Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

I don't know if I'd go as far as "addictive," but I for one didn't really mind the scanning and at times found it a nice, relaxing break from the action.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Anyway, on somewhat related topic, as much as I love BioWare, some of the comments that come out of their studio are very odd. Watching that video about the Hammerhead, it kind of irked me that they basically said that we need to continue to support them in order to get good content. I understand what they mean, but really, isn't it the other around? They are suppose to continue to work for our support.[/QUOTE]I've seen a lot of negative feedback about the lines you mentioned from the GTTV special, and I think (hope) that it was simply a poor choice of words on their part. What I think they meant is that fans need to continue to support BioWare by giving constructive feedback on the forums and voicing their likes/dislikes for each piece of released content.

Well, I was reading latest GameInformer, and they had one of those pieces where they ask the developers various questions, concerns, issues, etc. people have had about their game. Hudson actually said that they have gotten a lot of feedback about mineral scanning being "strangely addictive." Would anyone on this board actually describe it as "addictive?"
I would call it "oddly fun" but not strangely addictive.
I'm just really surprised that all CAG's are satisfied with all the changes in Mass Effect 2. And your attitudes of, "If you don't like it then just shut up and suck it." Very defensive over ME2. So none of you were fans of ME1 and only like ME2? It's either you are just really casual about the game that you don't really care or just super hardcore that you don't want to negate anything Bioware has done.

Damn you guys act like I just said your baby is ugly. Goddam.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']
Maybe your girlfriend has better taste than you?



I did laugh at that. But you are the most goddam confusing person in this thread! :lol:You are creepily obsessed with every minuscule detail of this game, putting up charts on weapon damage. Yet none of that matters because the game is not even close to needing that and if you are so obsessed with #crunching and stat details - why the heck would you be satisfied with the changes (making the game more casual)? I would assume you'd be wanting a more richer stat and rpg experience. My wrong.

But again, if you guys are THAT sensitive of me bringing up disappointments about the game in THIS thread, I definitely wont do it anymore. No joke. Just thought it could be an open discussions about all aspects.
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm just really surprised that all CAG's are satisfied with all the changes in Mass Effect 2. And your attitudes of, "If you don't like it then just shut up and suck it." Very defensive over ME2. So none of you were fans of ME1 and only like ME2? It's either you are just really casual about the game that you don't really care or just super hardcore that you don't want to negate anything Bioware has done.[/QUOTE]
So someone isn't allowed to be genuinely satisfied with ME 2? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post, but I like ME 2 a lot more than ME 1. That's my personal opinion. Who's anyone to say it's wrong?

And as far as people who don't like the game, I think ME 2 fans should just let them be, as with any other piece of entertainment where personal taste comes into play. I truly could not care less whether someone else enjoyed ME 2 or not.

Or I missed something earlier in the thread and this post is pointless :lol:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm just really surprised that all CAG's are satisfied with all the changes in Mass Effect 2. And your attitudes of, "If you don't like it then just shut up and suck it." Very defensive over ME2. So none of you were fans of ME1 and only like ME2?[/QUOTE]
I loved ME1 and I think ME2 is the better game. I honestly can't think of one thing ME1 did better. So yes, fans of the first game can more than like the sequel.
[quote name='Fjordson']So someone isn't allowed to be genuinely satisfied with ME 2? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post, but I like ME 2 a lot more than ME 1. That's my personal opinion. Who's anyone to say it's wrong?

And as far as people who don't like the game, I think ME 2 fans should just let them be, as with any other piece of entertainment where personal taste comes into play. I truly could not care less whether someone else enjoyed ME 2 or not.

