MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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I agree guys that it looks suspect as hell of Overoid pulling out of the tourney, he has had issues getting into the ring with Strikeforce for about his whole time with them. He seems like a tough dude to actually get to fight in the states which always makes me think back to one reason.... Also, I am rooting for Barnett now that Fedor is done in the tourney, I would love to see him win just because Dana and him hated each other for so long it would be funny.
The toe issue surfaced a while ago, shortly after the werdum fight I think. Whether or not its a legit reason who knows, but unlike other participants in the tourney he has never popped on a test.
[quote name='paz9x']well with their track record who knows. their idea of a big announcement hasnt always matched mine.[/QUOTE]

Dana: "Today we are proud to announce .. for the first time ever in the UFC .. a new line of UFC brand beach towels!"
[quote name='Maklershed']Dana: "Today we are proud to announce .. for the first time ever in the UFC .. a new line of UFC brand beach towels!"[/QUOTE]

lol thats about right.
[quote name='Magiblaze']Initial guess... Flyweights![/QUOTE]

That wouldnt be surprising. im not getting my hopes up for anything ground breaking.
Pretty lackluster for a "major announcement" announcing Chris Leben vs. Mark Munoz will be their first ever 5 round non title main event but there it is.
Yeah really. And next to the already insanely epic GSP vs Diaz, Leben vs Munoz looks like shit. It'll still be a solid fight but not main event solid and definitely not "major announcement" worthy. Plus we already knew about the 5 round thing so that's not a big deal either.
Call me crazy, but I think making Leben-Munoz the first five round non-title fight is a waste. In my estimation, I can't see that fight lasting longer than three rounds. Miller-Henderson, Ludwig-Sadollah, Hallman-Ebersole, and, even more soon, Pierce-Hendricks: Sooner fights that would better showcase the five-round "war" type fight the UFC wants.

And, regardless of Penn's motivation and cardio, Penn-Condit should be five rounds. That's a pretty important fight.

Anyhow, I agree with the idea that they could have just sent out a press release.

By the way, that Jones-"Rampage" GIF is fantastic. :lol:
5 rounds of Ben Henderson or Amir Sadollah vs anyone sounds good to me. Exciting fighters with the gas to last. I'd feel bad for Sadollah's opponent since he doesn't seem too interested in flat out winning a fight so much as damaging every limb until the person he's fighting can't do anything anymore. And that's in three rounds. Imagine five.
Oh, man, Sadollah is one fighter I always, genuinely cheer for. Guy is just a relentless machine, while fighting, and just hilarious outside of the Octagon. If he never becomes champion, in a few years, he'd make an excellent "gatekeeper" type fighter to see who's ready to challenge the upper echelon of the division.

By the way, the Challengers 17 card looks good. Voelker-Bowling should be active and engage the crowd. Kaufman-Carmouche is a good women's MMA fight to show people who may discredit female fighters. However, if they just don't like to see women fight, then there's probably nothing anyone can do to change their mind. (Hahaha...) To be frank, I'm not going to care about Ovince St. Preux until he faces stronger competition. The most "game" competitors he's fought would probably be Benji Radach, who OSP beat in a very unimpressive fashion, and Rodney Wallace, OSP's fight pro fight and loss.

But, at 170, Strikeforce doesn't really have much to offer/left to "feed" OSP. At 170, in Strikeforce, I think Tyron Woodley is a better prospect, which is why his next fight is against Paul Daley. (I think Woodley can win the fight if he uses his wrestling to ground Daley, who has poor takedown defense.)
Leben/Munoz is a very solid fight, I don't understand why people are acting disappointed? In any case, five rounds changes the way the fight will play out IMO, which means the 5rd main event thing is doing its job.

Munoz in a 3rd fight, but Leben will win a 5rd fight. I am a big of all these main events becoming 5 rounders, because then it will faze out the guys who barely have the gas tank to make it 3, let alone 5.
Theres a few reasons why its disappointing.

