Mass Effect - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pinnacle Station DLC Now Available 400pts

This is all I've been playing for the past two days, and I haven't even really done anything in the main storyline. Just been unlocking more and more side stuff.
Well, I finally cracked it open tonight. Decided to wait a day after I picked it up and give it the full attention it deserves. Attention that was, before yesterday, solely dedicated to COD4 and Rock Band. Really enjoying the game so far as the actual presentation is spectacular. Haven't really noticed the long elevators that people have been complaining about but I'm only 2 hours in. Maybe it gets worse as the levels on the other side of the elevators get more detailed and elaborate, and with longer elevators to compensate. Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase and it's a nice addition to the Xbox 360 library.
WOW, I just spent FOUR fuckING HOURS doing the Feros mission...why did it take so long? Why? God, why am I having so much trouble finding a way to enjoy myself in this game...Someone please enlighten me.
[quote name='cheezisgoooood']WOW, I just spent FOUR fuckING HOURS doing the Feros mission...why did it take so long? Why? God, why am I having so much trouble finding a way to enjoy myself in this game...Someone please enlighten me.[/QUOTE]

I'm beginning to see through the hype on this game (and what a beautiful game it is...), and I'm just not having fun anymore. I fight the controls too much...

It's supposed to be an RPG, with a story... but all I seem to be doing is finding ways to die. Combat is entirely too hard even on casual, and controls are not intuitive enough to even make it "fps" like. I guess I should mention that I hated Gears of War, because I felt like I was battling the bloody controller. Combat in an RPG doesn't have to be turn-based or tactical, but it has to be balanced a little bit... I spend entirely too much time doing things over and over because I get nailed in the butt by some "thing" of some sort that pops up from behind a block that I thought my squad was covering... (which they aren't... don't... and can't.) And after hitting something with my turret on that bloody mako, there's one other thing that is able to squash it in three hits as I try to roll the stupid thing around to get to the stinking firing position that won't get me killed... and I never can seem to get to it. I've put in 5 hours last night and most of today... and I have to say I'm done. I give up. I'm sure it was a pretty good story, but Bioware mucked it up with these stinking controls and ludicrous combat.

I've still got Blue Dragon to play. ;)
[quote name='Mechafenris']I'm beginning to see through the hype on this game (and what a beautiful game it is...), and I'm just not having fun anymore. I fight the controls too much...

It's supposed to be an RPG, with a story... but all I seem to be doing is finding ways to die. Combat is entirely too hard even on casual, and controls are not intuitive enough to even make it "fps" like. I guess I should mention that I hated Gears of War, because I felt like I was battling the bloody controller. Combat in an RPG doesn't have to be turn-based or tactical, but it has to be balanced a little bit... I spend entirely too much time doing things over and over because I get nailed in the butt by some "thing" of some sort that pops up from behind a block that I thought my squad was covering... (which they aren't... don't... and can't.) And after hitting something with my turret on that bloody mako, there's one other thing that is able to squash it in three hits as I try to roll the stupid thing around to get to the stinking firing position that won't get me killed... and I never can seem to get to it. I've put in 5 hours last night and most of today... and I have to say I'm done. I give up. I'm sure it was a pretty good story, but Bioware mucked it up with these stinking controls and ludicrous combat.

I've still got Blue Dragon to play. ;)[/QUOTE]

Shame, you would let the combat in the game ruin the best story in ages.

Just be a soldier on casual mode. Use an Sniper rifle to kill ranged stuff, and Assault Rifles and Shotguns for close combat. Also, level the hell out of barrier and use it every fight. Makes you nearly unstoppable.

I'm halfway done with my second playthrough on Insane and my 48 solider is mowing down enemies.

Just spend your points wisely and don't depend on your shitty teammates. They are meat shields, nothing more.
[quote name='Mechafenris']
I guess I should mention that I hated Gears of War, because I felt like I was battling the bloody controller. [/QUOTE]

Automatic Fail.

I loved the controls in gears for the most part, in fact I sometimes even crave them.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Shame, you would let the combat in the game ruin the best story in ages.