Or I missed something earlier in the thread and this post is pointless :lol:[/QUOTE]
Oh I did not mean that you "cannot like ME2 more than ME1", I think ME2 is so much more polished and a better experience than ME1 actually. I'm just confused when people berate me because I have big disappointments with the direction they are taking the Mass Effect gameplay. I'll definitely keep those opinions to myself for now on, I was not aware that people get bothered by those statements. But, I'm just casually bringing up points on what scares me for the future of Mass Effect. Please don't read my posts with a screaming voice and nerd rage. I don't care that much.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']But, I'm just casually bringing up points on what scares me for the future of Mass Effect. Please don't read my posts with a screaming voice and nerd rage. I don't care that much.[/QUOTE]
Well that seems reasonable. I did find that the recent statement about "richer RPG elements" made me a little uneasy, only because it seemed sort of at odds with BioWare's intent on keeping the same team from ME 2 on for ME 3. The team that did away with a lot of the RPG elements. I'll be interested to see if they can successfully re-establish some of that stuff.
Woah, woah, woah. Xecutioner is the very LAST person on Earth I would categorize as a bias blind fanboy in here. A fact which is coming straight from the only person (up until you became a bit more vocal recently) at serious odds with the streamlined RPG elements willing to agree to disagree with him personally when came down to the direction shift prevalent in the sequel. I'm fairly convinced your current tone is what's responsible for setting a chosen few off at the moment, DB.

[quote name='Fjordson']Well that seems reasonable. I did find that the recent statement about "richer RPG elements" made me a little uneasy, only because it seemed sort of at odds with BioWare's intent on keeping the same team from ME 2 on for ME 3. The team that did away with a lot of the RPG elements. I'll be interested to see if they can successfully re-establish some of that stuff.[/QUOTE]

Preaching to the choir my friend for my biggest worry should they find themselves overwhelmed by the task is being presented with a halfhearted half-assed attempt at best to save face (with hardcore ME2 supporters screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" across the internet) or decide to cut their losses by providing a more aggressive streamlined approach at worst (with hardcore ME1 supporters screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" across the internet).

If any company is capable of balancing both genres evenly it is Bioware, but I sincerely hope they either bring in some more fresh blood or reanalyze both games with help from ME1 team to come to some sort of consensus both sides can live with. At the very least figure out what type of game they wanted to make in the first place, stick to the game plan and go f*cking do it already. I'm sort of exhausted from the current experimental phase they seem to be going through at the moment which we wouldn't have had to deal with if they had hit the mark with the first game. If that meant initially pissing off their fanbase by making ME1 a watered down version of ME2 from the get go then so be it. I certainly would have appreciated that a lot more than the seesawing going on now.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm just really surprised that all CAG's are satisfied with all the changes in Mass Effect 2. And your attitudes of, "If you don't like it then just shut up and suck it." Very defensive over ME2. So none of you were fans of ME1 and only like ME2? It's either you are just really casual about the game that you don't really care or just super hardcore that you don't want to negate anything Bioware has done.

Damn you guys act like I just said your baby is ugly. Goddam.

I did laugh at that. But you are the most goddam confusing person in this thread! :lol:You are creepily obsessed with every minuscule detail of this game, putting up charts on weapon damage. Yet none of that matters because the game is not even close to needing that and if you are so obsessed with #crunching and stat details - why the heck would you be satisfied with the changes (making the game more casual)? I would assume you'd be wanting a more richer stat and rpg experience. My wrong.

But again, if you guys are THAT sensitive of me bringing up disappointments about the game in THIS thread, I definitely wont do it anymore. No joke. Just thought it could be an open discussions about all aspects.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I kinda thought you were confusing. And this is open observation, so try not to get so defensive. But I've been following this thread since I finished ME2 and I've seen you right in here with me. I could have sworn like 40 or 50 pages ago you referred to this game as something akin to your baby. In fact, I got the impression very early that you were a very big of ME2. You had some minor disappointments, but up to the point of the Hammerhead reveal, you seemed positive. But now, (and again, this is observation) but I'm reading some of your posts in the last page (since the GF remark) as borderline hostile.

Yes, I agree ME2 went more shooter and less RPG. I think the Christina Norman presentation from GDC even highlighted that. One of the points I saw was that while Bioware already knew they excelled at RPG storytelling, but not at shooters. The combat in the first game wasn't great (wasn't bad either, just OK), and this was still a game that had shooter combat ingrained into the series design. It would be much more "RPG" to go turn-based in ME3....I sure don't want to see that.

The Xectutioner did a nice job of laying out how much of the statistics and character skills are not completely missing, but in many cases hidden or built-in to other aspects. Was I also a little disappointed in the lack of depth at the character skills screen? Yes. Did I also want a little more exploration and that wonder of the first game? Yes. Conversely, not knowing enough about the skills meant my first and "canon" Shepard wasted points and I knew what to expect from the universe. But I gave Bioware a chance to make their case and win me over. And they did. They went in and fixed issues with graphics, inventory management, recycled interior environments, shooting mechanics, and overall gave me a game which left me near breathless with the finale.

