Mass Effect - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pinnacle Station DLC Now Available 400pts

[quote name='MSUHitman']Manager at my local Gamestop said you get it with the game, not when you pre-order.[/quote]Hope so, as I had this pre-ordered so far in the past, it's comical. Hate to go through that a second time with a pre-order.

Shame they're not brining out the LE for here like they are in Europe.
[quote name='shrike4242']Hope so, as I had this pre-ordered so far in the past, it's comical. Hate to go through that a second time with a pre-order.

Shame they're not brining out the LE for here like they are in Europe.[/quote]

I pre-ordered May 31st 2007. But not at GameStop. I will probably be able to get my hands on the disc though. November is going to be a busy month, about as busy as October. Damn the last few months of a year and all the awesome games that come out!
[quote name='Damian']What's it competing with, Blue Dragon? Not like it's been a year for RPGs.[/quote]

It doesn't have much competetion when it comes to RPGs, but for game of the year it has plenty. H3, orange box, bioshock, and COD4 just to name a few.
[quote name='opterasis']Anyone else think its a little messed up that the Mass Effect LE is online only?[/quote]Well, fuck, how nice of them to pull this crap on us. :wall: Makes me wonder if we pre-order the LE, if we'll get the bonus disc on top of the extras in the LE? No mention of it in the pre-order info for the LE, just the regular version.
Sucks for me, I already have it preordered at gamestop, and they refuse to give cash back once you preorder, and I cant really afford to slap down another 70$ right now.
[quote name='opterasis']Probably will be if its an EBs/GS exclusive and they aren't even selling it in-store.[/quote]I wonder how "limited" it will be, after the FFXII CE fiasco.
The FF12 Limited Edition was actually more common than the regular edition at Gamestop. However since this is online only I think it will be more rare like Bioshock LE
Any more news as to how long the main storyline is going to be?

Or how many/how involved/how long the side-storys are going to be?
[quote name='PyroGamer']Any more news as to how long the main storyline is going to be?

Or how many/how involved/how long the side-storys are going to be?[/quote]

The gameinformer article I read (if I recall correctly) said that it was around 18-30 hours for the main story.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Any more news as to how long the main storyline is going to be?

Or how many/how involved/how long the side-storys are going to be?[/quote]

Hours wise GI says it is 18 - 30 hours
[quote name='ighosty']Hours wise GI says it is 18 - 30 hours[/quote]

So take the fact that every single developer/publisher/reviewer inflates playtimes by about 50% and we're looking at realistically a 12-20 hour game. Still not too bad.
Well looks like I'm going to BB to get the bonus disk then cancelling my pre-order at GS to get the online only one.

Anyone know what the difference is between the regular guide and the limited edition guide? $15 is a pretty big price jump.
[quote name='Damian']What's it competing with, Blue Dragon? Not like it's been a year for RPGs.[/QUOTE]

It will have to impress me mightily to beat out Blue Dragon. I'm probably getting this based on how much I liked KOTOR, but the real-time shooter elements are a turn-off for me. I have a real hard time even considering this an RPG as a result.

Does anyone know if Gamecrazy will have the preorder bonus as well? Scorch? I just preordered it there a few days ago but I have some Wii preorders at EB I can switch over if they are the only ones with the bonus (yes, I know Best Buy also has it but I have no credit there ;)). I might as well get that if I'm going to preorder it anyway.
[quote name='io']It will have to impress me mightily to beat out Blue Dragon.[/quote]
What exactly impressed you about Blue Dragon? While I'd consider myself an RPG nut, I've heard people praise the hell out of it and knock the crap out of it, so I haven't been able to decide if I should shell out the money for it.

Back on topic, since best buy is having the pre-order bonus as well as EB/GS, I would imagine GC has a decent chance of having it too. The GC I used to work for rarely got in more than a few of each pre-order bonus though, so I hope you have an employee connection of some type if they do happen to offer the bonus as well. You are probably better off going through GS/EB if you don't mind them, as you'll have a much better shot at getting the bonus there I'd think.
Hmm.. I pre-ordered the online only special edition from gamestop, but I'd still lik to pick up the pre-order bonus disk from best buy. Can I just purchase the pre-order disk for $5 from best buy, then just not buy the game when it's released? I can't remember how Best Buy's pre-order system works.
[quote name='Teqonix']Hmm.. I pre-ordered the online only special edition from gamestop, but I'd still lik to pick up the pre-order bonus disk from best buy. Can I just purchase the pre-order disk for $5 from best buy, then just not buy the game when it's released? I can't remember how Best Buy's pre-order system works.[/quote]

