Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='chimpmeister']Actually I don't think you are perfectly calm; all I've ever done was express opinion and provide reviews and articles that were relevant to the topics at hand. In the case of the Wii thread, the OP originally posted it with the title: "Wii: The Best Console This Generation", and asked for people's opinions about his theory. I gave my opinion that I felt it was not the "greatest console" this generation at all, and many others in the thread posted the same kinds of opinions. Due to all the negative feedback, the OP changed the thread title to "Wii: A Great Console This Generation", admitting that calling it the "greatest" may have been a bit overdone.

So, inviting people to post their opinions is a legit topic, and I posted my opinion (and many others agreed).

Once again, I did not attack you, or Confoosius, or any other person, but you guys take any criticism of Nintendo systems/games/products as a personal affront. What is up with that? You need to learn to coexist with others who may not share your views. Nothing I posted was abusive or inflammatory towards others here, but all the things you and Confoosious have posted WERE. If anyone were to be banned, it would be people like you. You both need to learn to chill out and not get so agitated when anything negative is posted about Nintendo stuff, it is really no big deal. Seriously. :D[/QUOTE]

I think the problem here is every post about Nintendo you make is negative and can be ill-mannered. A quick look at your recent post history easily reveals this.

And no. Not at all. The reason for my title change has absolutely nothing to do what you just said. Go reread my edit. I am perfectly secure about my reasons for considering the Wii to be a great system. It has not a single thing to due with some of the negative feedback (which was expected, duh). The title change was simply because for the ego it created in me, and the potential to do the same for others, whether for or against the Wii.
[quote name='confoosious']:roll: i love the "who me?" act you have going on.

If the mods ever took a look at your post history (better hurry up and edit your posts!) they'd see your pattern of trolling the hell out of every nintendo thread. If it weren't for your trolling, there would be no need for any "confrontational" responses from anyone.[/QUOTE]

No reason to edit my posts friend, because most of them were backed up with actual links to reviews, articles, metacritic summaries, etc. See, I actually provided a lot of useful information for people looking to buy certain games (good example: Mad Dog Mccree - Gunslinger Pack for Wii, a horrible game), or links to articles about the current prognosis for the 3DS; whereas, all you did was attack me and complain because of posting negative reviews of Nintendo products. If anything, you just come in and complain and attack people all the time, whereas I have provided articles, reviews, and research of interest to back up my comments, which have never attacked you or anyone else.

Now you might want to go back and start editing your own posts, and remove the profanity and abuse that is often liberally provided in many of those, eh? :lol:
[quote name='omster']I think the problem here is every post about Nintendo you make is negative and can be ill-mannered. A quick look at your recent post history easily reveals this.

And no. Not at all. The reason for my title change has absolutely nothing to do what you just said. Go reread my edit. I am perfectly secure about my reasons for considering the Wii to be a great system. It has not a single thing to due with some of the negative feedback (which was expected, duh). The title change was simply because for the ego it created in me, and the potential to do the same for others, whether for or against the Wii.[/QUOTE]

No offense, but you edited your original title and added a disclaimer after so many people posted that they thought you were way off-base in declaring the Wii the "Best Console of This Generation". I would have done the same, were I you; the assertion was pretty unbelievable.
[quote name='chimpmeister']No reason to edit my posts friend, because most of them were backed up with actual links to reviews, articles, metacritic summaries, etc. See, I actually provided a lot of useful information for people looking to buy certain games (good example: Mad Dog Mccree - Gunslinger Pack for Wii, a horrible game), or links to articles about the current prognosis for the 3DS; whereas, all you did was attack me and complain because of posting negative reviews of Nintendo products. If anything, you just come in and complain and attack people all the time, whereas I have provided articles, reviews, and research of interest to back up my comments, which have never attacked you or anyone else.

Now you might want to go back and start editing your own posts, and remove the profanity and abuse that is often liberally provided in many of those, eh? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Imagine if a user who doesn't own a PC constantly goes into the PC forum to post "informative" reviews about PC games that always happen to be negative.

