Magazine Deals! - All magazine-related posts go here.

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Check out the new thread:

If its not letting you select the proper magazine, the offer has probably ended.


Computer Gaming World:

Tips & Tricks:

Electronic Gaming Monthy (offer expires 01/15/2004)

Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming, PC Magazine, and Computer Shopper: [DEAD]


Official Xbox Magazine: [DEAD]


Xbox Nation: [DEAD]

PC Magazine (electronic format, not a paper magazine):


Maxim & Blender: [DEAD]

Rolling Stone:

Maxim: [DEAD]

Stuff Magazine: [DEAD]

Maxim Magazine: [DEAD]

Seventeen: [DEAD]



Biography Magazine: [DEAD]

Video Store Magazine:

Alternative Sports: [DEAD]

Comedy Scene Magazine: (3 months)
[quote name='guerrila_gamer']any game mags like gamepro? i never see any free subs for it except that time when gamespy gave a 1 year sub for free.[/quote]

Well gamepro is the worst of the worst, but often there are free egm subscriptions. EGM is definitely one of the better gaming mags.
[quote name='msdmoney'][quote name='guerrila_gamer']any game mags like gamepro? i never see any free subs for it except that time when gamespy gave a 1 year sub for free.[/quote]

Well gamepro is the worst of the worst, but often there are free egm subscriptions. EGM is definitely one of the better gaming mags.[/quote]

Yeah Gamepro is not really that good. But they usually have a lot of coupons moreso than EGM.

I remember getting coupons for Hollywood Video, Best Buy, Target, etc.
Yeah but you can always call and have it switched over to print, its not a big deal you just have to make the effort to call.
[quote name='A8boy']Gamepro is not bad, at least not conpared to GameInformer. Now THERES a magazine that sucks.[/quote]

Are you kidding me? Gamepro is a piece of crap compared to GameInformer. The writing is simply terrible. GI may be off on a few reviews, but Gamepro's crappy writing (in terms of everything) make it a joke...
Haven't gotten USAToday yet. I think it was for a year, but not sure.
If it's sent like a regular mag, with an address label, it should have your expiration date on it.
Just got Stuff. Thanks to all the free offers people post, I'm getting it until Nov 2016. Assuming the mag even lasts that long, of course.
USAToday was a week or so ago, and it never lasts very long. This was the first time I even got it to accept my information, though I haven't received it yet [haven't been home since this morning, though.]
[quote name='Trakan']IMO Game Informer is the best magazine out there, especially for the price. Gamepro isn't nearly as good.[/quote]

Damn it! I've just wasted 15 minutes writing this . . . back to work!

Gameinformer is definitely at the top right now . . . totally surprised me when I picked it up in 2001, because I remembered when it really was just a leaflet in the early 1990s. Lately they have had a great cover article each issue with amazing depth on some games. I think their reviews are among the best (consistently, GAMESPOT.COM is tops in my mind). Also with GI you get a few pages on classic games which is fun . . . maybe that sums GI up the best--the writers are goofy at times and you can see they just want to have fun but they take the games seriously.

Play is excellent in its art and some in-depth articles but their reviews have no teeth . . . like anything else you might read if you agree with them--you'll like it . . . I do. If you're into Anime . . . Play gives you a bonus.

EGM is useful but very superficial but they give a good overview of things . . . definitely worth reading.

the demos in OXB and OPM make them worthwhile . . . I think official Playstation benefits by having its great index of games in the back telling you which issue to find more info (I actually save all my mags . . . its sick) OPM is also a decent read just as a mag because of some of the extra content (music and movies coverage) prolongs it.

XBN covers Xbox very well . . . much better than OXB which comes off mostly as a mouthpiece for Microsoft . . . also true of OPM but less so.

GMR is so-so . . . mostly just another mag . . . could have potential in the future. Unlike GI which comes out of Gamestop, GMR reads just like a mouthpiece for EBGames.

Nowadays, I think that PSM really sucks . . . very light but I still read it. As the PS2 has run out of gas, the mag has almost nothing to report

Gamepro is the most juvenille of them all--the reviews are worthless and their isn't much art . . . I can't think of anything good to say about it . . . except its free :shock:

I really miss Next Generation (Next Gen later). From 1994-2001 they had the most intelligent writing and really nice art . . . but also very few fans. They were dead-on to my mind about the PS1, N64 and PC markets at the time :cry:
I have to say Game Informer is better then it was. It used to even more juvenille than Game Pro. However, nothing beats Play in the US. I wish they would dump the DVD, Music, and Anime sections, but otherwise, they feature the best writers in the buisness.

