Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='homeland']i couldn't register my box either and now that I've shipped it I don't have the serial number=o was planning on giving them a call just so I can get an update on the repairs. Though i have time I dropped off my box to UPS on last friday and its just in ILL now (mailed from R.I).[/quote]

yeah, my box took about a week to finally arrive at my door from UPS. Also live in RI. This sucks, gotta box it up and ship it out tomorrow. Atleast I will have another xbox 360 (my brother's). Well....that's until I get mine back cause that's when his is also going back. Stupid Microsoft.
sending out the 360 for the 2nd time now. I got a nice refurb back a couple of days after Christmas, and not for the RROD... drive scratched the fuck out of my COD4 disc today. Does anyone know how to go about getting a replacement disc??
[quote name='Matt Young']Forgive me for not reading through the thread again, but it's been a week since MS received my system. When should I expect an e-mail or update on the service/support page of[/quote]

Mine will be 3 weeks tomorrow without an update. I will probably end up calling after class tomorrow to see what the hell is going on.
[quote name='xpacdos']sending out the 360 for the 2nd time now. I got a nice refurb back a couple of days after Christmas, and not for the RROD... drive scratched the fuck out of my COD4 disc today. Does anyone know how to go about getting a replacement disc??[/QUOTE]

I think you have to pay a small fee to get discs exchanged, but don't quote me on it.
I just got my coffin box in so I can finally send my system in for repairs. I hope it doesnt take to long I was right before the boss in Eternal Sonata and I want to get back to playing it. :)
[quote name='AK85']Mine will be 3 weeks tomorrow without an update. I will probably end up calling after class tomorrow to see what the hell is going on.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap. from what I've heard, most people get theirs back within 2 weeks after it is received, 3 at the very most. I hope mine doesn't end up like that. Good luck with yours.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']I am now in the RROD club. Boo.[/quote]

Another proud member of the club. was going to continue playing Assasians Creed too.
A year to the day I first turned it on too.
Had mine since a few months after launch.. Play it all the time.. Never once had a problem, no overheats.. nothing... Tonight, like every night for the last 60days, I am playing COD4 online, and have someone in my sights, and pull the trigger, and bam.. 3 red lights... Luckily its
from Costco, so going to try to exchange it there first. What a sad sad day.

I, too, am now in the RROD club (can I learn the secret handshake now?)...

Whats the easiest way to do a Hard Drive transfer these days?
Well, my 3rd 360 just bit the dust the other day. My first two had the RROD too. I'm sending it off tomorrow so no games for me for a while. This really sucks.
[quote name='mick16']Has anybody received a HDMI Xbox 360 as a replacement for a non HDMI version that was sent in?[/quote]

[quote name='ITDEFX']It won't happen... you send in a non-hdmi version and you get a non-hdmi version back.
Now the bigger question remains, if you get your original one fixed or someone else's?[/quote]

[quote name='Danil ACE']You'll never get an HDMI system back if you sent in a non-HDMI (unless MS completely messes up with your order). For when the Xenons run out, MS is rolling out a new "Opus" motherboard that will appear in refurbished systems only (not in retail) that doesn't have HDMI, but does have the 65nm cpu.[/quote]

Really? The douche from MS support told me the replacement would have HDMI because all new 360's have HDMI. Dammit! The one solace I had since this is the 3rd time it was happening is that I thought I would gain an HDMI port! Motherfuckers!
OK, so i baught myself a new Pro system. I am going to return my RROD 360 to costco, but my question is this... I have my old 20GB HD pretty full, 15GB filled. Should I jsut keep my old HD, and put the new one in the box to return with the old console? I can swap some data, but that would require a 40mile round trip trip to a friends to borrow his 64MB memory card and moving only my game saves... What do you guys think?
I talked to Xbox support today and requested an HDMI Xbox as a replacement (the box I'm sending in doesn't have HDMI). She said she put a note on my service order to give me an HDMI capable box. Hopefully they follow through on it, and I'll let you guys know.

[quote name='ZForce915']I got my xbox back and they are now working on the DRM issues. Another 15-30 day wait.[/quote]

What are they saying they can do about the DRM issues? I was under the impression that we were just SOL and had to be connected to Xbox Live to play the arcade games.
I'm officially in "the club". My wife called Microsoft Support Japan today and will be getting my shit repaired.

