Madden 12 League - Official Fantasy CAG League Week 9 Live , Deadline is Friday

Ah well the streak was fun while it lasted gg deuce it sucks that two of my main int leaders on defensive are injured now i need the sucky players to step up and make plays.
[quote name='GpNinja']Can we still trade? If so am looking to trade Wes Welker for mabye a 75 ovr all FS and another 75 ovr SS[/QUOTE]

I have a 74 FS and 71 SS. :D
What's up with those Packers? Am I gonna need a sub? If'll probably have to wait until Sunday at some point, I have a busy day tomorrow.
[quote name='GpNinja']Ah well the streak was fun while it lasted gg deuce it sucks that two of my main int leaders on defensive are injured now i need the sucky players to step up and make plays.[/QUOTE]

yea... injuries always suck. I didnt realize until i saw him out there that Jon Beason was back from an injury he suffered while tackling Chris Johnson in week 5... and my starting RE Jared Odrick is out for 8 weeks still and my deep threat Donnie Avery still has 4 weeks on the shelf
Are the Seahawks owned? If not...could i get a sub in the next 2 hours or so?

Last thing i see from the seahawks:

The owner of the Seahawks has left the franchise
Members Update 11/27/2011, 9:47pm
[quote name='siradam134']Are the Seahawks owned? If not...could i get a sub in the next 2 hours or so?

Last thing i see from the seahawks:

The owner of the Seahawks has left the franchise
Members Update 11/27/2011, 9:47pm[/QUOTE]

Anyone? Doom? Cru?
[quote name='siradam134']Are the Seahawks owned? If not...could i get a sub in the next 2 hours or so?

Last thing i see from the seahawks:

The owner of the Seahawks has left the franchise
Members Update 11/27/2011, 9:47pm[/QUOTE]

Anyone? I posted this at noon..
Eagles 27 - Cardinals 14

This game wasn't even as close as that suggests, since I got my ass pretty thoroughly kicked in this one. I could do basically nothing whatsoever on offense and defense for the first three quarters. I finally woke up in the fourth and put up a couple of scores, but it was way too little too late.

The real offshoot of this game for me is that it reignited the QB controversy in Arizona. Jake Locker put up a robust QB rating of 0.0 before being relieved by Stafford, who was at least respectable in throwing a couple of TDs. I'm not going to bench Locker after one stinker since he's generally been more reliable all season, but the leash is certainly a bit shorter.

gg staticz! Before the game I looked at your CB roster and was terrified, and true to form those guys played great. I might have abandoned the run a bit early, though I really never got much going in that area all game.
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So what's the deal with subbing running qbs in an out? I thought it was if u sub him in he's gotta play the whole drive?

Gg tanabeo
[quote name='BSETI50']So what's the deal with subbing running qbs in an out? I thought it was if u sub him in he's gotta play the whole drive?

Gg tanabeo[/QUOTE]

thats what the rule is in the other league... not sure if it carried over, but i dont see why it wouldn't.
[quote name='DVO21']still cant find man2008 49ers owner?????????[/QUOTE]

he's usually online later on in the evening but talk to Cru... he knows Man personally
[quote name='siradam134']Shall i play a sub....or the cpu...or the waterboy?[/QUOTE]

If you're interested I can play in 30-45 minutes
Any subs for the Packers against me.....preferably not Doom again :( Seems like he used me as a guinea pig to improve his passing game last time...
Still haven't talked to edfnreed. Couldn't find his CAG name (it's not edfnreed) so I couldn't pm and the xbox website doesn't let you pm people you aren't friends with, and I haven't been on my xbox much recently.
Well dudes, I will be done with these stupid portfolios tomorrow so I can sub or help set up all sub games tomorrow afternoon. Sorry for the delayed responses. GB, if you still can't find him tomorrow we'll find someone else.
[quote name='Doomtime']Well dudes, I will be done with these stupid portfolios tomorrow so I can sub or help set up all sub games tomorrow afternoon. Sorry for the delayed responses. GB, if you still can't find him tomorrow we'll find someone else.[/QUOTE]

I haven't sent him a message, but he hasn't sent me one either. What is his CAG name? Does he even have one?
[quote name='gbpackers94']I haven't sent him a message, but he hasn't sent me one either. What is his CAG name? Does he even have one?[/QUOTE]

I don't think I've ever seen him post in here either, just communication through Cru. So you'd have to ask him about that guy because I really have no idea.
[quote name='Doomtime']I don't think I've ever seen him post in here either, just communication through Cru. So you'd have to ask him about that guy because I really have no idea.[/QUOTE]

Alright, I'll try to set something up for tomorrow evening.
Anyone know STeelers owner AntiVenom 360, I haven't had any contact with him, but we play this week.

His CAG name isn't right on the first thread page. Can we figure out what it is. And I remember Ferocious saying he was friends with him, so I guess Ill PM him.
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[quote name='LVPatriots']Anyone know STeelers owner AntiVenom 360, I haven't had any contact with him, but we play this week.

His CAG name isn't right on the first thread page. Can we figure out what it is. And I remember Ferocious saying he was friends with him, so I guess Ill PM him.[/QUOTE]

His cag name is "venom"

And yeah, fero is your best bet if you can't get hold of Venom.
[quote name='Doomtime']I may be around itlnstln if no one else steps up.[/QUOTE]

I'll hit you up when I get home.
[quote name='ballhawk20']I can an in wat league?[/QUOTE]

Lol, since it is in this thread, I have to hope he means this league.
Soo.. Whomever it's going to be decided is my sub...

Dont fight over me boys! I can play at 11pm est tonight.... may be like 11:03.... but that should be the time i end up walking back in the door and ready to play.
[quote name='Superstar']Is there a Jets owner? It doesnt show one on the game. If not, I need a sub.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see a response on this. I just didn't want to hold up the league
bread's done