1.This fight, although a solid fight, isn't quite the "top level main event fight"
2.Already knew this fight was coming a little before the "major announcement".So the fight itself isn't much of an announcement.
3.We already knew 5 rounds was coming as well,making this fight be a 5 rounder was just a "meh",wasn't that big of an announcement,easily could have sent out a presser release and it wouldn't have made any difference.Zuffa buying Strikeforce was a huge major announcement.This was not.
4.Number one contendership likely falls over to the winner of Chael Sonnen vs. Brian Stann,although this could possibly do it too.Mark Munoz might not even be willing to fight Anderson Silva if he wins since they've trained a good amount together.

To me a bigger announcement would have been the announcement of the Dominick Cruz vs. Demetrious Johnson bantamweight title fight taking place on live on free tv.Whens the last time there was a free title fight shown on tv?It'd have to be Dan Henderson vs. Rampage Jackson and if I remember correctly that was in the UK and on tape delay.
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[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Leben/Munoz is a very solid fight, I don't understand why people are acting disappointed? [/QUOTE]

Nobody is disappointed. Its just silly how much UFC and ESPN hyped it up and made a 'major announcement' out of it instead of press releasing it like they normally do.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yes, they are.[/QUOTE]

Is it held at the place where the fight take place and is it only for tickets holder? I got tickets for UFC 135 and would like to see Jones and Rampage in person.
They are free and no tickets are needed. They are held at the event arena (so, say the fight was at the MGM in Las Vegas...thats where the weigh ins would be).
[quote name='Maklershed']Inside MMA just announced that Overeem has been cut from Strikeforce.[/QUOTE]

That sucks, I wanted to see him in the UFC too, how great a match Overeem vs. JDS would have been. I think JDS would have handled him but it def. would have been a stand up war my guess.
I'm hoping its just a way to get Alistair into the UFC sooner, but for some reason I doubt it since if it was it would have likely been handled similar to the Nick Diaz situation of just announcing hes coming over instead of being cut.

Was just watching Inside MMA.One of the other reasons for not accepting the fight the month before is because its more then just a broken toe bothering him, hes got rib and elbow injuries as well that he was working through the Werdum fight with.Another thing brought up was that hes only got one fight left on his deal and for the tournament it would need to be 2 fights to complete it.

Right now hes got a fight lined up in Russia sometime in Oct so I'll assume he won't be headed to the UFC at least until then assuming he does head there.Cain vs. JDS is one month later so if they do manage to get Alistair then a Champion vs. Champion fight sounds good with the biggest HW contenders right now in the UFC being Mir and Schaub.
Well, I think we've really seen the last of Fedor now. After all those years of dominance, he burned out so quickly. And how bout that? Miesha Tate may have saved women's MMA. Can't wait to see her get "Gina Carano money" now! :)
I thought he would have retired after the Bigfoot fight but seemed pressured by management to continue.I wouldn't say he "burned out so quickly" when he had all those years of dominance, was a good fight still and competitive till the ending of it.He seemed to blame the ref a little more then feeling that he had lost so I think perhaps this wont be the end of him just yet,but the real problem now is getting a new deal.Losing three in a row you can bet this gives Zuffa plenty of room to play hardball so if we do see him fight again,might not be in a Zuffa owned organization.Is that sarcasm with the Tate comment? I can't tell but I'm assuming so lol.
The H-Bomb and superior striking won Henderson the fight. I loved Henderson in this match up and IMO as far as Fedor goes he should probably retire. Dan is clearly a legend in the sport, but Fedor will lose to good heavyweights with good chins and doesn't have many places left to go.

It would be pointless to feed Fedor bums just to build him back up. I think this is the end for him.

Kennedy surprised me, I thought he would submit Lawler when he took him down. But he gassed quickly so that could have been a factor. Woodley looked decent I guess but I am not too impressed with him. He can be outstruck and has vulnerabilities.

