MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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Chael beat the shit out of him for four straight rounds. That was his fight to lose going into the 5th and sure enough, he got caught. Damn.

The crowd was fucking gay though. Booing Sonnen and chanting Silva at the start of the fight, then cheering Sonnen and chanting USA once he started to dominate. GTFO with that shit.
What a fucking fight. Man, Chael was so close to pulling that off. He gained every bit of my respect. He came out and did exactly what he said he was going to do.
Yea they're like so is it too early for chael to start celebrating? and then it couldn't have been a minute later he gets submitted
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I still can't get over what an idiot Chael is. He got lazy and completely opened himself up to a sub.


Seriously dude...seriously? He didn't get lazy at all. He got caught by one of the best ever at middleweight.
*Waits for Dana White to somehow find a way to moan over Silva winning...AGAIN!!!!!!!*

And ol buddy....look...he's an athlete. Athletes are always told to PLAY THROUGH. Dude won the bout! HE WON IT!!!! And yet, he acted like a star receiver who thought he was the only person left towards the end zone....

...and got tackled from behind AND lost the rock!

Leon Lett should be this guy's new name.

Hilarious. Purely hilarious. Silva was literally a minute away from finally being defeated so his haters could celebrate just like what happened to Jack Johnson (look him up!).
[quote name='SEH']Seriously dude...seriously? He didn't get lazy at all. He got caught by one of the best ever at middleweight.[/QUOTE]
Uhhhh, did you watch what happened in 10 seconds before he locked in that sub? Chael was mailing in punches with his shoulders up while at the back of Anderson's guard.

It's like he handed it over on a silver platter.
I am so sad/angry about how Anderson found a way to come back after losing four fucking rounds.

Anderson showing respect to Chael helps the sting, but I can't believe Chael managed to get himself in a position to be submitted after winning four rounds and being within two minutes of a victory.

It seemed like Chael got too concerned about blocking the cut over his eye in the last 30 seconds or so before the triangle.
[quote name='Cracka']Yea they're like so is it too early for chael to start celebrating? and then it couldn't have been a minute later he gets submitted[/QUOTE]

Seriously! I blame Mike Goldberg for this. Only his dumbass comments could ruin an incredible performance by Chael. I kept yelling "shut the fuck up!" at my TV, lol. This fight was like watching Rocky fight Ivan Drago, but seeing him lose. WTF? It showed great presence of mind from Silva to slip that on so quickly, but he really had no business winning that fight. I really would rather have had him just KO Chael in the first round. I hate fights like this that just leave you with that "what was the point?" feeling.

But like I mentioned in an earlier post, the Silva fans should be grateful for Chael Sonnen. He made your boy come back down to Earth and remember what made him such a popular fighter to begin with. It's just disappointing to see the more dominant fighter lose because of a stupid mistake.

Ughh...I seriously need to go take a shit now because of this fight. Thank you Chael Sonnen. I was all hyped up for something incredible. The underdog that nobody gave a chance to win, and then it just gets yanked away, and now my stomach hurts. This is like early 90's Buffalo Bills and the 2004 ALCS for me. I don't see how Sonnen comes back from this loss.
[quote name='Chase']I am so sad/angry about how Anderson found a way to come back after losing four fucking rounds.

Anderson showing respect to Chael helps the sting, but I can't believe Chael managed to get himself in a position to be submitted after winning four rounds and being within two minutes of a victory.

The idea of Silva haters going to sleep angry tonight makes me happy...
[quote name='strongpimphand']The idea of Silva haters going to sleep angry tonight makes me happy...[/QUOTE]

Same here. :)
@lorettahuntmma whattttttt....I went to take a bath after that first knockdown in the fifth...and ANDERSON WON...WTF...........????REPLAY!!....Now I have to download the whole fight to see the last 30 secon

Can someone post a GIF of the submision?I was pissed at Silva, and gave the fight to Sonnen...And I sit at and Silva won after that beating, wtf...
Well, I wouldn't be so obtuse as to say I'm a "Anderson Silva hater."

I appreciate how good Anderson can be in multiple aspects of fighting. Anderson has just behaved poorly and needed/needs to be put in his place. I like Anderson as much as anyone could like a fighter that has been disrespectful to their opponents. :p

[quote name='diddy310']It seemed like Chael got too concerned about blocking the cut over his eye in the last 30 seconds or so before the triangle.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I concur, Diddy. It did seem like Chael became far too concerned about the cut towards the end of the fight. I also saw Chael let his tiredness overcome him more than Anderson showed to Chael.

