Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

And the alliance reward is the red, right? I have 5. Screw you guys!
My thoughts exactly, I have 5 red & 5 yellow. I need the blue but now that Im in mid game getting to the low level 3* reward is damn near impossible. Im at 394 right now, so I actually have to bump myself down for the 3 standard tokens before the end of the event.

Speaking of bumping down and mid game stats, I tried to climb a little to get to the 3 standard tokens in the hood event. How about with my punisher & Black panther I was still getting killed? I even resorted to a OBW/Ares team and got killed. I dropped from 241 to 299 by losing battles that I used to be able to win. I play everyday & Im still rusty? Had I just left it alone I wouldve had those 3 tokens instead of 2. There has got to be a way over this hump.

And yeah the servers went down....again... Im starting to wonder where the money goes; shitty servers, recycled characters and events. Its like the games on autopilot and someone is just raking in the cash. Im wondering how long before this game craps out because they're really not trying to hard to keep a customer base. Im getting deja vu on the whole dot com disaster, except now its with apps.

My thoughts exactly, I have 5 red & 5 yellow. I need the blue but now that Im in mid game getting to the low level 3* reward is damn near impossible. Im at 394 right now, so I actually have to bump myself down for the 3 standard tokens before the end of the event.
No. You need to be a team player and help those of us who don't have 5 red!

If you push you lose out on 50 ISO from the main personal rewards (assuming the tokens are all shit as usual) BUT then you can sell the Iron Man for 500 ISO which would be a net gain for you AND all of the Alliance.

: D

So I know ltrain and a couple others are not playing as much now which is alright. BUT the current PvE event we are in we are hovering around like #115. I don't really NEED another 3* Iron Man but I could definitely use it. Since we are that close I feel like if you guys that havent been playing just try and give a little push even that will break us over the 100 mark! : )
I'm waiting for the subevent to max out on rubberbanding points, so I'll give a bump when it happens. Should be soon, I think. Looks like the 125k progression award was a tease - top alliances don't seem to have anyone even close.

Put a lot of effort into the Hood event, was trying to get to the 1100 progression award for that yellow. At about 900 points this morning, I started to run out of viable targets - either the return was too low for the risk, or it was a 212/141/141 crazy team. So I shielded at #2 and called it a day. Didn't lose my spot, so at least I'm getting two Stormhawks.

I'm puzzled by the new Storm event. Spidey as a reward? I won't mind the covers, but I can't imagine anyone pushing hard for LazyBagman. If you want the covers, you should be able to do so if you can avoid someone trying for Season 3 placement.
I'm waiting for the subevent to max out on rubberbanding points, so I'll give a bump when it happens. Should be soon, I think. Looks like the 125k progression award was a tease - top alliances don't seem to have anyone even close.

Put a lot of effort into the Hood event, was trying to get to the 1100 progression award for that yellow. At about 900 points this morning, I started to run out of viable targets - either the return was too low for the risk, or it was a 212/141/141 crazy team. So I shielded at #2 and called it a day. Didn't lose my spot, so at least I'm getting two Stormhawks.

I'm puzzled by the new Storm event. Spidey as a reward? I won't mind the covers, but I can't imagine anyone pushing hard for LazyBagman. If you want the covers, you should be able to do so if you can avoid someone trying for Season 3 placement.

I dont see myself getting that high in a tournament again for a while with the way I have been getting brackets and such.

I still dont have any Stormhawks myself. I was worried a bit to play against her but seeing as her max health at 141 is still under 5k she should be pretty easy to take out early on before she really starts doing damage.

I wouldn't mind some of those Spidey covers even though he's been "nerfed" as you hip kids say.

I didnt do anything in the Hood tournament. For some reason I couldnt even take down some 85 Thor/Storm combos.

This re-hash Magneto PvE is just going on forever. What 7 more days? Ugh. I could care less, although all the extra ISO and tokens are nice.

I wouldn't mind some of those Spidey covers even though he's been "nerfed" as you hip kids say.