Coenen/Tate was a huge disappointment. I cannot believe Coenen got caught with such a simple submission from somebody who was tired and not nearly as good a grappler. Coenen failed to take the choke seriously and by the time she did it was too late. Kaufman will destroy Tate and this time it will be 5 rounds...I think Kaufman could very well stop Tate.
[quote name='Magiblaze']I thought he would have retired after the Bigfoot fight but seemed pressured by management to continue.I wouldn't say he "burned out so quickly" when he had all those years of dominance, was a good fight still and competitive till the ending of it.He seemed to blame the ref a little more then feeling that he had lost so I think perhaps this wont be the end of him just yet,but the real problem now is getting a new deal.Losing three in a row you can bet this gives Zuffa plenty of room to play hardball so if we do see him fight again,might not be in a Zuffa owned organization.Is that sarcasm with the Tate comment? I can't tell but I'm assuming so lol.[/QUOTE]

I think you're misunderstanding the meaning of "burned out so quickly". Most fighters don't fall from being the best in the world to relative mediocrity so quickly. I mean, he's dangerously approaching Chuck Liddell territory. Yeah, sure he's been fighting top guys, but so was Chuck, and he got banished from the sport.

There was talk of Fedor needing to move to 205 to be competitive, but you might as well throw that out since he basically just lost to a 205'er (and not even the biggest 205'er at that). The size advantage did him little good as even when Henderson was in trouble, he was able to outgrapple and outthink Fedor. If Fedor wants to blame Herb Dean for the stoppage, that's his problem. But he's the one who stopped a takedown by grabbing the cage.

Honestly, I feel bad for Fedor because due to his shitty management team, most of the world never got to see how truly great he was. And now that the big fights and big paydays are (seemingly) behind him, we'll see how they treat him.

As for the Tate comment, no I was totally serious. I'm a fan of women's MMA, but I know that the world doesn't give a shit how good Cyborg Santos is. They need an attractive, marketable female to gain any interest at all, and Tate gives them that. I don't know if it will be enough to convert Dana White to a believer (last I heard he just doesn't think there are ENOUGH female fighters), but it should help.
His aura does feel diminished.It is a little sad to think this could be Fedor's last shot on the big stage going out like this.

Tate while attractive,doesn't seem like Woman's MMA savior.I was watching it with some friends and just didn't get the same sort of vibe of star power like Gin had.The match was mostly a grapplefest and Tate bored them to death until the finish.Gina just has something that Tate doesn't.
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Fedor's loss to Henderson makes me sad, he was great fighter but he is probably done now. I think his heart is def. out of it, one of my favorite fighters of all time so it is sad to see him have such a bad run. It does happen to everybody though, I still remember Jordan missing a dunk in the all-star game when he was with the Wizards and it made me cringe. If you stay in sports long enough age/time always catches up.
[quote name='Magiblaze']Tate while attractive,doesn't seem like Woman's MMA savior.I was watching it with some friends and just didn't get the same sort of vibe of star power like Gin had.The match was mostly a grapplefest and Tate bored them to death until the finish.Gina just has something that Tate doesn't.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean and mostly agree. In my opinion, Tate isn't as attractive and doesn't have the personality that Gina has...but truthfully, she's probably more skilled as a fighter, which gives her a little more credibility. On the flip side, she's also not as skilled as Cristiane Santos...but she's a HELL of a lot nicer to look at, haha, which makes her more marketable. Somewhere in between Carano and Santos might be good for women's MMA, depending on how they play it. They can doll her up and still promote her as a competent fighter. I LOVE Gina, but there's no way she wants to keep getting punched in the face for a living.
Did anyone else see the arm scar photos of Gina Carano from this year's SDCC? Apparently, she was babying that arm, or something.

Despite what Dana White may feel, good women's MMA has a place in the UFC. Miesha Tate pulled out one impressive win against Marloes Coenen. The odds of Tate beating Coenen by submission yielded a crazy return, or something.

Fedor's the greatest heavyweight of all-time and one of the sport's all-time best—but he needs to retire. Sherdog suggested Fedor-Werdum next, if Fedor decides to fight, and that's pretty fitting. End his career where his fall began. I think Fedor could grind out a decision but the better odds lay with Werdum winning a unanimous decision. Fedor just hasn't evolved enough to be competitive at the top levels of the sport.

