Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

Cave Story 3DS looks pretty crap honestly. All the charm of the original version has been supplanted by low-resolution cardboard boxes. I do want to support Pixel (again) but I'm not really sure what he's getting out of this particular deal.

edit: Went back and took a look at the 3DS Cave Story concept art. Far fucking cry from what we're actually getting.

edit 2: Azito 3D looks pretty rad.
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[quote name='cochesecochese']edit 2: Azito 3D looks pretty rad.[/QUOTE]

Methinksotoo. I am a sucker for anime-flavored games. Waiting for Japan to offer 3DS in different colors.

Very pleased to see that we'll get Tales of the Abyss here as well. The 3DS library is becoming more and more attractive by the day.
Tales of the Abyss? Nice. I always meant to go back and play that, but, well, I just don't find myself going back to PS2 games... Spruce it up and put it on the 3DS and I'll play it for sure though.

Did you just see this in the Japanese link above?
[quote name='cochesecochese']Cave Story 3DS looks pretty crap honestly. All the charm of the original version has been supplanted by low-resolution cardboard boxes. I do want to support Pixel (again) but I'm not really sure what he's getting out of this particular deal.

edit: Went back and took a look at the 3DS Cave Story concept art. Far fucking cry from what we're actually getting.

edit 2: Azito 3D looks pretty rad.[/QUOTE]

I honestly wasn't interested in the game in its 80bit style. I'm much more interested with the beefed visuals.
^^ I'm waiting for the 147-bit version myself ;).

So I used my DSi last night - I had pictures on it from when I first got it in Sept. 2009 (including one of the now departed Io). It hadn't been used since Dec. 2009, but, remarkably, it still had a nearly full charge. That is kind of amazing and a stark contrast to my PSP which completely drains such that it forgets the date and everything after a month or two. Granted, it is a launch system, but still, it's been doing that for years.

If anything, the DSi seems even more fragile than the DS Lite. The hinge is clicky and snappish - don't like that at all. And the buttons and D-pad seem wierd to me. I like the 3DS in that it is a slight return to a more sturdy (thicker) design. But I'm sure in a year we'll get a new easily-breakable slim version of that that everyone will be all excited about ;).

I took some more 3D pictures with my 3DS last night so at least I'm using it for something. The problem is that very good lighting is key or it just gets all grainy. It's too bad the camera isn't just a little sharper.
I'm amazed at Nintendo portables with built in batteries. My old GBA SP has held its charge for years, and every nintendo system after that has been the same.

The PSP, even my 2000 has a "use it or lose it" battery that looses it's charge quick.

Don't they both use the same Lithium Ion batteries?
Do yall think the 3ds will get a price drop because its not meeting expectations? I don't think it has a chance in hell and they will instead spend more money marketing and it and changing campaign. I hope we see Nintendo forced to release Paper Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario 3d all before Christmas because of the need to increase demand and sales rather than a price drop.
[quote name='panasonic']Do yall think the 3ds will get a price drop because its not meeting expectations? I don't think it has a chance in hell and they will instead spend more money marketing and it and changing campaign. I hope we see Nintendo forced to release Paper Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario 3d all before Christmas because of the need to increase demand and sales rather than a price drop.[/QUOTE]

No chance until at least after Christmas. Star Fox and Zelda will be out before Christmas but that will be it.
[quote name='62t']No chance until at least after Christmas. Star Fox and Zelda will be out before Christmas but that will be it.[/QUOTE]

I know all devs delay games for timing but I swear Nintendo keeps onto their stuff longer than anyone more than a few months. I've read Zelda and Star Fox are done and have been done but we won't see them for months.
[quote name='panasonic']Do yall think the 3ds will get a price drop because its not meeting expectations? I don't think it has a chance in hell and they will instead spend more money marketing and it and changing campaign. I hope we see Nintendo forced to release Paper Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario 3d all before Christmas because of the need to increase demand and sales rather than a price drop.[/QUOTE]

Too early to be preaching its demise--the DS had a similar lackluster launch and dry spell for a while thereafter.
[quote name='panasonic']I know all devs delay games for timing but I swear Nintendo keeps onto their stuff longer than anyone more than a few months. I've read Zelda and Star Fox are done and have been done but we won't see them for months.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo has done this for years, and yet they continue to sell systems.

And yeah, the launch lineup for the DS was pretty atrocious, it took months for anything decent to come out, although I liked Feel the Magic.
I know I got a DS at launch and I'm trying to remember what I played on it. Pac-Pix was a pretty early one, right? I remember playing that quite a bit. And I guess Mario 64.
Sales have slowed down every week in Japan since launch, getting into really low numbers.
Last week the PSP outsold the Wii, DS, 3DS and 360 combined.

