Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='rywateska']Wow, that video bascially looks like Star Wars Clone Wars for Xbox or GC - Updated for 2010![/QUOTE]

I actually owned that stinker, and though it didn't dawn on me at first, you are 100% correct. That's exactly what it looks like.
Thank you folks. This is what I was saying and could tell from the screen shots. It does look somewhat "fun" for a side ME XBLA game you'd just download. But as a replacement for the exploration in ME1 it is super disappointing. I'd just like people to be vocal about it and let bioware know that exploration is important. Yes ME1 did not do it that well, but it leaves a great amount of room to expand and Bring Down the SKy DLC was a great step.

There is no need to have Full Auto in Mass Effect. I see ZERO point in this DLC.
With only one car.
[quote name='gargus']1- I havent started ME2 yet as Im doing ME1 again and at the end. Question is do I have to do anything for ME2 to utilize the save from ME1? I know you dont carry stats over or anything but I know it impacts the game somewhat, just wasnt sure what I needed to do, or if it just see's the autosave from ME1 and does its thing.

2- Whats the install size for ME2? I have a 20gb 360 (pro model) and I did a install of ME1 and after I beat it Ill uninstall it and have like 12gb of room left, hoping that will be enough for a install of ME2.

3- Can I backup my ME1 save? I started recently on my ps3 copying game save data onto a flash drive and then putting the saves in a folder on my pc just for sake of keeping it. Was wondering about if I can for my 360 also for ME.


1) The only thing you have to do in ME1 is beat the game. For each character you beat the game with there is a hidden save file that it will use to import your character over into ME2. The level of your ME1 character will give you some bonuses in ME2. As will the "Rich" achievement.

2) ME2 is on 2 disc, with a total install size of around 12g. You'll start on Disc1, play a very small section of the game on that, switch to Disc 2, play MOST of the game on that, then switch back to Disc 1 at the end.

3)The 360 doesn't allow backing up saves in this process. You can buy a Memory Unit and transfer saves to/from that. Some games let you COPY them back and forth, some only let you MOVE a save. ME2 only lets you MOVE saves. So you're going to want to save early and often. I kept a brand new save file for every 2 hours of game I played (Had about 15 different save files at the end. I lost a 30+ hour ME1 save and have been worried ever since).
Update on Christina Norman's Twitter:

I played a DLC mission for #masseffect2 at work toay that I think will make femshep players very, very, happy! :)

No gameplay details or anything, but it's nice to know there is still future DLC being worked on. Hopefully some of these downloadable missions include some engaging questlines that involve other characters. If that rumored Liara DLC is real, I think everyone would love for it to be an engaging chunk of gameplay.

As for the Hammerhead, I personally didn't think it looked that bad. At least we've seen some gameplay footage of it now. Seeing it in action is much different than seeing a few pictures. Honestly, I think I'd rather hover over lava and blow up a Geth Colossus than climb a mountain for a light metal deposit, but I'll save the comparisons to the Mako until I've got my hands on it. Either way, if you wind up loving it or hating it, at least it's free.
Yea, but I think you Tali heads would even be happy if Mass Effect 3 was just Monopoly with a Mass Effect skin. I'm not really sure why you "hardcores" are so happy with everything. You'd think you'd be more "hardcore" and want things that benefit the universe and game more.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, but I think you Tali heads would even be happy if Mass Effect 3 was just Monopoly with a Mass Effect skin. I'm not really sure why you "hardcores" are so happy with everything. You'd think you'd be more "hardcore" and want things that benefit the universe and game more.[/QUOTE]

I love both ME1 and 2, but they both have problems. I'll be the first to admit that.

Truth be told I wasn't expecting that much out of the Hammerhead, because honestly there wasn't that much information released before. From the brief glimpse we saw of it, it looks entertaining enough. I personally hope that all five Firewalker missions aren't just in the tank, though. I'd like to get out and kill some stuff on foot.

It seems the problem people are having with it involves exploration. Well, Mass Effect 1 didn't offer a ton of exploration itself. Every landable planet was mostly the same thing: three anomalies, the same sized terrain, and a few hidden probes or minerals scattered about. That's not really "exploration" if you already know that the probe you find is going to include the 15th HMWSR X sniper rifle in your inventory. Maybe you'd find a base that turned out to be a side mission, but to get there you'd drive over familiar terrain with a new coat of paint. Did I mind this? Not really, I still played the hell out of ME1. Am I going to miss it, though? Probably not.