I didnt do anything in the Hood tournament. For some reason I couldnt even take down some 85 Thor/Storm combos.

This re-hash Magneto PvE is just going on forever. What 7 more days? Ugh. I could care less, although all the extra ISO and tokens are nice.
Extra tokens are nice. Just got myself a 3* Thor.

Just updated my Razr HD to KitKat with the root and man...what a big difference in performance from JB.

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And yeah the servers went down....again... Im starting to wonder where the money goes; shitty servers, recycled characters and events. Its like the games on autopilot and someone is just raking in the cash. Im wondering how long before this game craps out because they're really not trying to hard to keep a customer base. Im getting deja vu on the whole dot com disaster, except now its with apps.
D3Publisher which is known to recycle it's games. Just look at Earth Defense Force, Ben Ten, and Puzzle Quest. The servers for EDF 2025 on the PS3 were garbage as well. Had issues were I get disconnected right after finishing the level and have to redo it over and over again.

Having issues logging into Facebook so none of the PvP or PvE are showing up. Anyone else having this problem?

Looks like servers are down :wall:
The game lost my FB credentials and prompted me to log in every time I started the game. Seems there's no way to turn that off and it eventually wore me down.

In case you missed it, they're having a sale again if you want to stock up on HP and ISO.

Just updated my Razr HD to KitKat with the root and man...what a big difference in performance from JB.
Yeah yeah rub it in. Im still on Ice cream Sandwich. Even with rooting I cant seem to upgrade it higher. Something about having to turn S-off, which requires some sort of wire trick for an HTC EVO 3D. Something about taking physical wires, tapping them on metal at a precise time, potentially bricking my phone, & frying a memory card, doesnt really sound fun to me. Although through various FAQS online Ive been assured how "easy" it is. Its almost time for a new phone anyways.

So I put up a tank team, which I think may have actually worked. Apparently a Storm, Dr Doom, Steve Rogers team invites nothing but ass kickings. People are so happy they line up around the block to kick my ass. Whenever I open my phone I see Ive been attacked x number of times. First time was for 14 points total, which caused me to lose 1-2 points per defeat. Weird seeing that youve been defeated by 5 enemies "and others" but youve only lost 14 points. Anyways, I go look at who to retaliate and Im so surprised at what I find. All level 23 Stormhawks, Wait is that thor I see? Yes but a 2* level 85. Im amazed to have 3 teams queued up that are not level 141 3*s. So I dont know if tanking is back, but my attackers so far are teams that I do not have to waste skip tax on.

Are you using ClockworkMod? That's what I use and it's pretty easy to try out different roms and revert back if you don't like them.
Im using 4ext as my recovery app. The problem I have is with S-on (Security on) it wont allow for any additional modification outside of the normal OS. Meaning I can put any ICS rom on there but I cannot make the jump to Jelly bean or Kit Kat.

This is really weird for me & Im wondering if its an HTC thing. Since I had an LG optimus V & had no issue rooting that and upgrading it from Froyo to gingerbread.

Checking out clockworkmod right now, I didnt realize they had a Rom Manager app on google play. I just used their recovery program before, this is something different.

I think I got my CWM off of XDA. Here is an example thread:
Looks like thats for the GSM version while mine is CDMA, but yes Ive been digging for all the roms I can find on XDA. Also where they have the "easy" wire trick that I dare not use.

But on the CDMA side they like TWRP and 4ext as the recovery programs. Ive tried all of them and 4ext seems to be very easy to use. Tried the clockworkmod app, guess my phones too outdated now for new roms. Oh well, T-mobile no money down Galaxy S5 I will be seeing you soon, I hope.

I expected it to be a tough match, but damn, a 127 Moonstone just downed my 125 Mags with 1 Photon Blast. Almost 5K damage in one shot.
Puts it in to perspective that she's not so crappy after all doesnt it? Well boosted I guess of course not.

