Official Enhanced Steam Discussion Thread

Going through a massive list like what is over at the Amazon thread and having to check most of the listing against Enhanced Steam in a separate tab is torture. JS, how hard would it be to have ES in a little toolbar app (like the standard google search bar beside the address bar) or something where it monitors your clipboard contents. That way you could just select, copy a game title and get a little green bar in that bar, green check mark or something when on any other site. Or it could just cull from the standard steam search (where you type in a game name and the drop down list has the green bars on title matches you own). You could just mirror that functionality. (I say "you could just" like I have any fuck clue what it takes to code such things). Love the app (and I have donated to the cause), but with the way Steam is handling it's sales, I find myself buying more from other sellers (Greenman,Amazon,Bundles,etc.) than from a Steam page with no immediate knowledge of whether that title is currently owned or not.

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So this has kind of been an ongoing thing I've noticed but I guess the snow globes just reminded me of it.

For some reason the Valve promotional trading cards, emoticons and backgrounds don't seem "Lowest Price for:" in the inventory screen correctly. Everything else works fine for me and loads the current lowest price after a few seconds, but all the Valve stuff (summer postcards, snow globes, summer getaway emoticon etc) all just have "loading" with the spinning wheel sit there indefinitely.
For the upcoming version 5.3, I've completely re-written the inventory market price function. Previously if the game name wasn't displayed anywhere on the page, I had to search Steam for the AppID of the game in question. Obviously this didn't work for everything.

In the new version, I'm actually capturing Valve's own javascript variables and passing them up to Enhanced Steam to be processed. It's kind of exciting since it's the first time Enhanced Steam had done something like this. For everything I've tested it on, it's been working 100% so far. This version should be released (hopefully) today.

Going through a massive list like what is over at the Amazon thread and having to check most of the listing against Enhanced Steam in a separate tab is torture. JS, how hard would it be to have ES in a little toolbar app (like the standard google search bar beside the address bar) or something where it monitors your clipboard contents. That way you could just select, copy a game title and get a little green bar in that bar, green check mark or something when on any other site. Or it could just cull from the standard steam search (where you type in a game name and the drop down list has the green bars on title matches you own). You could just mirror that functionality. (I say "you could just" like I have any fuck clue what it takes to code such things). Love the app (and I have donated to the cause), but with the way Steam is handling it's sales, I find myself buying more from other sellers (Greenman,Amazon,Bundles,etc.) than from a Steam page with no immediate knowledge of whether that title is currently owned or not.
What you're asking is kind of tricky to pull off, unfortunately. The principal problem is that if Enhanced Steam needs to interact with any data from any other page, it has to be given permission to do so. People have enough heartburn that Enhanced Steam has access to Steam, I can only imagine what they would say if it also had access to your activity on sites like Amazon or Humble Bundle.

Secondly, in order for it to work the way people would expect it, the other sites would somehow need to know Steam's App ID in order for Enhanced Steam to be able to highlight it. Copying/pasting into another box is fine, but that box would still need to be connected to Steam in order for their javascript to return the results.

Long story short, it's best to just keep a Steam tab open, then copy/paste a game name into the top search box and wait for the drop down box to show the game and it's highlighting status. Sorry. :(

Don't mean to pester, but just wanted to ask about is a few features would be possible. I'd asked about them previously, but didn't see any notion if they would or wouldn't be possible.

  • Ability to sort your All Games list by genre (assuming it would be by Steam's genre designation)
  • Ability to sort your All Games list by 'last played' date
  • Adding check boxes to DLC and a 'Add Checked DLC To Cart' button
Don't mean to pester, but just wanted to ask about is a few features would be possible. I'd asked about them previously, but didn't see any notion if they would or wouldn't be possible.

  • Ability to sort your All Games list by genre (assuming it would be by Steam's genre designation)
  • Ability to sort your All Games list by 'last played' date
  • Adding check boxes to DLC and a 'Add Checked DLC To Cart' button
These are all great ideas, but are very difficult to pull off.

The All Games list doesn't include the game's genre. If Enhanced Steam wanted to be able to sort by genre, I would have to load the genre through the API for each of your games before it could sort. So while this is technically possible, it would require waiting until all of your game's genres have been evaluated. Depending on how many games you have, this could take several minutes.