Gee, I wonder what they would call him?

Regardless of if I am profane in my posts, the truth is that you're a lousy troll and everyone knows it.

And while the mods will not ban you, I wish you'd get out of here so people can actually discuss the 3DS objectively without your poison.
I know it's off topic but it keeps being brought up and now I'm wondering... what's going on with the PSP that sales are so strong?
[quote name='QiG']I know it's off topic but it keeps being brought up and now I'm wondering... what's going on with the PSP that sales are so strong?[/QUOTE]

seems weird for a soon to be replaced system doesn't it? I believe it's because a must have game came out for it in Japan.

I wonder if Nintendo is working their workers night and day on the next Mario 3DS title.
[quote name='QiG']I know it's off topic but it keeps being brought up and now I'm wondering... what's going on with the PSP that sales are so strong?[/QUOTE]

Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z: Hakai-hen? No clue, but it sold 300K this past week.
[quote name='QiG']I know it's off topic but it keeps being brought up and now I'm wondering... what's going on with the PSP that sales are so strong?[/QUOTE]

actual software support. They got some good games coming out almost every week
Haha, just my luck. Not long after posting about my launch onyx DSLite, I got a hinge crack. It had been sitting on my nightstand for about 2 weeks. FUUUUUUUUUUU.... Guess I'll order a new shell tomorrow off ebay.
PSP has support in Japan but what about the US. PSP also has monster hunter, where in Japan pretty much everyone who has a PSP has it, it is a true system seller and is probably still selling systems over there. The console is also priced cheaply and has nice bundles in the US and Japan.

This proves that games sell systems, not features. I honestly think Nintendo should be going back to a games only system that costs less since no one is using the extra features of the 3DS. The 3D is a good start but do we really need pictochat (when was the last time anyone used this.. 2004??), a web browser that hardly works and an MP3 player that practically no one will use? The DSi cannot even connect to hotspots that require a login screen.... Most people have a phone that does all that stuff, or if they don't have a phone they have an iPod touch or similar device. Smartphones are only going to become increasingly popular in the US thus ousting Nintendo's lame features that eventually no one will use. No one uses streetpass at least here in the USA and if they do I am sure people will forget about it eventually and start turning their systems off. The built in games are good though. They really should be focusing on getting big titles like Mario games out there at launch instead of making the public wait months for a Zelda remake and instead of developing half-baked features that no one will use more than once or twice or will stop using when they realize the features are pointless and that they already own a device that does it much better.

Nintendo's consoles have and always will be a console where people put a game inside and play it, without using many of the other features of the console. Games are what sell Nintendo consoles. If they add other features, those features are not enough to keep people engaged, people will simply move to their alternative device like a phone or iPod touch. Yes features central to game use like local multiplayer and online multiplayer get used but features like pictochat, mp3, and web browser can easily be axed in favor of a lower-priced system.

The gameboy advance sold like crazy and didn't even tell time, all it was was basically a game player, you needed games to operate it or else it did nothing.

Nintendo is the console you bring with you when you need an engaging game to play or if you need a device that has a very long battery life for playing games because you are going to be stuck somewhere for a long time. Its not the console you carry around with you on a daily basis, that is what a smartphone is for. As much as Nintendo thinks they will get people to carry around their console all the time they are mistaken, we are already overwhelmed with electronics and most of us don't want another device weighing down our bags.
tried out the 3DS at target today.
glad i didn't buy it at release. gave me a headache and didn't really see much of the effect after trying to adjust the 3d
Got mines a couple of days ago. My first initial reaction is wow. I just need more games. Super Street Fighter IV is not enough for me. This is my first DS system and so far I'm having a blast reliving some old classics. The 3D is what I expected. Face raiders is fun as hell.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm sure he'll never regret that.[/QUOTE]
I wonder how long he will enjoy watching a dragon pop out from his wrist before the novelty wears off and he realizes what he has done.
That tattoo reminds me of Spider Man... /shrug.