I'm betting there will at least be a bundle by the holidays, if not a slight price drop.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']I wouldn't get too excited about the eShop when it launches... Have a feeling the offerings will be very meager to start.[/QUOTE]

Looks like a free Excitebike 3D and Zelda DX + Super Mario Land. Personally, those 3 will keep me busy until Ocarina hits (and then Cave Story).
[quote name='Capocci 007']Is a new model for 3ds coming out soon? Any bundles? I plan on buying a 3ds but don't know when the right time to buy it would be.[/QUOTE]

About 2 years if the DS lite is taken for an example, but consider that Nintendo has made reference that the 3DS hardware is already rather compact and there isnt a lot of wasted space, basically outright saying the original DS was something they themselves werent thrilled with in terms of the original design. They may have indeed rushed it to market to complete with the PSP.

So a new version may occur, but I would wager a 3DS XL is more likely than a 3DS lite.

Regarding bundles? Zelda bundles seem likely, but nothing has been announced.

At this point, dont buy it until games are released you want. The original rush made for some decent pre-order deals, but those have passed for now, and everything that was a launch game (save Nintendo titles) will probably be reduced in price within a few months.
[quote name='Capocci 007']Is a new model for 3ds coming out soon? Any bundles? I plan on buying a 3ds but don't know when the right time to buy it would be.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's been out for a month so a new model is right around the corner. :roll:
The time to buy it was at launch when amazon was giving away a bunch of free stuff and bonus credit.

I also wont be surprise if they took out DS support in the new model to save money. Like foltzie said they really cant make it much smaller. It might be a minor improvement like PSP 2000 to PSP 3000.
[quote name='Strell']Ah good, I am happy to see so many Nintendo engineers posting on here who have intimate knowledge of company innerworkings.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because it takes an insider to know that they released a new console right before their fiscal year, with functions not yet implemented. Yep.

On top of that, I actually did know... oh nevermind. Fanboys never listen, even when facts are presented. Guess what, PSP in Japan sold twice as much as 3DS this past week. Guess what, I don't know a Japanese journalist either.
[quote name='Capocci 007']so the 3ds 2 wont be out soon... i guess ll buy 3ds 1 soon does it play ds games?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it does. By default, DS games would appear a bit stretched on the 3DS's top screen but you can change it to normal DS width by holding down Start and Select as you boot up any DS game.
[quote name='Strell']Yeah, I hate asking for proof.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, and always weird loss of a sense of time too.

Anyways for my part....

Sugino: When you changed your approach and got rid of all gaps, Nintendo DS Lite was born. I think that experience can be seen in Nintendo 3DS.

Iwata: The first thing (Nobuo) Nagai-san10, who's in charge at the Uji plant, said to me when he looked over the designs for Nintendo 3DS before mass production began was "This time it's fully packed right from the start."

Sugino: Oh, really? (laughs) But he was right. That's why we don't have any short-term plans for creating a more compact version of Nintendo 3DS like we did with Nintendo DS Lite. (laughs)

Iwata: Yeah. (laughs) When making Nintendo 3DS, we used all our tricks for Nintendo DS Lite—and more—for cutting down on size right from the start.
[quote name='Batcave Dweller']Yes, it does. By default, DS games would appear a bit stretched on the 3DS's top screen but you can change it to normal DS width by holding down Start and Select as you boot up any DS game.[/QUOTE]

It's weird. For me it defaulted to not stretching the top image. I never changed it either as I was curious to see how badly it would be stretched.
[quote name='theflicker']It's weird. For me it defaulted to not stretching the top image. I never changed it either as I was curious to see how badly it would be stretched.[/QUOTE]

It doesnt stretch it but rather upscales it, but its not a perfect 2:1 scale so it can look a little fuzzy.
[quote name='foltzie']It doesnt stretch it but rather upscales it, but its not a perfect 2:1 scale so it can look a little fuzzy.[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected. I just misremembered what I read a month or so ago. Actually haven't tried any DS games on my 3DS so I shouldn't have said somethng that I haven't personally experienced. :)

Holding down Start & Select while booting would change the screen to 1:1...right.
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did nintendo rape you at some point?

i think panasonic or something released this awful device last year and I'm sure it must have tanked. But nobody went into some panasonic forum to gleefully repeat sales numbers. But yet, here you are. :roll:

And if the 3DS starts a slow ascent in sales figures towards the holidays, will you be here to say good things about it? Of course not. You'll just be your asshole trolling self and talk about how much the wii 2 sucks or how people are dumb to buy the 3ds.

You are so fucking useless, it's astounding. I wish the mods would notice that ALL you do is troll nintendo. Every deal thread about a nintendo game, you have to say that game sucks. DO YOU EVEN OWN A WII? Give it up already.

And before you respond by saying all I do is defend nintendo: I say good things and bad things about nintendo... and microsoft... and sony. But all you do is slam nintendo in every nintendo thread regardless of what is being discussed. You are a one trick pathetic little pony.

edit: here's the panasonic device i was talking about:
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[quote name='62t']Yea I am sure the Wonderswan was released around the worst natural disaster in Japan history.[/QUOTE]

I guess people forget about that..

But Nintendo not releasing a big title at launch hurt them. Even the DS has Super Mario 64. A 3+ month wait for a 'good' game wasn't a good idea.
The steep drop in sales was pre-Earthquake anyway, and other systems have seen a growth since then.

