MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']honestly why the hell should guida have to fight anyone that doesn't have the belt? he's paid his dues and has enough fans that he should be the #1 contender, no questions asked. if i were him i'd turn down any fight that isn't going to improve my name/legacy and beating guillard doesn't do it at all.

guillard/cerrone would be my pick over siver though. let's see how good melvin and donald really are at this point in their careers.

also i had faber in rounds 1, 2, and 4. i thought cruz took 3, and 5. i was surprised at the decision.
i also thought siver won his fight and did enough to take it away from wiman.

wanderlei wasn't really ever THAT good, he definitely suffers from big fish/small pond perspective. i wasn't too surprised that meeting leben shot for shot resulted in defeat...that is exactly leben's forte.

tito putting bader down was really the highlight for me, just because you kinda wanna see things that will mess with joe silva's head. bwahahah i wonder how the baldfather felt about that one.[/QUOTE]

Because Guida shouldn't get a title shot yet. He has only beaten Dos Anjos (via injury), Guergety, overrated Gomi and the Pettis win was good. His win streak looks good, but you can't really make a case for him getting a shot at the belt when he beats those kinds of guys (the Pettis win was solid though).

Guillard shouldn't get one, Siver shouldn't get one, and Guida shouldn't get one. Jim Miller, Ben Henderson, even Donald Cerrone have more claim to a title shot then Guillard/Siver/Guida. They need to fight and beat higher level guys that are actually in the title hunt, IMO you shouldn't be able to get to title shots beating up tomato cans.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']
Guillard shouldn't get one, Siver shouldn't get one, and Guida shouldn't get one. Jim Miller, Ben Henderson, even Donald Cerrone have more claim to a title shot then Guillard/Siver/Guida. [/QUOTE]

henderson lost to pettis, pettis was supposed to get title shot. guida gets him instead and dominates him. therefore guida = titleshot. cerrone, guillard, and siver aren't there yet in my opinion. miller should be the first they call if clay gets injured.

as for wandy, i know it's SO HORRIBLE to talk bad about the guy but honestly even at his "peak" i always thought a lot of his contemporaries were better fighters. a whole thread about his matches and stuff could rage on but i'll just leave it at that.
Jeremy Stephens is calling out Siver. That would be a really interesting fight. Right now though Oliveira vs Cerrone has me giddy. That has FOTN, KOTN, and SOTN potential written all over it.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']henderson lost to pettis, pettis was supposed to get title shot. guida gets him instead and dominates him. therefore guida = titleshot. cerrone, guillard, and siver aren't there yet in my opinion. miller should be the first they call if clay gets injured.

as for wandy, i know it's SO HORRIBLE to talk bad about the guy but honestly even at his "peak" i always thought a lot of his contemporaries were better fighters. a whole thread about his matches and stuff could rage on but i'll just leave it at that.[/QUOTE]

You must be a Guida lover, because IMO one solid win doesn't entitle you to a shot at the belt. Henderson lost the fight to Pettis on the cards by one point, and I think is clearly the better fighter (Henderson also made a comeback against Bocek, and could very well beat Miller as well).

Cerrone shouldn't get one, and neither should Guillard or Siver, but I think if they had to choose somebody to get a title shot Henderson got injured against Miller I would vote to opt in Guillard.
[quote name='Maklershed']Jeremy Stephens is calling out Siver. That would be a really interesting fight. Right now though Oliveira vs Cerrone has me giddy. That has FOTN, KOTN, and SOTN potential written all over it.[/QUOTE]

Oliveira is an exxxxxxcelent matchup. Cerrone can submit him, but can't outstrike him and can also be submitted. :applause: As for Stephens calling out Siver, that is a good fight to make. Stephens isn't a highly regarded guy but he has quite a few solid victories and he has been doing well in his recent outings (even against Guillard I think Stephens may have won).
[quote name='Maklershed'] Right now though Oliveira vs Cerrone has me giddy. That has FOTN, KOTN, and SOTN potential written all over it.[/QUOTE]
I really like the booking of this match up.I'm still undecided on who I'd choose yet between to the two but right now probably leaning slightly more towards Cerrone.