Sorting the All Games list by recently played is even trickier. The Steam API doesn't really have this information. As far as I can tell, you can only request a list of "X number of recently played games" and the API returns a list of those games in order, but not the date. Enhanced Steam would need to find the total number of games you've actually played, send the request to the API to return that many results, then interpret those results and order the games list appropriately. Again it's possible, but would take a significant amount of time to accomplish.

Adding check boxes to DLC and an "Add Checked DLC to Cart" button is the easiest suggestion of the three, but I run into other issues. Steam's DLC list consists of stylized links, so adding checkboxes inside the existing containers wouldn't do anything. If you checked the box, it would take you to that DLC's store page. So I would have to place the checkboxes outside of the traditional rows. I've attempted this before but it always comes away looking... weird and non-intuitive.

So these are definitely things that could be added to Enhanced Steam in the future, but I may have to wait and see if Valve can make the process any easier before I do.

Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome version 5.3 has now been uploaded to Google. If you have it installed, it should be updating automatically within the next 60 minutes. Here is the full changelog:

  • Added regional pricing indicators to sale pages and the daily deal
  • Added profile link to
  • Added option to hide globe icon in regional pricing
  • Added an option to hide trademark symbols in game titles
  • Completely rewrote function to get inventory market prices (thanks Sharkiller!)
  • Fixed numerous bugs with regional pricing
  • Re-added profile link to
  • Fixed a bug that caused wishlist filtering options not to underline properly
  • Fixed a bug where DRM warnings were displayed if DRM was mentioned in top reviews
  • Fixed a bug causing some games and collections to incorrectly trigger split pack price dialog
  • Removed "Hide Early Access From New Releases" feature as Steam now does this automatically
  • Removed "Hide NEW over username" option as it is no longer required
As always, if you have any questions please let me know!

Guys - I already know that the Winter Sale is going to be great. I think the Winter Sale will always hold a place in my heart since Enhanced Steam was conceived of and originally coded during the Winter Sale 2012. The first version of the code was a Greasemonkey script with less than 100 lines.  I think a few people here probably remember my constant posting about it in the Steam thread before it eventually got moved here.

Fast forward one year, and Enhanced Steam has absolutely changed my life. As of a few minutes ago, the total download count for Enhanced Steam is 431,031. It's used by over 100,000 people (on average) every day. While it's true that I've had help from sites like Kotaku and Lifehacker in spreading the word, I know none of it would be possible without the support of Enhanced Steam users like you.

Last summer I even got to tour Valve's headquarters in Seattle and it was an amazing and surreal experience I'll never forget.

So again - thank you all for your continued support!  None of this would be possible without every single one of you.

Guys - I already know that the Winter Sale is going to be great. I think the Winter Sale will always hold a place in my heart since Enhanced Steam was conceived of and originally coded during the Winter Sale 2012. The first version of the code was a Greasemonkey script with less than 100 lines. I think a few people here probably remember my constant posting about it in the Steam thread before it eventually got moved here.

Fast forward one year, and Enhanced Steam has absolutely changed my life. As of a few minutes ago, the total download count for Enhanced Steam is 431,031. It's used by over 100,000 people (on average) every day. While it's true that I've had help from sites like Kotaku and Lifehacker in spreading the word, I know none of it would be possible without the support of Enhanced Steam users like you.

Last summer I even got to tour Valve's headquarters in Seattle and it was an amazing and surreal experience I'll never forget.

So again - thank you all for your continued support! None of this would be possible without every single one of you.
Thank you so much for Enhanced Steam
1 million users by winter of 2014!!!!
I can use Google Chrome again wooohooo!!!!! This time I synced it so it'll be so much easier to fix if Windows boinks it again with an update.
Merry Christmas Jshackles
  • Added profile link to

Guys - I already know that the Winter Sale is going to be great. I think the Winter Sale will always hold a place in my heart since Enhanced Steam was conceived of and originally coded during the Winter Sale 2012. The first version of the code was a Greasemonkey script with less than 100 lines. I think a few people here probably remember my constant posting about it in the Steam thread before it eventually got moved here.