I'd love to see a hybrid fusion of the best of both games. And I think Bioware deserves the benefit of the doubt because it does appear as though they listen. You have things that you think they could improve? Great. But please don't attack others for "being casual" or "super hardcore defenders of Bioware" just because you are angry. And again, you make insinuations about people in this thread (i.e. to Xecutioner "I thought you would want...... My wrong") It's very passive aggressive, especially when you end with telling us that you don't even care that much. If that's the case, why are you posting in this thread so often?

Again, it's very confusing because you've always come across very nice and funny before here. I even have you on my Live friends from when we were both gushing about ACII in it's thread. Why all the rage my friend?
This was probably already mentioned, but I was disappointed with the lack of complex conversations from Dragon Age. I just felt it was too easy gaining the loyalty of your squad members by simply selecting the Paragon/Renegade replies.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Actually, I kinda thought you were confusing. And this is open observation, so try not to get so defensive. But I've been following this thread since I finished ME2 and I've seen you right in here with me. I could have sworn like 40 or 50 pages ago you referred to this game as something akin to your baby. In fact, I got the impression very early that you were a very big of ME2. You had some minor disappointments, but up to the point of the Hammerhead reveal, you seemed positive. But now, (and again, this is observation) but I'm reading some of your posts in the last page (since the GF remark) as borderline hostile.

Yes, I agree ME2 went more shooter and less RPG. I think the Christina Norman presentation from GDC even highlighted that. One of the points I saw was that while Bioware already knew they excelled at RPG storytelling, but not at shooters. The combat in the first game wasn't great (wasn't bad either, just OK), and this was still a game that had shooter combat ingrained into the series design. It would be much more "RPG" to go turn-based in ME3....I sure don't want to see that.

The Xectutioner did a nice job of laying out how much of the statistics and character skills are not completely missing, but in many cases hidden or built-in to other aspects. Was I also a little disappointed in the lack of depth at the character skills screen? Yes. Did I also want a little more exploration and that wonder of the first game? Yes. Conversely, not knowing enough about the skills meant my first and "canon" Shepard wasted points and I knew what to expect from the universe. But I gave Bioware a chance to make their case and win me over. And they did. They went in and fixed issues with graphics, inventory management, recycled interior environments, shooting mechanics, and overall gave me a game which left me near breathless with the finale.

I'd love to see a hybrid fusion of the best of both games. And I think Bioware deserves the benefit of the doubt because it does appear as though they listen. You have things that you think they could improve? Great. But please don't attack others for "being casual" or "super hardcore defenders of Bioware" just because you are angry. And again, you make insinuations about people in this thread (i.e. to Xecutioner "I thought you would want...... My wrong") It's very passive aggressive, especially when you end with telling us that you don't even care that much. If that's the case, why are you posting in this thread so often?

Again, it's very confusing because you've always come across very nice and funny before here. I even have you on my Live friends from when we were both gushing about ACII in it's thread. Why all the rage my friend?[/QUOTE]
Haha, great post and I totally agree with all your points. I'm also very much the same way when it comes to Mass Effect 2, it just comes across more "hostile" because that's how I generally type. I'll just casually bring something up or state something that has been on my mind and it will lead to a bunch of folks getting all up in arms with what I said (unintentionally). Like my statement about my GF liking ME2 more than I did (she insanely loves it - as do I, it's just that I'm not as happy with some of the changes (that she in return admires)). I did not mean to type it in a way that seemed like I was being outright angry, but I think I having trouble showing mild displeasure via my posts.

And again with Xecutioner, I did not mean to sound like I was attacking him. Just mildly observing that he has a deep rooted passion with the intricacies of the combat/stat system and thought that he would be one of the advocates of bringing a more hardcore tone to the gameplay.

And the reason why just recently I started to have problems with ME2 as opposed to earlier was that with the announcement of the Hammerhead DLC, it made me question Biowares view of what they think "Mass Effect" is. And it made me go back and relook at all the decisions that were put in place in ME2 and made me realize that they ARE going that direction. Also game design (more so the art/level creation side) is my career goal and I'm usually more passionate about simple gameplay mechanics or level designs than most. Which is why I nitpick at those things... but, thanks for bringing up those points. I'll definitely reread my posts and look for those passive aggressive tendencies and weed them out.

