Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='omgu8myrice']Just because Dom is hispanic, doesnt mean his wife's name is Maria[/quote]

That's racist!
[quote name='omgu8myrice']Just because Dom is hispanic, doesnt mean his wife's name is Maria[/quote]

Yes it does.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Dom's wife, I believe.[/quote]

That is what I have heard as well.

[quote name='seanr1221']I hope they can pump out a gears every couple years like this. IMO gears blows Halo 3 out of the water and is MS best exclusive.[/quote]

That is exactly what MS wants. They want their own console exclusives competing against each other.

I, too, love it. More good games = more good times.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I love it when game companies listen to me:[/quote]

Well, when a developer puts something really cool in the trailer... that chainsaw battle was the only cool thing in the trailer, you would kinda expect them to put it into the game.
i CANT wait for Gears of War 2 .. I think anyone that played the first one, knew a second one was a pretty good damn bet.

Also got my free theme and gamerpics last night. :D while they are free atleast that is
The way Kotaku worded it, it sounds like if some one comes up behind you and tries chainsawing you, you'll still have a chance to block it. Which sounds pretty lame.
[quote name='seanr1221']I hope they can pump out a gears every couple years like this. IMO gears blows Halo 3 out of the water and is MS best exclusive.[/quote]
Getting a new GOW title in a short amount of time, isn't exactly a good thing. If this happens I'd be worried about the quality of the game.
[quote name='slickkill77']It has been 2 years[/quote]
What's your point? If people expect Epic to release a new installment every couple of years, the quality sure isn't going to be great. This happens to a lot of games. They have to get a certain title released but they have to dumb down the features they once were planning to have. I'm not even talking about Gears 2.
Not to compare GoW to Halo, but look at Halo's cycle. Its pretty much been 3 years at a time, and only the multiplayer has been memorable(imo). If Epic can do what has happened to the Halo series in only 2 year increments id be happy with that.
[quote name='Littlefields']What's your point? If people expect Epic to release a new installment every couple of years, the quality sure isn't going to be great. This happens to a lot of games. They have to get a certain title released but they have to dumb down the features they once were planning to have. I'm not even talking about Gears 2.[/quote]

Have you played Gears of War 2?


[quote name='Littlefields']Getting a new GOW title in a short amount of time, isn't exactly a good thing. If this happens I'd be worried about the quality of the game.[/quote]

thats true about a lot of games, but i dont think it'll affect GoW. i dont care if they skimp out on the story anyway, all they have to do is take GoW 1's multiplayer and build on it. most bugs and glitches can be fixed via an update anyway.
[quote name='sayHey']Have you played Gears of War 2?


Do you know how to read?
oh... because I specifically said I was not talking about Gears of War 2. I was only talking about what could happen to the GOW series if production is rushed.
I'm really looking forward to this game! Plus they've had more time then 2 years, they already started on Gears 2 before Gears 1 was finished... And I'm pretty sure its going to be a good game.
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']I don't know what you guys are worried about. Halo 2 was released only a year after Halo and it was great.[/QUOTE]

Ummm what? Halo = November 2001, Halo 2 = November 2004.
2 years is probably enough time as Gears was pretty short (what 6-8 hours to blow through on Casual?) So it's not a huge amount of content to create to make a sequel of the same length given the engine, most character models etc. are done and they just need to make new levels and plot etc.
Epic knows how important this series is so I seriously doubt it will be lacking. If anythings wrong with it I would bet it would either be a short single player (but still longer than the first) or launch multiplayer bugs.
EPIC is a good company. Also, Mark Rein has let it slip that they started production on Gears 2 BEFORE Gears one was shipped.
All the hard part of making a game is done. The engine is working, the mechanics are all in, and the balance is all there. They basically will have had 3 years to do nothing but make new art and script new events.
Some interesting speculations to read up on-

I'm no expect here and to be honest I'm not much of a GOW player (Just started playing GOW a week ago.), but does anyone else think this new feature is going to be some sort of a button mash type thing? I'm thinking it might be something like; once you enter a chainsaw duel you compete with your opponent by hitting B. Whoever hits B the fastest/most wins the duel and chainsaws the opponent. I'm sure you've all played a game(s) similar to this.