Fast forward one year, and Enhanced Steam has absolutely changed my life. As of a few minutes ago, the total download count for Enhanced Steam is 431,031. It's used by over 100,000 people (on average) every day. While it's true that I've had help from sites like Kotaku and Lifehacker in spreading the word, I know none of it would be possible without the support of Enhanced Steam users like you.

Last summer I even got to tour Valve's headquarters in Seattle and it was an amazing and surreal experience I'll never forget.

So again - thank you all for your continued support! None of this would be possible without every single one of you.
I think it's safe to say you've changed the Steam experience for the better for a whole lotta folks as well. Cheers!

So again - thank you all for your continued support! None of this would be possible without every single one of you.
I ought to be thanking you honestly, without enhanced steam I'd be floundering around wondering which games I owned, what the lowest prices have been, why Valve won't update their freaking specials page on time, and so many other things I've forgotten to list.

So thank YOU for the awesome extension! I'm so very happy to be one of the 100k to use it everyday, and look forward to whatever you no doubt still have hidden up your sleeve for future updates ^_^

I'm curious, I recall using a function to remove all owned titles from my wishlist, as well as wipe it completely, and now both functions (assuming they existed) are missing. I'm using firefox on W7, btw.

Also, would it be possible to create a function allowing the deletion of multiple wishlist items at the same time without it reloading the page after each one? I need to "clean house" as it were, but deleting anything requires more than a minute to completely load the page again afterwards.

Oh, and what Mr.NS said, Enhanced Steam is a bloody godsend!

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I'm curious, I recall using a function to remove all owned titles from my wishlist, as well as wipe it completely, and now both functions (assuming they existed) are missing. I'm using firefox on W7, btw.
FWIW, I still have both buttons showing on my wishlist. Using Chrome.

FWIW, I still have both buttons showing on my wishlist. Using Chrome.
Good to know, I'll install the chrome variant and give it a shot.

Edit: it worked; for some reason the feature is missing from my firefox extension, both on mac and windows versions.

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J, 2 feasibility questions:

1. Having "My Market History" results show in 1 currency (seller's) rather than the buyers' currencies. More PITA than the storefront currency conversions?

2. Steam Community Market homepage has the "Sell an item" button on the right, but it brings up an inventory window that doesn't have the Lowest Price info that ES gives us in our Inventory page. Worth it?

Thanks for ES making life so much easier for sales like this!

I'm using the Chrome extension, sometimes on the inventory page it shows the lowest price for cards and sometimes it doesn't, like half the time it doesn't work. But then I noticed when the URL is with the backslash it would always work, but if it's with no backslash it doesn't work. I guess they're not consistent when they link to it.

J, 2 feasibility questions:

1. Having "My Market History" results show in 1 currency (seller's) rather than the buyers' currencies. More PITA than the storefront currency conversions?

2. Steam Community Market homepage has the "Sell an item" button on the right, but it brings up an inventory window that doesn't have the Lowest Price info that ES gives us in our Inventory page. Worth it?

Thanks for ES making life so much easier for sales like this!
These are both possible but I likely won't have time to implement them until after the holidays. I'll go ahead and make the suggestions on Github though and perhaps one of the other developers will get to them before I can.

I'm using the Chrome extension, sometimes on the inventory page it shows the lowest price for cards and sometimes it doesn't, like half the time it doesn't work. But then I noticed when the URL is with the backslash it would always work, but if it's with no backslash it doesn't work. I guess they're not consistent when they link to it.
You know, I hadn't noticed this before but you're right. I've updated the code so that, in the future, this should work for either URL (with slash or without).

FWIW once in a while I'm getting "Sold!" as the lowest price when I click on a card or item in my inventory. It's not a huge deal because if I click once or twice more it changes to an actual price.

Also I suspect when the big sale is over with it won't be an issue since the volume of buying and selling market items won't be as rapid and heavy, but thought I would mention it anyway.

Oh and if I haven't thanked you enough for Enhanced Steam already then I will do it again. Thanks. I actually get annoyed now when I browse Steam without Enhanced Steam. It's really hard to go back to that once you've had a much more efficient and organized system to manage everything.