But, please let's just forget all this and go back to talking about ME2. I'll leave my annoyances for the Official Boards.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Again, it's very confusing because you've always come across very nice and funny before here.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more. Most of his current posts reek of the same nauseating stench of underdeveloped ego drenched in snark insinuation only the most entitled or downright fanatical fan could bring to the table.


If I didn't know any better my best guess is he's been posting or lurking on Bioware forums. I'd know that particular brand of irritating twat anywhere. Very easy to pick up quite a few bad habits if you hang around there for too long so it would explain the sudden shift in behavior. ;\
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I couldn't agree more. Most of his current posts reek of the same nauseating stench of underdeveloped ego drenched in snark insinuation only the most entitled or downright fanatical fan could bring to the table.


If I didn't know any better my best guess is he's been posting or lurking on Bioware forums. I'd know that particular brand of irritating twat anywhere. Very easy to pick up quite a few bad habits if you hang around there for too long so it would explain the sudden shift in behavior. ;\[/QUOTE]

Hahahahaha, you caught me. Seriously, I was FINE until I went through the Omega4 Relay and it took me to the Bioware forums. They convince me to not like Mass Effect 2. And I think I remember you warning me about that, wasn't sure why. I concede, I'll listen to you from now on.

*shakes fist* Now I'm an old angry man yelling at mangy young teenagers on my front lawn!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Seriously, I was FINE until I went through the Omega4 Relay and it took me to the Bioware forums.[/QUOTE]
Awesome. :applause: Now that would have been a much scarier final showdown than some Collector spaceship.

I am SO utterly disappointed in you right now but your momentary lapse in judgment has provided the rest of them a very valuable lesson.

Let me make myself perfectly clear to the rest of you careless enough to let your curiosity get the better of you: Bioware Official Forums is one huge angry nerd thunderdome of epic fail proportions should you dare decide to visit with the intent of engaging the locals in any sort of reasonable conversation. The nerd rage is YODA FORCE STRONG with this community. You cannot kill them, you cannot reason with them, you cannot stop them. You cannot tame them with fire, you cannot intimidate them with tales of Chuck Norris, and I am also 99.9% positive neither Jack Bauer nor MacGuyer exist in their Midol dependant universe. Spartans ain't got shit on their most vocal demon spawn... trust me.

Do yourselves a favor and just keep on truckin' lest you return a broken and battered crotchety old man polishing off his shotgun in hopes of one-shotting the first whipper snapper ballsy enough to step on your property. You will probably lose faith in humanity and may feel embarrassed to admit to being a fan of the Mass Effect series.

You were warned.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']I did laugh at that. But you are the most goddam confusing person in this thread! :lol: You are creepily obsessed with every minuscule detail of this game, putting up charts on weapon damage. Yet none of that matters because the game is not even close to needing that and if you are so obsessed with #crunching and stat details - why the heck would you be satisfied with the changes (making the game more casual)? I would assume you'd be wanting a more richer stat and rpg experience. My wrong.

But again, if you guys are THAT sensitive of me bringing up disappointments about the game in THIS thread, I definitely wont do it anymore. No joke. Just thought it could be an open discussions about all aspects.[/QUOTE]I personally have no problems with people bringing up criticisms of the game (not speaking on behalf of the entire thread, though) and I don't mean my posts to come across as "You're wrong and this is why..." or defensive.

The major difference here is that where you see ME2 as a dumbed down version of ME1, I see it as a more complex and efficient version of ME1. It's not hard to see that the combat system is much, much more technical than its predecessor. Tactics (RPG element), team-building (RPG element), and correct character leveling (RPG element) are all important points of the combat system and are much more fleshed out in ME2 than in ME1. In ME1, I could still manage to go through the game even with bad teammate selection and a decent build on the Insanity difficulty, without suffering great consequences (other than missing out on loot if I didn't have Decryption or Electronics in my squad). The only real tactic was "drop a Singularity and waste away the Immunity spammer's shields before they hit the floor" (exaggeration, I did have to fight Geth Colossi every now and then). In ME2, a bad build or teammate selection - hell, even the wrong gun - is often the difference between life/death. Combat-wise, ME1 is far more "casual" a game than ME2.