Just be a soldier on casual mode. Use an Sniper rifle to kill ranged stuff, and Assault Rifles and Shotguns for close combat. Also, level the hell out of barrier and use it every fight. Makes you nearly unstoppable.

I'm halfway done with my second playthrough on Insane and my 48 solider is mowing down enemies.

Just spend your points wisely and don't depend on your shitty teammates. They are meat shields, nothing more.[/QUOTE]

Mmm. Considering combat plays a huge part in the game, I think he has a right to voice his opinion.

The controls are beginning to get to me too. Even the Makko's controls I try to fight with sometimes, especially when trying to reverse or turn around 360.

But I'm really enjoying the story, it's too bad the combat is so hit or miss. The more I play, the more I retract my statement that this is among my favorite games this year. Too many annoyances. Still, the story is pretty awesome, and the combat itself, though cumbersome, is good enough to make me want to go back to the game.

EDIT: Ok since he said he hated Gears' controls, I wonder about his opinion.

I'm only having some issues with the controls, mainly with the cover system and the Makko's gun that are getting to me. I've only died I think 3x and I'm about 6 or so hours in..
[quote name='cheezisgoooood']WOW, I just spent FOUR fuckING HOURS doing the Feros mission...why did it take so long? Why? God, why am I having so much trouble finding a way to enjoy myself in this game...Someone please enlighten me.[/quote]

I feel the same way. I am having a hard time getting into the game. Hopefully the more I play the more addicted I get.
I understand where he is coming from. The combat is most certainly not well balanced, especially if you choose a weak class. I was having serious trouble finishing any remotely difficult fight without getting 1 shotted until I went and spend like 7 levels worth of points just leveling up my health/shields.

As far as not liking Gears... Mass Effect's combat is basically a poor mans GoW but without a bit more variety thanks to biotics. If you didn't like GoW then you most certainly won't like the combat in Mass Effect. A matter of fact, a great measure for anyone wondering if they'll like this game is whether or not they liked KotOR and/or Gears because this game is pretty much a hydrid of the two.
got the game yesterday, played 7 hours straight. Will play more after I get home from thanksgiving. Game is awesome, but I don't like how hard some parts are and the frame rate and texture poping, but it is nice to see how great the future games will be.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']Lesbians are pretty awesome[/QUOTE]

Can an asexual species be lesbian?

The dude that said he didn't like Gears and doesn't like the combat in this - it's pretty easy to see that you like turn based RPG's, like blue dragon. And that's fine. I know lots of people that suck at action games and greatly prefer turn based fighting like Square games...... of course most of them are female, but that's not important.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Can an asexual species be lesbian?[/QUOTE]
Asari are not asexual. They are an all female race. The writer for the game has stated this on numerous occasions, and the codex in the game even identifies them as female.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Mmm. Considering combat plays a huge part in the game, I think he has a right to voice his opinion.

The controls are beginning to get to me too. Even the Makko's controls I try to fight with sometimes, especially when trying to reverse or turn around 360.

But I'm really enjoying the story, it's too bad the combat is so hit or miss. The more I play, the more I retract my statement that this is among my favorite games this year. Too many annoyances. Still, the story is pretty awesome, and the combat itself, though cumbersome, is good enough to make me want to go back to the game.

EDIT: Ok since he said he hated Gears' controls, I wonder about his opinion.

I'm only having some issues with the controls, mainly with the cover system and the Makko's gun that are getting to me. I've only died I think 3x and I'm about 6 or so hours in..[/QUOTE]

The Mako's controls are really bad, I'll admit. I hated traveling in it, and when it explodes you get game over.
Man, am I the only one who likes the Mako? I don't have a hard time with it-- the fact that you can zoom twice on the turret allows me to get the bad guys without getting much but a sniper ding or two. Jump over the rockets/acid/whatever, and go to town. Its no Warthog, sure-- but the planets and moons aren't necessarily easy going terrain. I was at a Level 2 hazard ice planet, and damn straight if I wasn't bucking the head-winds and snow and rocks. It feels like space.

