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[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's funny because before playing this game I was thinking "I haven't heard Jennifer Hale in awhile. She used to be in like every game."

And yeah, Kaiden is voiced by Rapheal Sbarge. At least he's less whiney than Carth was.[/quote]

Regardless of how whiney his dialogue is, he is probably one of the best voice actors Bioware uses. Jennifer Hale on the other hand is kind of hit or miss... she was great as Bastila but I am less than impressed with her as female Shepard.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']When you replay through, can you start at level 50 with a new character or can you only do a New Game + if you use your old character?[/quote]

My friend completed it and said that you can reload your character into New Game+. If you start a new character, you start from scratch.

Here's the enemy levels based on difficulty too:

All enemies scale more slowly than the player. The player and squadmates als take half damage.
Minion: 10% of player level
Elite: 20% of player level
Sub-Boss: 30% of player level +1 level
Boss: 40% of player level +2 levels

Only bosses scale with the player.
Minion: 33% of player level
Elite: 50% of player level +1 level
Sub-Boss: 75% of player level +2 levels
Boss: Player level +4 levels

Bosses and Sub-Bosses scale as quickly as the player.
Minion: 50% of player level
Elite: 75% of player level +2 levels
Sub-Boss: Player level +2 levels
Boss: Player level +6 levels

Only Minions scale more slowly than the player.
Minion: 75% of player level +2 level
Elite: Player level +2 levels
Sub-Boss: Player level +6 levels
Boss: Player level +10 levels

All enemies scale as quickly as the player.
Minion: Player level
Elite: Player level +6 levels
Sub-Boss: Player level +10 levels
Boss: Player level +15 levels

Grabbed from a gamefaqs link my friend had sent me. Thought some people might be curious about it.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Regardless of how whiney his dialogue is, he is probably one of the best voice actors Bioware uses. Jennifer Hale on the other hand is kind of hit or miss... she was great as Bastila but I am less than impressed with her as female Shepard.[/QUOTE]
Don't get me wrong. He's a great voice actor. He also did an excellent job as Scorch in Republic Commando as well. I just don't like Carth. I hated that guy, a lot.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Can an asexual species be lesbian?

The dude that said he didn't like Gears and doesn't like the combat in this - it's pretty easy to see that you like turn based RPG's, like blue dragon. And that's fine. I know lots of people that suck at action games and greatly prefer turn based fighting like Square games...... of course most of them are female, but that's not important.[/QUOTE]

i wish to hell i knew what the
you were talking about

but i realize that's never going to happen since English seems to be your third or fourth language

anyway, i stand firmly on the point of view that lesbians rule

also, i never realized you were a female. that's interesting!!

and i don't like any particular genre or style of game over another. i just like individual titles and i don't own a single turn based RPG, so i guess you were just pulling that our of your ass... the smell was a dead giveaway. GOW is probably top 3 all time for me. I think you're just confused in general there, pup.

i need to cleanse my intertube palate


[quote name='PKRipp3r']i wish to hell i knew what the
you were talking about

but i realize that's never going to happen since English seems to be your third or fourth language

anyway, i stand firmly on the point of view that lesbians rule

also, i never realized you were a female. that's interesting!!

and i don't like any particular genre or style of game over another. i just like individual titles and i don't own a single turn based RPG, so i guess you were just pulling that our of your ass... the smell was a dead giveaway. GOW is probably top 3 all time for me. I think you're just confused in general there, pup.

i need to cleanse my intertube palate


Well your first, and biggest, mistake was in assuming (hoping) that paragraph was addressed to you. It wasn't. It was addressed to someone else a page before that was bitching about Mass Effect's combat, Gears of War combat, and saying they would rather play Blue Dragon.