Number crunching and weapon damage charts are important when you take into account how complex the combat system is. For instance, it's good to know what the rate of fire for a specific weapon is when you're looking for the best way to waste away enemy biotic Barriers (other than Warp and Concussive Shot), which are weak to rapid-fire weapons. I link to weapon damage charts mostly when people ask about certain weapons, i.e. "Which gun is better: ___ or ___ ?" and then I show the differences.

I could go into another wall-of-text about the RPG enhancements I've experienced with ME2, but I feel like I've posted all that numerous times (and, the RPG vs. Shooter debate is the most polarizing thing about ME2 discussions - I don't want to add fuel to an already present fire). I will say, though, that my richer experience stems from the fact that everything clicks in ME2.

As far as casual vs. hardcore goes, I don't think either are an appropriate term to tag on to either game. I would say that ME2 is more efficient and more accessible than ME1. Efficiency, though, could also be thought of as scrapping a few things that didn't work or combining like ideas/projects together under one category (hence the reason why some people feel that aspects of the first game were completely abandoned). However, for me Accessible =/= Casual.

The best comparison I can give for my line of thinking about the two games is:
Mass Effect 1 is like having twenty $1 bills in your wallet.
Mass Effect 2 is like having one $20 bill in your wallet.

Mass Effect 2 is more streamlined and efficient. In the end, both equal $20 (both equal a great game), but the way they go about it is much different.

...speaking of money, lemme slip a $20 bill under the table to those who have been defending me against this evil man's attacks :lol: :cool:
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Ugh...

I am SO utterly disappointed in you right now but your momentary lapse in judgment has provided the rest of them a very valuable lesson.

Let me make myself perfectly clear to the rest of you careless enough to let your curiosity get the better of you: Bioware Official Forums is one huge angry nerd thunderdome of epic fail proportions should you dare decide to visit with the intent of engaging the locals in any sort of reasonable conversation. The nerd rage is YODA FORCE STRONG with this community. You cannot kill them, you cannot reason with them, you cannot stop them. You cannot tame them with fire, you cannot intimidate them with tales of Chuck Norris, and I am also 99.9% positive neither Jack Bauer nor MacGuyer exist in their Midol dependant universe. Spartans ain't got shit on their most vocal demon spawn... trust me.

Do yourselves a favor and just keep on truckin' lest you return a broken and battered crotchety old man polishing off his shotgun in hopes of one-shotting the first whipper snapper ballsy enough to step on your property. You will probably lose faith in humanity and may feel embarrassed to admit to being a fan of the Mass Effect series.

You were warned.

I would just like to point out that not all of Bioware's forums are shit. Their NWN modding/scripting forums are super helpful.
I just noticed in that latest Firewalker video that Jack is wearing her new alternate outfit. A couple of possibly premature conclusions to draw from this:

- The costume pack will be released with or prior to the Firewalker pack.

- The costume pack will be free, since Kasumi is supposed to be the PDLC kickoff and she doesn't come out until after Firewalker.
Of course I wasn't speaking for Bioware forums as whole, but in this thread I didn't feel the need to specify which section I was talking about, heh. Let's just say if any and every differing opinion is Superman it isn't out of the ordinary to watch it get lynched (on a daily basis) by a mob of Doomsday-esque posters until you've conceded defeat or they've successfully chased you out of there.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I just noticed in that latest Firewalker video that Jack is wearing her new alternate outfit. A couple of possibly premature conclusions to draw from this:

- The costume pack will be released with or prior to the Firewalker pack.

- The costume pack will be free, since Kasumi is supposed to be the PDLC kickoff and she doesn't come out until after Firewalker.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, very interesting. The conspiracy theorist in me is worried since that's a leaked video and (as far as I know) the poster hasn't said where they got the DLC from. So I'm wondering why this hasn't been announced in any form.

On the other hand, this person shows the Kasumi option in the Cereberus network but doesn't have that DLC. So I'm hoping that means that this means the alternate costume pack was ready to go and ready to be released alongside the Firewalker pack. Because if it's free, then it's just a matter of access. But the paid DLC wasn't available to this person because they haven't set up the proper connections to XBL and the Marketplace.