FWIW once in a while I'm getting "Sold!" as the lowest price when I click on a card or item in my inventory. It's not a huge deal because if I click once or twice more it changes to an actual price.

Also I suspect when the big sale is over with it won't be an issue since the volume of buying and selling market items won't be as rapid and heavy, but thought I would mention it anyway.

Oh and if I haven't thanked you enough for Enhanced Steam already then I will do it again. Thanks. I actually get annoyed now when I browse Steam without Enhanced Steam. It's really hard to go back to that once you've had a much more efficient and organized system to manage everything.
Thanks man! The issue with "Sold!" coming up in the marketplace has been fixed and should be pushed out in the next version. And like you said, once the sale is over with it probably won't be that big of an issue (until the next sale!)


Hey, it's been bothering me for a while, can we have a fix on Total Spent for russian store? 

For some reason it shows some random numbers instead of actual money spent. I can't link images since it requires 3 posts on forum, so I will provide link to the image as PM if you need it.

Hey, it's been bothering me for a while, can we have a fix on Total Spent for russian store?

For some reason it shows some random numbers instead of actual money spent. I can't link images since it requires 3 posts on forum, so I will provide link to the image as PM if you need it.
If you could PM me some images, that would be helpful. It's one of those issues that's difficult to troubleshoot, since I can't change my Steam account to use Russian currency. But if you can provide screenshots I'll try my best!

It's by no means a huge issue but the links on the Snow Globe Badge progress page are linking to the foil versions of the cards.

I haven't gotten any foil globe cards yet and the progress toward the foil globe badge is not showing on my profile yet so not sure if that makes a difference.

The foil badge progress page seems to be which is odd because it's the same link but with border=1 tacked onto the end. So maybe that's throwing things off.

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It's by no means a huge issue but the links on the Snow Globe Badge progress page are linking to the foil versions of the cards.<username>/gamecards/267420/

I haven't gotten any foil globe cards yet and the progress toward the foil globe badge is not showing on my profile yet so not sure if that makes a difference.

The foil badge progress page seems to be<username>/gamecards/267420?border=1 which is odd because it's the same link but with border=1 tacked onto the end. So maybe that's throwing things off.
Yeah I've got this fixed in the upcoming version. I'm hoping to be able to push this update out tomorrow.

So I'm working on a new option / feature for Enhanced Steam: the ability to hide DLC in search results of games you do not own. It looks like this:

Without the option checked, you can see all kinds of EUIV DLC for sale!

With the option checked, however (since I don't own EUIV):

Hopefully people will find this option useful!

Sweet, just one less thing I have to do manually (change search to games only). Nice work as always ^_^
Well, it's not entirely the same. As you can see from the second screenshot, there is still DLC from Crusader Kings II (which I own).

You can also enable this feature, leave the search box blank, and find a list of all of the DLC on Steam for games you own. Combine this with hiding games you own, and you have a full list of all your "missing" DLC from games you own.

jshackles, just wanted you to know that I've made the permanent switch to Chrome, all because of ES.  One's browser preference is a deeply personal choice.  That's the sorta impact you and ES have had on my life.   :)

Well, it's not entirely the same. As you can see from the second screenshot, there is still DLC from Crusader Kings II (which I own).

You can also enable this feature, leave the search box blank, and find a list of all of the DLC on Steam for games you own. Combine this with hiding games you own, and you have a full list of all your "missing" DLC from games you own.
Well that's even better then ;)

The hide unowned DLC thing would be much appreciated. It's not like I can buy or really much care about DLC for a game I don't own (or don't own on Steam).

Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 5.4 and should be applied automatically within the next 60 minutes. Changes are:

  • Added option to hide DLC for games you do not own
  • Added option to add button on app pages to test your system requirements in Steam (experimental!)
  • Sorting wishlist by discount now additionally subsorts by price (lowest -> highest)
  • Fixed inventory market price check displaying "Sold!" when looking up prices
  • Fixed bug where inventory market price check wasn't displaying for some users
  • Fixed bug where Holiday Snow Globes weren't highlighting in the marketplace
  • Fixed bug where DRM warnings weren't displaying under certain conditions
  • Fixed bug where holiday snowglobe background was displaying in Library mode
As always if anyone has any problems, please let me know. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

jshackles, just wanted you to know that I've made the permanent switch to Chrome, all because of ES. One's browser preference is a deeply personal choice. That's the sorta impact you and ES have had on my life. :)
as did I. Microsoft must hate you jshackles :D

  • Added option to add button on app pages to test your system requirements in Steam (experimental!)
Great idea, but is placement of the button (under PC, over Mac and Linux) intentional?
See screenshot taken on linux:


BTW binder view for badges still doesn't work properly with Polish language (fine with English though).
Great idea, but is placement of the button (under PC, over Mac and Linux) intentional?
See screenshot taken on linux:


BTW binder view for badges still doesn't work properly with Polish language (fine with English though).
The strange placement is due to Valve using a non-Unique ID on the div tags used for system requirements. And I'm still tracking down the issue with the Polish Language badge page.

Additionally, the open source code for Enhanced Steam for Mozilla Firefox is now available on GitHub. If anyone knows any Firefox addon developers that would be interested in contributing and/or rewriting code from the Chrome repository, let me know!

Thanks, this clears a lot.

I don't know if it helps, but when I am on the badges page and try to choose my language, Polish seems to be missing. I can choose it on the Steam store page though (and then it works on other pages as well) - it is listed under Norsk (while on badges page there is Portuguese there).
Thanks, this clears a lot.

I don't know if it helps, but when I am on the badges page and try to choose my language, Polish seems to be missing. I can choose it on the Steam store page though (and then it works on other pages as well) - it is listed under Norsk (while on badges page there is Portuguese there).
I'm still not able to replicate this exact bug, but someone pointed out that there is an issue with some languages if you have a badge that is level 5 and have cards for that badge. I have that particular issue resolved, so I'm wondering if that will resolve this other issue (since the symptoms are the same).

Additionally, I'm working on adding an "Early Access" overlay to banners and images of games that are in the Early Access program. It's at the very early stages at the moment, but looks like this:




^Awesome. I'm still of leery and wary (and weary, at this point) of Early Access stuff. Will be nice to note that ataglance.

This (the overlay) is excellent. And I must explain that the problem is not in the binder view but in the 'games with card drops remaining' one.

Sorry about the confusion.

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The Early Access marker on the list would be awesome. DayZ makes it very clear in their description but most of them don't.

I wonder if you could do some aggregate of the number positive and negative Steam reviews. Something like:


If it's not doable on the list then just putting it up in the page info would be nice. Maybe below the metacritic scores?

If you wanted to get really fancy you could maybe even filter ones by say 50% or more of users rated useful.

Anyhow, it was just an idea. :)

This (the overlay) is excellent. And I must explain that the problem is not in the binder view but in the 'games with card drops remaining' one.

Sorry about the confusion.
Aha, found it. Yeah I guess I was looking in the totally wrong place. Previously, the code was looking for a number at the beginning of the string to identify items with drops remaining. I've changed it so that it now looks for a number anywhere in the string, and I can confirm it works in Polish now. :) Thanks for your patience while I tracked that down!

The Early Access marker on the list would be awesome. DayZ makes it very clear in their description but most of them don't.

I wonder if you could do some aggregate of the number positive and negative Steam reviews. Something like:


If it's not doable on the list then just putting it up in the page info would be nice. Maybe below the metacritic scores?

If you wanted to get really fancy you could maybe even filter ones by say 50% or more of users rated useful.

Anyhow, it was just an idea. :)
I really like this idea, unfortunately these numbers aren't exposed anywhere. To accomplish this, Enhanced Steam would have to manually load all the review data for a particular game, which Valve caps off at 5 results per request. If at some point they added these figures to their API (or allow me to pull more than 5 results at a time), I would be able to add this, no problem.

Their API does allow me to pull the reviews by "most useful first", so in theory maybe I could pull the top 25 reviews and give an aggregate percentage of that? Anything more and it's going to start taking a seriously long time to pull the data.

You thank for patience? Man, it's us all who thank you for the work you do and for your patience. I only kept asking because I wondered if there could be any way I could help you with this issue. Thanks for dealing with it!
Hello jshackles,

first of all I wanted to thank you for this amazing add-on. It makes Steam so much better and more comfortable to use.

