Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Maybe the scaling is based on your team/roster? I don't know.
Yes, my son picked up my Android and asking why is my nodes are so high level while is are still around 60's. He hasn't maxed out any of his covers while I'm about to max out my 3rd cover soon and a roster of 20 compared to my 29.

I was going to kick the tacoanator today if he was a no show again in the alliance rewards.
Let me know if a slot is available. Love my current alliance but it's only me and another guy that's been doing the work in PVP and getting ranking around 2000 for the alliance.

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Yes, my son picked up my Android and asking why is my nodes are so high level while is are still around 60's. He hasn't maxed out any of his covers while I'm about to max out my 3rd cover soon and a roster of 20 compared to my 29.

Let me know if a slot is available. Love my current alliance but it's only me and another guy that's been doing the work in PVP and getting ranking around 2000 for the alliance.
How many points do you have in this event?

How many points do you have in this event?
I got 31016, umm so how the hell did we just jump up to #61?

We're right under O.L.Y.M.P.U.S.
Which I believe is an acronym for Old Lesbians Yank Much Pussy Until Supper

Hell they never say what its for, they're always recruiting, and they have their own forum?

Yeah someone went a bit far with this, what did we say? Its only a mobile game right?

*Edit* Ouch, I stupidly read their forum a bit. Once again, its only a game. You have to request time off & you only get 1 pass to take the time off. You are expected to make X points per Y event. However due to the heroic juggs tournament thinks are relaxed to focus on gaining she hulk prizes. Geez....really?

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I booted veritesq or whatever his name is. Marauder you can hop in for now. Like we said we are pretty competitive so you are more than welcome to join but please keep up and communicate here when you will be gone for a bit otherwise you can be on the chopping block too hah. Which in this case though good luck on the move! Just search Private Alliances 'CAGvengers'

I am going to have to play quite a bit to stay in the top 10 it looks like in my bracket. Completely possible, just will likely be cutting it close!

I am going to have to play quite a bit to stay in the top 10 it looks like in my bracket. Completely possible, just will likely be cutting it close!

Speaking of which, my playtime for next week is up in the air. Going to be camping, and my iPad has decided it doesn't like wireless networks any more. If I can find a WiFi solution, then no issues. Otherwise, I might be the broccoli in a Dana Carvey sketch.

And the rewards for Hollowpoint are Daredevil? Seriously? I finally have my GSBW spec'd the way I want, and the rewards are someone I have no interest in?

But that five green sniper rifle is so nice when boosted...
@ 18318 pts for jugg event. Got nodes giving 2k to 1k pts so I will be farming that.

Its funny how we went from ~110 alliance rank to suddently 61 to now 93.

@ 18318 pts for jugg event. Got nodes giving 2k to 1k pts so I will be farming that.

Its funny how we went from ~110 alliance rank to suddently 61 to now 93.
We are waiting for another CAG to join. We should be back to around 50 hopefully with his addition.

I'll try playing some on my lunch break and then after I get off work. (About 2100).

I'm not touching that node with a 114 level Ares though. I have enough trouble with the Daken/Bullseye/Lt. one.

I can't believe I have 18,000+ points and my I still can't get past 400 in rank. How hardcore do you have to play? Constantly? Replay nodes over and over and over until you've drained them dry of any points possible?

I booted veritesq or whatever his name is.
Lol you booted Mailah, the one who was doing good. You kept Veritesq..... Oh god now I see why we're back in the 90s. He's dead last and not moving at all.

I can't believe I have 18,000+ points and my I still can't get past 400 in rank. How hardcore do you have to play? Constantly? Replay nodes over and over and over until you've drained them dry of any points possible?
Its about 30K before you get into the top 10. Least thats how it is with Broly and I. Yes you have to smack this game like its your bitch. You need to put time into it like its not going out of style. My strategy was start off with the IM40 essential nodes, since those always have higher points and lower enemy levels. After you grind those down to say 100, then just work the rest of the board. To stay in the top 10 you do have to constantly play 20 min every hour at least.

I think you just have a bad bracket too. idk, with that many points you should be a little higher than 400.