This is driving me nuts....good thing I have FFXIII to distract me until Kasumi comes out. Then I'm going back for an insanity playthrough.
Well I have gotten to the point where I need to choose my romance choice,
Tali or Miranda?
At least Bioware made having to choose a virtual lady in this game a difficult choice. :lol: In Mass Effect who the hell would pick the annoying and xenophobic Ashley?
I still buggin' out over Kasumi's age given her VA's "cougar on the prowl" voice. o_O;

[quote name='yukine']In Mass Effect who the hell would pick the annoying and xenophobic Ashley?[/QUOTE]


Just kidding though I often wonder if I'm the only person who enjoyed her company in the first game. If she isn't playable or doesn't have a strong role in ME3 consider my heart broken. :cry:
Nothin' wrong with Ashley. I found her to be an interesting and appealing character, not every "good guy" has to be total kumbaya let's-all-work-together.

I'm quite looking forward to her and Jack squaring off over my male Shepard in ME3. :twisted:
[quote name='yukine']Hey, at least she is still around in my Mass Effect universe. :lol:[/QUOTE]


Proof positive everybody hates Kaidan here and I love it.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

Proof positive everybody hates Kaidan here and I love it.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I kept Kaidan alive. His little backstory about BaAT and such wasn't great, but I liked him better than Ashley. The family story of her grandfather was good, but it only reinforced her wanting to be a martyr. She dies a hero and redeems the Williams name.

OK, that and the confrontation about which romance I would choose turned a little ugly. So my canon Shepard may have decided he didn't want any Fatal Attraction drama and left her to die. He's kinda a dick like that. :lol:
She's dead in my male game but alive in my female game.

'Tis hard to sympathize with an alien hater. Because... well, because the aliens are fucking awesome.
I like equipment, loot, and stats in WRPG's when done right. ME1 didn't do it right. I praise Bioware for mostly scrapping it in ME2.

Bioware already has a solution if you like loot and more fiddly complex RPGish stuff in your games; it's called Dragon Age. Can't wait for awakenings.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

Proof positive everybody hates Kaidan here and I love it.[/QUOTE]


I hate Ashley more than any other squad/party/companion member in a game ever.

She's a racist loudmouthed idiot and I enjoyed killing her off every single ME1 playthrough.

Kaiden sucks, and he's boring as hell but Ashley is a monster and needs to be put down.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I just noticed in that latest Firewalker video that Jack is wearing her new alternate outfit. A couple of possibly premature conclusions to draw from this:

- The costume pack will be released with or prior to the Firewalker pack.

- The costume pack will be free, since Kasumi is supposed to be the PDLC kickoff and she doesn't come out until after Firewalker.[/QUOTE]

Oh shi, I thought that was a character modded outfit for the PC. That's awesome! So the Garrus one is real to?
Man, Kaiden gets way too much hate. I don't love the guy or anything, but I don't think he's that awful. I guess he was just doomed from the start with Carth Syndrome.

Ashley on the other hand... I'm glad she hugged that nuke on my main Shepard. No racist bitches allowed on my Normandy. :cool:
[quote name='Arikado']Man, Kaiden gets way too much hate. I don't love the guy or anything, but I don't think he's that awful. I guess he was just doomed from the start with Carth Syndrome.

Ashley on the other hand... I'm glad she hugged that nuke on my main Shepard. No racist bitches allowed on my Normandy. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Technically, she's specist (sp?)
Taking my sweet time with ME2. I actually like the planet scanning because it is reward system is quite clever. You don't have to but if you do, you can upgrade your ship/self/squad faster. Not to mention stumbling upon random quick missions.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I like equipment, loot, and stats in WRPG's when done right. ME1 didn't do it right. I praise Bioware for mostly scrapping it in ME2.

Bioware already has a solution if you like loot and more fiddly complex RPGish stuff in your games; it's called Dragon Age. Can't wait for awakenings.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's just me, but I thought ME2's drops/equipment system swung too far in the other direction. ME1 had so many drops and options that after every battle I found myself reevaluating everything I had equipped. In ME2 though, I never found myself ever reevaluating my gear. Once I got my armor in the right place, I never looked at it again. Never bothered looking at guns unless I got something new (and even then, the new one was usually better). I'm hoping ME3 goes somewhere in the middle. Also hoping they bring back armor customization for squadmates. Made much more sense for a person's costume to change when I equipped them with something new than it does for their costume to change because they're loyal.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So none of you were fans of ME1 and only like ME2? It's either you are just really casual about the game that you don't really care or just super hardcore that you don't want to negate anything Bioware has done.

