My Coke Rewards is dead, long live Coke Rewards. Or not.

[quote name='Nathan_Sama']Well if someone tells you what time to do it at, they may lose their chance at getting the $100
I would try late at night or early in the morning.

This isn't on SD or FW right? (If not lets hope it stays that way.)[/quote]

I think it IS on SD. (Not sure was FW is) It just isn't very popular there.
[quote name='io']I see some other people converted them to Amazon gift cards. That is a possibility, but then I'm limiting their use to Amazon where I don't often shop... I'll have to think about it..[/quote]

Someone in this thread said something about paypal, and while I really wouldn't want to use them, with that option there are a lot more places to buy things(online anyways) & a one time thing might not be too bad....

Although there is one thing I wonder, if I do go the paypal rout, and my purchase is over the virtual card amount, can I have them take the remainder off my credit card?

Also I forget, what time+zone does the system "reset" and you can start entering again?
[quote name='darkliger']some more info - the letter subject is[/quote]
Just before posting I checked my dump mail account, and all the "0 point" test stuff I got showed up there.

So that info is good to know, and now I wont worry too much about those blank red screens...
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']Well if someone tells you what time to do it at, they may lose their chance at getting the $100
I would try late at night or early in the morning.

This isn't on SD or FW right? (If not lets hope it stays that way.)[/quote]

It's on both. FW's mention of it is hidden away in their general coke thread.
[quote name='io']Hell yeah! Got one on my 9th try at 1:30 AM Pacific!

I was about ready to go berserk though because I entered the code that popped up on the message and it said it had already been redeemed. I thought maybe it sent it to two people at once and someone else beat me to it. But then the code in the email they sent was completely different and that one worked. Has anyone seen that happen? Very strange.
Just like the Tropicana contest, though, I had a feeling I won before it happened because it took a few seconds longer to load the page after I hit submit. So as long as things are running smoothly (as they tend to late at night) that slight pause is the smell of victory - or something like that ;).[/QUOTE]
Very similar experience late Tuesday night as I finally followed the official-rules alternate method of contest entry and actually won a $100 GC (about 15 minutes or so before midnight Eastern Time). I believe it was my 7th try, pretty much one after another, so I guess if you just hit the jackpot during those 8-minute contest stretches, the time of day you enter isn't *too* important. (I seemed to have gotten in early on one of those 8-minute periods, too.) [Update: well, that 8-minute counter restarts everytime I re-enter the instant-win section of the site, so I have no idea what part of which period I made my winning entry in. Sorry if that caused any confusion.]

Confirming your previous experience, io, I also got a different code in a pop-up versus in an e-mail, and that e-mailed code was accepted as an entry (though it didn't ultimately win). Also had that slight pause before winning the bigger virtual gift card. The $100 winnings will also be sent to your mailing address as a physical card in 7-10 days, so you mainly have to worry about how to spend the $25 one. I just used most of it in an online order I had to make (and already received that order in the mail), so I didn't have to worry much about that.

But, yeah... thanks again to all the CAGs who posted about this, as I'd never have gotten either incentive without you. Good luck, all!
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Trying. I want this one bad. I feel entitled to it. Got jipped on double points day, didn't even get a chance to go for the $25 gc's. Please let me be vindicated by this.
30 tries... and nothing. It would be helpful if a few people could tell us atleast around the time (not "the" time) they entered, so some of us CAG's might have a better chance. Looks like I'll try gain tomorrow, or just make another account for a family member and give it another 10 tries.
For those getting 30 tries, are you doing it on one account? If it is multiple accounts, why only 3? Are you allowed 3 by coke? Its always 30....
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Just won a $100 Gift Card at about 3:05 AM EST. On my 6th play or so of the night. This goes right toward my 360 next week. :)[/QUOTE]

Congrats, it seems like CAG has its share of winners. I think Im gonna start holding off until 1am Pacific / 4am East, it seems like a better time. Unless I have early work the next day, then I just do it whenever I can XD
About how long after winning will you receive an e-mail? The window, this morning, said I'm done and to follow the instructions to redeem my prize. The only problem is that's all it said, damn thing just stopped loading - I fucking hate Coke's layout - and I've not seen any e-mail, yet.
[quote name='Link927']For those getting 30 tries, are you doing it on one account? If it is multiple accounts, why only 3? Are you allowed 3 by coke? Its always 30....[/QUOTE]

I have my own account, I have an account for my brother, and I just made another account for another family member - hence the 30.
[quote name='cheapkevin']What's going on in this thread? >_> What's this contest that everyone's talking about? And how do I get 100 free points?[/quote]
a) its a $100 GC
2) go back 3 or 4 pages
I won an instant prize this morning but my browser froze and wouldn't load the prize redemption screen. There is no way to claim the prize once you exit the window?
[quote name='UltimoRey']a) its a $100 GC
2) go back 3 or 4 pages[/quote]

Thanks. I actually meant to say 10 free points though. How do I get 10 free points?
I won an instant prize this morning but my browser froze and wouldn't load the prize redemption screen. There is no way to claim the prize once you exit the window?

it says if the window is closed out before the prize is redeemed then the prize is forfeit, however this does not apply to $100 GC you can win(i think)

Okay it's only letting me get one are people doing 30 codes and more?

are you talking bout the game? you can only get 1 code from the game. go back a few pages here to see on how to get the 10 free tries. and they are not talking bout 30codes but 30tries (10code per account they have) most have 3 accounts so 3x10=30 tries

Thanks. I actually meant to say 10 free points though. How do I get 10 free points?

i have no knowlege on a way to get 10 free points but if your talking about "the 10" everyone is saying these last few pages is the 10 free tries to win a gc.
oh yea, and about the time of day to win a gc. i dont think it really matters since coke gives away $100 every 8minutes so your chances is as good as any one elses. so goodluck luck fellow CAGs
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[quote name='darkliger']oh yea, and about the time of day to win a gc. i dont think it really matters since coke gives away $100 every 8minutes so your chances is as good as any one elses. so goodluck luck fellow CAGs[/quote]

People are hoping that if there are less people trying in the same 8 minutes they will have a better chance.

Did those of you with 30 tries try back to back or did you wait 8 minutes? It seems rather laborious if you can only enter in 8 minute intervals.
Just won $100!!

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0/90. I think I'm going to make 2 more accounts for my parents as well at this rate. Though it's really tedious to do these despite doing 2 accounts simultaneously (IE and Firefox and just Alt-Tab back and forth...).
I'm so happy right now! I finally won after like 80 entries these past couple days. Now I just have to figure out what to spend it on...

EDIT: Make that twice. I just won again!
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[quote name='Cow_tipper']I'm so happy right now! I finally won after like 80 entries these past couple days. Now I just have to figure out what to spend it on...

EDIT: Make that twice. I just won again![/quote]Woah Cowboy, leave some for the rest of us!
[quote name='Kilraven']About how long after winning will you receive an e-mail? The window, this morning, said I'm done and to follow the instructions to redeem my prize. The only problem is that's all it said, damn thing just stopped loading - I fucking hate Coke's layout - and I've not seen any e-mail, yet.[/quote]

That red screen doesn't mean you won, it just means that the page didn't load correctly. I've received that blank red screen about a dozen times but didn't get a prize redemption email for any of them. When I actually did win, the email was sent immediately.
bread's done