Um I guess I have to say tanking is still in effect as my MMR has been borked in some sort of way. As you know I have a tank team in place for the Category 5 tournament right now. They're still getting trashed, but I guess its something new for people to play against so why not? I have also been playing a couple rounds per lightning round. Just enough to get a standard token and win 800000000 place for 70 iso, whoo! Do you know what was placed in my queue in the lightning round? A 2* storm/MN mags team. I was shocked, but then I went up against 2 2* Thorverine teams. I had not seen that in a long while! So as of right now I think tanking is taking effect. Probably because of my lack of playing my loss ration has become higher than my win ratio. This may have caused the dip in my MMR back to normal range. I'll see how this picks up after a couple of hours. So far results have been favorable.

I was so excited that I got a gold cover! ! ! And then I saw it was Human Torch! !  And then I realized it was his red which I already have at 5...

Seriously, if I EVER get 3*s they are always ones I have maxed. WTF MPQ.

I was so excited that I got a gold cover! ! ! ...And then I realized it was his red which I already have at 5...
Now you know how I feel about: IM40, Punisher, Ragnarok & Classic Mags. But for the life of me I cant get 1 damn Red 3* Thor!

Ive got 3 red in X-force for christ sake & thats a rare ass 4*!!!!

Progress report, tank team up, Im still losing every time I log in. Ive got 2 Ares/OBW teams lined up & 1 OBW/Punisher team, nothing too horrible. Did decide to play a round with my tank team. Seems if you know how to play then skill does take precedence over level. Toss out Stormhawk as most people are using the base model. Luckily mine was green powered so that helped. Running with a level 65 lazy cap & lvl 53 Dr doom, I managed to beat out a level 85 OBW/Thor team. Seriously Dr. Dooms black skill makes all the difference, those attack tiles he places can really knock someone down. Still only losing 1-2 points per defeat, so Im wondering how many points the winner is taking with a win? I know they're not attacking me for only 1-2 points.

Now you know how I feel about: IM40, Punisher, Ragnarok & Classic Mags. But for the life of me I cant get 1 damn Red 3* Thor!

Ive got 3 red in X-force for christ sake & thats a rare ass 4*!!!!

Progress report, tank team up, Im still losing every time I log in. Ive got 2 Ares/OBW teams lined up & 1 OBW/Punisher team, nothing too horrible. Did decide to play a round with my tank team. Seems if you know how to play then skill does take precedence over level. Toss out Stormhawk as most people are using the base model. Luckily mine was green powered so that helped. Running with a level 65 lazy cap & lvl 53 Dr doom, I managed to beat out a level 85 OBW/Thor team. Seriously Dr. Dooms black skill makes all the difference, those attack tiles he places can really knock someone down. Still only losing 1-2 points per defeat, so Im wondering how many points the winner is taking with a win? I know they're not attacking me for only 1-2 points.
I think my tanking is finally helping too. Also, I seem to be getting easier brackets in the Simulator nodes, although that might be people not focusing on that event. I have some winnable matches lined up, but I think I'm going to try and lose some more in the lightning rounds before I win again. I don't want to raise my MMR too quickly again.

I have some winnable matches lined up, but I think I'm going to try and lose some more in the lightning rounds before I win again. I don't want to raise my MMR too quickly again.
Thats the question though, do the lightning rounds make a difference? Im not trying to raise my MMR any quicker but Ive been playing around in the lightning rounds. Dont know why, but playing with a buffed IM40 & Hulk has been pretty satisfying. I like being able to take out an opponent with 1 IM40 red attack. Plus Im getting weird teams tossed at me, so I cant resist. X character for lightning round with a level 85 c storm and a level 40 modern widow? Yep, couldnt resist, but wow, who runs with a team like that? Seed teams dont have level 85's do they?

Thats the question though, do the lightning rounds make a difference? Im not trying to raise my MMR any quicker but Ive been playing around in the lightning rounds. Dont know why, but playing with a buffed IM40 & Hulk has been pretty satisfying. I like being able to take out an opponent with 1 IM40 red attack. Plus Im getting weird teams tossed at me, so I cant resist. X character for lightning round with a level 85 c storm and a level 40 modern widow? Yep, couldnt resist, but wow, who runs with a team like that? Seed teams dont have level 85's do they?
That's definitely a tank team, probably of someone whose roster is loaded with a bunch of 3*s higher than level 85.