^ I could see Cerrone outstriking Oliveria.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']You must be a Guida lover, because IMO one solid win doesn't entitle you to a shot at the belt.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Henderson or Guillard would fare well against Guida either. If you look at Guida's record and say he has only one solid win, you're nuts. The guy has been on the edge of title contention for quite awhile often being in #1 contender or one match down from #1 fights. With Diego, Kenny, Tyson Griffin out of the division and Maynard getting infinite chances I see no one that makes a better case.

Titleshot usually is popularity + winstreak and Guida has both going for him. I will be genuinely surprised if he doesn't get the winner of Edgar/Maynard. Then again when in the world is that fight even happening since it was pulled from 130?
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']I don't think Henderson or Guillard would fare well against Guida either. If you look at Guida's record and say he has only one solid win, you're nuts. The guy has been on the edge of title contention for quite awhile often being in #1 contender or one match down from #1 fights. With Diego, Kenny, Tyson Griffin out of the division and Maynard getting infinite chances I see no one that makes a better case.

Titleshot usually is popularity + winstreak and Guida has both going for him. I will be genuinely surprised if he doesn't get the winner of Edgar/Maynard. Then again when in the world is that fight even happening since it was pulled from 130?[/QUOTE]

Henderson would lose to Guida? Haha, he's beaten better wrestlers and BJJ guys then Guida (Bocek alone is a better grappler and wrestler). Also, Maynard getting "infinite" title shots? He's only gotten one, and it ended in a draw in a great fight...?
i thought edgar rather handily won that match despite the beginning of the fight. i'm not super intrigued to see him now be all cautious and jab his way to another decision (gsp-no-jitsu).
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']i thought edgar rather handily won that match despite the beginning of the fight. i'm not super intrigued to see him now be all cautious and jab his way to another decision (gsp-no-jitsu).[/QUOTE]

I know you're not talking about Frankie jabbing his way to a decision? The guy is a fun boxer to watch, and the only thing that could be better about his striking is power. But even without power I think Edgar is a blast to watch in the cage.
I'd probably take Guida over Henderson in a fight.That said Edgar is a great fighter and tons of heart, but yeah I agree with the Edgar thing about the biggest improvement out of his striking I'd love to see is more KO power.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I know you're not talking about Frankie jabbing his way to a decision? The guy is a fun boxer to watch, and the only thing that could be better about his striking is power. But even without power I think Edgar is a blast to watch in the cage.[/QUOTE]

I agree mostly. The thing is that without power it takes away the excitement that a potential fight ending punch could come at any second. I think that is where a lot of those complaints come from.

He is fun to watch though, hes growing on me.

So Im excited for the condit/penn fight but im a fan of both and dont want either to lose. MUCH MUCH better fight than either guy fighting fitch.
i'm not saying edgar always does that now, but rather out of not wanting another lucky haymaker to land he'll be ultra-cautious like new gsp is. i will be surprised if the fight ends by stoppage.

penn was talking about how rankings should just be by your finishing % over a certain number of wins or whatever and i agree. Decision Martial Arts is getting tiring.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']i'm not saying edgar always does that now, but rather out of not wanting another lucky haymaker to land he'll be ultra-cautious like new gsp is. i will be surprised if the fight ends by stoppage.

penn was talking about how rankings should just be by your finishing % over a certain number of wins or whatever and i agree. Decision Martial Arts is getting tiring.[/QUOTE]

Thats great for entertainment, not so great for a competitive sport.

Im a big penn fan and I appreciate that he tries to finish every fight. I also cant fault the fighters who are cautious and try to win by limiting their risk as much as possible. There is too much riding on the win for these guys.
isn't the "competition" of mma supposed to be to see who can win fights? i don't see how a sport centered around getting finishes would not be competitive? i don't fault the fighters, i fault the org that lets this happen to a sport i really enjoy watching. in bjj comps if you just hold someone's gi and stay on top, guess what? you get a point deduction for stalling.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']isn't the "competition" of mma supposed to be to see who can win fights? i don't see how a sport centered around getting finishes would not be competitive? i don't fault the fighters, i fault the org that lets this happen to a sport i really enjoy watching. in bjj comps if you just hold someone's gi and stay on top, guess what? you get a point deduction for stalling.[/QUOTE]

Only people who are submission masters or knockout beasts suggest a system where only finishes count. There is a simple fact that there are guys with not much power, and if that happened fight with guys like Edgar would be boring because everyone would know Frankie needs to submit to win. Zzzzzzz