Most of the uncharted worlds are uncharted for a good reason.

I'm about 14 hours into the game and haven't touched any story mission outside of the initial Citadel trip.
This game has plenty of faults, but it's so ambitious I find it hard to complain. The one thing I WILL complain about, however, is the lack of any tutorial. It doesn't have to be mandatory, but at least make it optional.
Question: I was looking at the achievments, namely the "Play through the game X many times" ones. After you beat the game and start a new playthrough, is it completely seperate from your first? Or do things carry over or anything?
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Question: I was looking at the achievments, namely the "Play through the game X many times" ones. After you beat the game and start a new playthrough, is it completely seperate from your first? Or do things carry over or anything?[/quote]

You are limited to level 50 on your first playthrough. The second time around you can use your same party/levels/equipment again and the level max is upped to 60. I believe 60 is the absolute max but I am not certain. It would be kind of cool if at some point they added something new to the game as downloadable content and perhaps upped the max to something even higher like 70.
[quote name='mrelusive']Indeed. I still don't know how to melee...[/quote]

Simply get up in someones face and hit the same fire button you normally use (right trigger) and your character with swing instead of shooting.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Simply get up in someones face and hit the same fire button you normally use (right trigger) and your character with swing instead of shooting.[/quote]

I didnt even know that. That woulda saved me a few times.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Asari are not asexual. They are an all female race. The writer for the game has stated this on numerous occasions, and the codex in the game even identifies them as female.[/QUOTE]

I swear it explained them as asexual in the book. It just said they were neither male nor female but had more female traits. But maybe the book was wrong.
From one of the designers:
Asari are "technically" female. They bear live, genetically differentiated children, possess the ability to nurse offspring, etc.

one gender does not equal no gender

Physically they're female. The part of the book I think you're talking about is where they explain that since they're all female, and can reproduce with any species of any race, they don't see any difference between male and female.

If a race evolved that reproduced not physically, but with the mental link the Asari use, it would make sense that they would be all women.
can't really complain about the elevators, except for the one in the Normandy that thing is like a sloth.
Is the rumor true, that Bioware is going to make a third Knights of the Old Republic?

If so, I hope you have full control over real-time combat, ala Jade Empire and Mass Effect.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I swear it explained them as asexual in the book. It just said they were neither male nor female but had more female traits. But maybe the book was wrong.[/quote]

If you talk to that asari chick in the med bay of the ship and ask about her people, she'll say that they're all female and can reproduce with any species, regardless of which sex.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Shame, you would let the combat in the game ruin the best story in ages.

Just be a soldier on casual mode. Use an Sniper rifle to kill ranged stuff, and Assault Rifles and Shotguns for close combat. Also, level the hell out of barrier and use it every fight. Makes you nearly unstoppable.

I'm halfway done with my second playthrough on Insane and my 48 solider is mowing down enemies.

Just spend your points wisely and don't depend on your shitty teammates. They are meat shields, nothing more.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, combat is far too much of the game to let me into the story enough not to be frustrated. I am not losing when the combat's balanced, or even well articulated, like the Eden Prime quest (initially).. it's when it moves into the planets, and even on the side quests you feel as if you're fighting the terrain and the enemies, even on casual (I played Eden Prime on normal, btw...) I am a soldier... which I figured would give me a better advantage in combat... but it hasn't so far.

The Mako is very hard to control... it feels tacked on. But in the case of a few side quest planets, it becomes integral to use it without getting your buns shot off...

I figured out early on the team was my meat shield... and they serve a nice purpose... but somehow they die in a far too efficient fashion to keep them useful... that brink of death moment when you're stimpackin' up and hiding behind a rock with 3 turrets and a behemoth (that walks!) shooting... fun, but after a dozen tries, it's just not fun anymore. Then the team revives just to point out "Shepard's down!" Gee, thanks for that, captain obvious. ;)

I don't mean this to be a criticism of the game itself... It's just that I don't really feel like I can get past the combat controls enough to make the game fun for me.

