Magazine Deals! - All magazine-related posts go here.

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Check out the new thread:

If its not letting you select the proper magazine, the offer has probably ended.


Computer Gaming World:

Tips & Tricks:

Electronic Gaming Monthy (offer expires 01/15/2004)

Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming, PC Magazine, and Computer Shopper: [DEAD]


Official Xbox Magazine: [DEAD]


Xbox Nation: [DEAD]

PC Magazine (electronic format, not a paper magazine):


Maxim & Blender: [DEAD]

Rolling Stone:

Maxim: [DEAD]

Stuff Magazine: [DEAD]

Maxim Magazine: [DEAD]

Seventeen: [DEAD]



Biography Magazine: [DEAD]

Video Store Magazine:

Alternative Sports: [DEAD]

Comedy Scene Magazine: (3 months)
[quote name='Cracka']i just got 2 copies of this months XBN... only diff is they have a different DOA chick on the front...whats up with that?[/quote]

for what month?....
[quote name='LoganDX'][quote name='Cracka']i just got 2 copies of this months XBN... only diff is they have a different DOA chick on the front...whats up with that?[/quote]

for what month?....[/quote]Cracka said it was this month's issue.

i got one issue thats got one of the DOA chicks, on it, and the background is of mountains and its a bluish color..

the other one has a diff. chick from DOA, and the background looks more like a sunset and its redish colored..

for those of you who got the July issue of XBN, what cover did you have?
[quote name='sj41']I'm still waiting for my first issue of XBN. Did you get yours from[/quote]

I've gotten my XBN from there.
Been getting GamePro for about a year now, which reminds me I need to fill out another app. for another free year. Damn I'm cheap...
WTF? I ordered XBN/CGW like two damn months ago and all I got today was an offer for one free trial issue and the option to continue for $24.97.
[quote name='Cracka']whichever one had that.. sign up and get XBN/EGM/CGM deal. i guess it was[/quote]So, will you get one less issue now.
Did anyone else get the free Gamepro subscription that Gamespy offered in December? Mine just started in April(which I never got the issue) and ends in November for some strange reason even though when I signed up it said one years subscription. And until April it said my account was suspended for some reason.
[quote name='supermariomelee']Did anyone else get the free Gamepro subscription that Gamespy offered in December? Mine just started in April(which I never got the issue) and ends in November for some strange reason even though when I signed up it said one years subscription. And until April it said my account was suspended for some reason.[/quote]

I think mine started with the May or June issue . . . looks like a one-year. I had a free one and was waiting and waiting for the gamespy one . . . I sent in the resubscription card to get a couple of issues so I wouldn't miss any, now I won't pay :wink: But the label now says 2 years worth . . . so I think the freebie kicked in.
I need a pc magazine (not gaming though, i already have one of those). Anybody know where i can get PC Magazine or Maximum Pc for free or discounted?
[quote name='basketkase543']I need a pc magazine (not gaming though, i already have one of those). Anybody know where i can get PC Magazine or Maximum Pc for free or discounted?[/quote]

PC Magazine, Maximum PC, and Computer Shopper are all $3 for a one year subscription at
[quote name='basketkase543']I need a pc magazine (not gaming though, i already have one of those). Anybody know where i can get PC Magazine or Maximum Pc for free or discounted?[/quote] is offering a couple free PC mags.
I'm dying to get PSM for free or at least really cheap, my girlfriend wants cosmo...find them and PM me and I'll be your friend and poison food tester.
so when the subscriptions run out, how to yall cancel your subscriptions? because if you buy them through free biz mag, and u go to the magazines actual site, it says u gotta cancel through free biz.

right now i've got like 10-15 subscriptions... theres only like 5 i really like, so i when the subscriptions to the others run out, i need to know what i gotta do .. FO REAL
[quote name='erehwon']I got tips & tricks today.[/quote]

Anybody know a working link for a free subscription to Tips and Tricks or EGM... :( Am always too late!!!
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Not free but has to be the best, its has a cool package maker of the cheapest mags online.[/quote]

AWESOME SITE, man! FIVE MAGS for $30. You can choose from all the gaming mags, too.
Sorry, I wasn't specific. I didn't mean customer service. I meant a site where they have news and reviews and stuff like that.
I received CGW earlier this month and received XBN yesterday, now I'm just waiting for EGM and I will have received all 3 mags I signed up for from w00t!
[quote name='zewone']more free issues of Rolling Stone, Penthouse, XBN, and Computer Gaming World came today. No EGM yet even though they say im subscibed till 2008[/quote]

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
[quote name='zewone']more free issues of Rolling Stone, Penthouse, XBN, and Computer Gaming World came today. No EGM yet even though they say im subscibed till 2008[/quote]

Not to sound too much like a perv, but how did you get free issues of Penthouse? Have a link? :lol:

I never got my Rolling Stone issues even though I signed up twice for it.
[quote name='LoganDX']Interesting. A noob with the handle cheapmagz directing us to a site called--cheapmagz! What're the odds?......[/quote]

And he sounds like a bloomin commercial.

P.S. Did anyone notice that the free mags have kinda dried up lately? Haven't heard of a really great one in quite a while.
i got like 6 magazines in the mail yesterday... sad thing is i only like one of the magazines that i got.. the others i only receive b/c it wouldnt let me cancel my subscription.
[quote name='zewone']I don't remember where i signed up for Penthouse. I just remember signing up for it and thinking "I'll probably never get an issue." but so far i have recieved 2 issues and im signed up for a year.[/quote]

Did you get it from the promo screen that pops up with the freebizmag offers? "my bonus center" lists it as free the catch is that they charge $30 but claim you can get the money back later . . .
I got EGM yesterday but I still have not gotten my XBN. It's crazy. It's kooky. It's loony and wacky.
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