I'm just being open minded about it. There's no reason to write it off when I haven't tried it.
And ME2 offers even less than that (exploration) and therein lies some of my problems with what I've seen thus far, but I agree both games are far from perfect. Unfortunately seeing as the shooter genre is more popular now than it has ever been (and the sequel obviously caters to its fan base) we aren't likely to see any serious balancing acts in ME3 for fear of Bioware alienating its new fans. Genre balance is still going to be skewed IMO. At the moment I can't imagine a happy medium being there but rather ME2.5: RPG Where Art Thou in the same vein as ME1: Shooter Where Art Thou?

Either way we'll see what the real deal is when the DLC is released. Now that I've seen it in action though it is relatively safe to say I'm expecting the worse.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, but I think you Tali heads would even be happy if Mass Effect 3 was just Monopoly with a Mass Effect skin. I'm not really sure why you "hardcores" are so happy with everything. You'd think you'd be more "hardcore" and want things that benefit the universe and game more.[/QUOTE]
Since I'm lumped into "Tali heads" :lol: I'll post a quick response:

For me, personally, it's not about some arbitrary level of dedication or fanboyism I have towards BioWare or the Mass Effect team in general - it's about optimism and past experiences with their games (KotOR, KotOR2, Jade Empire, etc.). I see the good in the videos/trailers they post, in the press conferences they have, and in the interviews they do on various sites. I think about how that not only deepens the game for someone like me (who'll have ~1000 hours of total Mass Effect time under his belt before the release of ME3), but also for people who didn't even play the first game. It's not that I'm pulling excuses/reasoning out of my ass to make "bad" things sound good in an effort to ignore the negatives or something - it's just that people don't always see the positives because of the often unfair focus that the negative aspects get.

I mention past experiences because I've never played a BioWare that I didn't absolutely love. The KotOR series was my favorite until Mass Effect came along, and Jade Empire and Dragon Age have seen a lot of hours. I have no reason to expect anything less than good from them, in terms of medium-large scale expansions, releases, DLC. Obviously, they don't bat one thousand - Cerberus Armor, for example - because no one does.

Also, what's to say that this DLC won't benefit the game/universe more? I'm sure I could splice together a 30-second video of pure Mako combat from ME1 and make it look exactly the same as the Hammerhead (minus the hovering and obvious weapon differences), but would that make it any less important to ME1 or the series?

There's just no way of knowing until you see or play the full DLC package for yourself. Even once you have played it - just because you don't get something out of it doesn't mean I won't. We all have different interpretations of the lore of the game, as made evident through discussions over the ending, the idea of who travels with Shepard to each mission, etc. People trying to claim their ideas as some sort of majority opinion really don't help either. It's been a steady stream of this type of community reaction since the announcement of the game:

Before ________ comes out: hatred, feeling of betrayal, disgust, anger
More information about ________ comes out: "well ________ could still be bad"
________ is released: things get relatively silent from the opposition, still small groups of people who hate ________
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Since I'm lumped into "Tali heads" :lol: I'll post a quick response:

For me, personally, it's not about some arbitrary level of dedication or fanboyism I have towards BioWare or the Mass Effect team in general - it's about optimism and past experiences with their games (KotOR, KotOR2, Jade Empire, etc.). I see the good in the videos/trailers they post, in the press conferences they have, and in the interviews they do on various sites. I think about how that not only deepens the game for someone like me (who'll have ~1000 hours of total Mass Effect time under his belt before the release of ME3), but also for people who didn't even play the first game. It's not that I'm pulling excuses/reasoning out of my ass to make "bad" things sound good in an effort to ignore the negatives or something - it's just that people don't always see the positives because of the often unfair focus that the negative aspects get.

I mention past experiences because I've never played a BioWare that I didn't absolutely love. The KotOR series was my favorite until Mass Effect came along, and Jade Empire and Dragon Age have seen a lot of hours. I have no reason to expect anything less than good from them, in terms of medium-large scale expansions, releases, DLC. Obviously, they don't bat one thousand - Cerberus Armor, for example - because no one does.

Also, what's to say that this DLC won't benefit the game/universe more? I'm sure I could splice together a 30-second video of pure Mako combat from ME1 and make it look exactly the same as the Hammerhead (minus the hovering and obvious weapon differences), but would that make it any less important to ME1 or the series?