..and for those who think I'm on crack for hating Gears of War... :booty:
I'm 15 hours in, and I haven't had a problem. You just need to realize that stats and equipment are the most important things when it comes to combat.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm 15 hours in, and I haven't had a problem. You just need to realize that stats and equipment are the most important things when it comes to combat.[/quote]

Once I got some of the level 4-5 gears and started putting a lot of points into health/shields talents combat became considerably easier. Just have to remember to use all the shield boost and healing abilities in combat a ton.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm 15 hours in, and I haven't had a problem. You just need to realize that stats and equipment are the most important things when it comes to combat.[/QUOTE]

I thought I was practical with my stats, at the very least, it makes it less of a slaughter at times... But it's just that I happen to find the controls unintuitive. I am giving it one more shot to see how it turns out. I am one of the few people who will give a game the benefit of the doubt (I tried Gears of War many times, but just didn't like it...) Most people just give up... But with this $60 investment, I intend to at least make it worth my while. ;)

Are there any missions that require the use of the Mako to complete? I certainly want to avoid those if at all possible. ;) that's one thing I think nothing will fix... because that is just like herding cats. ;)

If I don't make it... meh... it's not like Mass Effect's the only game left. ;)
What's the better bonus? I am both a close and long range fighter, but I'm having trouble picking between the two. >_<

+28% Health & +16% Damage Protection
+21% Damage
[quote name='Brak']Is the rumor true, that Bioware is going to make a third Knights of the Old Republic?

If so, I hope you have full control over real-time combat, ala Jade Empire and Mass Effect.[/QUOTE]

All that is known is that Bioware is focussed on an MMO right now. They are ramping up their team quite a bit for it.

On top of that, it is also known that Lucasarts is involved with Bioware for something right now.

So many people conclude that very likely means the MMO they are working on is Star Wars based in the KOTOR universe.
was playinn some side questions and found some killer weapons and armor. God I love this game.

EDIT: Anyone know where to buy biotic amps at? I have been searching the merchants, but haven't seen one yet.
Just finished
Good stuff. The finnicky-ass combat is becoming less of an issue as myself and my squad is becoming stronger and more bad ass.
Beat the game. Sucks I finished it so quick. I guess now I'll play through it again as someone who can use lift and etc that's a total prick. I wonder if there's still plans for a second and third Mass Effect now that EA will own them in 2008. I guess they would be a co-published by Microsoft and EA for PC and Xbox 360. I mean there's more Microsoft names in the credits than Bioware staff.
Looked up Mass Effect and discovered that the female voice of Shepherd is played by the same woman voiced Bastila Shan (female Jedi) in KOTOR, Samus Aran in the Metroid Prime games and Naomi Hunter from MGS.
*Apologizes in advance if this has been asked. It's my first time in this thread*

Any word if a demo is headed out eventually? I'm interested, but would like a demo of this.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Looked up Mass Effect and discovered that the female voice of Shepherd is played by the same woman voiced Bastila Shan (female Jedi) in KOTOR, Samus Aran in the Metroid Prime games and Naomi Hunter from MGS.[/quote]

Yup... Jennifer Hale. I am pretty sure Kaiden is the same guy who played Carth in KoTOR as well. If not, they have extremely similiar voices.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Beat the game. Sucks I finished it so quick. I guess now I'll play through it again as someone who can use lift and etc that's a total prick. I wonder if there's still plans for a second and third Mass Effect now that EA will own them in 2008. I guess they would be a co-published by Microsoft and EA for PC and Xbox 360. I mean there's more Microsoft names in the credits than Bioware staff.[/quote]

How many hours did it take you? Did you do all the side quests or just blow through the main story? When you replay through, can you start at level 50 with a new character or can you only do a New Game + if you use your old character?
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Yup... Jennifer Hale. I am pretty sure Kaiden is the same guy who played Carth in KoTOR as well. If not, they have extremely similiar voices.[/QUOTE]
It's funny because before playing this game I was thinking "I haven't heard Jennifer Hale in awhile. She used to be in like every game."

And yeah, Kaiden is voiced by Rapheal Sbarge. At least he's less whiney than Carth was.
bread's done