The first four rounds prove how great of a fighter Chael is. He backed up his words. Submissions happen. Four rounds of dominance just don't, poof, pop out of nowhere. :D
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Seriously! I blame Mike Goldberg for this. Only his dumbass comments could ruin an incredible performance by Chael. I kept yelling "shut the fuck up!" at my TV, lol. This fight was like watching Rocky fight Ivan Drago, but seeing him lose. WTF? It showed great presence of mind from Silva to slip that on so quickly, but he really had no business winning that fight. I really would rather have had him just KO Chael in the first round. I hate fights like this that just leave you with that "what was the point?" feeling.

But like I mentioned in an earlier post, the Silva fans should be grateful for Chael Sonnen. He made your boy come back down to Earth and remember what made him such a popular fighter to begin with. It's just disappointing to see the more dominant fighter lose because of a stupid mistake.

Ughh...I seriously need to go take a shit now because of this fight. Thank you Chael Sonnen. I was all hyped up for something incredible. The underdog that nobody gave a chance to win, and then it just gets yanked away, and now my stomach hurts. This is like early 90's Buffalo Bills and the 2004 ALCS for me. I don't see how Sonnen comes back from this loss.[/QUOTE]

Sorry man, i feel the exact opposite because i love Anderson.
Yeah, I'm not a "Silva hater" either. My opinion on it is what I've been saying for at least the past year. The UFC gets horribly boring with belts that don't EVER change hands. For the most part, there are four weight classes with incredibly dominant champions (Lesnar, Silva, GSP, Penn).

Getting the Edgar win over Penn was exciting, but then we see Dana quick to discredit Edgar's accomplishment and give Penn a shot to win it right back again. I want to see a champion lose his belt to create rivalries and give him incentive to work to get it back. Maybe Penn - Edgar 2 will give us that, but I somehow doubt it. I just don't like BJ getting an immediate rematch as though the last fight basically didn't count.

I'm a freaking huge fan of GSP's, but I started thinking tonight I'd almost want him to lose to Fitch just to validate all the work that Fitch has put in (since his only loss came against GSP), and to further the rivalry between the two. If GSP beats him again, it will leave Fitch with basically nowhere to go and essentially confirm that he'll never beat GSP. And it would leave GSP with nothing to continue working toward. If you're a fan of the sport, it's just kinda hard to enjoy those types of situations.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I'm not a "Silva hater" either. My opinion on it is what I've been saying for at least the past year. The UFC gets horribly boring with belts that don't EVER change hands. For the most part, there are four weight classes with incredibly dominant champions (Lesnar, Silva, GSP, Penn).

Getting the Edgar win over Penn was exciting, but then we see Dana quick to discredit Edgar's accomplishment and give Penn a shot to win it right back again. I want to see a champion lose his belt to create rivalries and give him incentive to work to get it back. Maybe Penn - Edgar 2 will give us that, but I somehow doubt it. I just don't like BJ getting an immediate rematch as though the last fight basically didn't count.

I'm a freaking huge fan of GSP's, but I started thinking tonight I'd almost want him to lose to Fitch just to validate all the work that Fitch has put in (since his only loss came against GSP), and to further the rivalry between the two. If GSP beats him again, it will leave Fitch with basically nowhere to go and essentially confirm that he'll never beat GSP. And it would leave GSP with nothing to continue working toward. If you're a fan of the sport, it's just kinda hard to enjoy those types of situations.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the next fight should have been Edgar and Florian. That fight will be so much better.

I hope that after GSP destroy Kos, he will step up and fight Anderson Silva. After seeing what happen tonight I am sure that GSP can and will beat Silva.
Chael is a great fighter and I hope they give him a rematch. One of the best fights I have ever watched. That is how you manhandle a champ. Overall, what a kick ass card!!!
Yeah as said before I hate immediate rematches in almost all situations. Only when an extremely controversial stoppage or something odd happens do I condone them. I hate that Penn gets to fight Edgar again, it's like Dana is saying "OH SHIT no one knows who the hell Frank Edgar is I need BJ back now!" If I was Edgar I would be using the rematch as the fuel I need to train my ass off and beat Penn again. And I really hope there is not an immediate rematch with Silva/Sonnen either. Sonnen lost the fight minus any bullshit, make him win 2 or 3 fights to earn a rematch. Vitor Belfort should get the next title shot at 185. And you talk about a fight I want to see..... someone is going down in round 1 in that bastard.
[quote name='Chase']I am so sad/angry about how Anderson found a way to come back after losing four fucking rounds.

Anderson showing respect to Chael helps the sting, but I can't believe Chael managed to get himself in a position to be submitted after winning four rounds and being within two minutes of a victory.