On a sidenote, Phil Davis is out of his fight with Evans due to knee injury. Davis was going to get dominated and I am disappointed the fight is off now.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']
On a sidenote, Phil Davis is out of his fight with Evans due to knee injury. Davis was going to get dominated and I am disappointed the fight is off now.[/QUOTE]

Lyoto Machida is going to replace Davis so it looks like we get to probably get to see Jones vs. Machida in the future which I think will be a very interesting fight. Lyoto loves fighters that come at them swinging but he might have to be a little worried with all that Jones will come at him with! It should be an interesting fight but I hope that it doesn't happen and Rampage just knocks him out, wishful thinking but I hope he takes dudes head off. :D
Without a doubt the worst ref I've ever seen.Clearly tapping right in front of him.No excuse for him ever being allowed to become a referee.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Machida won't fight Evans, now Ortiz will. Ohhhhh![/QUOTE]

Yeah, that kinda sucks in a way because I was really looking forward to the Lyoto/Jones fight but oh well. Dana said that the fight fell through because Lyoto wanted "Anderson Silva money". Anybody think Tito has a shot?
[quote name='icp_00_111']Yeah, that kinda sucks in a way because I was really looking forward to the Lyoto/Jones fight but oh well. Dana said that the fight fell through because Lyoto wanted "Anderson Silva money". Anybody think Tito has a shot?[/QUOTE]

yeah i do. even though their fight was what 4 years ago? i think the way that played out showed tito can win this fight. it will be interesting to compare where evans is at now. but yeah i think tito has a shot hes a big dude who matches up well with evans wrestling. im interested. more so than the davis fight actually because i didnt think davis was ready for evans.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Evans is a bad matchup for Tito...but then again so was Bader?[/QUOTE]

Foolish to say considering Ortiz already beat Evans once before and the only reason he fought to a draw is because of a point deduction for "grabbing the fence". Ortiz is a big underdog but he could have Evans' number, as, prior to Bader, Ortiz's only good performance came against Rashad (in the last 50 years).
Really hoping Tito wins the fight. I was never a big fan of Evans, and his whole crybaby 'poor me' act with Jon Jones saying he'd fight him just put the icing on the shit cake with him for me. Oh, and he lay and prayed one of my favorite fighters in Thiago Silva.
I'm a tad surprised the oddsmakers have Rashad as the -500 fav.Don't get me wrong I'm still picking Rashad and all,but in their last bout Tito would have won that fight 29-28 if it wasn't for that point deduction so instead we got stuck with a draw and would have thought with Tito's last win maybe it wouldn't be quite as big as it is so soon.

I'd like to see Rashad win just so I could see him face Jon Bones Jones.I'm a little surprised they didn't go ahead and give Rashad the title shot with the bad blood there,one would think with their background and what they were saying about each other that it would be a little bit better then the buyrate with Rampage.
If I had a sportsbook near me I think I'd put some money on Tito for that one. Nice pay out for a guy that's not entirely out of it. I'm not saying he'll win. As a matter of fact I'm fairly certain he'll lose but I think there's a possibility he could pull it off and I dont think the odds are reflecting that right now.

In other news, Kenflo vs Aldo at 136
Can't wait to see Kenny get his head knocked off his shoulders when he goes up against Aldo. He won't be able to just throw Aldo down (I know some will say that he can), and on the feet Florian will get KO'd.
i forgot where i read it... some other forum. someone said that Leben was asking to fight Evans...
i think Leben would have fought Evans for $100 bucks and a chilli dog. thats the kind of fighter he is.
^ I read that too. I think Sonnen and Leben both asked Dana to fight Evans but he turned them down saying he appreciates their enthusiasm but he only wants to see someone actually in that weight class fight him.
I agree with that sentiment.I like both Leben and Sonnen but especially with Leben it really seems like a loss there and still with either of them, if they lose it'll just take out steam from the both of them and if Evans loses he just got beat by a Middleweight although I think Evans is small enough that he might be able to make Middleweight himself if he tried.The guy use to wrestle at 173 so its not too much of a stretch.
Sonnen would beat Evans, he is perfectly big enough to move up and beat Evans but IMO neither guy is really in the spot to challenge for Evans' #1 contender spot. Evans will be lucky to get past Ortiz, that is the primary concern for him right now.
For anyone who cares at Walmart tonight I found Rampage & Chuck Liddell greatest hits dvd in the $5 bin. Rampage so far has entire fights no cuts that I've seen so far.
Because all of Rampage's best fights are FANTASTIC for the entire duration of the bout! No cuts necessary! Just kidding, but that is a good deal on those DVDs.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Because all of Rampage's best fights are FANTASTIC for the entire duration of the bout! No cuts necessary! Just kidding, but that is a good deal on those DVDs.[/QUOTE]
I was just saying because a lot of compilation UFC dvds have cuts in them. It also includes fights from Pride FC which is why I bought it. I loved Pride and still think it's better than UFC.
Siver vs Stout just added to 137. That should be a fantastic fight. 137 is starting to look incredibly stacked ...