There's just no way of knowing until you see or play the full DLC package for yourself. Even once you have played it - just because you don't get something out of it doesn't mean I won't. We all have different interpretations of the lore of the game, as made evident through discussions over the ending, the idea of who travels with Shepard to each mission, etc. People trying to claim their ideas as some sort of majority opinion really don't help either. It's been a steady stream of this type of community reaction since the announcement of the game:

Before ________ comes out: hatred, feeling of betrayal, disgust, anger
More information about ________ comes out: "well ________ could still be bad"
________ is released: things get relatively silent from the opposition, still small groups of people who hate ________[/QUOTE]
Thanks for explaining all that. Very nicely said. Mass Effect has been my baby that I've cuddled for a while and so any little ill effect towards that universe gets me uneasy and cautious. I'm not one of the folks that loved all the changes they made in Mass Effect 2, but still loved it for being Mass Effect yet it made me cautious on the direction EA is pushing it (yes I said EA). And I can tell (from watching the videos - they showed enough) that it just seems really unnecessary and out of the realm of Mass Effect. And it was hard understanding how folks could actually be impressed by it. But, I'll just wait and see how it plays out.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']And ME2 offers even less than that (exploration) and therein lies some of my problems with what I've seen thus far, but I agree both games are far from perfect. Unfortunately seeing as the shooter genre is more popular now than it has ever been (and the sequel obviously caters to its fan base) we aren't likely to see any serious balancing acts in ME3 for fear of Bioware alienating its new fans. Genre balance is still going to be skewed IMO. At the moment I can't imagine a happy medium being there but rather ME2.5: RPG Where Art Thou in the same vein as ME1: Shooter Where Art Thou?

Either way we'll see what the real deal is when the DLC is released. Now that I've seen it in action though it is relatively safe to say I'm expecting the worse.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. This is what gets me worried: Mass Effect 1 = 60% RPG 20% Shooter 20% Exploration. Mass Effect 2 = 70% Shooter %30 Role Playing. And then the big DLC pack is shown and adds 10 more percent to the shooter category. Which makes me scared shitless about what Mass Effect 3 is going to be, I seriously would not be surprised if it was Halo with a conversation wheel with the direction they are going.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Since I'm lumped into "Tali heads" :lol: I'll post a quick response:

For me, personally, it's not about some arbitrary level of dedication or fanboyism I have towards BioWare or the Mass Effect team in general - it's about optimism and past experiences with their games (KotOR, KotOR2, Jade Empire, etc.).[/QUOTE]
Interjection: KotOR 2 was Obsidian, not Bioware.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
Exactly. This is what gets me worried: Mass Effect 1 = 60% RPG 20% Shooter 20% Exploration. Mass Effect 2 = 70% Shooter %30 Role Playing. And then the big DLC pack is shown and adds 10 more percent to the shooter category. Which makes me scared shitless about what Mass Effect 3 is going to be, I seriously would not be surprised if it was Halo with a conversation wheel with the direction they are going.[/QUOTE]

I guess some of it is a matter of personal taste. I didn't think that ME1 really had any exploration at all. Landing on a planet with the same items/tasks on every one wasn't exploration to me. The closest they got with anything unique was the weird silver orb thing on one of the planets.

And I'm also a fan of how some of the RPG elements were pared down for ME2. I didn't like inventory management in ME1. I didn't like equipping all the different weapons with different loadouts. I did like the story element though, and I don't think ME2 really changed that aspect, but it did drastically improve the shooter element.

It really just comes down to what kind of game you like. If you like traditional RPGs, then ME1 is probably better for you. If you want a pared down RPG with a bit of Gears of War shooter in it, then ME2 is for you. For me, it's ME2, hands down.

One thing I wonder regarding those who vastly prefer ME1 over ME2 is how long ago it was that they played ME1. I just finished my first playthrough of ME1 immediately before starting ME2, so my memory of ME1 was really fresh. I thoroughly enjoyed ME1, but now that I've been playing ME2, I feel the franchise has undergone a great improvement.
[quote name='BingoBrown']
It really just comes down to what kind of game you like. If you like traditional RPGs, then ME1 is probably better for you. If you want a pared down RPG with a bit of Gears of War shooter in it, then ME2 is for you. For me, it's ME2, hands down.

Agreed. My two favorite genres are Shooters and WRPGs--in that order. Add in that Gears 1 & 2 are my favorite shooters, and it's a no brainer that I liked ME2 a bit more than the first.

