Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ew, you guys are all exclaiming that it's "GAME OF THE YEAR!" already? It looked like a download pack for Gears of War 1, not Gears of War 2.[/quote]

I agree.
Not to say that scene is not intense and awesome. But, that was one scene and nothing was shown to me that signaled a big improvement over the last game.

I just don't find with games now in days that slapping in dual weapons, grabbing enemies button or the ability to swim signifies the need for a sequel. I was just hoping for some more notable improvements.
I was impressed, not that I needed convincing, I'm buying it day one anyways. But I wonder if the human shield will make its way into the multiplayer. Same with the chainsaw battles and having to tap B to overpower the other guy, cuz that is really something that needed to be done. 2 guys both going for chainsaw and it's was just a toss up for who would win.
I liked how they upped the battle scale for this game, or at least it seems that way. Otherwise I don't see too much of a difference from this and the first one, but it is just a couple minutes.

But it looks pretty damn fun.
It kind of looks like an expansion pack because the graphics can't really be pushed much farther and the gameplay is already perfect and I didn't expect Epic to change the controls. The thing that will probably set it apart is obviously much larger scale battles with more baddies on screen then we have ever seen in GoW1, the ability to co-op with up to 4 people, more weapons, and just nitpicky things from GoW1 will be tweaked to perfection.

If you were expecting a different game completely in terms of gameplay then you don't understand the term "You don't fix what isn't broke".
:drool: @ locust shields, chainsaw duels, breaking people necks, and chainsawing from the back. :D can't wait.[quote name='RelentlessRolento']impressed and not impressed. kinda wish the setting looked a bit different.[/quote]

Yeah, true, they should've traveled to a whole new world to battle the locust this time. :cool:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Not to say that scene is not intense and awesome. But, that was one scene and nothing was shown to me that signaled a big improvement over the last game.

I know, they should have shown CliffyB playing the whole game. :cool:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']impressed and not impressed. kinda wish the setting looked a bit different.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's where I'm at. I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm not expecting the game to offer anything extraordinary above and beyond the first game in terms of locations, enemies, and the developing narrative (which is, IMO, better than a number of FPS series).

More of the same = great;
Not pushing the envelope = disappointing

That said, I can't even remember what this fuckin' game plays like anymore, my friend has had my copy of GoW so long (so long that he doesn't even have a 360 anymore and still hasn't given it back).
I just hope to God they fixed/balanced most of the multiplayer issues. I remember running around with a pistol and owning everyone before my partner went to MLG and I just pretty much stopped playing the game (looking at my achievement list I didnt' even bother downloading the free maps so I was 950/1000 just missing Seriously?).

I'll be getting it regardless. It's just a matter of when, because the multiplayer was way too broken before. More so then Halo 3.
Yea, I was expecting better graphics, but I honestly don't think you can get much better then GOW 1 graphics. I hope they put in the record video feature like in halo 3 so u can watch a match u previously played
[quote name='TheRock88']That was amazing, this year's GOTY?[/QUOTE]

... and to post another message... how can you say that?

Right now GTA4 is looking to have a near 99% average for 360 and a 99% average for PS3 on game rankings.


I had mixed reactions to the trailer. The graphics, environments, and overall presentation were a mild step up from the first, but the gameplay looks largely the same. It looks like you're still fighting the same enemies with the same weapons and they even recycled the idea of a train mission. The human (locust?) shield thing was new, but that seemed to be about it. I guess it's pretty much what I expected. I mean the first game was good, but very very simple in concept (running through linear narrow corridors fighting through wave after wave of enemies), and I don't think there's really enough to go on to stretch the series out much longer.

They posted about 3 minutes of one mission that takes place at the beginning of the game. The game is still 6 months out. I'm sure they're going to reveal everything right now.

What a disappointment.
It would be nice if they actually improved something, but I'll buy it regardless. I suppose there are some improvements, but they are minor at best.

Unfortunately those with a turbo controller will dominate the chainsaw battles.
[quote name='Trakan']Goddamn.

They posted about 3 minutes of one mission that takes place at the beginning of the game. The game is still 6 months out. I'm sure they're going to reveal everything right now.

What a disappointment.[/quote]

Yea, people always over analyze these things. I am sure they are going to reveal all the new crap about the game in one 3 minute (more like 1.5 minutes of gameplay) video.

From what I have already seen from the video, it warrants a purchase. Really, the only things I really want are:

1. New Weapons
2. New Animations
3. New Multiplayer modes
4. 4 player co-op
5. Ability to customize controls

That right there would just make the game awesome. Now if they go above and beyond that, damn will I be a happy camper.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I'll be getting it regardless. It's just a matter of when, because the multiplayer was way too broken before. More so then Halo 3.[/quote]

Sorry to intercept this, but how is Halo 3's multiplayer broken? I'm pretty sure most people feel it's the best multiplayer experience on consoles this side of Call of Duty 4.

