Mass Effect - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pinnacle Station DLC Now Available 400pts

[quote name='A Happy Panda']It worries me that the review says there is substantial slowdown...takes away from the experience.

Also, has anyone found this on the shelves besides Costco?[/quote]

Slowdown is a big issue in the game, but it doesn't take away from combat. Basically, when you're in a town, it's rough. Anywhere else, it's not too bad.
For those that want the LE in the US, still has them in stock but from their front page (which features Mass Effect):

Online-Only Limited Editions are Almost Gone!
Supplies of the Mass Effect Limited Edition are in short supply - hence the name "Limited." Order it online today before you miss out.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']It worries me that the review says there is substantial slowdown...takes away from the experience.[/quote]

I'm 10 hours in and have had one experience with slowdown taking away from the experience. Its performing significantly better than KOTOR did.
I hope everyone who gets it tonight or tomorrow enjoys it as much as I currently am. I don't think the game is a 10 for the reasons that IGN explained, but content-wise its shown off in spades. Enjoy everyone.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']I hope everyone who gets it tonight or tomorrow enjoys it as much as I currently am. I don't think the game is a 10 for the reasons that IGN explained, but content-wise its shown off in spades. Enjoy everyone.[/quote]

Agreed. It has it's issues, but it's still the best RPG out there, and will keep people (myself included) coming back for a a second run through the game.
I'm getting the LE version. I'll try to put my opinions of that versions when I get it tomorrow or whensday.
My CE shipped from Gamestop today, I got 2 day shipping, but its already at my towns UPS building, so I should be getting it tomorrow.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I wanna get this tommorow, but have to wait if I get a chance at the amazon wii deal (yeah right).[/QUOTE]

You must get it.

Seriously man. I cannot hype this enough :p
Spoiler-free mini review. I'm about 10 hours in and really enjoying it. I like the difficulty level. It's a real challenge. The achievements are tough to get for the most part (at least so far) and I like that, too. I'd give it a 9-9.5 myself. The narrative starts off a bit slow, and it plays like a fantasy RPG in space--those are the ogres, those are the elves, those are the dwarfs, etc. Still the mechanics work. Be prepared to read the instruction manual. The control isn't difficult, but I found myself saying "OH I can do that...?! That makes doing X so much easier."

I haven't progressed that far through the campaign yet, but I can tell you that the plot moves a little slow at first. I'm OK with that so far as I'm enjoying exploring the various loacations throughout the world.

This is the best RPG on the 360 since Oblivion. Certainly it's graphically superior, but since I'm not done with it yet my guess it that until I get the "completionist" achievement, I won't be able to say which title is superior.
[quote name='Cursor']Spoiler-free mini review. I'm about 10 hours in and really enjoying it. I like the difficulty level. It's a real challenge. The achievements are tough to get for the most part (at least so far) and I like that, too. I'd give it a 9-9.5 myself. The narrative starts off a bit slow, and it plays like a fantasy RPG in space--those are the ogres, those are the elves, those are the dwarfs, etc. Still the mechanics work. Be prepared to read the instruction manual. The control isn't difficult, but I found myself saying "OH I can do that...?! That makes doing X so much easier."

I haven't progressed that far through the campaign yet, but I can tell you that the plot moves a little slow at first. I'm OK with that so far as I'm enjoying exploring the various loacations throughout the world.[/QUOTE]

The combat is fairly straightforward, although it's just hard. The controls seem very good. My only real complaint with it is the lack of AI on your own squad. They steal your cover and die WAY to freaking often. You have to babysit them.

The story starts off slow, but it progresses a little faster then I would have liked towards the end.

I sold off my copy for used copy after I beat it for a little over retail, but my LE comes tomorrow. I'm going to reply this game after I beat SMG. This time, on Insane mode, with a new character. I plan on doing every sidequest.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Im bored with it.. considering selling my copy to be honest. Ive already beaten it once.. but the hardcore difficulty is a joke.. :([/quote]

Wow, that was fast.
Uhh. Has anyone watched IGN's video review? Their complaints in the review would lead one to believe that a 9.4 score is way too high. It seems like their complaints coincide more with the GS score of 8.5. I hate to bring up numbers and all, since they are fairly dumb....but IDK, the IGN score and the IGN review just didn't match to me.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Uhh. Has anyone watched IGN's video review? Their complaints in the review would lead one to believe that a 9.4 score is way too high. It seems like their complaints coincide more with the GS score of 8.5. I hate to bring up numbers and all, since they are fairly dumb....but IDK, the IGN score and the IGN review just didn't match to me.[/quote]
Then don't go to IGN. I've always felt their review scores to be inconsistent with the actual review.

And I hate their atrocious site, Gamespot FTW.
[quote name='yukine']Then don't go to IGN. I've always felt their review scores to be inconsistent with the actual review.

And I hate their atrocious site, Gamespot FTW.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to do. I've grown up with them. Despite their often bloated scores, I still MUST visit it at least once or twice a day. I love their site layout and amount of content, moreso than GSs. And their podcasts are hilarious.

It's like giving up smoking. You know its bad, but you can't stop.