Say Fedor fights any of the top heavyweights in the UFC. Who would he beat? Velasquez and Dos Santos would knock him silly. I think Carwin would beat him, too. He may have a puncher's chance against Mir, but age appears to have caught up with Fedor while Mir is the tried-and-true gatekeeper for the heavyweight division. If Lesnar ever returns, I'd take Fedor, simply because Lesnar doesn't like getting hit in the face. Against an up-and-coming fighter like Travis Browne or Alexander Gustafsson, by the time they fought, I'd be inclined to take the younger fighters.
Fedor was great for his time.I could see him beating Werdum,just needs to play it smart and not head to the ground with him.Its a new generation and Fedor is still a great fighter but hes hasn't been the best for a couple of years now.I'd still go with Lesnar over Fedor.Even though Brock doesn't like getting hit in the face I don't believe Fedor could stop the takedowns of Brock to keep hitting him.To me the perfect time for him to retire would've been after the Bigfoot fight and now that hes out of Strikeforce it doesn't look like he'll be able to get a big name fight except for maybe Overeem in who knows maybe on Dream's next show if they could get it going but retiring seems like a good idea although from the sound of things it looks like we'll see Fedor at least once more.
That "Bigfoot" fight is a brutal fight to watch. Emelianenko's tough for enduring Silva's onslaught. I think some fighters would have tapped to Silva's strikes. But, man, Henderson KO-ed Emelianenko. Something that had never happened in Fedor's entire career.

From what I've read, now is good time to put some money on Tito, if you're so inclined. Tito by three-round decision is +630.

Speaking of UFC 133, Chael Sonnen is doing the Q&A panel before weigh-ins.

If half as many people show up to the fight on Saturday as come to my Q&A on Friday it should be a great UFC weekend. See you all there!

Oh, Chael. Now that his real estate career is done, and his political career, dashed, I think starting a marketing company or getting into marketing would serve him well. ;)
[quote name='Chase']

Speaking of UFC 133, Chael Sonnen is doing the Q&A panel before weigh-ins.

I'm actually thinking about going to that just because Chael is going to be there
Ha! Indeed.

We're a week away from 133. It feels like forever since there's been a UFC event. The three events in August should make up for it, though.
[quote name='Chase']
From what I've read, now is good time to put some money on Tito, if you're so inclined. Tito by three-round decision is +630.


I'll tell you guys this, don't be fooled by Ortiz's super quick fluke win over Bader. We did not see NEARLY enough of Ortiz to decide if he is "back" yet. Ortiz odds are very good and he already had a super close fight (with Evans) he would have won without the cage grab, but I'm not sold on him.
I think the win over Bader had more to do with Bader being at fault rather then Tito being the better fighter.Although I wouldn't fully count Tito out of this one.Tito was out muscling Rashad in their last fight was would've won if it wasn't for the point deduction.Sticking with Rashad still for my pick but I wouldn't fully count Tito out for the fight.
No, Tito shouldn't be counted out and he doesn't seem to have any injuries, but there is nothing big suggesting that he is back to prime Tito stage or anywhere near. Lets not forget that he was beat up by Griffin and owned by Hamill very recently.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']and he doesn't seem to have any injuries[/QUOTE]
We won't know about that until a decision loss is announced.

All joking aside.I'm not too willing to touch the betting lines in this one.While I do agree Rashad should be the favorite I don't believe he should be quite a -500 fav.
I think the Rashad of now is also better than old Rashad which may explain the lines a bit.
As for Fedor..much like Wand he was Japan's golden boy and had a fairly protected career. While it's true Nog was unable to take him out, I'm not really convinced he deserved the nod over Mirko considering how badly he was beat in that fight.

He's a scrappy fighter with explosive power and a decent grappling game but he was never a god. If fought more excellent comp in his prime I don't think his record would look as good. I would have liked to see him fight more quality 205 opponents in Pride instead of Hong Man Choi and Mark Hunt.

I think from an actual ability standpoint GSP is a much better fighter but unfortunately Serra seemed to steal the "greatness" out of him and now he doesn't fight to be great any longer...he just wants to win.