But back to topic, I agree with most that it looks to be more of the same, but then again they still have a few months to polish the game up. They'll probably still have a few surprises lined up when this game ships.
[quote name='Trakan']Goddamn.

They posted about 3 minutes of one mission that takes place at the beginning of the game. The game is still 6 months out. I'm sure they're going to reveal everything right now.

What a disappointment.[/QUOTE]

True, but given that this is the first gameplay trailer, they'd want to highlight the differences in the sequal i.e. the new stuff that makes it superior. And they tried to do that in this trailer, but the new stuff was underwhelming.
[quote name='Trakan']Goddamn.

They posted about 3 minutes of one mission that takes place at the beginning of the game. The game is still 6 months out. I'm sure they're going to reveal everything right now.

What a disappointment.[/QUOTE]


We need something like AIDS that only takes out idiot gamers.
The graphics have improved. Amazing EPIC could pull this off on a 360. Can you just imagine how the PC version will look running at 1600x1200? :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
[quote name='anomynous']Guys, stop with the Halo 3 vs. CoD4 talk

And the video of Gears 2 looks good to me[/quote]

Nobody is doing that. I just don't understand people making unsubstantiated claims based on nothing.
It looks beautiful and the living shield ability is pretty darn neat. It looks like a considerable expansion to the first Gears of War, especially in environment and adversaries. I do hope they vastly improve the multiplayer, as I found it to be exceptionally inadequate. We will see...
[quote name='level1online']The graphics have improved. Amazing EPIC could pull this off on a 360. Can you just imagine how the PC version will look running at 1600x1200? :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:[/QUOTE]

It won't matter because your autosave will be deleted.
Did they ever patch the PC version enough so that it is actually playable? Cause I want to get the PC version for the extra levels. Are those included in the console GOW2?
You are all acting like it's the end of the world. You're all pointing out the things that the game play is the same old stuff, but why don't you start pointing the new stuff? In that trailer, we saw 2 new weapons. One was an pistol and the other looked like the hammer burst at first, but was kind of different(I believe). Human body shield + snapping necks is an awesome new addition. Lets not forget the chainsaw to the back. God that looks freaking awesome. That, and the chainsaw animations look realistic. The body actually gets sawed in half, unlike in the first Gears the body fell to the ground in pieces.
[quote name='necrojustice']Am I the only one tired of using people as shields and snapping necks? *Sigh*[/quote]
And those games would be? :cough: EA garbage doesn't count :cough: Anyway I'm all fucking for it! It's fucking realistic and fucking awesome!

[quote name='Trakan']Goddamn.

They posted about 3 minutes of one mission that takes place at the beginning of the game. The game is still 6 months out. I'm sure they're going to reveal everything right now.

What a disappointment.[/quote]
Huh... I guess you'd hate RSV2 then too. Yet it's the best Evah shooter game out there because it's the most finished, most polished, most realistic, most 1337.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i could give a fuck if it's the same shit, new levels. i fucking love Gears.[/quote]

[quote name='AshesofWake']i could give a fuck if it's the same shit, new levels. i fucking love Gears.[/QUOTE]

I will be this game.

Even though my poker addiction will be in full swing by then.
Considering GoW was the REASON I and everyone else got a 360 I have a feeling GoW2 will be the reason all over again. Luckily, hopefully, I'll still be on my first 360. xD
Wow. I thought the trailer looked freaking HOT. Very intense stuff. It gave me the kick in the pants I needed to go back and finish GOW1.
I just want to know what people were expecting. From all the negative comments I guess people would only have been happy if they turned it into an RPG.

They gave people the Brumack fight that they missed out on in the first game, fixed the controls so things are not so stiff, upped graphics and animations, used graphics to create a greater sense of being in a war, etc. Game looks amazing.
Who here stated that it blew their mind?

People are (rightfully so) excited because it seems to be building off of the last game's great gameplay and making it even more epic.

Threadcrapping = fun
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I still don't see how people drool over this. I want it yes, but nothing blows my mind.[/quote]

Did you not see how many Locust were on screen at once? If you didn't, you are truly blind. That a great feat that people thought only Lair/PS3 would pull of. Apparently, the 360 can handle hundreds of enemies on screen at once. Not only that, but they actually looked good too. They weren't just blocks. You could also shoot them :). Brumacks + Whatever the COG were on top of + 50+ Locusts on the ground that you can kill = mind blowing.

[quote name='zewone']
People are (rightfully so) excited because it seems to be building off of the last game's great gameplay and making it even more epic.

That's what a sequel does. It builds off the last one to make a familiar, yet better mind blowing experience.
I hope the online is fixed. The first Gears was great, but online was such a hassle. there wasn't a party system , lots of noobish weapons, and lots of dropped games. It looks like the controls are fixed too, please no A to sprint, and A to get behind cover nonsense.
bread's done