I've never tried it (nor do I want to), but I do see a lot of CAGs say they just drop down the $5 for the pre-order, get the freebie, and then never pick up the pre-order. No clue if you can later go and cancel the pre-order and keep the freebie, but that seems dishonest anyway. ;)
[quote name='shrike4242']Well, fuck, how nice of them to pull this crap on us. :wall: Makes me wonder if we pre-order the LE, if we'll get the bonus disc on top of the extras in the LE? No mention of it in the pre-order info for the LE, just the regular version.[/quote]

I was wondering the same thing & made this post in the Mass Effect LE thread:

Silly question but the reg version comes with a promo disk & the limited ed version has a bonus dvd. So my question is, will the more costly limited ed version have the promo disk content as well as the extra stuff on the dvd? I dont want to pay more & miss out on the gamer pics & themes & the soundtrack.


Items in italics are only available with promotional disk.
A documentary introducing the game
12 unique gamer pics
Two unique themes- Four exclusive pictures in each theme
Three tracks from the Mass Effect soundtrack
Four historical Mass Effect trailers (from X05 to E3 ‘07)
Blue Dragon demo and videos from Halo 3 (two), Halo Wars, and Lost Odyssey

Limited Edition Bonus Content Includes:
  • Galactic Codex Essentials- A 36 page guide to the Mass Effect universe, including a Citadel timeline, guide to all non-human races, biotics and the key locations in the Perseus arm of the galaxy!
  • Mass Effect Art Book- A 36 page collection of Bioware's concept art!
  • Bonus DVD- Exclusive videos about Mass Effect (Art of Mass Effect, Interactive Storytelling of Mass Effect)!
Well, I switched a paid-in-full NiGHTS preorder to Mass Effect tonight. I hope it delivers ;).
Luckily the guy working at Gamestop tonight wasnt a dick about me cancelling my preorder, he actually said he'd probably cancel his too.
was just watchin some of the vids from the voice actors. This game has some top notch voice acting in it, just makes me want to play it more.
[quote name='Surferflames']Various sites are now reporting what everyone with ears already knows, Seth Green voices the ships pilot.[/QUOTE]

it's hard to not know it's him... hell it'd be interesting to use his family guy voice for the character >_
So take the fact that every single developer/publisher/reviewer inflates playtimes by about 50% and we're looking at realistically a 12-20 hour game. Still not too bad.

Shyeah...if you're a 'speed gamer' who's idiot savant-good and never makes one controller motion in a direction or towards an objective that isn't ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Personally, I find that most length estimates in reviews skew about 20-30% lower than my time tally. Why do so many gamers have to sprint the whole fuckin' time?

P.S. So what is the deal with the LE for this game? Will I or will I not be able to get it in-store at a Best Buy? I'm done with EBGamestop.
[quote name='jollydwarf']So take the fact that every single developer/publisher/reviewer inflates playtimes by about 50% and we're looking at realistically a 12-20 hour game. Still not too bad.

Shyeah...if you're a 'speed gamer' who's idiot savant-good and never makes one controller motion in a direction or towards an objective that isn't ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Personally, I find that most length estimates in reviews skew about 20-30% lower than my time tally. Why do so many gamers have to sprint the whole fuckin' time?

May be the first time I've ever agreed with you ;). I find the CAG game completion time estimate thread to be particularly hilarious. I think I take, on average, twice the time a "normal" CAG takes. So maybe Mass Effect will be worth it to me as I ought to get a good 30-40 hours out of it.
[quote name='io']May be the first time I've ever agreed with you ;). I find the CAG game completion time estimate thread to be particularly hilarious. I think I take, on average, twice the time a "normal" CAG takes. So maybe Mass Effect will be worth it to me as I ought to get a good 30-40 hours out of it.[/QUOTE]

I think it would be worth it even if the main quest line was 10 hours long. Mass Effect just screams re playability. Heck, you can't even max your character level on the first play through.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']I think it would be worth it even if the main quest line was 10 hours long. Mass Effect just screams re playability. Heck, you can't even max your character level on the first play through.[/quote]

Yeah, I totally agree with this. With a game like Mass Effect, how long it takes to play through it has very little impact on my decision to get it, as the replayability is what makes games like these great.
The Official site posted the exact contents of the LE and the Pre-order Bonus discs. Haven't seen this posted in the thread yet, so I'll post it now.