He fucked with the Jungle Karma. You get what you deserve when you fuck with the karma.
I was shocked to see Anderson pull it out with such little time left, he said after the fight that his rib was hurt while training with a gold metal judo champ(don't remember name). Idk if that had anything to do with it, but I would like to see a rematch to see if that is the case. Also, if they get a rematch does anybody think Chael will be as big a douche for that one?
[quote name='icp_00_111'] if they get a rematch does anybody think Chael will be as big a douche for that one?[/QUOTE]

I'd hope not. He seemed really respectful of Anderson in the Post Fight Press Conference. So I don't think his antics will be the same.
Amazing. Not sure what else to say. That was a great card.. Always been a big Silva fan, wasn't really a big Sonnen fan leading up to this fight. Was expecting it to be all talk, but man he brought it more than I ever would have imagined. All the respect in the world to him after that fight, he definitely won me over. Great night of fights.

Now, if only I can get the weekend off from the 28th and head out to Boston for the fan expo and 118. Been keeping my eye out for that since it was announced, and now I gotta say after this card I'm more pumped for it than ever. 3 weeks can't come soon enough.
Big Country took some major punishment but, never stopped. Dos Santos needs to work on cardio and do more than just throwing strikes. I was happy to see some kicks, knees and even a take down. He needs a more well rounded game to have a chance against Brock or Cain.

Wow! Hughes is definitely not done and that choke was very impressive! :shock:

Guida looked pretty good and kudos to dos anjos for continuing to fight for several minutes with a broken jaw.

Struve fight was fucking hilarious! Morehead was teeing off on Struve and in the second round looked like more of the same, then Struve hit him on the button and folded him like laundry.

Fitch pretty much dominated Alves the entire fight. I was just joking about LNP, Fitch definitely didn't last night.

First round, Sonnen looks really impressive and is taking it right at Silva easily won that one.

Second round, Silva comes out with a few strikes and Sonnen takes him down and continues to GNP. Silva tries kimura and Sonnen gets out and keeps him down the rest of the time. Sonnen wins the second round.

Third round, a couple strikes thrown and Sonnen takes Silva down again.

Fourth round, Silva comes out striking, buckled Sonnen a few times and Silva takes down Sonnen. Nice reversal by Sonnen and he continues the GNP, he has one hell of a motor! Sonnen has a large cut but, another round for Sonnen.

Fifth and final round, Silva lost his footing and Sonnen takes the top again! Sonnen continues GNP and with less than two minutes Silva has him in a triangle! Did he tap or did he not tap? He tapped and Silva retains the title.
Congrats to Silva, he certainly earned that victory! Sonnen easily backed up all the trash he talked for so long and came so close to a huge upset. I would love to see a rematch sometime in the future.

Overall, very good night of fights. :)
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It was hard watching the Dos Santos Nelson fight because neither really looked like top contender material. DS is going to have to really step it up.
They will probably do a rematch since Sonnen just dominated Silva like no other. I dont like how wrestlers fight. I do enjoy the BJJ looking for a limb to choke with or snap off....but wrestlers take down , look for position and just sorta grind u down. I know its their style but its not the most exciting imo.
[quote name='naiku']They will probably do a rematch since Sonnen just dominated Silva like no other. I dont like how wrestlers fight. I do enjoy the BJJ looking for a limb to choke with or snap off....but wrestlers take down , look for position and just sorta grind u down. I know its their style but its not the most exciting imo.[/QUOTE]

I used to feel very similar. But the more I watch MMA and the more the sport evolves, I just feel like any fighter who DOESN'T have good takedown defense deserves to work off their back the entire fight. I'll never defend a wrestler who just gets top position and stalls by "working" for a low success rate submission (ie. kimura), or just by holding his opponent down. But somebody who can take you down at will and beat on you for 15 minutes is clearly the superior fighter.

If the other fighter doesn't like working from the ground, it's his responsibility to keep the fight standing. Maybe you can say that the Fitch - Alves fight wasn't "exciting", but look at it from Alves' perspective. He couldn't do ANYTHING in that fight. Can you imagine trying to fight somebody and just every single thing you try doesn't work at all? That's pretty incredible.

Like GSP says, there's no way he's going to fight in another guy's area of strength. It just doesn't make sense. Fitch is the same way. I love stand up slugfests as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day, with those 4 oz. gloves, they rarely prove anything. One punch can end a fight, and anybody can land one punch (look at the Carwin - Lesnar fight). Usually the fights that go to the ground give you a more accurate depiction of who the better fighter is.
knees on the ground/soccer kicks allow fighters to punish wrestlers for bad shots.
the current ruleset incentivises top position and takedowns over submissions so wrestlers continue to win decision over decision. UFC is quickly becoming UWC and nobody is really gonna enjoy that.

the NSAC hating knees/kicks on the ground really fucks up american mma.