Now, I hghly recomened tracking down GameTM (which sadly, no one has mentioned, but it is a mag from Europe). Remember those old Chirtsmas issues of EGM? Every issue is like that. The covers are made from the style of paper as Next Gen as well. They have an extensive retro section in ever issue and their writing is also superb. Arguably the best gaming mag in the world.
Do you guys think we should start a new magazine thread. The OP hasn'r been edited since Febuary and it will be a lot easier to find new subscriptions. Especially for new people that keep asking for subscriptions instead of looking in the thread.
The mag of GamesTm is a good read and the retro section is classic but the price is too high, I can buy a game with that money. :wink:
Its fine, nobody is going to daily update the first page with the new subscriptions. All you have to do is check the last page, and maybe the one before it.
[quote name='levi333']Its fine, nobody is going to daily update the first page with the new subscriptions. All you have to do is check the last page, and maybe the one before it.[/quote]

Yeah, this is pretty much what i do. The deals don't last that long anyway so you only have to go back a page or two max.
pardon my ignorance....but whats that one new magazine called? G* or something, i dunno...i saw it in the store a month or so ago and have never seen it b4 that....i think it had half-life on the front...anyway, is that an all videogames magazine? is it any good?
It's called gamestar. It covers all formats (PC and console) and it's not bad. It's their premiere summer issue, so I assume the next one will come out in the Fall.
[quote name='Moxio']

Sign up and you get to choose from one of those mags for 1 year free, incuding Stuff, Maxim, etc.[/quote]

Thanks to you my Stuff subscription is now good thru 2007. I get more mags than I can read a month,you rule.
Was anyone able to order the kit plane magazine? The offer was sent to me through e-mail and I tried to get it before it was posted on this site and once I got past the first page there was no mention of the kit plane magazine again. It made me choose which trade magazine I wanted to order instead. I've tried it several times and the same thing always happens. I've even gone through all the steps and completed an order for a trade magazine and the kit plane magazine was never mentioned again.
[quote name='ZeroX982']can some one give me a current link for a free sub for OXM?[/quote]

It just doesn't work this way.

What you have to do is come to this thread twice a day (or more) and read the daily postings. If a CAGer knows of a freebie of any kind, they will post it here. Most all of them expire quickly (web amplification means they get many hits and run out of subs) so you have to be alert.

I don't think there are any available free gaming mag subs right now.

You only get freebies by staying on the ball.

There could be a free OXM sub tomorrow, next month, or never . . .
seems the new monitor or whatever is called only allows certain zip codes and they contact you within 2 weeks after you put the info in,.,,

i wonder if they charge anything it would be intresting to see i go though and checked around 18 books
Thanks for the link.

Which of these usually has the hotter babes? Stuff, Maxim or FHM?

I just subscribed to Maxim, so I hope I picked the best one. :) I've seen Stuff before, pretty good. FHM I think had Catherine Bell in it a few years back, too bad I didn't know at the time or I might've bought that issue.

Who here hates EGM because the ink comes off on your hands? Me. Was going through the new one and I saw some pics of RE 4 that I didn't want to see. I've been trying not to see too much of the game before it comes out. But it happens all the time. Like IGNcube, that one time, posted the dude that comes running after you with a you know what. I hadn't planned on seeing that pic, but once the page was loaded, well, there it was. But I would've seen it in EGM anyway. A-wipes! Oh yeah, we should e-mail both their asses and tell them off. :)
Thanks, Moxio!

Thanks to you I've gotten so many magazines.

As to Green-Bull's question, they both have about the same quality girls over the long run, but Maxim is much more intersting to read.
[quote name='morpheusxp'][quote name='Moxio']

Sign up and you get to choose from one of those mags for 1 year free, incuding Stuff, Maxim, etc.[/quote]

Thanks to you my Stuff subscription is now good thru 2007. I get more mags than I can read a month,you rule.[/quote]can you sign up for more than one of the magazines on this site? i already signed up for maxim so i was wondering if i can sign up for another? anyone else try it yet?
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