So I advise you to:
A) Try to up your reading comprehension a little, and not skim so much.
B) Once you've completed B, reread that paragraph again, and it's rather obvious I'm not referring to you.
C) Try to realize that including huge ass pictures in your posts doesn't make you clever or witty, it makes you even more annoying to everyone.
[quote name='lilboo']*Apologizes in advance if this has been asked. It's my first time in this thread*

Any word if a demo is headed out eventually? I'm interested, but would like a demo of this.[/QUOTE]

No word, but I wouldn't count on it at all. Just like Gears of War, the hype was big enough that they didn't need to.

Not to mention the fact that I don't think you can get what this game is about from a demo, unless the demo let you play for at least 2 hours of the story.

Mass Effect is very much a game that excels when the sum of all it's parts are considered. Giving you a quick vertical slice will probably not impress you.

If you really want a demo, just play KOTOR, and imagine better everything.
The Carnage skill cracks me up. A massive blast of shotgun power that knocks your character back and disintegrates all the enemines in front of it XD
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']The Carnage skill cracks me up. A massive blast of shotgun power that knocks your character back and disintegrates all the enemines in front of it XD[/quote]
Indeed. I make Wrex use that, plus Tali's overload, and lure some dumb Geth into a doorway where they get owned.
So happy I bought this game, I can't stand most of the space Sci-Fi (Star Wars/Star Trek), but I'm really enjoying everything. All of the spacefaring actually made it hit my radar relatively late.

I don't know why a lot of people are complaining of the controls and gunplay. I've died a handful of times, but fully admit it was me playing recklessly, as soon as I changed tactics(played smart) I was able to destroy most groups fairly easily. Don't forget to switch out your weapon upgrades.

Can I get some help on Novaria?
I arrived on the Rift after riding the tram, and I found myself with the Captain. He gave me his story about the bugs coming in and all that, so I head to the Hot Labs and activate the Neutron Purge to kill all the bugs.

I go back to where the Captain was, and go through the new door that's open and finally meet with the Captain. He tells me that he's under orders from Benezia and he opens fire on my squad. So, I kill everyone and now I'm walking around the facility, going in circles with no one to shoot.

Can someone please send me in the right direction? I'd like to kill the Matriarch and be on my way. Thanks.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']

Can I get some help on Novaria?
I arrived on the Rift after riding the tram, and I found myself with the Captain. He gave me his story about the bugs coming in and all that, so I head to the Hot Labs and activate the Neutron Purge to kill all the bugs.

I go back to where the Captain was, and go through the new door that's open and finally meet with the Captain. He tells me that he's under orders from Benezia and he opens fire on my squad. So, I kill everyone and now I'm walking around the facility, going in circles with no one to shoot.

Can someone please send me in the right direction? I'd like to kill the Matriarch and be on my way. Thanks.
Go to the medical room, and talk to Dr. Coen. He'll ask you to help him get an antidote for the scientists he's taking care of. Go get it and he'll give you access to the maintanence area. Benezia is in there.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
Go to the medical room, and talk to Dr. Coen. He'll ask you to help him get an antidote for the scientists he's taking care of. Go get it and he'll give you access to the maintanence area. Benezia is in there.

Are you playing Paragon? I'm playing Renegade and I'm fairly certain there was no doctor in the medical facility, just a hologram lady. Maybe he's hiding in a corner... Dear god, if he's dead I'm going to be really upset.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']
Are you playing Paragon? I'm playing Renegade and I'm fairly certain there was no doctor in the medical facility, just a hologram lady. Maybe he's hiding in a corner... Dear god, if he's dead I'm going to be really upset.
I'm playing renegade too. He's in a small room called the med lab, or something like that. It's connected to that big area with the Elcor merchant in it.
can I be the first to say that the sound production on the game is probably the finest I've come across in a while... and I'm mainly talking the weapons!

also, a small thing that I love about the game is that it rewards you for both combat and conversations with XP... perfect!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']can I be the first to say that the sound production on the game is probably the finest I've come across in a while... and I'm mainly talking the weapons![/QUOTE]
I don't even remember what the weapons sound like.

I was too busy being intoxicated by the haunting score.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
I'm playing renegade too. He's in a small room called the med lab, or something like that. It's connected to that big area with the Elcor merchant in it.