Fans of this year's hottest RPG - available exclusively on Xbox 360 - can now get their hands on unique and collectible content by pre-ordering Mass Effect at participating U.S. retailers.
Limited Collector's Edition

The limited collector's edition will be offered through participating retailers, and will include the following bonus materials:
  • A Mass Effect fiction book titled "Galactic Codex: Essentials"
    • A 36-page guide to the Mass Effect universe, including a Citadel timeline and a guide to all non-human races, biotics and the key locations in the Perseus arm of the galaxy
  • An additional Mass Effect art book titled "A Future Imagined"
    • A 36-page collection of BioWare's concept art for the game
  • A bonus DVD of exclusive Mass Effect background material and additional content including:
    • "The Vision of Mass Effect documentary
    • "The Making of Mass Effect documentary
    • "Interactive Storytelling" documentary
    • "Inside BioWare" documentary
    • 18 Mass Effect themed gamer pics (three unique sets of six)
    • 16 dashboard themes (four unique sets of four)
    • Ten songs from the Mass Effect soundtrack
    • Five historical Mass Effect trailers from X05 through E3 2007 and the official TV trailer
    • A demo for "Blue Dragon" and videos for "Lost Odyssey," "Halo 3" and "Halo Wars"
    • Design galleries featuring 600 concept images fully commented by the Art Directors
Exclusive Pre-Order Bonus Disc

The exclusive bonus disc will be offered to consumers who pre-order either edition of the game at participating retailers and will include the following contents:
  • A short documentary on DVD introducing the game
  • 12 Mass Effect themed gamer pics (two unique sets of six)
  • Eight dashboard themes (two unique sets of four)
  • Three songs from the Mass Effect soundtrack on a CD
  • Four historical Mass Effect trailers from X05 through E3 2007 on DVD
  • A demo for "Blue Dragon" and videos for "Lost Odyssey," "Halo 3" and "Halo Wars"
Those are some damn nice bonuses on the LE. I'd love to get it, but I hate having game boxes that don't match (yes I'm odd).
Looks like it's the same artbook included with the LE guide bundle as sold separately:

[quote name='From Random House']Good afternoon,

Thank you for contacting Random House, Inc.

The Limited edition art book that is listed in ISBN 9780761556237 is the same art book that is being sold separately under ISBN 9780761554080.

Thank you.

Random House, Inc.
Consumer Services
[quote name='Ryukahn']Exclusive Pre-Order Bonus Disc

The exclusive bonus disc will be offered to consumers who pre-order either edition of the game at participating retailers and will include the following contents:[/quote]

Is that part confirmed? I was about to preorder the LE on, when I realized that the bonus disc wasn't on the LE page.
I picked up the pre-order disc today and there isn't any audio on the "Inside Mass Effect" video. I wonder if this is an issue with the master. Does anyone else have this problem?

The rest of the disc plays/sounds fine...

You can pick up the disc already? I thought that was whenever you actually went in to get the game. Hmm, maybe a trip is in order tomorrow.
[quote name='linkpwns']Is that part confirmed? I was about to preorder the LE on, when I realized that the bonus disc wasn't on the LE page.[/quote]

Not sure what kind of confirmation you are looking for, but what I posted was from the official website for Mass Effect.
I got the bonus disc yesterday at Best Buy with $5 deposit for pre-ordering the game. I mainly got it for the free gamerpics/themes. They're ok...just ok.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Shyeah...if you're a 'speed gamer' who's idiot savant-good and never makes one controller motion in a direction or towards an objective that isn't ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Personally, I find that most length estimates in reviews skew about 20-30% lower than my time tally. Why do so many gamers have to sprint the whole fuckin' time?[/QUOTE]I explore like crazy, and I usually finish games much faster than the inflated totals the devs like to estimate.

Usually longer completion times are due to dying all the time. I don't believe dying has any place in videogames, all it does is effectively ruin the immersion.
[quote name='jrutz']I picked up the pre-order disc today and there isn't any audio on the "Inside Mass Effect" video. I wonder if this is an issue with the master. Does anyone else have this problem?[/QUOTE]
Yes. You'd think that would be something they'd catch. :roll:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I got the bonus disc yesterday at Best Buy with $5 deposit for pre-ordering the game. I mainly got it for the free gamerpics/themes. They're ok...just ok.[/QUOTE]

If they're just OK, I'll hold off on getting the bonus disc. With all the releases coming out between now and then, I might just wait to pick this up when I can give it more attention.
[quote name='kojubat']Yes. You'd think that would be something they'd catch. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Good - so at least it's not just me...
bread's done