I feel like GS has been pretty spot-on with their reviews of the big-titles this year (Bioshock, MP3, Mario Galaxy, Halo 3). I have yet to play Mass Effect, so I won't comment. But again, there is a HUGE disconnect between what the IGN reviewer says in the video, and the score he gives the game.
[quote name='opterasis']My CE shipped from Gamestop today, I got 2 day shipping, but its already at my towns UPS building, so I should be getting it tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Bastard! My copy from Amazon still hasn't shipped!
[quote name='AshesofWake']would it make a difference if it got a 9.3 or a 9.5? :rofl: it's just a fucking number[/QUOTE]

No. But a 9.5 changing to a 8.5 would make a difference with a lot of people. I'm just saying, I wish their [IGN] review scores would match up with what they say about the game.
and that is why the score doesn't really matter, the content of the review is the actual review. doing away with scores ftw!

omg only 5 more hours >_
[quote name='AshesofWake']and that is why the score doesn't really matter, the content of the review is the actual review. doing away with scores ftw!

omg only 5 more hours >_
I am now more convinced than ever that Gamespot usually comes out with their reviews after IGN simply so they can have a different score. Assasins Creed, and now Mass Effect, prove this.
Mine was at my front door when i woke up today. thank god for vacation. Heres some pics to drool over.

Grabbed my copy during lunch and played the first 5 minutes. The voices actors they picked up are pretty clutch. I already heard that dude from Something About Mary and also Seth Green.
I'm picking this game up tonight and I can't decide if I want to make a male or female Shepherd. Are the differences cosmetic only, or do they effect the story/script at all (please no spoilers)?

Also, which one do people think has better voice acting? Because from the trailers I've seen the male Shepherd is fairly poorly voice acted, so hopefully the female voice is better, but maybe it was just a fluke and he'll sound alright in the right context.
Either sold out or never stocked to begin with at every store I hit today. Pain in the ass. Seems like the only way to even get a new game at launch these days is to preorder it and get overnight shipping.
Just got back from TRU at Tustin, CA with my copy of Mass Effect. With the 15% off BRU coupon and 2 $25 GC's from the SMG deal, this game cost me $4.96 after tax.

I am one happy camper.
I played it for probably 20 or so minutes, and it's alright. Maybe I'll get more into it during thanksgiving break. Need to finish writing an essay before I can get back to it anyways.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Either sold out or never stocked to begin with at every store I hit today. Pain in the ass. Seems like the only way to even get a new game at launch these days is to preorder it and get overnight shipping.[/quote] Well this time of the year anyway.
[quote name='Layd Dly']Mine was at my front door when i woke up today. thank god for vacation. Heres some pics to drool over.


Son of a bitch! I ordered overnight shipping but I didn't get my copy today from Gamestop. I'm mad...didn't pay $10 shipping for nothing.
[quote name='Dem']Son of a bitch! I ordered overnight shipping but I didn't get my copy today from Gamestop. I'm mad...didn't pay $10 shipping for nothing.[/quote]

Weird, I payed for 2 day shipping, and still got it today.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I'm picking this game up tonight and I can't decide if I want to make a male or female Shepherd. Are the differences cosmetic only, or do they effect the story/script at all (please no spoilers)?

Also, which one do people think has better voice acting? Because from the trailers I've seen the male Shepherd is fairly poorly voice acted, so hopefully the female voice is better, but maybe it was just a fluke and he'll sound alright in the right context.[/QUOTE]
I made a female Shepard (a hot one too I might add!), and she's voiced by Jennifer Hale who you might know as Bastila in KOTOR or Naomi from Metal Gear. So yeah, the voice is good. Haven't heard male Shep other than the trailers though.

Also I'd assume it doesn't affect anything except the romance subplots, and the way certain characters react to you.
[quote name='Dem']Son of a bitch! I ordered overnight shipping but I didn't get my copy today from Gamestop. I'm mad...didn't pay $10 shipping for nothing.[/quote]

Mine was from eb with overnight, and was outside my door when i woke up today at 11:45. But at least you should get your $10 back with their delivery garauntee.
[quote name='Dem']Son of a bitch! I ordered overnight shipping but I didn't get my copy today from Gamestop. I'm mad...didn't pay $10 shipping for nothing.[/quote]
It was listed on GameStop's website that they will reimburse next-day shipping charges if you pay for it but never received it today.

Edit - I made sure I got a screencap in case they tried to fuck me over. Get your $10 back!

Well I didn't know that but I had emailed their Contact Support anyways. Thanks for the help.
I don't think I've ever played a game with such fantastic character models. I'm sure that weird grainy graphics filter thing enhances things somewhat but the characters still look phenomenal.
On my LCD the Grain filter makes everything look a little too diluted, turning it of showcases the games great graphics.

What'd everyone decide to start playing as?

I settled with an Infiltrator--after playing the first 2 hours as an Adept, Soldier, and Vanguard.
Sci-fi special they had Wayne Brady talking about Mass Effect which was pretty cool. Shannon Elizabeth?!?! Props to Jessica Chobot, lookin real good!
bread's done