Some Japan 360 repair facts:
1) They call the "3 Red Lights" the "Ring Light"
2) They send a shipper to your home to pick up the 360. You put your busted console in its original box and the shipper takes it with him.
3) Repair takes about 10 days.

I'd love to add a poll in this forum to see what percentage of CAGs have gone through this.
[quote name='CheapyD']I'm officially in "the club".

I blame your thread for causing my RROD. Worked fine, then I saw your video, laughed so hard and BAM RROD.

It is a cursed video, I know it! :hot:

Maybe you should add on a leader board for number of times everyone has had RROD or console number they are on.

Your repair estimate is a lot faster than the USA one, wonder if they will have it back in 10 days or just bullshitting you.
[quote name='CheapyD']I'm officially in "the club". My wife called Microsoft Support Japan today and will be getting my shit repaired.

Some Japan 360 repair facts:
1) They call the "3 Red Lights" the "Ring Light"
2) They send a shipper to your home to pick up the 360. You put your busted console in its original box and the shipper takes it with him.
3) Repair takes about 10 days.

I'd love to add a poll in this forum to see what percentage of CAGs have gone through this.[/QUOTE]

Dude, that's way better service than anything I have personally seen. US gets the shaft, AGAIN.
Just an update to a previous post (like 8 or so up).. Took my busted 360 back to Costco, got a new Falcon one that works great (and had HDMI)... So nice...
[quote name='opportunity777']Dude, that's way better service than anything I have personally seen. US gets the shaft, AGAIN.[/quote]

But think about it, there are like 12 people in all of Japan who have a 360 compared to the billion over here in the USA. It should be faster over there just b/c of pure volume.
lata, hostyl1
--the word for today is hyperbole: learn it, love it.
Mine just got some graphic errors. I tried VGA and component cables and 3 different games and its always messed up. So i have to send mine in soon. 2nd time i will have to send it in. First time it was for failing to read discs.

BTW, does anyone know how much Gamestop gives in store credit for a Xbox 360 white, 20gb version?
Should I get a coffin now? RROD happens 1/2 the time now... if I send it in and they can't replicate the RROD I get, will they not fix it?
Important to note my one year warranty is good until September.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Mine just got some graphic errors. I tried VGA and component cables and 3 different games and its always messed up. So i have to send mine in soon. 2nd time i will have to send it in. First time it was for failing to read discs.

BTW, does anyone know how much Gamestop gives in store credit for a Xbox 360 white, 20gb version?[/QUOTE]

Not enough, John. Another friend of mine sold his without the hard drive and got $150 credit, and that was a year ago.

As for my system, I got it back on Friday- 2 weeks after I sent it in and a week after they received it.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Should I get a coffin now? RROD happens 1/2 the time now... if I send it in and they can't replicate the RROD I get, will they not fix it?
Important to note my one year warranty is good until September.[/QUOTE]

All of my RRoD were like that. Eventually, it will be permanent. Keep playing your games for now, give it a couple days / weeks and it should break.
I am hoping I or someone else will be at home when Fedex tries to deliver my system again...Missed out Friday (I have only ever missed Fedex packages on a FRIDAY, thus making my weekend all the more sad). I know it has to be signed for, but I don't know how many times I've filled out that card so they can leave shit on my doorstep...
kind of irritated my new system doesn't fit the hard drive well. So the slightest movement causes it to disconnect, which resets the system. Besides that the system has been smooth for a month
Ugh. Still waiting to get an update on my system. They received it on February 20th, and the status still says "Device Received at Service Center."

I'm supposed to be in Ireland for two weeks starting the 14th of March. If it isn't sent out to me soon, there may be no-one available to play tag with UPS.

Wondering if I can convince them to wait until April to mail it back, or to mail, it to another address. Not really looking forward to talking to customer support; our accents seem to just lead to mutual frustration.
Did you click on the "Review your repair status" link over to the right on that screen "Device Received at Service Center"? If its been shipped back out, it should list the carrier and tracking number.

I shipped mine back about 2 weeks ago and it was shipped out today. The shipped via FedEx, so I'm hoping I get it back in the next couple of days. I was kind of bummed that it was a 2006 refurb model (was hoping for a 2007 or 2008). Then again, I'm sure this one will die and I'll get another within the next 6 months...
Yup. It still simply says 'Device Recieved...' within repair status.