I booted veritesq or whatever his name is. Marauder you can hop in for now. Like we said we are pretty competitive so you are more than welcome to join but please keep up and communicate here when you will be gone for a bit otherwise you can be on the chopping block too hah. Which in this case though good luck on the move! Just search Private Alliances 'CAGvengers'

I am going to have to play quite a bit to stay in the top 10 it looks like in my bracket. Completely possible, just will likely be cutting it close!
Just joined and waiting for approval. Should be able to get a few games in during my bathroom break and commute back home.

Lol you booted Mailah, the one who was doing good. You kept Veritesq..... Oh god now I see why we're back in the 90s. He's dead last and not moving at all.
Oops yeah forgot I changed my mind. Theirs scores at the time of booting differed only by like 1500 points.

I checked in Season 3 to see if maybe one was doing noticeably better or worse and Mailah was participating a decent amount less there and had level 65s whereas veritesq or whatever has more points overall in the events then and has a better roster. I gave him the better chance though he is next on the chopping block either way haha

Just joined and waiting for approval. Should be able to get a few games in during my bathroom break and commute back home.
Just approved it. Now we are sitting at #46 as an Alliance. Looking good!

Hopefully we stay top 50 for the extra HP but if not at least we are sitting pretty for that new cover!

I should be getting 4 She Hulk covers so that will work out well then for whatever event they have next with her powered up!

Oops yeah forgot I changed my mind. Theirs scores at the time of booting differed only by like 1500 points.

I checked in Season 3 to see if maybe one was doing noticeably better or worse and Mailah was participating a decent amount less there and had level 65s whereas veritesq or whatever has more points overall in the events then and has a better roster. I gave him the better chance though he is next on the chopping block either way haha
Yeah, you might want to have another look at tacoanator.

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I was going to kick the tacoanator today if he was a no show again in the alliance rewards.
Yeah, you might want to have another look at tacoanator.
Im sensing a pattern here...


Seriously though, his score is too high in the event for us to cut him. Can you guys just work together until this is over? I mean I heard about what happened, but we must be civil. Think of the children!

No one else needs to be cut, right? I'm just saying if we're talking next in line, veritesq has a couple of 141s. Tacoanator's roster, um, not so much. Hey, I'm all about giving noobs a chance. That's why I didn't say anything when he joined the alliance. But shitty roster + not playing = no go.

And for the record, I love tacos.

No one else needs to be cut, right? I'm just saying if we're talking next in line, veritesq has a couple of 141s. Tacoanator's roster, um, not so much. But shitty roster + not playing = no go.
Here's the issue with that, we've had some people have great rosters. LIke they had to have paid some money to get those rosters. We had 1 guy join today, I even mentioned it in chat, he(?) had a great roster more than a couple 141 3*s. Hadnt done a lick in the event though. No point letting him slide in, if you're not up there now its a tough game to catch up on.

Also we've had people join us, get their rewards and jump ship to a "better" alliance. We're being proactive now. Trying to make the CAGvengers have a majority of actual CAGs. So if someone does great 1 event & shitty the next well we make room and move on. Plus have you noticed our tournament scores? No ones been using those "great rosters", its been me and Koju that have been in the top 3 for the past 2 tournaments.

I dont think I looked at m01enxs roster but after his remark in the last event about pushing for the top 100 and his play for this event I think we all felt it was coming. He was lucky enough to have a storm, he could make some headway in the last event. Many of us didnt get a Stormhawk, like me, so it was REALLY hard to get anywhere. I actually gave up halfway through the event.

Oh and you better damn well love some tacos, or you will be booted too Mr! :twisted:

No one else needs to be cut, right? I'm just saying if we're talking next in line, veritesq has a couple of 141s. Tacoanator's roster, um, not so much. Hey, I'm all about giving noobs a chance. That's why I didn't say anything when he joined the alliance. But shitty roster + not playing = no go.

And for the record, I love tacos.
More of a burrito person myself :whistle2: and only got 2 covers at 85. Guess that's 2 strikes on me already so going to have to work hard not to get the 3rd strike :wall:

Think I messed up the GSBW by joining too early. Getting only 85+ covers. Time to tank like it's going out of style.