Thanks Rei, I'm actually going to restart the level. Hey everyone, save often, and watch who you kill.
What's the overall CAG impression so far of this game? I've only played about 2 hours and I turned the film grain option off and I've not noticed any problems that others are complaining about. I think the game is very good, but the IGN boards are probably 70% hating it/disappointed with it.
I've played this for 15 hours now, and I like (initially I was disappointed at the 20-30 min mark).

My biggest gripe is the 150 item limit. :bomb: Is there any place I can sell my stuff instead of deleting it?
[quote name='Danil ACE']I've played this for 15 hours now, and I like (initially I was disappointed at the 20-30 min mark).

My biggest gripe is the 150 item limit. :bomb: Is there any place I can sell my stuff instead of deleting it?[/quote]

There's a guy on the Engineering Level on the Normandy you can sell things to, as well as pretty much any other shop you run across.
Yeah. You can sell items to anyone who is a merchant / sells things.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I've played this for 15 hours now, and I like (initially I was disappointed at the 20-30 min mark).

My biggest gripe is the 150 item limit. :bomb: Is there any place I can sell my stuff instead of deleting it?[/quote]

Press left or right on the d-pad in any shop.
[quote name='MSUHitman']What's the overall CAG impression so far of this game? I've only played about 2 hours and I turned the film grain option off and I've not noticed any problems that others are complaining about. I think the game is very good, but the IGN boards are probably 70% hating it/disappointed with it.[/quote]

A good game that would be a GREAT game if it wasn't hampered by a lack of polish and a terrible case of being inconsistant. Combat can be anywhere from infuriating to awesome. Graphics can be anywhere from awe inspiring and unique to dull and repetitive. Missions can be anywhere from extremely cool and unique to completely boring and the same as the last 4 you just did. Etc, etc, etc... It seems obvious to me that Bioware pushed this out sooner than they should have in order to hit the holiday.

About the only place I can say the game isn't inconsistant would be the sound... voice acting, dialogue and sound effects are top notch.
[quote name='Brak']I don't even remember what the weapons sound like.

I was too busy being intoxicated by the haunting score.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree! The score for thia is awesome! Especially the intro! Is this soundtrack available?
Played for about 2 hours so far. I know it might be a cliche to say it is KOTOR set in space (the way Jade Empire is KOTOR set in ancient China) but I feel like if you played one BioWare RPG, you've played them all. The gameplay is obviously different but it still feels like KOTOR with the Quest log, getting from one end of the map to the other, multiple conversation branches, upgrading weapons, etc.

I know you could say the same for Final Fantasy VII through XII but each FF game felt different to me. Whenever I play BioWare games, they all feel the same for some reason. I'm totally in it for the story though so I'm not really nitpicking. I really dig the combat as well though I know many don't share my opinion.
[quote name='Kendro']Played for about 2 hours so far. I know it might be a cliche to say it is KOTOR set in space (the way Jade Empire is KOTOR set in ancient China) but I feel like if you played one BioWare RPG, you've played them all. The gameplay is obviously different but it still feels like KOTOR with the Quest log, getting from one end of the map to the other, multiple conversation branches, upgrading weapons, etc.

I know you could say the same for Final Fantasy VII through XII but each FF game felt different to me. Whenever I play BioWare games, they all feel the same for some reason. I'm totally in it for the story though so I'm not really nitpicking. I really dig the combat for some reason though I know many don't share my opinion.[/quote]

I know what you mean, but I love there games and even though this game feels the same at KOTOR I am still enjoying it. Once I started playing it I got the same exact feeling I got when I first started playing KOTOR, and like KOTOR once I started playing it I haven't been able to stop.
[quote name='Kendro']Played for about 2 hours so far. I know it might be a cliche to say it is KOTOR set in space (the way Jade Empire is KOTOR set in ancient China) but I feel like if you played one BioWare RPG, you've played them all. The gameplay is obviously different but it still feels like KOTOR with the Quest log, getting from one end of the map to the other, multiple conversation branches, upgrading weapons, etc.