Only thing I liked better in the first was the main story. ME2's is a bit thin since it focused more on the character quests.
So I started the game up again after being frustrated with the save problem and what happens the damn thing freezes on me right before I can save. Think this will be sitting on hold still Mid July.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Only thing I liked better in the first was the main story. ME2's is a bit thin since it focused more on the character quests.[/QUOTE]

I haven't gotten through the main story completely yet, but I'm really liking the recruiting and loyalty missions. It's a really smart way of doing things. Making you go on a mission is a much more engaging way of adding a crew member than ME1 did things. And forcing you to bring along a crew member on his/her loyalty mission is a great way to try out the different characters. These are actually two great improvements to the game, in my opinion.
[quote name='BingoBrown']I haven't gotten through the main story completely yet, but I'm really liking the recruiting and loyalty missions. It's a really smart way of doing things. Making you go on a mission is a much more engaging way of adding a crew member than ME1 did things. And forcing you to bring along a crew member on his/her loyalty mission is a great way to try out the different characters. These are actually two great improvements to the game, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

Same here. The thing I hated in ME 1 was that you had to roll with a certain group for the majority of the game(for achievements) instead of swapping out teammates. By doing so I never really got a chance to "get to know" the other characters.

I really enjoy the loyalty missions in the 2nd game, they were okay in the 1st game.
Garrus's loyalty mission about the doctor was pretty cool though.
[quote name='BingoBrown']I haven't gotten through the main story completely yet, but I'm really liking the recruiting and loyalty missions. It's a really smart way of doing things. Making you go on a mission is a much more engaging way of adding a crew member than ME1 did things. And forcing you to bring along a crew member on his/her loyalty mission is a great way to try out the different characters. These are actually two great improvements to the game, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
I agree with this. I really hope that Bioware plans to let us use most or all of our surviving squadmates in ME3. I can understand if they want to minimize the amount of content they need to create that not all players will even have access to, but it will seem pretty silly to abandon basically the entire focus of ME2 which was gathering this particular team.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I agree with this. I really hope that Bioware plans to let us use most or all of our surviving squadmates in ME3. I can understand if they want to minimize the amount of content they need to create that not all players will even have access to, but it will seem pretty silly to abandon basically the entire focus of ME2 which was gathering this particular team.[/QUOTE]

The question is, how do they account for the gamers who lose squadmates in ME2? I mean, how can Bioware make Miranda, for instance, an integral character of ME3 if they know that in somebody's ME2 game, Miranda died?

It makes an interesting problem for them. Bringing squadmate from ME1 to ME2 was no big deal, because there was no way to lose a ME1 squadmate that was planned by Bioware to be in ME2 (remember, only three squadmates could potentially die in ME1, and not a single one of those is a squadmate in ME2).

ME2 totally changes that, which makes things tricky for Bioware. I'm sure they came up with a solution before they instituted the possibility of squadmate deaths in ME2, I just wonder if that solution is not bringing any ME2 squadmates into ME3, at least not in any other role than a periphery one (i.e. as with the three ME1 squadmates that can make an appearance in ME2).

I would like to see some of the same squadmates from ME2 in ME3. However, I also like building a team of new squadmates, so I hope the roster isn't exactly the same in ME3. Delicate balancing act for Bioware, but I'm sure they'll pull it off.
[quote name='BingoBrown']The question is, how do they account for the gamers who lose squadmates in ME2? I mean, how can Bioware make Miranda, for instance, an integral character of ME3 if they know that in somebody's ME2 game, Miranda died?[/quote]

Yeah, it's a tough problem. The consensus on the Bioware boards seems to be that surviving squad members will make cameo appearances, like Wrex in ME2, based on the reasons you stated above. And that all makes sense...

But I just can't imagine that Bioware would undermine ME2 that way. For one thing, your ME2 squadmates are supposed to be the baddest mofos in the galaxy. So in ME3, we get Ash/Kaidan, Liara, and... a bunch of second-stringers who weren't good enough to get on the Illusive Man's radar in ME2? Buzzkill. And second, gathering this specific squad was pretty much the entire plot and point of ME2. To scrap it and start over in ME3 would basically be an admission that ME2 may as well not exist.

I have to believe that Bioware has something better than that in mind. Even if it does involve creating a lot of content that some players may never experience. Maybe since they have the gameplay engine nailed down now, they can devote the whole dev cycle to content creation this time around.
Wow, spoilers (only listened to the first 20 seconds). But that is awesome... there goes my theory of the Shadow Broker being a reaper. =|

[quote name='BingoBrown']More Hammerhead footage:

Doesn't look like much footage was added from the other piece on GameTrailers, but at least this one is a standalone video not in the middle of the TV episode.