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I'm more of a burrito person :whistle2: Think I messed up and joined the GSBW Event too early. Getting only 85+ covers

More of a burrito person myself :whistle2: and only got 2 covers at 85. Guess that's 2 strikes on me already so going to have to work hard not to get the 3rd strike :wall:
Haha same. There is this dive mexican place by my old school for undergrad and it was the best at like 2am. Then I went in the middle of the day and it was surprisingly still really good hahah I still occasionally go an grab a burrito from there on the weekends

But yeah no worries on the small roster. You can grow it fairly quickly and there are only a few of us CAGs with 141s anyway.

Just realized the healing change makes OBW a little more annoying. Her healing is just as useful as it was before when the AI uses it, and none of the detriment. Man, this change is really just squarely pointed at the mid-tier rosters, I'm glad I've stopped using her in PvP.

I'd like to see a character that removes all temporary healing of your opponents. Not real sure who would have powers that would make sense, maybe Rogue? Could give that ability to someone like Morgan le Fey or Grim Reaper, but that might be going obscure for the casual Marvel fan.
I would like to see Reaper as a character. But he would be a villain then and be a pain the ass to ever get covers for..

I actually have at my desk of over 60 toys here at work haha a Marvel Universe Reaper figure protecting my tape dispenser : P

But yeah no worries on the small roster. You can grow it fairly quickly and there are only a few of us CAGs with 141s anyway.
What are you talking about? All my 3 stars are almost about to be over level 85! (I think, I'll have to run the numbers later, if I feel like it) The first page of my roster is all 3*s 100+....

I'd like to see a character that removes all temporary healing of your opponents. Not real sure who would have powers that would make sense, maybe Rogue? Could give that ability to someone like Morgan le Fey or Grim Reaper, but that might be going obscure for the casual Marvel fan.
If we're staying in the Dark Reign storyline, Rogue is the only one that would make sense. Although her powers would be something like Hoods stealing power, probably something passive that drains AP not health gain.

As for Morgan le fey or grim reaper, you mustve hit your head. Yes thats TOO obscure! If we cant even get deadpool then I dont know what else to say. Then again we got She Hulk, so yeah....Not even Red Hulk or Rulk as the cool kids say.

As far as villains, we've still got Iron Patriot that HAS to come into play sometime. Finally a new fresh event like sentry. Also the rest of the cabal/Dark X-men still need to be released. Which they really need to go further with, especially after rehashing it in the Magneto mutant brotherhood recycled event. PS. Magneto was never in the cabal, Emma frost & namor were in which they were also in the dark x-men. Ive said this before but they recycle events, I'll recycle info.

My question is if they ever do release Dark X-men, will cloak and dagger be the first duo, or would they be separate characters?


What are you talking about? All my 3 stars are almost about to be over level 85! (I think, I'll have to run the numbers later, if I feel like it) The first page of my roster is all 3*s 100+....

Cool cover, that comment was a response directed at me with my messily 2 85 covers but joining this alliance I'm sure I'll start getting covers to bulk my roster like steroids on crack.

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My question is if they ever do release Dark X-men, will cloak and dagger be the first duo, or would they be separate characters?
First duo? Nuh-uh. We already have one: Falcon and Redwing!

(But yeah, I think there's a case to be made to make them one cover - although more 3*s means more developer moneys.)
What are you talking about? All my 3 stars are almost about to be over level 85! (I think, I'll have to run the numbers later, if I feel like it) The first page of my roster is all 3*s 100+....

If we're staying in the Dark Reign storyline, Rogue is the only one that would make sense. Although her powers would be something like Hoods stealing power, probably something passive that drains AP not health gain.

As for Morgan le fey or grim reaper, you mustve hit your head. Yes thats TOO obscure! If we cant even get deadpool then I dont know what else to say. Then again we got She Hulk, so yeah....Not even Red Hulk or Rulk as the cool kids say.