They probably rebuilt MBW specifically for that purpose.

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That's definitely a tank team, probably of someone whose roster is loaded with a bunch of 3*s higher than level 85.

They probably rebuilt MBW specifically for that purpose.
Speaking of tank teams, so now I see the purpose of having Nick Fury on a team is. I saw him & had to fight him. A level 30 Nick fury is rather unimpressive though.

Looks like the $10 codes are OOS already.

That is interesting that you can have the iPad move to your phone. I guess the mobile version is all the same and just the Steam version is separate? 

Looks like the $10 codes are OOS already.

That is interesting that you can have the iPad move to your phone. I guess the mobile version is all the same and just the Steam version is separate?
That's how I used to play when my phone would be near-death... switch to the ipad Mini. And while cheap credit is wonderful, mobile backlogs take precedence over HP purchases.

Haven't got anything decent from the cover tokens in quite a while. I'd like to move higher in the storm tournament but I don't see how I'll have the time to do so.

And thanks to wrestling with a two year old, I accidentally spent 500 HP on a boost for the heroic event.

I'd like to move higher in the storm tournament but I don't see how I'll have the time to do so.

And thanks to wrestling with a two year old, I accidentally spent 500 HP on a boost for the heroic event.
Im glad they're back to giving all 3 powers for top players in the single player brackets again. Still Id like to have 1 spiderman yellow cover. Dont really care much for his blue or purple since I have some of those. I guess I'll use this tournament to tank and see what the spiderman tournament prizes are.

That better be 1 hell of a boost! EIther that or I hope you beat the 2 y/o at wrestling to show them who's boss.

As for pulls, once again Im missing out on the sub events again. Got heroics only because of the alliance. Anyways got a blue Steve Rogers. Now I can level him to 89. I actually like him in the 3* version. He works amazingly enough & shows you how gimped the 2* cap really is.

Im glad they're back to giving all 3 powers for top players in the single player brackets again. Still Id like to have 1 spiderman yellow cover. Dont really care much for his blue or purple since I have some of those. I guess I'll use this tournament to tank and see what the spiderman tournament prizes are.

That better be 1 hell of a boost! EIther that or I hope you beat the 2 y/o at wrestling to show them who's boss.

As for pulls, once again Im missing out on the sub events again. Got heroics only because of the alliance. Anyways got a blue Steve Rogers. Now I can level him to 89. I actually like him in the 3* version. He works amazingly enough & shows you how gimped the 2* cap really is.
Yeah Steve is on my short list of characters I want to beef up next once I finish up with Hulk and Black Panther. My BP is already at 117 now by the way! 141 Thor, 121 Hulk and 117 BP... my main team is getting beefier by the day! Not if only I just spent a shit ton of real money on this sale to get ISO and max them all out : P I still thought that the 2* version of Captain America was really helpful in PvE events.

I have 2500 HP and I wanted to buy the 2 blue for BP so that he is 3/5/5 instead of the 4/3/5 he is at now.. but I don't want to spend my HP haha And I am debating because Thor is really the only other person that uses Yellow but I think BP's Blue is more beneficial than his Yellow. I would much rather be protected with strong defense and the actual strength of the tile doesnt increase until you go from 3 to 5...


Aside from Black needing to be at 5, the rest is how you want to play. I have a 4/4/5 at level 125, I have no reason to make his blue or yellow at 5 and dropping the other.

So once again we have a character that you can build depending on how you play.

Blue at 5- you're looking at the protect tiles being max strangth. However you can only have 5 in play at a time. At 4 even though currently its a protect strength of 80 at lvl 125, when 3-4 are on the board match damage is usually cut to 1. So basically if you have multiple protect tiles on the board you'll be protected no matter what the strength is. If Panther is your only blue character then you'll probably place multiple countdown tiles anyways, just in case 1 gets matched.