Still looks "meh." Might be okay when playing it, but I'd much prefer more on-foot missions.[/QUOTE]

Mehhhh... that'd be so nice taking that Hammerhead in an open area finding different places and landing to onfoot missions. But, whatever...
[quote name='Anexanhume']Now that I'm on insanity, all I have to say is that
Scions are bitches
Widow headshots, Anex.

Widow headshots.
[quote name='The Crotch']Widow headshots, Anex.

Widow headshots.[/QUOTE]

Not if you don't have the ability to equip a sniper yet (horizon). I was playing an adept and was able to get Miranda and Grunt to create a meat shield to ward off husks while I blazed them with the beam gun. I may pick it as my specialization later though.
Oh. Well... adepts don't get to use the widow, anyway. Only the regular sniper rifles. I New Game+'d my Insanity run, so I started with it.

A shame. As noted earlier in this thread, a sniper can take out the first two husks before even entering the final room on Horizon.
[quote name='BingoBrown']The question is, how do they account for the gamers who lose squadmates in ME2? I mean, how can Bioware make Miranda, for instance, an integral character of ME3 if they know that in somebody's ME2 game, Miranda died?

Just have new characters who take that role, but lack the personal relationship with Shepard--so you get some different dialogue, cut scenes etc. depending on whether she lived or died--but either way the same major plot stuff happens either with her or some new character.

Just like Wrex is the leader of Clan Urdnot if you kept him alive in the first game, if not it's Wreave (if I remember his name correctly). Exact same plot wise, just miss some dialogue between Shepard and Wrex.

That's a NPC situation in ME2, but I don't see why they can't do that with squad mates in ME3. Get conversation options relating to the past if it's a carry over squad mate, but not if it's a new fill in, plot wise it's the same either way.
Update from Bioware's Twitter:
All this Dragon Age: Origins news today. Feeling left out Mass Effect fans? Nevermind. Something cool coming tomorrow. Stay tuned. ;)

My guess is it's the new heavy weapon that was announced not too long ago. Fingers crossed for some Kasumi or Liara info.
Can anyone tell me why one of my side quests missions simply WILL not gray out? I forget the name, but its the one where you have to get packages for that one alien on Omega. I opted not to give him the packages and convinced him to give it up and hide.

Its actually the second time I've done the mission...I reloaded my save because the first time I gave him the packages, which I did not want, because I am going Paragon, and even that time, the mission would not gray out.

Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

Also, is there a limit to how many powers you can learn? I'm kicking myself for having learned "Inferno Grenade" from Zaeed. I got it way early in my playthrough and I did it out of naivety and now I regret it. I'm afraid its just taking a spot, which is a waste since I even spent the element zero to redo my skills and I ended up putting zero points onto it the second time around.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Is this a glitch or am I missing something?[/quote]

It's a glitch. Omega: Packages of Ish doesn't show up as completed if you use the charm option on him. Your quest log should say the packages have been delivered, even though they haven't.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']If ME3 is 90 percent recruitment missions again I will be severely disappointment.[/QUOTE]

Amen. Been there and done that so let's move onto something else. There are plenty of issues worth addressing in this game that I'd love for them to actually tackle/improve and not sweep under the rug this time.

The package side quest is definitely glitched (I've been having problems with it since release) and whenever you switch bonus powers the points you've allocated into the previous one will carry over onto the next so no loss there.

The only question I have concerning the Liara DLC is whether it will provide an actual conclusion to her story arc or if it is simply a minor prelude to it. A simple yes or no in spoiler tags would be highly appreciated for those who watched the video. If the latter is indeed the case then I hope it is one hell of a ride or plot twist in store for us otherwise I won't hesitate to wonder why they couldn't wait until ME3 to address it. Either way I'm honestly surprised Bioware hasn't gotten it axed from YouTube yet.
Pure Hilarious at first I thought it was an internet joke but its Not. Bioware creators of ME2 actually gave the in game Tank, yes they call it a tank. A "pew,pew,pew" sound when your fire it main cannon. I always though pew pew pew was a gun fire sound children under 4 years old only make. I guess not. What were they thinking?? Every time I hear it I laugh, and some fan weeps.

watch the video. I expect they will be forced to fix it because their forums are on their knees with the backlash or will soon be.
[quote name='JoeBlo']Pure Hilarious at first I thought it was an internet joke but its Not. Bioware creators of ME2 actually gave the in game Tank, yes they call it a tank. A "pew,pew,pew" sound when your fire it main cannon. I always though pew pew pew was a gun fire sound children under 4 years old only make. I guess not. What were they thinking?? Every time I hear it I laugh, and some fan weeps.

watch the video. I expect they will be forced to fix it because their forums are on their knees with the backlash or will soon be.