Of course, you really can't say anything from the teaser. I'm not much of a fan for these types of tasks in games. This will definitely change the way the game is played. I'm not claiming this will be the new mechanic introduced in the sequel or anything. Heck, this isn't even a speculation. I was just thinking about this the other day and thought it might be interesting. Thoughts? Comments?
[quote name='Littlefields']Some interesting speculations to read up on-

I'm no expect here and to be honest I'm not much of a GOW player (Just started playing GOW a week ago.), but does anyone else think this new feature is going to be some sort of a button mash type thing? I'm thinking it might be something like; once you enter a chainsaw duel you compete with your opponent by hitting B. Whoever hits B the fastest/most wins the duel and chainsaws the opponent. I'm sure you've all played a game(s) similar to this.

Of course, you really can't say anything from the teaser. I'm not much of a fan for these types of tasks in games. This will definitely change the way the game is played. I'm not claiming this will be the new mechanic introduced in the sequel or anything. Heck, this isn't even a speculation. I was just thinking about this the other day and thought it might be interesting. Thoughts? Comments?[/QUOTE]

I've said before of something like that, if not possibly maybe a button sequence will pop up and whoever does it the fastest will essentially get the kill.
[quote name='Littlefields']Some interesting speculations to read up on-

I'm no expect here and to be honest I'm not much of a GOW player (Just started playing GOW a week ago.), but does anyone else think this new feature is going to be some sort of a button mash type thing? I'm thinking it might be something like; once you enter a chainsaw duel you compete with your opponent by hitting B. Whoever hits B the fastest/most wins the duel and chainsaws the opponent. I'm sure you've all played a game(s) similar to this.

Of course, you really can't say anything from the teaser. I'm not much of a fan for these types of tasks in games. This will definitely change the way the game is played. I'm not claiming this will be the new mechanic introduced in the sequel or anything. Heck, this isn't even a speculation. I was just thinking about this the other day and thought it might be interesting. Thoughts? Comments?[/quote]

Doesn't matter, as it makes chainsaw killing even more useless. Chainsaw on MP meant that whoever won would die because tehy wouldn't be able to move for a couple of seconds and the victims teammates would easily kill you.
I cannot wait for this game. I hope to find the time to play through GoW one more time before this comes out - I'm looking to get the Dom achievements if anyone wants to do a co-op run. I'd also like the Insane achievements but last time I tried I was getting my ass handed to me...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Here's a GoW2 related survey from Epic and MS:
My guess is that they're taking input from customers to see what they can do to make GoW2 better.[/quote]

I swear, if anyone votes for driving through the Kryll as their favorite part of GOW 1, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass.

[quote name='help1']I swear, if anyone votes for driving through the Kryll as their favorite part of GOW 1, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass.


[quote name='help1']I swear, if anyone votes for driving through the Kryll as their favorite part of GOW 1, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass.


I voted it as the hardest part. In my mind also the worst part.
I found it ironic that the vehicle part of GoW was the most horrible experience in the game...

They should have just given me UT's Scorpion and let me cut down Locust with the sideblades.
[quote name='javeryh'][quote name='help1']I swear, if anyone votes for driving through the Kryll as their favorite part of GOW 1, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass.


[quote name='help1']I swear, if anyone votes for driving through the Kryll as their favorite part of GOW 1, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass.


Technically said "OMG moment". So you can vote for it if while playing it on insane were like "OMG I'd rather do a dead person than die again" :lol:
[quote name='mr ryles']I voted it as the hardest part. In my mind also the worst part.[/QUOTE]

Vehicle parts of FPS games tend to be my least favorite parts. That part of Gears, the boat and car parts of Halflife 2 etc.
[quote name='Malik112099']Has it already been posted that you actually fight a Brumak this time?

I guess whatever the PC version gets that isn't in the console version will be what the console version gets in Gears 3...[/quote]

Yeah, I just read that a while ago. I think it's pretty cool. Hopefully good boss battles will be in Gears this time around.
[quote name='Malik112099']Has it already been posted that you actually fight a Brumak this time?

I guess whatever the PC version gets that isn't in the console version will be what the console version gets in Gears 3...[/quote]

Probably, but I really hope they do not do that again. I was quite angry that they essentially screwed over the people who helped establish the franchise. Perhaps they will offer the "lost act" along with Gears 2 someway. That would satisfy me.
New Info Bitches!