I'm a very casual gamer as far as CAGs go, and at least I wasn't defensive or telling you to shut up.

I loved ME1, but ME2 fixed every single problem I had with ME1. The inventory, the graphical, glitches, the Mako (though the planet scanning sucked too), the wonky combat.

I don't only like ME2. I just like ME2 a lot more than ME1 as it fixed my gripes. I did two playthroughs of ME2 right after buying it. ME1 I did one, didn't touch it for a while, did the BDTS DLC then never touched it again and traded it on Goozex.

It was a very good game. ME2 is a great game. IMHO, I respect that you prefered ME1.
[quote name='Arikado']Man, Kaiden gets way too much hate.[/QUOTE]

Lies. He most certainly does not you filthy misguided Alenko sympathizer! Between this and the Ash hate (despite the fact you can help curb most of her distasteful tendencies) I don't think I want to hang out with you guys anymore. :cry:
[quote name='whiptcracker']Then why is she so pissed at Shepard being a part of Cerberus in my game?[/QUOTE]

She has principles! All Klan members are God-fearing Christians after all.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Lies. He most certainly does not you filthy misguided Alenko sympathizer! Between this and the Ash hate (despite the fact you can help curb most of her distasteful tendencies) I don't think I want to hang out with you guys anymore. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Yes that is true about curbing her distasteful (aka worst person in the galaxy) tendencies. I took the most efficient route to curbing those tendencies by having her incinerated in a nuclear blast.

If I ever have kids, and if they ever play ME1, I am going to make sure they do the same thing.
This is something I'd like to see:

PLUS the ability to go in and mod individual parts of your gun. Like:

Thus bringing back loot (different gun mods and ammo types ect.) although you can get duplicates of an item/mod. But you don't see the duplicates unless you go to sell (which will cut down on clutter), then you can select: Sell All Duplicates.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']This is something I'd like to see:


Thus bringing back loot (different gun mods and ammo types ect.) although you can get duplicates of an item/mod. But you don't see the duplicates unless you go to sell (which will cut down on clutter), then you can select: Sell All Duplicates.[/QUOTE]

Sign me up for that. Also I want some extra magazines so I can carry more than like three hand cannon bullets.
[quote name='metaly']Sign me up for that. Also I want some extra magazines so I can carry more than like three hand cannon bullets.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Ability to upgrade Ammo capacity OR being able to remove the Thermal Clip cooling mechanic and replace it with a heat sink (like ME1) BUT with a penalty in damage or accuracy. I was also thinking it might be cool to have the ability to shoot if you are completely out of Thermal Clips or your pistol always has infinite ammo but it can overheat.

Just some thoughts! I'm excited to see what they do though.
Hooray for having the PC version!

*modifies .ini files like a motherfucker*

But yeah, I both hope and expect to see some more middle-ground in ME3's inventory.
[quote name='Arikado']Actually, she's technically a charred skeleton on Virmire. :cool:[/QUOTE]
I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Agreed. Ability to upgrade Ammo capacity OR being able to remove the Thermal Clip cooling mechanic and replace it with a heat sink (like ME1) BUT with a penalty in damage or accuracy. I was also thinking it might be cool to have the ability to shoot if you are completely out of Thermal Clips or your pistol always has infinite ammo but it can overheat.

Just some thoughts! I'm excited to see what they do though.[/QUOTE]

The heat system made so much more sense than ammo on every possible level. I would have switched back to it without hesitation. They should have just tweaked it so guns overheated a little faster and heat dampening mods weren't as effective (or had penalties, like you said) since by the end of ME1 you could just hold down the trigger forever.

I was hoping something like that would happen in ME2 and I'd end up having a huge ammo capacity, but it didn't. It made me so mad that they went in this blatant shooter direction and yet I couldn't shoot the guns I wanted to because I didn't have bullets.
[quote name='Arikado']Actually, she's technically a charred skeleton on Virmire. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Lol, I imagined an Andrew "Dice" Clay inspired "Oww!" after that. Funny stuff.
bread's done