I'll try giving them a call tomorrow. Honestly, if I have to choose between my 360, and hiking in Ireland, I'll choose Ireland.
Well, just checked UPS tracking service (which, btw, sucks pretty bad) and found out that my package has finally arrived in Texas tonight. A little sigh of relief. Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow and fixed quickly. Sent it on the 28th. Dammit, I want my 360 back. other 360 back.
... Apparently, Microsoft Support is 'unsure as to the status' of my Xbox Elite. The agent verified that it was repaired some time ago, but according to the agent, simply wasn't shipped out to me.

... I'm not sure what to say. They kept me on hold for some time, and I got the distinct impression that they are SEARCHING for it. I'm supposed to call back again tomorrow.
[quote name='Gourd']... Apparently, Microsoft Support is 'unsure as to the status' of my Xbox Elite. The agent verified that it was repaired some time ago, but according to the agent, simply wasn't shipped out to me.

... I'm not sure what to say. They kept me on hold for some time, and I got the distinct impression that they are SEARCHING for it. I'm supposed to call back again tomorrow.[/quote]

Have you checked the status on If so, what did it say. Seems strange.
Yes. I've checked the status, every day since February /20th./ That is the date that my Elite arrived at the service center. That very day, the status was updated to:

Device Received at Service Center.

It has remained that way since the 20th. So I gave them a call, as I have to leave the country for two weeks starting next week. My intention was to ask them to change the shipping address to a work address so someone could sign for it.

The automated system had no repair orders linked to my phone number. I was connected to an agent, who searched their database, found that my system /had/ been repaired, but could find no further information on it. He put me on hold for a while, and eventually replied that they would try to send a ship request to the service center for the console, and that I should try calling back tomorrow at the same time.

I'm not particularly /worried./ It's just a game console, afterall, and I've lost more expensive stuff back during my ill fated move from NYC during 9-11.
Had no problems with mine.

I got the Coffin on a Monday, shipped it that day. It arrived in Toronto on Wednesday, they had it fixed by friday, it was shipped to me on monday and got it back wednesday. Took a bit more than a week once i got my coffin. I'm very impressed.

I worked my xbox very hard tonight. No complaints what so ever.
My 360 died :(

the support line told me a coffin would be arriving soon, but then i got an email from xbox nz (i live in New Zealand) that i have to send it to a particular address myself. It's been 4 days and no coffin so i'm guessing it aint coming.

I'm wondering why the hell i have to pay for packaging, it's under warranty. But maybe i'm just bitching the loss of $5 when i could have my expensive games machine fixed.
It's been a couple weeks since I shipped my 360 and the site listed it as being shipped back to me on the 3rd. I checked the tracking and it's spent the last two days in Fort Worth, which is annoying when I'm eager to get it back. Grr.
My Xbox was out for delivery to the Mesquite, TX repair center yesterday and today this message appeared on the UPS tracking:


What in God's name does that mean?

Are they so swamped with Xboxes that they told UPS to hang onto mine for a while? It's not out for delivery today, so I have no idea what the "future delivery date" is. This is very, very frustrating.
For some reason when I open my 360 tray after I'm done playing a game the disc sometimes spins as the tray is opening. My old 360 never did this; my cousin's 360 and mine does this, however. What the hell is going on? It's scratching my discs.:bomb:
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']My Xbox was out for delivery to the Mesquite, TX repair center yesterday and today this message appeared on the UPS tracking:


What in God's name does that mean?

Are they so swamped with Xboxes that they told UPS to hang onto mine for a while? It's not out for delivery today, so I have no idea what the "future delivery date" is. This is very, very frustrating.[/quote]

Here's what I got from another website (it was about tickets but I'm assuming it would hold true to this as well)

We have been informed by UPS that this is a standard message they use to indicate that a package is in their system and waiting to be delivered.
Anyways, waiting for mine to be repaired and sent back to me (arrived yesterday). Also requested a new box for my second, spare, xbox 360. Hopefully they both arrive around the same time.
... Spent thirty minutes talking to agents about this.

I don't even want to type out a description of the whole experience, but at this point I give up.