I don't think it sounds that bad. "Guns" in mass effect don't use ballistics to fire, so it wouldn't make sense for anything (except maybe a rocket) to make a full on gunshot blasting sound.
So I failed Thame's loyalty mission because I wasn't fully paying attention and lost the guy I was supposed to be tailing, and got past the point of being able to reload a save. Am I screwed for that achievement?

Also, I have one final squad slot open, the one right next to Zaeed, but there's no more dossier quests, am I missing something or is that for future DLC?
[quote name='opterasis']So I failed Thame's loyalty mission because I wasn't fully paying attention and lost the guy I was supposed to be tailing, and got past the point of being able to reload a save. Am I screwed for that achievement?[/QUOTE]
Yup. :(

[quote name='opterasis']
Also, I have one final squad slot open, the one right next to Zaeed, but there's no more dossier quests, am I missing something or is that for future DLC?[/QUOTE]
It's actually for another character that you may or may not pick up further into the story. The blank spot on the far right, next to Jack, is for future DLC.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yup. :(

It's actually for another character that you may or may not pick up further into the story. The blank spot on the far right, next to Jack, is for future DLC.[/QUOTE]

Well that sucks, oh well, I was going to do a second playthrough anyways.
[quote name='opterasis']So I failed Thame's loyalty mission because I wasn't fully paying attention and lost the guy I was supposed to be tailing, and got past the point of being able to reload a save. Am I screwed for that achievement?

Also, I have one final squad slot open, the one right next to Zaeed, but there's no more dossier quests, am I missing something or is that for future DLC?[/QUOTE]

How can you be past the point? You can always choose restart mission unless you actually let the whole sequence conclude. I lost him too and once I saw what happens, I just reloaded after the cutscene.
[quote name='The Crotch']Dunno about the greying out thing, but you can switch your power around for 5000 Element Zero whenever you want.[/QUOTE]

So how many total powers can you have at a time? 7 or 8?

[quote name='Arikado']It's a glitch. Omega: Packages of Ish doesn't show up as completed if you use the charm option on him. Your quest log should say the packages have been delivered, even though they haven't.[/QUOTE]

Man that is lame. Will it affect my completion rating?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']So how many total powers can you have at a time? 7 or 8?[/QUOTE]
All your regular ones + one squadmate power. Whatever that number is. Seven?

You can re-pick your squadmate power whenever you want, and re-assign points to all your skills at any time after Horizon.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Man that is lame. Will it affect my completion rating?[/QUOTE]
I'm sure they're not going to let the Ish quest and the other bugged one (where you have to choose the missile target) screw anything up in ME3, since these are known glitches that are affecting all players.
[quote name='The Crotch']All your regular ones + one squadmate power. Whatever that number is. Seven?

You can re-pick your squadmate power whenever you want, and re-assign points to all your skills at any time after Horizon.[/QUOTE]

Darn. So only one squadmate power huh...I wish they'd let you spent more to let you switch out one of your own for another squadmate's. I never ever put a single point into Cyro Freeze after I re-skilled since I found myself never using it, now that is wasting a slot because it is one of my Sentintel's innate powers.

Also, it would've been cool if Bioware made it a completion bonus that would allow you to pick and choose whatever powers you want. I realize you'd be a walking murder machine, but it would've been a fun bonus, for completing Insanity with x% completed or under x number of hours or something to that nature. Or for simply beating it on Insanity.
New heavy weapon coming (plus new armor?)




Popular Manufacturer(s): Unknown
Training Required: Heavy Weapons
Charge up time: 2 seconds
Related weapons: None

Description: The Arc Projector ionizes targets with a non-visible laser to ready them for a high-voltage electrical attack. As the lightning-like bolt hits its first target, a sophisticated auto-targeting system paints succeeding targets with the ionization laser, allowing the electricity to take the path of least resistance and arc between them. An entire enemy strike team can be shocked to death with a few pulls of the trigger. Careful aiming will also allow the user to arc shots to nearby explosives as well.
bread's done