Yellow at 5- Max potential on Strike tile strength. However you'll deplete all your environmental tiles, which you never use anyways. Its hard to save up enough enviro tiles to make yellow effective though. 15 tiles for an extra 1, if you dont have 15 it still depletes them. Still it creates pretty powerful strike tiles and there's no limit on how many you can place.

So the trade off is max defense or max attack (or have them both at 4 & be balanced imo). They both are very good support skills and you cant go wrong with either of them. My preference save up 12 black, lay down a couple yellow strike tiles & kill a whole team at once. If there was a level of blue where it reduced the countdown tile further, then I def tell you to pick blue.

Are we trying to get top 100 alliance in the Brotherhood event?
Hell if I know what we're doing. I actually just noticed that in the tournaments they made 50-100 a 3* cover tier now. I may just shoot for top 100 for a blue spidey cover. I mean why not? My tank team is keeping me in check & the guys I beat have pushed me in the top 200 already.

AS for boosts is it sad I have to use them to get my tank team in play? +3 for blue/purple, +3 for green/black, +3 for all colors. I just have to boost the black for Dr. Doom to get summon demons. Once his attack tiles are in place its game over for the other team.

Speaking of tank team, I had played an attack team for a bit before I set up my tank team again. Got my tank team in place won a battle and see you've been attacked, you won +24 pts. Whoops, thats like anti tanking!

So be careful what you wish for. I forgot how bad 2* land was for MMR.  Now that Ive bumped myself down I face an endless stream of level 23 stormhawks, OBW, and Ares.  Sometimes Ares looks like 2* Thor and sometimes he looks like wolverine.  Just for fun and to switch it up there is no OBW and just a Thorverine.  Now that takes me back! 

I forgot the lack of diversity in a lower MMR, also I have to stop being so over confident.  Just because Ive got 2 3*s at level 100+ doesnt mean that they will always decimate a lvl 85 2*.  Especially when they're at less than half health, but I think I forgot to look & just hit the next opponent. 

PS. When they're not buffed (like in the lightning rounds) an IM40 & Hulk team sucks, that is all.

Yeah, I had my ass handed to me several times by Ares/OBWon during the last BP tourney. I was starting to think something was up, but it was just an unlucky streak.

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I probably screwed my MMR again, I started getting level 141 3*s mixed in with my OBW/Ares Hell. I only wanted top 100, I guess I got carried away.


An hour + left, Im shielded & will get knocked out of the top 10, but it was fun playing with a lower mmr again.

*Edit* So after shielding I ended at #13, not bad, but I thought there would be a bigger push.  Still got my 2 spidey covers, so thats very nice!

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I was so excited that I got a gold cover! ! ! And then I saw it was Human Torch! ! And then I realized it was his red which I already have at 5...

Seriously, if I EVER get 3*s they are always ones I have maxed. WTF MPQ.
Yep, there are only two 3* covers I don't need and I got one of them as my only 3* out of the five tokens I redeemed.

Looks like I should be able to get a red Torch cover by the time the Spidey tournament ends. That's good.
Yeah deciding what to do myself. I just got a black Human Torch cover and now Im in prime position to be in the top 100 for a red cover.

Just wondering if I can sneak in like I did with the storm tournament & get in the top 25 for 2 covers instead of 1. That would max out my torches green skill.

I think the game is happy with me right now. My MMR is at an awesome level as Im facing level 85 2*s. Because of Spidey's blue, the mid range folks are pairing him with MN Mags, so tons of easy prey (each usually worth 30-40 points too!). Plus a heroic token gave me another Purple Spidey cover, which helps for the event. Still cant get a yellow to save my life though.

Anyways so my shift is now onto PVP again. since I didnt have a stormhawk I was crap out of luck for the event. I never realized how NOT having an essential character hurt. Its been a long time, we're talking punisher introduction. (Yeah can you imagine not having a punisher?)