I know you could say the same for Final Fantasy VII through XII but each FF game felt different to me. Whenever I play BioWare games, they all feel the same for some reason. I'm totally in it for the story though so I'm not really nitpicking. I really dig the combat as well though I know many don't share my opinion.[/quote]

I agree with you... I loved KotOR and Mass Effect has been great so far but it'd be nice if they tried to get a little more ambitious with updating the feel and flow of the game. The linear levels and simplistic item upgrading feel very 2003.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']A good game that would be a GREAT game if it wasn't hampered by a lack of polish and a terrible case of being inconsistant. Combat can be anywhere from infuriating to awesome. Graphics can be anywhere from awe inspiring and unique to dull and repetitive. Missions can be anywhere from extremely cool and unique to completely boring and the same as the last 4 you just did. Etc, etc, etc... It seems obvious to me that Bioware pushed this out sooner than they should have in order to hit the holiday.

About the only place I can say the game isn't inconsistant would be the sound... voice acting, dialogue and sound effects are top notch.[/QUOTE]

I agree with just about everything you said. Too much of the game is hit or miss. If I had to assign a number score, It'd be in the 8.2 - 8.5 range.
I agree that the game isn't 9.0 in terms of gamepaly due to hitches and whatnot, but the good outweighs the bad. The enjoyment of the game is definitly 9.0 or above, but in actual statistical fact based stuff, it's a high 8.0 (I fucking hate numbers... why am I using them). So if you enjoy your humanity, it's 9, if you are a factoid dick, it's a high 8 ;)
[quote name='jovherye']I totally agree! The score for thia is awesome! Especially the intro! Is this soundtrack available?[/quote]

Yes its available on Amazon or anywhere else that would have videogame soundtracks.
I just started playing, I'm about 6 hours in and I'm absolutely loving it. The gameplay is fresh for me since I never played any of the KotOR games or Jade Empire.
just have to say i am loving this game... But the single worst vehicle segment in any game. SWEET JESUS it SUCKS! They can travel in space past the speed of light but they can't engineer a turret that shoots downward? Nice, real nice.

P.S. I do really like this game
Is there any way to control your teammates? I am talking specifically about any support teammates who are in control of buffing your team and debuffing enemies.
Played for 15 hours and having a blast (I've only finished Noveria so far, guess I'm taking my sweet-ass time). Though I kind of wish BioWare would have downgraded the graphics (or optimized) just a bit to get a consistent framerate. A lot of the times I have to pause the action THEN point my crosshair at an enemy since I can't accurately do that in real time with the chopiness.
[quote name='Kendro']Is there any way to control your teammates? I am talking specifically about any support teammates who are in control of buffing your team and debuffing enemies.[/quote]

The most you can do is use the D-Pad to make them tell them how to move and force them to use abilities with the RB button, which will pause the game when you do so since they are not hotkeyable. Well and obviously you can switch their weapons with LB on top of those two.
For one, I'm glad that they didn't get a license. That would have eaten up money that could have gone to development. I agree that the game seems to have been pushed out a bit early--but I've still been thoroughly immersed in the gameplay. I think this is pretty normal on huge games like this with the 360. If you think this is bad, wait until the sequel comes out. I'm very afraid EA is going to turn Bioware into an RPG factory, churning out crap every year or so.

Now I'm just waiting for Fallout...
[quote name='Theduck']They lost out on not using the Star Wars license again. Stuff is gold.[/quote]

[quote name='ananag112']I wish they just got the Star Trek license for this game. Game feels a lot like how a Star Trek game should be.[/quote]

I'm incredibly glad they didn't. I've fallen in love with the world of Mass Effect.
Seconded on glad they didn't use the Star Wars license. They are too hampered with that, having to get permission for anything creative they want to do.

I am very glad they went for an original IP. The old ones are getting way too old. I was a huge starwars fan but I am definitely ready for something new, and this is fitting the bill perfectly.