That's just like the random dudes getting a tattoo of a QR code to their blog or something on their arm/back. Makes no sense, but whatever.
[quote name='omster']Here's some interesting 3DS battery tests done by NWR:

Note that the 3D has a negligible effect on battery life.[/QUOTE]

What graphs did you look at to come to that conclusion...? The way they set it up too many variables were changed, there was no real comparison of ALL settings same except 3D. Those graphs don't really show anything important whatsoever (nothing unexpected anyways).

They really didn't have a control setup... what is this?
Yeah, those were terrible tests.

A) Idle tests are dumb.
B) They state 2 or 3 times that turning the 3D level down saves power which is false. 3D is an on or off thing. The slider only adjusts the in game cameras.
C) No mention of the yellow color bias when turning on PowerSave?
I'm not saying it is or not (I don't read them), but anything coming out of NWR has a stench of fanboy-ism about it :p Maybe they had the tests the way they were on purpose?

I didn't really notice the PowerSave hue when in-game (SSFIV has very little whites), but while in the menu yeah it does look like somone pissed on the screen.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']What graphs did you look at to come to that conclusion...? The way they set it up too many variables were changed, there was no real comparison of ALL settings same except 3D. Those graphs don't really show anything important whatsoever (nothing unexpected anyways).

They really didn't have a control setup... what is this?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dallow']Yeah, those were terrible tests.

A) Idle tests are dumb.
B) They state 2 or 3 times that turning the 3D level down saves power which is false. 3D is an on or off thing. The slider only adjusts the in game cameras.
C) No mention of the yellow color bias when turning on PowerSave?[/QUOTE]

Woah, very true. Don't know how I missed that. I'm looking through it again and I not sure what it was I looking at before. I take back what I said.
[quote name='Capocci 007']as soon as someone has a promotion deal like with a gift card or something, I'm going to buy this right away.[/QUOTE]

Last week around Easter holiday, Best Buy was offering a $25 giftcard with the 3DS system purchase. I wish I had waited a bit & taken advantage of said deal (instead of grabbing it during launch week). If a Zelda bargain bundle comes out, I will RAGE :p .
Other than Ghost Recon, there's not a title that actually interests me, so it's not hard for me to wait a year or two. Never been a big fan of Zelda either. Unfortunately, for you Zelda fans, I hear you have to use the gyro function in the 3DS, which of course messes up 3D. Hopefully, for you guys, it won't turn out like the Lufia remake was for me.
[quote name='Capocci 007']as soon as someone has a promotion deal like with a gift card or something, I'm going to buy this right away.[/QUOTE]
Man, it's a buyers market on eBay or other like places.

I watched a sealed system sell today from a trusted seller for $215 shipped.
They are cheap. (vs msrp)
[quote name='elessar123']Other than Ghost Recon, there's not a title that actually interests me, so it's not hard for me to wait a year or two. Never been a big fan of Zelda either. Unfortunately, for you Zelda fans, I hear you have to use the gyro function in the 3DS, which of course messes up 3D. Hopefully, for you guys, it won't turn out like the Lufia remake was for me.[/QUOTE]

This is untrue. You don't have to use the gyro controls.
[quote name='elessar123'] Unfortunately, for you Zelda fans, I hear you have to use the gyro function in the 3DS, which of course messes up 3D. Hopefully, for you guys, it won't turn out like the Lufia remake was for me.[/QUOTE]

It is optional, not required.

And what's wrong with the Lufia remake? It's one of a couple DS titles I plan to buy in the near future. Curious.
[quote name='dallow']Man, it's a buyers market on eBay or other like places.

I watched a sealed system sell today from a trusted seller for $215 shipped.
They are cheap. (vs msrp)[/QUOTE]

I was thinking Amazon warehouse but I want it new. I might actually look at ebay, but I have a feeling a retail store is going to do a promotion maybe this weekend. Best Buy, Target TRU and such have all been doing system promotions on ps3 and xbox... maybe time for a 3ds promotion
[quote name='Batcave Dweller']It is optional, not required.

