Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='help1']WHOA! Whats this? Another video?

Yes, yes it is. Here is a video demonstrating the new engine upgrades being used in Gears 2.


Organic environments?
Levels where you need to close a building upon the Locust?
Did you shit your pants when you saw the crowd run through Gridlock?![/quote]

You beat me to it...I got it uploading to Youtube as I type this.
[quote name='mr ryles']damn help1 stole my sig[/quote]

Lol, I changed my sig now. ;)

[quote name='LinkinPrime']You beat me to it...I got it uploading to Youtube as I type this.[/quote]

I like that particle enhancement technology and the destructible environments most. If you think about it, destructible environments could really add to the multiplayer experience, as you could blow past an opponents cover, and if the changes last the whole match, you could really alter the physical make up of a map, and truly make every game different and maybe even develop specific tactics regarding the destructible environments. As for the particle enhancement, it means more shit on the screen at once, which is always a good thing.
[quote name='mrelusive']My sig looks... D:

Marcus Kane? or Lucas Fenix?[/quote]

Heh, it looks like he is bobbing his head to one side.
[quote name='mrelusive']Fixed. :p[/quote]

Remember when I said your old sig was the best sig ever? Scratch that. Your new sig roxors my boxors. :D
[quote name='mr ryles']I'm gonna have to start playing gears again. New goal is to get the seriously achievement before GoW2[/quote]

Good luck with that, that achievement is said to be broken.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Good luck with that, that achievement is said to be broken.[/quote]

I beg to differ.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Good luck with that, that achievement is said to be broken.[/quote]

For most, yes. For a lucky few, no.

I have over 10,000 kills and still no seriously, but I am going to keep going at it until GOW 2 comes out.
[quote name='mrelusive']Would it have killed Microsoft to test their websites in browsers other than IE? :\[/quote]

Works like a champ in firefox
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Question is...will the meat cube become as popular as the companion cube?[/quote]

Only time will tell :lol:
So with the increased number of character models allowed to be rendered at once, does this mean we will no longer have to empty two clips of machine gun ammo into every enemy motherfucker's head?! I'm hoping so, but that would be rather anti-Gears, wouldn't it?
You're doing something wrong if you have to unload two clips into somebody.

Usually one clip can tear two locusts up... assuming you shoot 'em in the knees then just pound 'em in the head.
So is that footage from teh new gears, or just old gears footage using the new unreal engine? That scene about high density crowds of locust in gridlock was friggin awesome. So was the meatcube and destructabel environ.
[quote name='pittpizza']So is that footage from teh new gears, or just old gears footage using the new unreal engine? That scene about high density crowds of locust in gridlock was friggin awesome. So was the meatcube and destructabel environ.[/QUOTE]

I really doubt it was footage from the game. It was just demo material.

I was really hoping they would ensure us those demos were running on 360 hardware.
[quote name='pittpizza']So is that footage from teh new gears, or just old gears footage using the new unreal engine? That scene about high density crowds of locust in gridlock was friggin awesome. So was the meatcube and destructabel environ.[/quote]

Gears 1 using the revamped Unreal 3 engine.
[quote name='help1']Gears 1 using the revamped Unreal 3 engine.[/quote]
Yeah thats what I figured.

They're not giong to update Gears1, so why bother integrating it into the new engine. Why not just put that effort into bettering Gears 2?
I hope that the chainsaw lockup that Marcus and the Locust soldier had in the teaser is actually a part of gameplay, because there were too many times where I'd lose a chainsaw duel.
If Epic ends up putting the Meat Cube in GoW 2 as a Companion Cube parody, I will cry.

It wouldn't take that long at all for them to make this tech demo if all that's changed in Unreal Engine 3 is rendering and physics. The time spent wouldn't really put a significant hamper on GoW 2.

Rumor has it that one of the new achievements for Gears of War 2 is called "Ridiculous ..." - 20,000 kills across all game types, ranked or not.

Would be pretty cool if it can be confirmed, but for now it's just a rumor.
[quote name='pittpizza']Yeah thats what I figured.

They're not giong to update Gears1, so why bother integrating it into the new engine. Why not just put that effort into bettering Gears 2?[/quote]

Well, they are looking to sell the Unreal 3 Engine to other developers, and by showing that tech demo, they just showed how much a game can be improved just by this one engine upgrade.
I thought the swarms of locusts tech demo was pointless. Sure there are a lot of enemies on screen, but they have no AI. They just bump into each other and obstacles idiotically while trying to get from point A to point B. This reminds me of the smith fight in Path of Neo. Almost all of the Smiths, with the exception of 3 or 4, ran around aimlessly just to make it seem like you were fighting a lot when you were really only fighting 3 or 4 Smiths at a time.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I hope that the chainsaw lockup that Marcus and the Locust soldier had in the teaser is actually a part of gameplay, because there were too many times where I'd lose a chainsaw duel.[/quote]

That'd be awesome, like Halo 3 did with the plasma swords...except we could get some pretty cool sparks effects!
[quote name='Danil ACE']I thought the swarms of locusts tech demo was pointless. Sure there are a lot of enemies on screen, but they have no AI. They just bump into each other and obstacles idiotically while trying to get from point A to point B. This reminds me of the smith fight in Path of Neo. Almost all of the Smiths, with the exception of 3 or 4, ran around aimlessly just to make it seem like you were fighting a lot when you were really only fighting 3 or 4 Smiths at a time.[/quote]

Sorry to be combative but I have to disagree, they looked to move as normally as the ai in Gears would ever move. In fact when the two huge colums meshed together, the individual locusts seemed to sort of fall in sequentially, one behind the other like they were taking turns. Yes, they did bump into each other when they hit a bottleneck at the wreckage, but they quickly just sort of pushed their way into the line as the rest progressed foward. I thought it looked great.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Question is...will the meat cube become as popular as the companion cube?[/quote]

Only if it has hearts on the exterior as well. :)
[quote name='DarkRider23']RUMOR:

Rumor has it that one of the new achievements for Gears of War 2 is called "Ridiculous ..." - 20,000 kills across all game types, ranked or not.

Would be pretty cool if it can be confirmed, but for now it's just a rumor.[/quote]

Where did you hear that rumor?

That is a lot of kills, but at least it is not ranked. That is something which really hurt the ranked games in Gears of War. People took a lot of kills that were not theirs and attempted to use weapons they sucked with!
[quote name='Quintessence']Where did you hear that rumor?

That is a lot of kills, but at least it is not ranked. That is something which really hurt the ranked games in Gears of War. People took a lot of kills that were not theirs and attempted to use weapons they sucked with![/quote]

I've played with a lot of people who are good with all weapons. Yeah some do suck, but that's why you need to get there first ;)
bread's done