additionally sonnen spent many minutes of the fight very static and really should have gotten stood up. silva didn't get a single stand up THE ENTIRE FIGHT. i'm not a fan of stand-ups but you need to be CONSISTENT in the their application. if a fighter is clearly stalling in top position and you've always stood them up in the past, then it is reasonable for silva to expect a standup this time. yet, they never came despite him holding chael down with numerous stalling techniques.

i'm not a fan of silva but chael is a bad person and a bad fighter (how many years in the sport and STILL has poor sub defense?!?). i'm glad we don't have another wrestler as a champ. (edgar/gsp/lesnar is enough...rashad can probably grind shogun down as well)
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']knees on the ground/soccer kicks allow fighters to punish wrestlers for bad shots.
the current ruleset incentivises top position and takedowns over submissions so wrestlers continue to win decision over decision. UFC is quickly becoming UWC and nobody is really gonna enjoy that.

the NSAC hating knees/kicks on the ground really fucks up american mma.

thats the truth right there.

I think its bullshit to disallow knees/kicks but allow elbows. the rational is idiotic IMO.
This is the primary reason I think you see japanese fighters struggle in american mma, it changes the whole dynamic of fighting.
Best UFC event so far in 2010? I think so. The stacked card did not disappoint.

The turn around event of the Silva fight was fucken insane. Gotta hand it to Chael, he went in there with a plan and dictated the pace of the fight 99% of the time. Heartbreaking to see him loose the fight with 2 minutes left, but Silvas the champ for a reason... still find's a way to win, even on his back. :lol: Wow.

[quote name='redshadow']

Via GAF: :lol::lol::lol:

[quote name='jaredstorm']Ryan Couture's pro debut happened tonight. Got dude in a nice triangle:[/QUOTE]

Good triangle but I can't pass judgement on the guy until he fights somebody good. Most guys win their first MMA fight, especially in Strikeforce and if you have the last name Couture. Come on, this was a set up fight.

Still, looks like he might have potential on the ground.
I'd like to see Strikeforce push Bobby Lashley against mid-level people instead of all these cans hes been fighting.Even after his upcoming fight with some other can named Chad _______ hes already challenging Batista to a match, although it'd be a fun freak show match too with Lashley beating someone with just about zero mma experience,but after that he needs to get a move on to someone much closer to his level but I suppose you can't force him into move on to the next level, hes already declined a fight with Shane Del Rosario so maybe hes just content as being a can crusher.

118 is looking pretty good.Couture vs. Toney seems like the real main event though getting those extra more the normal ppv buy's then a rematch of Edgar vs. Penn.Pretty sure Randy can handle it and should be an easy fight for him, but Toney has enough power to knock him out in one punch so can't count him out completely.Toney has built this fight up pretty good with all the shit talk hes been doing,unlike Chael though I'd say this guy honestly believes what he says where Chael came off more like he was reading from a script.
[quote name='Magiblaze']I'd like to see Strikeforce push Bobby Lashley against mid-level people instead of all these cans hes been fighting.Even after his upcoming fight with some other can named Chad _______ hes already challenging Batista to a match, although it'd be a fun freak show match too with Lashley beating someone with just about zero mma experience,but after that he needs to get a move on to someone much closer to his level but I suppose you can't force him into move on to the next level, hes already declined a fight with Shane Del Rosario so maybe hes just content as being a can crusher.

118 is looking pretty good.Couture vs. Toney seems like the real main event though getting those extra more the normal ppv buy's then a rematch of Edgar vs. Penn.Pretty sure Randy can handle it and should be an easy fight for him, but Toney has enough power to knock him out in one punch so can't count him out completely.Toney has built this fight up pretty good with all the shit talk hes been doing,unlike Chael though I'd say this guy honestly believes what he says where Chael came off more like he was reading from a script.[/QUOTE]

I like Edgar, but I don't even know why Penn is getting a rematch. He got owned the first time, and there was no real reason why a guy who lost 49-46 I think it was should get a rematch. You know if Penn would have won like he was supposed to Edgar wouldn't have gotten a rematch, he would have been sent back down the ranks and away from another title shot for at least 4-5 fights.

Toney has a great shot, Couture is SHOT!

P.S. As for Bobby Lashley, the guy is a bum. Chad Griggs is a bum as well, but one probably worse then Lashley. Lashley can't crack an egg, has virtually no ground game is not a great wrestler...really has nothing great. We already know he likes to eat bums despite what he says because he turned down a fight with Fedor and Del Rosario, both of whom would smoke him.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I like Edgar, but I don't even know why Penn is getting a rematch. He got owned the first time, and there was no real reason why a guy who lost 49-46 I think it was should get a rematch.[/QUOTE]

owned? if thats a serious statement your future opinions in this thread are worthless.
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