), it might be more sustainable to just do a series of tournaments as our side activity. That way people can drop in and out as they like, and we can get through them pretty quickly. We could do different themes like "crappy teams", "switch teams every round", etc. Obviously that would take the trading component out, but it would probably be easier to manage than a whole 2nd league.[/QUOTE]

Could we have a theme - "doom has won every tournament so far so he isn't allowed"

Just messin with you Doom ;)
Well am looking foward to next season and would like to stay since i think the titants could be beast with this upcoming draft.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Did BSETI actually draft his chiefs team? If not we should allow him to take over the Seahawks. He is way to good to not be in the NFC.[/QUOTE]

Ideally we're still going with the relegation idea, so some of the better players in the AFC will move up to the NFC next season. If there is a next season.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Did BSETI actually draft his chiefs team? If not we should allow him to take over the Seahawks. He is way to good to not be in the NFC.[/QUOTE]

Yea I draftede the whole team except wilfork n lloyd, I had the first pick.

Donno if anyone is interestede but I think we should do a new draft with updated rosters, we don't have to do it now either we can wait a little while, or even wwait till the last roster update. We don't need 32 teams, we just need to fill up either 2 or 4 divisions.if we could get the most dedicate players, guys who play madden basically every day I think it'd be fun. We would each have the same amount of games against the cpu as eachother so it would be fair to play he cpu.

No trading of draft picks, just a sraight cut season winner talks shit till madden 13. its a shame that this league shit the bed. Next year we need to organize the draft a lil better. We all knew after week 1 that it'd be a miracle to reach a second season. I'm not givin up on it, my team is to nasty.
It sucks to hear that everyone is losing interest in this league. I'm down for a new league if we start one up.

Any thoughts on simming games if they are not played by the deadline. If we have a concrete deadline and advance regularly it might re-spark some interest.

If neither Doom or Cru care to Commish this league, I am not totally opposed to becoming a Co-Commish, or BSeti is always around, he could probably do it too.

How much actual time does a commissioner invest in a league?
[quote name='LVPatriots']
How much actual time does a commissioner invest in a league?[/QUOTE]

I can only speak for myself, but it eats up a humongous amount of my time. I'm sure the same is true for uber. Of course I'm happy to do it, I wouldn't have volunteered otherwise, but it's definitely a big time commitment if you want things to run smoothly.

btw, what happened to advancing yesterday?
Besides advancing the weeks, kicking out players from teams for subs, and staying active on the forum, what else does a commish do that is time consuming?
Cru's internet was out due to a storm that blew thru the area... he's at work now but i texted him last night and told him to just turn the commis duties over to Doom, Sprice, myself or whoever is available cuz the league being ata stand still kills interest
[quote name='LVPatriots']Besides advancing the weeks, kicking out players from teams for subs, and staying active on the forum, what else does a commish do that is time consuming?[/QUOTE]

Answering questions like this one. ;)

It ebbs and flows like anything. It's a lot more work during the offseason and when we do FA periods.

I certainly don't expect anyone to spend as much time on it as I do, but I do believe leagues function more smoothly with active and responsive commissioners.
Yea, I wouldn't mind the season stuffat all. But now that you mention it, all the offseason stuff sounds like a real pain in the ass.
I think we should stick with this league at least through the Super Bowl and then see where we are.

This league was always intended to act as a supplement to the main league. To a lesser extent its become a proving ground for new players as well, which is good. But if we want to go a different direction later in our efforts to get more Madden, we can do that.
[quote name='bvharris']I think we should stick with this league at least through the Super Bowl and then see where we are.

I agree. I think we just need a more active commish. But I know doom isn't interested in running the league alone. I'd love to do it if we can get a co-commish thing going on.

Nothing against Cru i just think he's too busy.
[quote name='staticz']I agree. I think we just need a more active commish. But I know doom isn't interested in running the league alone. I'd love to do it if we can get a co-commish thing going on.

Nothing against Cru i just think he's too busy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not interested in running the league alone in if a good portion of people are allergic to using the forums properly. So yeah, right now, I don't even care about this much.

The 1/4 of the members who don't ever communicate (and just stopped showing up) and Cru not communicating with me has killed my interest.

But BV is right, this is a supplemental league anyway.
[quote name='staticz']I agree. I think we just need a more active commish. But I know doom isn't interested in running the league alone. I'd love to do it if we can get a co-commish thing going on.

Nothing against Cru i just think he's too busy.[/QUOTE]

I'll volunteer to help out with this, I work on a computer all day long. As long as I don't need an X-Box present, I don't mind helping out.

Espescially if we can get this Fantasy thing going steady again.

Love my Team

Vince Young for the Win!
For me (during my brief stint as co-commissioner in CAG League 2.0 last year), the most tiresome part about being commissioner was pushing some people to play their games every week and having to ask constantly for updates...and then ultimately making the call as to whether or not I'm going to go ahead and advance/sim those remaining games or postpone advance a while longer. Your workload as commissioner is directly tied to how committed the members in your league are...if you have a bunch of good guys who play their games every week and stay active in communication, then being commissioner should be a breeze.
bread's done