And what's wrong with the Lufia remake? It's one of a couple DS titles I plan to buy in the near future. Curious.[/QUOTE]

They took out a character, changed the pace of the game, some elements that's in the SNES version, and worst of all, made it an action RPG when it was turn based. Imagine FF4 out something becoming like Kingdom Hearts. It's just not the same.
[quote name='dallow']Man, it's a buyers market on eBay or other like places.

I watched a sealed system sell today from a trusted seller for $215 shipped.
They are cheap. (vs msrp)[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing there will be an MSRP drop announced at E3. There's no way that $250 is sustainable for this thing. According to the Kmart guy, sales have dropped way off since release, so there's some evidence. I'm seeing a $200 price tag in the near future. Alternatively they might bundle it with a game, but if it's one of the current Nintendo releases, that's not going to cut it.
Interesting, I will say I was on board due to the nice pre-order deals and heck I even sprung for two units (I did have the intent to flip one, but ended up keeping it for the misses) and while I am enjoying the system, I dont think I would buy again at this price.

Still, Nintendo has some great ideas in here, Street Pass, Play Coins, and Find Mii are brilliant.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm guessing there will be an MSRP drop announced at E3. There's no way that $250 is sustainable for this thing. According to the Kmart guy, sales have dropped way off since release, so there's some evidence. I'm seeing a $200 price tag in the near future. Alternatively they might bundle it with a game, but if it's one of the current Nintendo releases, that's not going to cut it.[/QUOTE]

they'll bundle in a game instead of dropping the price. And it won't even be a "bundle", it'll be a Buy a 3DS and get Super Street Fighter for free in your local paper.

dropping the price smells of defeatism this early.
You might get $25 gift cad but no chance of a price drop. The slow sale of ds was during Xmas and they were willing to wait
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm guessing there will be an MSRP drop announced at E3. There's no way that $250 is sustainable for this thing. According to the Kmart guy, sales have dropped way off since release, so there's some evidence. I'm seeing a $200 price tag in the near future. Alternatively they might bundle it with a game, but if it's one of the current Nintendo releases, that's not going to cut it.[/QUOTE]
I think it will sell once it gets games. I mean there isn't a whole lot to choose from and well unless your an early adopter, there is really no incentive to buying it now if there is nothing you want to play. With that said, I think once Zelda comes out, it will sell a lot more.
[quote name='confoosious']they'll bundle in a game instead of dropping the price. And it won't even be a "bundle", it'll be a Buy a 3DS and get Super Street Fighter for free in your local paper.[/QUOTE]

I think a promotion like that sounds the most reasonable. This leaves Nintendo the option of a true 'limited edition' holiday bundle as well as the chance to drop the price in anticipation of the Cafe's launch.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I think a promotion like that sounds the most reasonable. This leaves Nintendo the option of a true 'limited edition' holiday bundle as well as the chance to drop the price in anticipation of the Cafe's launch.[/QUOTE]

right. and it won't seem like a Nintendo drop (by your average consumer), it'll be seen as a "local target/bb/walmart" has the 3DS w/ a game bonus.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']really really really really crossing my fingers for a Zelda bundle with a cool color 3DS.
that is all.[/QUOTE]

Mockup ;)
[quote name='dallow']

Mockup ;)[/QUOTE]

That's just a mockup? Someone really did a good job.

I'd love a Zelda bundle...except I think gold's a terrible color for a game system.

I still love the gold Zelda cartriges for the first two games though. Guess my original copy of the N64 one was gold too. I don't really regret selling my N64 though since most of the games I cared about (which weren't that many) have since been released on Xbox and DS.
The Gold DS Lite was really good (I would have bought it easily if I didn't already have one at the time), and so was the Gold N64 though I think the paint came off rather easy. Gold isn't a bad color, but I have to admit I do prefer silver.
bread's done