As far as villains, we've still got Iron Patriot that HAS to come into play sometime. Finally a new fresh event like sentry. Also the rest of the cabal/Dark X-men still need to be released. Which they really need to go further with, especially after rehashing it in the Magneto mutant brotherhood recycled event. PS. Magneto was never in the cabal, Emma frost & namor were in which they were also in the dark x-men. Ive said this before but they recycle events, I'll recycle info.

My question is if they ever do release Dark X-men, will cloak and dagger be the first duo, or would they be separate characters?

I said only a few of us CAGs... I was including you in the few. Haha we have a number of CAGs that are in the Alliance that dont have anyone at 141 yet.

In terms of those two that would be really interesting to see. While they can exist without each other, they are such a staple together that it would be weird as shit to just have one or the other. I feel like they will solve that issue by being lazy and by not putting either in the game haha

In terms of those two that would be really interesting to see. While they can exist without each other, they are such a staple together that it would be weird as shit to just have one or the other. I feel like they will solve that issue by being lazy and by not putting either in the game haha
Could have that cover act as two covers with their own HP and powers. With the changes to the dynamics of the game most likely won't happen either.

Could have that cover act as two covers with their own HP and powers. With the changes to the dynamics of the game most likely won't happen either.
Yeah that would be cool but probably wouldnt get off the ground.

Marvel Avengers Alliance (facebook game) introduced Doom but he counted as two characters. Maybe they could do that where they are technically one cover but they count as two of the three available slots per match but they each have their own HP. They could then have something like 2 individual powers and then one combined move between them both so 5 moves total. Something like that could actually work... hmmm

In terms of those two that would be really interesting to see. While they can exist without each other, they are such a staple together that it would be weird as shit to just have one or the other. I feel like they will solve that issue by being lazy and by not putting either in the game haha
This is the most logical step, why add them both? Its much better to focus on characters like Psylocke/Magneto that have no position in the dark reign storyline or multiple skins for Wolverine and Black widow. We've even come to the point where Wolvies skin changes are getting skin changes *cough* Daken *cough*

However if they ever did release cloak and dagger, they would be a set. Its quite simple, 1 graphic of Cloak doing a move, 1 of dagger doing a move, & a generic icon that represents a move they're doing together. So 1 move for each & a "team" move. They're relatively weak, so them sharing a mid level health pool does make some sense too.

I havent checked into the game in a couple hours, I need to see how my standings are.

Yeah that would be cool but probably wouldnt get off the ground.

Marvel Avengers Alliance (facebook game) introduced Doom but he counted as two characters. Maybe they could do that where they are technically one cover but they count as two of the three available slots per match but they each have their own HP. They could then have something like 2 individual powers and then one combined move between them both so 5 moves total. Something like that could actually work... hmmm
Good point I didn't think about having 2 unique moves and 1 ultra move that combine different colors. Now that would be cool.

So the new healing is a blatant cash grab for people to spend real money on health packs. No more prologue healing, or even end-of-battle healing. The damage you take is the damage that stays with you, no matter how much you try to heal. Why does this game keep finding ways to make me enjoy it less?

That being said, it's really fun being competitive in the Juggernaut stage. I'm sitting at #125 with over 31k points, and I'm okay with that. Try to make a push later tonight to get top 100 and score 2 covers, as long as we can maintain for the alliance. My MMR is still f'ed, so I haven't been playing P2P at all. Well, I shouldn't say that. I try to... I just lose because the matches available to me are so close to my team's skill level that a bad cascade could give them the edge. I've caught a lot of bad cascades lately.

So the new healing is a blatant cash grab.

That being said, it's really fun being competitive in the Juggernaut stage. I'm sitting at #125 with over 31k points

My MMR is still f'ed, so I haven't been playing P2P at all. Well, I shouldn't say that. I try to.
I think talking about healing is like beating a dead horse. We all know what it's about. After that 28 page forum thread I read, I'm cross eyed on the subject. I have never seen so much bitching in one place. Still we all used & abused it, we had it coming.