I was desperate for some new space sci fi and between Battlestar Galactica and Mass Effect, I'm one happy bastard.
I am equally glad they did not use the star wars or star trek liscenses. I find it refreshingn to have an entirely new universe. It allows for them to create new tech, new interactions, new races, and so on. While they still stuck to things that make bioware bioware, it still allowed them immerse us into a new setting and feel like we are constantly learning about the world we are interacting with (leaving a sense of wonder perhaps?). I'm really enjoying it for sure, I personally like the combat system (feels like a mix between Baldurs Gate, Kotor, and a rainbow six game), but I can understand where people might disagree.

A question: Does anyone know if Mass Effect is based on a series of books? The sheer depth of the game leads me to believe this and If so I need to get some of these books.
[quote name='russellgreco']A question: Does anyone know if Mass Effect is based on a series of books? The sheer depth of the game leads me to believe this and If so I need to get some of these books.[/quote]

The universe was created specifically for Mass Effect but they did go and release a prequel book before the game came out. I have read it and it is pretty decent.

The story revolves around Captain Anderson when he was younger and his dealings with Saren like 20 years before the game events. The book ties very well into the game as you will recognize several references/people/places in the game that were in the book.
[quote name='russellgreco']I am equally glad they did not use the star wars or star trek liscenses. I find it refreshingn to have an entirely new universe. It allows for them to create new tech, new interactions, new races, and so on. While they still stuck to things that make bioware bioware, it still allowed them immerse us into a new setting and feel like we are constantly learning about the world we are interacting with (leaving a sense of wonder perhaps?). I'm really enjoying it for sure, I personally like the combat system (feels like a mix between Baldurs Gate, Kotor, and a rainbow six game), but I can understand where people might disagree.

A question: Does anyone know if Mass Effect is based on a series of books? The sheer depth of the game leads me to believe this and If so I need to get some of these books.[/QUOTE]

AFAIK, it's not. The lead writer of Mass Effect did write a prequel book to Mass Effect in the later stages of game development. Came out last May. It's called Mass Effect: Revelations.

There are plans to make another book too. Depending on it's popularity, we could see more of them in the future.

I just hope this game sees it's true potential, with 2 more sequels.
Well, I beat the game early this morning from a bit of a gaming splurge yesterday.

- Story
- The characters
- The dialogue
- Achievement integration into the game
- Some of the side quests were very interesting and fun
- The ending

- MAKO Handling (Very loose and does not represent the physics that type of vehicle would display)
- Lack of actual cities/towns/villages/etc on planets outside the main story
- Reused building interiors on planets
- Squad AI (Even when ordering commands follow/move/stop/etc)
- Too many side quests felt like I one of the last few I did
- The large collectable side quests are not fun
- Cover system (I'm not a fan of stick covering)
- Lack of skill customization beyond the Bonus Talent & Specialization
- Some skills feel weak in terms of what they do as you level them

Overall enjoyed it a lot and will go through it two more times at least to get the Insane Difficulty and Ally Achievements.
How many endings are there? I beat the game last night and...

I got one where the council died, saren blew his brains out, and captain anderson has to lead the new council.

Also, is the ending affected whether you...

Tell Saren to kill himself (he shoots his brains out)? Is it possible to skip the boss battle with his reaper form depending on what dialouge you select?


If you try to save the council, does that change the ending?
[quote name='Draekon']Well, I beat the game early this morning from a bit of a gaming splurge yesterday.

- Story
- The characters
- The dialogue
- Achievement integration into the game
- Some of the side quests were very interesting and fun
- The ending

- MAKO Handling (Very loose and does not represent the physics that type of vehicle would display)
- Lack of actual cities/towns/villages/etc on planets outside the main story
- Reused building interiors on planets
- Squad AI (Even when ordering commands follow/move/stop/etc)
- Too many side quests felt like I one of the last few I did
- The large collectable side quests are not fun
- Cover system (I'm not a fan of stick covering)
- Lack of skill customization beyond the Bonus Talent & Specialization
- Some skills feel weak in terms of what they do as you level them

Overall enjoyed it a lot and will go through it two more times at least to get the Insane Difficulty and Ally Achievements.[/QUOTE]

=/ Not to harp on this game more, but basically all your likes were outside of the actual gameplay...while all your dislikes were solely about the gameplay.