So far I just noticed a small bug, nothing big or special, but I wanted to report it anway, just for for the sake of completeness. It appears in the Steam market ( but it's going to affect all sum functions.

Some countries ( use different decimal mark and thousands separator (1.000,50 (Euro) instead 1,000.50 (Dollar) for example) and right now the sum function ignores those differences.

Example: Right now I have 8 items for each 0,10€ (10 Cents) in the market which is 0,80€ (80 Cents) in total but it shows me the amount of 80,00€ (80 Euro or 8000 Cents) which would be awesome but unfortunately it's not true.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

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Hello jshackles,

first of all I wanted to thank you for this amazing add-on. It makes Steam so much better and more comfortable to use.

So far I just noticed a small bug, nothing big or special, but I wanted to report it anway, just for for the sake of completeness. It appears in the Steam market ( but it's going to affect all sum functions.

Some countries ( use different decimal mark and thousands separator (1.000,50 (Euro) instead 1,000.50 (Dollar) for example) and right now the sum function ignores those differences.

Example: Right now I have 8 items for each 0,10€ (10 Cents) in the market which is 0,80€ (80 Cents) in total but it shows me the amount of 80,00€ (80 Euro or 8000 Cents) which would be awesome but unfortunately it's not true.

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Thanks for reporting. Are you using the Firefox version? I believe this bug was fixed in the Chrome version, or at least for me it looks like this:


It may have not been fixed in the latest Firefox update, I'll take a look.

Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 5.5. Changes include:

  • Added "Early Access" image banners to Early Access games on Steam
  • Added a list of friends that own a game on the "friends that own" page
  • Added badge progress and remaining card drops to app pages
  • Fixed bug where badge filter wasn't working with some languages
  • Fixed bug in wishlist sorting that would cause it to fail if a game had no price displayed
  • Fixed bug that caused wishlist not to highlight under certain circumstances
This update should be applied automatically within the next 60 minutes. As always, if you encounter any issues, please let me know!

This! Thanks so much, it's been driving me crazy that I can only see a full list of those that one a game if they've actually put time into it, so this solves it (considering CAGs tendencies to have many games unplayed) ^_^
sweet, my library will only show a total of about 12 games now lol :D

I really like this idea, unfortunately these numbers aren't exposed anywhere. To accomplish this, Enhanced Steam would have to manually load all the review data for a particular game, which Valve caps off at 5 results per request. If at some point they added these figures to their API (or allow me to pull more than 5 results at a time), I would be able to add this, no problem.

Their API does allow me to pull the reviews by "most useful first", so in theory maybe I could pull the top 25 reviews and give an aggregate percentage of that? Anything more and it's going to start taking a seriously long time to pull the data.
If that's workable to even just pull an aggregate from the top 25 then I think that would be useful. Even if it's not pulling from all reviews, if a game has multiple thumbs downs among the top 25 reviews voted most useful then that's at least a red flag that you might want to look into it further.

If not no big deal if it ends up not being workable but for me the more red flags get pointed out (DRM, metacritic user reviews etc) the better.

Been updating how the badge progress is displayed on an app page.  Here is what it looks like now:


Will show "Not unlocked" if it hasn't been unlocked yet, and if you have cards for the game, they'll be displayed here also.

Additionally, if you have a foil badge (or foil cards working towards a badge) it will be displayed underneath this section, and will look like this:


If you don't have the foil badge, or don't have any foil cards, this section with the foil progress won't display at all.

This way, if you wanted to, you could just use the store page for a game (rather than the badge progress page) to see pretty much everything you need to see at-a-glance and all in one spot.

Also working on this:


And yes, it will let you add any amount you'd like to your wallet, as long as it exceeds the minimum amount, and doesn't add up (with your current wallet balance) to exceed the maximum amount.

So if you wanted to add, say $41.39 to your wallet, this would let you do just that.

Is there anyway to disable auto-play for YouTube videos? I opened like 15 tabs for some Greenlight games and my computer started slowing down considerably until I realized what was happening :)

bread's done