This event is actually nice, after thick as thieves & the brotherhood 2 days is nice & digestible. Seems you're in a bad bracket though. I just hit 39k points & I'm #1. Broly was under me & was first in his bracket too. Ah well, we all should have some she hulks coming in.

Tanking & roster wipes or retreating. Do it, it works again. Koju & I have adjusted our mmr that we've been in the top 10-25 respectively. I've been lucky to get into the top 50 lately, so this is a good change. Also the 3* cover reward given to the top 100 tier has also made competing a little more rewarding. So far with tanking my mmr has allowed me to win 2 spidey covers, 2 human torches, & 2 gsbw last night. Better than I have done in a long time!
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I've been focused on Juggs too, I am so sick of fighting him. I'm hoping to make some headway in the tourney when I see a reward I want pop up. I think my MMR is better, but I don't know how many wins before it turns around.
Tanking & roster wipes or retreating. Do it, it works again.
I've been reading about your successes, but my issue is... I can't manage to catch the seed teams, or even a team I can beat with a tank team. I don't have the time to do roster wipes. I just have to keep trying to catch those seeders right when a tourney starts so I can be competitive again.

I've been reading about your successes, but my issue is... I can't manage to catch the seed teams, or even a team I can beat with a tank team. I don't have the time to do roster wipes. I just have to keep trying to catch those seeders right when a tourney starts so I can be competitive again.
You didnt hear what they did? Even if you lose or retreat; the last team that you had playing becomes your defending team.


If you got in with a featured character, a level x bagman, and a level y bullseye and they get their asses handed to them in one magic cascade, yep, they're the ones defending you against everyone else. I had to go through that 28 page healing "discussion" and it was in there. Woulda never known myself.

Ah yes, last hour push for the juggs event, get on it people!

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Made my way to #2 in my bracket!

I am quite pleased. Now I get 4 She Hulk covers, shit ton of ISO and HP AND another X-Force! : D

As an Alliance we did really well guys!

Well now that everyone's in bed you'll read this in the morning.  But reflecting on the event Im thinking about what Ive learned from it.

  1. Shorter events feel better and more competitive.  The event was only 2 days, no sub events.  It ended at the normal time Im used to.  It didnt drag out & scaling and points were manageable.  Yes I had some difficulty with some nodes, Daken & the Lt, but no lvl 235 enemies that Ive faced before.
  2. Limited roster made me realize I CANT just have only lvl 141 3*s if I want to competitively play PVE.  There were times where I let my remaining 1*s (IM35 & Mod widow) have a 2* tag along & fight the easy nodes. Let my main team rest up & heal while still gaining small points & holding my position.
  3. Limited roster also made it manageable to use my main attack team in the tournament while still being competitive in the event. Since the useable characters were not the characters in my attack team I could focus on team A for the Event & Team B for the tournament.  The only person who had dual functionality was Torch, since he was the featured character.
  4. When we want, we can kick ass in a PVE & be as competitive.  I saw our name up there next to some of the premier teams on the MPQ forum, so we rock!
You too huh? Im kinda feeling I shoulda used my iso to get GSBW up to level 100 instead of messing with Shulk.
Yeah I had so much ISO from the rewards and I still have about 5k left over and am going to hold onto it and see what the next event holds. I hate how if I had another cover for her I could boost her so many levels whereas as an alternative I can raise both Black Panther and Hulk one level each to get the both to 123. Boring. haha

They actually did end up using this graphic, its her blue skill. She has the scales and blindfold and everything!

Oh and dear lord, the Shulk Scream, not only on her red but green power too. They couldnt have used a better sound bite? If playing a round with shulk, make sure the sound is turned down as not to make babies cry and dogs howl.

I still want to know, why they picked that cover of all covers?

They're so big on her being a lawyer why not pick this cover? It looks nicer.

They actually did end up using this graphic, its her blue skill. She has the scales and blindfold and everything!

Oh and dear lord, the Shulk Scream, not only on her red but green power too. They couldnt have used a better sound bite? If playing a round with shulk, make sure the sound is turned down as not to make babies cry and dogs howl.
You guys play with sound...?

I never play any mobile game with sound.

bread's done