How long did it take you to finish up BTW? I'm about 9 hours in, just finished
and need I'm either going to head to
Feros or Atermis Tau

I've also done a fair amount of side quests.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']=/ Not to harp on this game more, but basically all your likes were outside of the actual gameplay...while all your dislikes were solely about the gameplay.[/quote]

I have a very big dislike for the MAKO handling. Also forgot to mention I hate how every planet seems to be designed to be the damn hilliest planets in the milky way. Would be nice to have it better designed like ravines and such as it got very old very fast doing side quests requiring me to visit other planets. It really made me hate the mineral side quest.

Besides, it's not like all dislikes have to relate to gameplay. While it may be a decently long dislike list, I really do feel those could easily of been improved and would have made the game so much better.

[quote name='A Happy Panda']How long did it take you to finish up BTW? I'm about 9 hours in, just finished
and need I'm either going to head to
Feros or Atermis Tau

I've also done a fair amount of side quests.[/quote]

I did about 48 side quests and obtained completionist, plus two ally achievements. All in total it took me around 23 hours to complete approximately. Basing on the main story alone with what you have left, I'd say you have around
hours or so left on the main story.
Feros is the longest planet and Atermis Tau is the shortest out of every story planet.

The couple of areas are really awesome. They're the main reason I went to bed hours later than I normally do. Was really difficult to put down once I started on those.
[quote name='Draekon']I have a very big dislike for the MAKO handling. Also forgot to mention I hate how every planet seems to be designed to be the damn hilliest planets in the milky way. Would be nice to have it better designed like ravines and such as it got very old very fast doing side quests requiring me to visit other planets. It really made me hate the mineral side quest.

Besides, it's not like all dislikes have to relate to gameplay. While it may be a decently long dislike list, I really do feel those could easily of been improved and would have made the game so much better.[/quote]

Exactly. That's why I feel the game was rushed out the door in order to hit the Christmas time shopping. Just a lil bit more time in development could have made a huge difference. There's just so many of those little annoyances, they start to build up and begin to detract from my experience.

[quote name='Draekon']
I did about 48 side quests and obtained completionist, plus two ally achievements. All in total it took me around 23 hours to complete approximately. Basing on the main story alone with what you have left, I'd say you have around
hours or so left on the main story.
Feros is the longest planet and Atermis Tau is the shortest out of every story planet.

The couple of areas are really awesome. They're the main reason I went to bed hours later than I normally do. Was really difficult to put down once I started on those.[/QUOTE]

How'd you manage to get two of the ally achievements? Did you only use 2 the whole game?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']How'd you manage to get two of the ally achievements? Did you only use 2 the whole game?[/quote]

Yeah, I pretty much used the same two the entire game (Need to play 75% of the game WITH them, including side quests). Their conversations in the story, elevator, and side quests made for a good time for me.

I think I've heard some story involving a testical from every race by now.

[quote name='Danil ACE']How many endings are there? I beat the game last night and...

I got one where the council died, saren blew his brains out, and captain anderson has to lead the new council.

Also, is the ending affected whether you...

Tell Saren to kill himself (he shoots his brains out)? Is it possible to skip the boss battle with his reaper form depending on what dialouge you select?


If you try to save the council, does that change the ending?

saved the council but Saren did not kill himself. Instread he fell down through the glass and the glass impaled him with blood leaking everywhere. After that, my two party members jumped down and blew his brains out to make sure he was dead. Then there was a cutscene at the end with the three council and I got a choice on how to put as a human council member and picked Anderson with a little bit of talking followed.
This game has frozen up on my 11 times! Anyone else having this problem, I'm gonna stop playing it if it keeps up
bread's done