Also I know my "tank team" is not really that weak, but that steve rogers. Im tearing people up with him & he's only in his 60's. That blue, not only for the stun but the protect tile it leaves behind & the return on AP? I was spamming that move & getting no damage from enemy matches. Because of the return on AP, I could basically use it back to back. Im still amazed why cap couldnt have been like this in the first place. I mean hell Falcon started as a 3* & clearly he shouldve been 2.

Having said that, tanking apparently works again. I think that the tank team in place makes the difference. When I used a Bagman/Daredevil combo I hardly got attacked. I think people knew and wouldnt touch them. Either that or I didnt battle enough to make it worth it to attack me. Having a Dr. Doom/Steve Rogers team Ive been attacked a hell of a lot more. IDK if its the different combination of characters or the fact that they're a decent set of 3*s, because even with a low rank Ive been attacked more.

Anyways tanking, do it. Beat the seed teams get 100 points, then place a tank team, something with a challenge. I also think the point value you have is associated with your character/team as well as your rank.

Was visiting family this weekend so haven't played much or posted. Out of my plethora of tokens... I GOT A BLUE BLACK PANTHER!!

That is the one cover I have been holding out for so I don't have to buy one outright. My BP is now maxed at 4/4/5.. though I still now from playing will prefer him to be 3/5/5 but I can make due for now haha.

I got nothing from the PvE event basically otherwise other than ISO but hey my BP is 122 so I am happy about that. 

Now with the Hotshot tournament I am actually doing well already? My Torch is 5/5/1 from a while back and I am now focusing on leveling him and he is almost at a base of 80. Him powered paired with my Thor and Hulk I have actually won all of the games while away so far!!

Fingers crossed I can finally place in a tournament again!! haha

Finished just slightly below 100 in both events. Didn't get anything worthwhile from the tokens either. (I need a gold cover now in order to get excited)

Did get a red Punisher cover when I -bought- a token however. I've had more luck plunking down the 100 HP than with any random pulls.

I could level my X-force Wolvie up to 100+ now, but I've never used the character in any of his incarnations.

We threw around the idea of a She Hulk release a while back!

I just want a new character to fill my open roster slot so that I dont keep auto recruiting the one star covers I get as gifts! haha

But it is weird I want the game to give us new stuff but at the same time we need time like discussed to just play catch up with everything so far that they keep throwing at us.

Haven't looked at her moveset yet and will in just am minute. 

Man, I'm going to miss my powered up Spidey. I shot from 0 to 900 in a few hours with no health packs, and I was on vacation with limited playing time. Wanted to get to 1100, but self told self not to be greedy. Got barely knocked out of top five to miss the yellow a second time, but I'm happy. He works really well with Hulk and GSBW - when I'm ready to take Training seriously, I'm going to stress test this team at base levels.

Considering I only need green for GSBW, and I haven't put many levels into Torch, I think a top 100 is doable without too much stress.

My roster wiping continues to serve me well. I'm back to having fun with this game on a regular basis, and not dreading the Magneto/Patch speed teams ad naseum. (Though I was reading about the Sentry speed team build, and that's just crazy town.)

And She-Hulk... I'm okay with an actual new character instead of a Lazy, and a healer in the mix makes it even better. I do think the higher levels of her covers will make or break - blue optimizes when you face opponents who make those tiles, or you're willing to sacrifice your own. I think green is great (especially if it scales the AP drain), and red gives a nice damager that Spidey is missing.

Also, something I noticed on the d3p forums - apparently there is a change to the retaliation mechanic. If you attack someone and lose, you still appear as a red node on their screen. So, that's kind of a bummer.
Looking at She Hulk she definitely has a lot of promise and is a welcome support character. My biggest gripe is that since my two powerhouse characters are Thor and Hulk, I can't see me using her Green all that often and that move seems like one of her best. The blue definitely is going to be interesting too.

I agree that a new character is much better than a Lazy one and with additions like this and Falcon and such it changes up the playing field a bit and allows for more strategies other than DO LOTS OF DAMAGE IN ONE ATTACK kind of stuff with Thor and Ares and what not.

bread's done