As is often the case with video game news, a sharp-eyed forum-goer brings us this story. Over at NeoGAF, a poster with the latest issue of Game Informer has been relating some of the Gears 2 info contained within. There's a ton of information, most of which is new (and from the sound of it) awesome. There's only part of the story online at NeoGAF, and we'll only list some of the better sounding stuff here, so be sure to buy the magazine if you want the full scoop.
  • "We have creatures that make the Brumak look like a baby panda bear." -Cliff Bleszinski
  • "We hear hints of all sorts of new multiplayer features, from dramatically expanded co-op modes to multiplayer content that takes advantage of Unreal's new ability to deliver huge numbers of the Locust horde at one time, but confirmed details will have to wait until a later date."
  • Different difficulty settings for each player in co-op. One person can play on Hardcore, one on Casual.
  • COG Centaur Tank (Monster Truck + Tank) There's a dedicated level where you get to pilot one.
  • Drop in/drop out co-op, with a fourth, easier, difficulty.
  • Forced walking scenes replaced with a dynamic conversation camera system (which is skippable).
  • Hundreds of Locust troops, all acting independently.
  • "Gorgon burst pistol and poison grenades, both of which can become part of your arsenal if you play your cards right"
If you're interested in a few more tidbits, they're after the break, otherwise buy the magazine for all the details.

About some of the Characters (from NeoGAF):

"Tai Kaliso
: While Cole and Baird are still a big part of the story, they won't be attached to Delta Squad as the new game opens. The reunion with those popular characters will have some lead up first, and until then, you'll be meeting some new personalities. The most memorable of these new additions may be Tai, a spiritual and meditative warrior from a tradition of honor-bound fighters. This familiar archetype should add a fun and perhaps mystical dynamic to the squad."

"Chairman Prescott: Lots of gamers found themselves wondering if Marcus' domineering superior officer was the head of the human government. It turns out that Hoffman is only second in command. Above him stands the Chairman, an almost dictatorial military leader who nonetheless has made the hard choices necessary to keep humanity alive through decades of warfare. As Gears 2 opens, this leader of the COG forces will deliver a speech to the troops before sending them reeling into the suicidal mission ahead."

"Dizzy: In the seemingly unending struggle with the Locust Horde, the military forces of the COG have taken massive casualties. Somewhere along the way, Operation Lifeboat was enacted to bring in some fresh blood. Under this new act, the Coalition government will rescue a Stranded family and bring them into the relative story of a COG-protected zone. In return, the able-bodied men of that family join up and contribute their skills to the war effort. Such is the case with hardened soldier Dizzy, a new character who drives the massive Derrick on which Delta Squad ascends into the mountains. With a trademark drawl and an insistence on calling his truck "Betty", he's a colorful new addition to the cast."

"Maria Santiago: When Emergence Day struck, Dom's wife Maria became a victim as surely as if she had died in that first attack. On that day, her children were killed. Unable to deal with the shock and loss, Maria lost herself in the ruins of civilization. For Dominic, who joined the COG to protect his family, no priority is higher than to retrieve his lost love - his very personal quest to find her is a major part of the story that unfolds in Gears 2."
  • "We were shown a vast underground cave level wherein Marcus and his companions will take the fight to the Locust. Unlike the sometimes cramped and and linear subterranean paths from the first game, the cavern complex is vast and breathtaking. Branching levels and open spaces give players true tactical choices as they decide which way to tackle an assault. Whatever path you choose, bio-luminescent plants light light the faces of the new Locust Kantus enemies. These monk-like devils hum low and droning chants that can be focused into sonic attacks against you. They wield weapons like the new Gorgon burst pistol and poison grenades, both of which can become part of your arsenal if you play your cards right. However, the Kantus' true danger lies in their ability to revive their fallen brethren from afar. Where before you could rest easy after taking down an enemy soldier, now there is the constant danger of them rising back up to continue to fight. The only alternative is to brave the hail of gunfire to break through enemy ranks and kill the Kantus sulking in the rear. Along the way, you may not have access to stable cover anymore, so you'll have to make do with the moving kind. Massive Locust rock worms will emerge from the cavern walls during battle, guided by the Kantus' chanting. Luckily, the creatures are so large you can hide behind them as they slither about, and you too will be able to guide them to an advantageous firing position."
  • "We want to fulfill the promise - it is a war. It's more than just these four guys. The first game felt very personal, and in a lot of ways that was good," senior producer Rod Fergusson tells us. However, it's clear from our time with the team that Gears 2 will shoot for a much larger conflict. "In order to save Jacinto, they have no choice but to take the war to the Locust," Fergusson continues. "They're going to push back and go underground, and bring the battle to them."
  • The team at Epic is well aware that many players out there hunger for a deeper and more involved storytelling experience. Lots of emotion this time. Joshua Ortega has been brought on, he is a novelist / comic writer. Really sounds like they are working a lot on the story. Sense of depth with the characters. A "darker and more heartfelt narrative."

bread's done