As always, it's about the games.
[quote name='confoosious']did nintendo rape you at some point?

i think panasonic or something released this awful device last year and I'm sure it must have tanked. But nobody went into some panasonic forum to gleefully repeat sales numbers. But yet, here you are. :roll:

And if the 3DS starts a slow ascent in sales figures towards the holidays, will you be here to say good things about it? Of course not. You'll just be your asshole trolling self and talk about how much the wii 2 sucks or how people are dumb to buy the 3ds.

You are so fucking useless, it's astounding. I wish the mods would notice that ALL you do is troll nintendo. Every deal thread about a nintendo game, you have to say that game sucks. DO YOU EVEN OWN A WII? Give it up already.

And before you respond by saying all I do is defend nintendo: I say good things and bad things about nintendo... and microsoft... and sony. But all you do is slam nintendo in every nintendo thread regardless of what is being discussed. You are a one trick pathetic little pony.

edit: here's the panasonic device i was talking about:[/QUOTE]

Wow, predictable response from a brainwashed Nintendo fan. All I did was provide some interesting info about the current status of the 3DS . . . You need to seriously chill out dude. You're gonna pop a vein or something! :whistle2:/
Everyone has complaints about Nintendo. But you don't have anything to say but negative stuff about nintendo. In the nintendo forums. And you don't own any nintendo products.

what do the kids say on the internet these days, obvious troll is obvious?
[quote name='confoosious']Everyone has complaints about Nintendo. But you don't have anything to say but negative stuff about nintendo. In the nintendo forums. And you don't own any nintendo products.

what do the kids say on the internet these days, obvious troll is obvious?[/QUOTE]

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I do own plenty of Nintendo systems and games. But certainly not a 3DS, it isn't worth it for 250.
and you feel the need to troll the 3ds forum because....?

ahh i get it, you're one of those "I loved NIntendo back in the day" folks who felt abandoned with the Wii and how popular they got right? "HOW DARE THEY ABANDON US HARDCORE GAMERZ?!!" And now you're on a crusade to badmouth nintendo everywhere because you're a sad sad man.

Can you let those of us who actually have or are interested in the 3DS have a discussion without you chirping in about how shitty it is (without actually owning one)? Thanks.
[quote name='chimpmeister']Wow, predictable response from a brainwashed Nintendo fan. All I did was provide some interesting info about the current status of the 3DS . . . You need to seriously chill out dude. You're gonna pop a vein or something! :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

Trolls are pathetic little losers. You called the Nintendo Wii the worst console of all time in a thread. You're a troll. Plain and simple.

If only the moderation on this site wasn't so worthless, you'd be banned by now.
[quote name='confoosious']and you feel the need to troll the 3ds forum because....?

ahh i get it, you're one of those "I loved NIntendo back in the day" folks who felt abandoned with the Wii and how popular they got right? "HOW DARE THEY ABANDON US HARDCORE GAMERZ?!!" And now you're on a crusade to badmouth nintendo everywhere because you're a sad sad man.

Can you let those of us who actually have or are interested in the 3DS have a discussion without you chirping in about how shitty it is (without actually owning one)? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SuperPhillip']Trolls are pathetic little losers. You called the Nintendo Wii the worst console of all time in a thread. You're a troll. Plain and simple.

If only the moderation on this site wasn't so worthless, you'd be banned by now.[/QUOTE]

You're changing the subject with that pic, yeah?

I am perfectly calm. I don't think you were when you getting bipolar on the Wii in that one topic though.

P.S. Get banned.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']You're changing the subject with that pic, yeah?

I am perfectly calm. I don't think you were when you getting bipolar on the Wii in that one topic though.

P.S. Get banned.[/QUOTE]

Actually I don't think you are perfectly calm; all I've ever done was express opinion and provide reviews and articles that were relevant to the topics at hand. In the case of the Wii thread, the OP originally posted it with the title: "Wii: The Best Console This Generation", and asked for people's opinions about his theory. I gave my opinion that I felt it was not the "greatest console" this generation at all, and many others in the thread posted the same kinds of opinions. Due to all the negative feedback, the OP changed the thread title to "Wii: A Great Console This Generation", admitting that calling it the "greatest" may have been a bit overdone.

So, inviting people to post their opinions is a legit topic, and I posted my opinion (and many others agreed).

Once again, I did not attack you, or Confoosius, or any other person, but you guys take any criticism of Nintendo systems/games/products as a personal affront. What is up with that? You need to learn to coexist with others who may not share your views. Nothing I posted was abusive or inflammatory towards others here, but all the things you and Confoosious have posted WERE. If anyone were to be banned, it would be people like you. You both need to learn to chill out and not get so agitated when anything negative is posted about Nintendo stuff, it is really no big deal. Seriously. :D
:roll: i love the "who me?" act you have going on.

If the mods ever took a look at your post history (better hurry up and edit your posts!) they'd see your pattern of trolling the hell out of every nintendo thread. If it weren't for your trolling, there would be no need for any "confrontational" responses from anyone.
bread's done