  • Champ Georges St-Pierre vs. Nick Diaz (for UFC welterweight title)
  • Carlos Condit vs. B.J. Penn
  • Cheick Kongo vs. Matt Mitrione
  • Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic vs. Roy Nelson
  • Dennis Siver vs. Sam Stout
  • Hatsu Hioki vs. George Roop
  • Eliot Marshall vs. Brandon Vera
Not only Siver/Stout, but also Pettis/Stephens, Vera/Marshall, Wiman/Danzig II added to upcoming cards in the next couple months. Woo!

P.S. Lil' Nog out of fight with Franklin, which is a huge disappointment to me.
37 is def. stacked, I wish they would take away a ppv card or two a year to make them all more stacked. My fingers are crossed that the injury bug doesn't hit the card like so many recent fights. I am not sure but I wonder if there is an insurance clause that pays them a nice sum if they get injured. Btw, is the Pettis fight added to the 137 card or is it just announced, if it is it might be the best card in a while.
[quote name='icp_00_111']37 is def. stacked, I wish they would take away a ppv card or two a year to make them all more stacked. My fingers are crossed that the injury bug doesn't hit the card like so many recent fights. I am not sure but I wonder if there is an insurance clause that pays them a nice sum if they get injured. Btw, is the Pettis fight added to the 137 card or is it just announced, if it is it might be the best card in a while.[/QUOTE]

Pettis/Stephens was added to 136. I'm really pumped for that one. Two title fights, Sonnen/Stann, and Guillard/Lauzon. All of those fights sound exciting to me.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Pettis/Stephens was added to 136. I'm really pumped for that one. Two title fights, Sonnen/Stann, and Guillard/Lauzon. All of those fights sound exciting to me.[/QUOTE]

Damn. 136 is sounding great too.

Conversely, 133 is still gonna be solid I'm sure but I can't imagine its gonna do very well for PPV buys. I imagine most people would only care about Rashad vs Tito and might not even know who the rest of the fighters are.
will kenny florian get yet another title shot in which he is massacred? signs point to yes. maybe at 115 kenny!

i'm also saddened by the franklin/nog fight being out.
i'm not really interested in any sonnen fight other than the hope stann hurts him badly.

guillard/lauzon in a style vs. style matchup is pretty interesting and i assume melvin will just being sprawl drilling all day long at jackson's.

pettis/stephens is pretty awesome, nice job joe silva!
I was just reading Overeem is out of the SF: Grand Prix, he has an injured pinky toe. Daniel Cormier is Bigfoots new opponent, I guess he is an undefeated wrestler but it is a bummer about the injury, I wanted to see that fight.
[quote name='icp_00_111']I was just reading Overeem is out of the SF: Grand Prix, he has an injured pinky toe. Daniel Cormier is Bigfoots new opponent, I guess he is an undefeated wrestler but it is a bummer about the injury, I wanted to see that fight.[/QUOTE]

thats interesting. I heard about the toe but read the post about how he was pissed that zuffa was trying to force him into that date or cut him from the tourney.
Strikeforce shouldve scheduled each tourney date before getting this underway.
Silva is going to kill Cormier, and in other news, I am not certain Overeem is getting pulled out of the GP because of an "injured toe". Just seems suspicious to me.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Silva is going to kill Cormier, and in other news, I am not certain Overeem is getting pulled out of the GP because of an "injured toe". Just seems suspicious to me.[/QUOTE]

the other obvious reason is that the date wouldnt work with his cycle if there is/was one. i wanted to see him fight silva, silva and barnett are very good hw's, better than anyone else hes fought.
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