The sport is young and maybe someday we'll have someone like a Jordan who I can feel really comfortable calling the greatest but until then we have a lot of pretty greats like Chuck, Randy, Fedor, Mirko, Aoki, Kawajiri, Hansen, Anderson, etc...that all are undoubtedly great but have one thing or another you can point to as a real problem in their career.
You could throw GSP on the list of the greatest easily.Although I do think GSP's lack of finishes is criticism warranted it still doesn't take him away from being either the best or one of the best and I do agree he does tend to play it too safe these days.

I would question Aoki, Kawajiri, Hansen being on the list of all time greats.More so with Hansen and to a lesser extent with Kawajiri and even lesser with Aoki a little.Right now Anderson Silva is probably the closest thing to it right now but Jon Jones looks like he has the making to be someone like a Jordan but I guess we'll have to wait to see how he does in a few more fights.
I would have to give Anderson Silva the nod over St. Pierre right now because of he seems to finish alot more fights. I loved GSP before the Serra fight and knew he was destined for big things, I just wish he would bring it like he used to. You still see it sometimes like against Penn and the 2nd Serra fight, but not as much as I know he could. He fights inteligently I just wish he would open up more. BTW Jon Jones is a beast!
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']
we have a lot of pretty greats like Aoki, Kawajiri, Hansen, etc...that all are undoubtedly great but have one thing or another you can point to as a real problem in their career.[/QUOTE]

MASSIVE stretch. those three arent even sniffing greatness. Im especially confused that youd mention those after questioning the "protected career" of fedor.
also youre nto convinced he desrved the win after how badly he was beaten by mirko? WTF? have you seen that fight?
you say some wild shit.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']I think the Rashad of now is also better than old Rashad which may explain the lines a bit.
As for Fedor..much like Wand he was Japan's golden boy and had a fairly protected career. While it's true Nog was unable to take him out, I'm not really convinced he deserved the nod over Mirko considering how badly he was beat in that fight.

He's a scrappy fighter with explosive power and a decent grappling game but he was never a god. If fought more excellent comp in his prime I don't think his record would look as good. I would have liked to see him fight more quality 205 opponents in Pride instead of Hong Man Choi and Mark Hunt.

I think from an actual ability standpoint GSP is a much better fighter but unfortunately Serra seemed to steal the "greatness" out of him and now he doesn't fight to be great any longer...he just wants to win.

The sport is young and maybe someday we'll have someone like a Jordan who I can feel really comfortable calling the greatest but until then we have a lot of pretty greats like Chuck, Randy, Fedor, Mirko, Aoki, Kawajiri, Hansen, Anderson, etc...that all are undoubtedly great but have one thing or another you can point to as a real problem in their career.[/QUOTE]

Decent grappling game? Come on man, Fedor was a complete beast in his prime. The fact that he cannot compete effectively at an elite level anymore means nothing, as he dominated guys like Big Nog, Cro Cop, Sylvia, etc. etc. etc. Many of the fights that Fedor beat up were in their prime and considered God-like at that time as well.
I might as well toss my 2 cents in about Fedor.

I feel his fighting style has changed the last few years. When he fought Big Nog he pounded him out from within the guard and if you look at some of the vids on youtube you will see that he was careful to keep his arms in between Nog's legs. Jiu Jitsu 101 tell you both arms in or both arms out. One in and one out is asking for any experienced guy to throw up a triangle. I'll have to look up the Werdum fight again, but I could've swore Werdum threw up one a few seconds before he locked it up and Fedor slid out - that should've scared some sense into him that he was making a very basic mistake.

He seems to have totally forgotten about his grappling - weather it be takedowns, submissions or position on the ground.

He rushed in on Hendo but didn't at all establish his position on top of him and just tried to pound him out. Fedor should know that Hendo isn't Zulu and isn't just going to roll over - especially with how good Hendo's wrestling is. Time marches on.

He should've established his position and then worked on him and maybe go for a submission. Like with Randleman.

I also miss some of Fedor's great take downs - his matches with Herring and Crocop had good ones.

Fedor seems almost more aggressive now than ever before and just throws caution to the wind and is pretty much hunting for the big knockout.

Either way - Fedor is one of the greatest ever but is no longer the best. For a while Chuck and Matt Hughes cleaned house, now it is Anderson and GSP's turn.
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