I don't /care/ if I get the thing back at this point or not.
[quote name='chex20']Here's what I got from another website (it was about tickets but I'm assuming it would hold true to this as well)

Anyways, waiting for mine to be repaired and sent back to me (arrived yesterday). Also requested a new box for my second, spare, xbox 360. Hopefully they both arrive around the same time.[/quote]

I called earlier to ask what it meant, and they told me that the problem was my box was shipped to Mesquite, TX while their repair center is in Mcallen, TX. How the hell did they give me a shipping label to send my box to the other side of the state? Unfreakingbelievable.

The support rep said my box should arrive in Mcallen in the next day or so.
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']I called earlier to ask what it meant, and they told me that the problem was my box was shipped to Mesquite, TX while their repair center is in Mcallen, TX. How the hell did they give me a shipping label to send my box to the other side of the state? Unfreakingbelievable.

The support rep said my box should arrive in Mcallen in the next day or so.[/quote]

..Wait....hold on. Seriously? I just checked on UPS and mine says "Delivered" and it's location MESQUITE, TX, US. Ugh, that now means I gotta call up and ask. What a nightmare. This sucks. :cry:
[quote name='chex20']..Wait....hold on. Seriously? I just checked on UPS and mine says "Delivered" and it's location MESQUITE, TX, US. Ugh, that now means I gotta call up and ask. What a nightmare. This sucks. :cry:[/quote]

When you call see if you can find out a little bit more about what the hell is going on. I was too in shock at the ludicrous explanation to question the guy.

So fedex keeps trying to deliver my 360 but I work during the week and I'm not home to pick it up....Do you guys know if someone has to be home to sign for it? I called fedex to ask about picking it up and they said I cant.....
[quote name='pelf21']So fedex keeps trying to deliver my 360 but I work during the week and I'm not home to pick it up....Do you guys know if someone has to be home to sign for it? I called fedex to ask about picking it up and they said I cant.....[/quote]

That doesn't sound right. I called yesterday after I missed their first attempt (thanks MS for not telling me it shipped nor giving me a tracking number! But on the plus side it took them less than a week to send it back.) and she told me I could request them to hold it and not try again so I could pick it up, otherwise they try for three straight business days and then hold it for seven days before sending it back.

And yes, it has to be signed for, but I guess it depends on the driver. A $400 360 and this driver wouldn't leave it even with my signature on file; but with my $1500 laptop, that driver signed my name incorrectly and left it at the door. I know they probably don't know what it is, but it's the irony and inconvenience of it :).
My Xbox was out for delivery to the Mesquite, TX repair center yesterday and today this message appeared on the UPS tracking:


What in God's name does that mean?

Are they so swamped with Xboxes that they told UPS to hang onto mine for a while? It's not out for delivery today, so I have no idea what the "future delivery date" is. This is very, very frustrating.

The same exact thing happened to me. I called UPS and was unable to talk to an actual person. I called MS and after being on hold, someone who barely understands the english language told me that they are putting holds on all consoles shipped to them (going back about a week). I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, but what i think is happening is there are actually 2 different service centers, one in Mesquite, and one in McAllen, and all of these being shipped to Mesquite has overwhelmed that service center, so they are all now being shipped to McAllen. But again, this agent's accent was thick and that could be a complete fairy tale that I just made up now.

I almost wanted to just buy a new xbox, but out of principal that a) my first one broke for no other reason than shoddy craftsmanship and b) my customer service experience has thus far been abysmal, I'm taking a moral stand and waiting it out.

In the end I was told not to worry, but that I can call back in a couple of days to make sure the service center recieved my xbox. Just one more thing I have to do because of your poorly made product. Thanks!
My box has Error 74, a hardware one, and thus i am not covered by their 3 year warranty extension, anyway of giving it a RROD? or should I call them and tell them it has rrod? do they check? its all so new to me since none of my xbox's (360 or gen 1) ever went down on me.
[quote name='JnJosh']My box has Error 74, a hardware one, and thus i am not covered by their 3 year warranty extension, anyway of giving it a RROD? or should I call them and tell them it has rrod? do they check? its all so new to me since none of my xbox's (360 or gen 1) ever went down on me.[/quote]I don't think there's any way to induce a RRoD failure. They do check once it gets to the repair center. If you file a false claim, they'll either just send it back, or call you to see if you want to pay for repairs. Try to escalate the situation with frequent calls asking for a supervisor. Sometimes they'll budge and get you a repair at 50%, but it's quite rare to get them to do it for free.
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