Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Active reloads are back and appear to work identically to before. The outcome, well that might be a bit different. While no specifics were given we were told that there will be weapon-specific active reloads. So while the Lancer might still get you powered-up ammo, the shotgun power-up might net you two more rounds (pure speculation) in your clip.

"We're also going to be throttling the amount of Achievements players can get at any given point." For example, if you're going for headshots, only the first headshot will count when you're in multiplayer mode. "The others won't count, so players won't be able to rock the system and play at getting headshots the entire round just to get their Achievement," explains Bleszinski, before adding that you'll be able to get all Achievements whether in single-player, multiplayer or co-op.
I don't think it's a big deal at all, I'm going to play the shit out of this game and people can get them in co-op, single so everyone should be happy.

I never ran into any broken achievements, you still haven't gotten Seriously?
I'm gonna have to get my copy of gears back from my friend. I really need to play right now.

And how the fuck is carmine supposed to come back?
[quote name='zewone']information.[/quote]That achievement info is fantastic. I got sick of hearing the guys who constantly grenade tag use the achievement excuse for lousy strategy.
[quote name='mr ryles']I'm gonna have to get my copy of gears back from my friend. I really need to play right now.

And how the fuck is carmine supposed to come back?[/quote]It must be the standard COG military uniform or Special Ops or something. It's the same model, but different character (I'd assume).
[quote name='mr ryles']
And how the fuck is carmine supposed to come back?[/QUOTE]

Eh, Carmine is just the generic soldier. It's not really important who is under the uniform.

I can't wait to hear my boy Cole Train's new multiplayer quips.

"I'm throwin' CRACK!"
[quote name='zewone']Eh, Carmine is just the generic soldier. It's not really important who is under the uniform.

I can't wait to hear my boy Cole Train's new multiplayer quips.

"I'm throwin' CRACK!"[/quote]Your boy? I'm the only $$$$a up in here with cashewz.

Your boy is Dom, pendejo ;)
[quote name='mr ryles']I'm gonna have to get my copy of gears back from my friend. I really need to play right now.

And how the fuck is carmine supposed to come back?[/quote]

Maybe it'll be his brother...hence why its still "Carmine" same last name, same helmet.
[quote name='zewone']Eh, Carmine is just the generic soldier. It's not really important who is under the uniform.[/quote]

It needs to be Carmine.
[quote name='zewone']I don't think it's a big deal at all, I'm going to play the shit out of this game and people can get them in co-op, single so everyone should be happy.

I never ran into any broken achievements, you still haven't gotten Seriously?[/quote]

Well, eventually Seriously unlocked, but it was at 11,000. My brother had the same problem, and I know others who still don't have it at 11K+

As for the weapon ones, I usually got them at 30 more what I was supposed to.
[quote name='zewone']I don't think it's a big deal at all, I'm going to play the shit out of this game and people can get them in co-op, single so everyone should be happy.

I never ran into any broken achievements, you still haven't gotten Seriously?[/quote]

One of my friends still hasn't gotten Seriously at 12,000+ kills. If you're going to sit there and tell me the achievements aren't broken, then you are very ignorant. Pretty much all the weapon achievements are glitched.
[quote name='DarkRider23']One of my friends still hasn't gotten Seriously at 12,000+ kills. If you're going to sit there and tell me the achievements aren't broken, then you are very ignorant. Pretty much all the weapon achievements are glitched.[/quote]

It's not arrogant, and they're not broken for everyone. Ryback, zoo, and I all unlocked the weapon specific achievements at 100 kills, and I got Seriously before 10,000 due to the all matches where people quit.

To me, the definition of a glitched achievement = broken; completely unattainable by anyone.
[quote name='DarkRider23']One of my friends still hasn't gotten Seriously at 12,000+ kills. If you're going to sit there and tell me the achievements aren't broken, then you are very ignorant. Pretty much all the weapon achievements are glitched.[/quote]12k+ and still no seriously. Wow, that's the worst I've heard of. Some of my weapon achievements hit right on the money and others were more like around 110. I wonder how many kills I am from Seriously. I think I'm around 3k which means it seriously isn't going to happen since I wouldn't be done before GOW2 hits shelves. What's the big deal with Carmine? Why do people like him so much? I mean to each their own, but what am I missing? Anyway, can't wait for number 2 as the gameplay video looks like a blast.
[quote name='jdawgg76']12k+ and still no seriously. Wow, that's the worst I've heard of. Some of my weapon achievements hit right on the money and others were more like around 110. I wonder how many kills I am from Seriously. I think I'm around 3k which means it seriously isn't going to happen since I wouldn't be done before GOW2 hits shelves. What's the big deal with Carmine? Why do people like him so much? I mean to each their own, but what am I missing? Anyway, can't wait for number 2 as the gameplay video looks like a blast.[/quote]

The carmine effect is actually psychological. He wears a mask, which allows the player to imagine they are the one behind the mask. There is some fancy name for this phenomena, but I always forget its name.
[quote name='Trakan']It's not arrogant, and they're not broken for everyone. Ryback, zoo, and I all unlocked the weapon specific achievements at 100 kills, and I got Seriously before 10,000 due to the all matches where people quit.

To me, the definition of a glitched achievement = broken; completely unattainable by anyone.[/quote]

Glitch -

2.Computers. any error, malfunction, or problem. Compare bug1 (def. 5).

The achievements are indeed glitched. I got my:

1. Don't you die on me achievement at ~140 revives.
2. Capital Punishment achievement at ~116 executions.
3. Money Shot achievement at ~150 headshots.

I haven't even gotten the Is It a Spider achievement yet and I am at 117 grenade tags right now.

These achievements seem to fit the word "glitched." And not to call you a liar or anything, but I highly doubt you got all your achievements at 100 kills. Almost every GoW person I've talked to about achievements has had their achievements glitch up. Either giving them the achievement a lot later or giving it to them a lot earlier.

[quote name='jdawgg76']12k+ and still no seriously. Wow, that's the worst I've heard of. Some of my weapon achievements hit right on the money and others were more like around 110. I wonder how many kills I am from Seriously. I think I'm around 3k which means it seriously isn't going to happen since I wouldn't be done before GOW2 hits shelves. What's the big deal with Carmine? Why do people like him so much? I mean to each their own, but what am I missing? Anyway, can't wait for number 2 as the gameplay video looks like a blast.[/quote]

12k isn't even that bad man. I was boosting with this guy today(have been for the past 2 weeks) and he is at ~16,000 kills with no Seriously. It's the only achievement he has left and he's not going to stop until he gets it. He even said that himself.
16k+. Wow. I just remembered that I got one of my 100 kill achievements (spider maybe) at 87 kills. WTF? In fact, the first couple I unlocked were right at 100 then I got the one at 87 and the rest would kick in between 105 to 115.
[quote name='DarkRider23']And not to call you a liar or anything, but I highly doubt you got all your achievements at 100 kills. [/quote]

Haha, well, then you'd be calling me a liar then, right?

Look, I played the game with friends and we all got the achievements at the right times. Check my weapon achievements; I had pretty much all of them the week the game launched.

No glitches for me.

EDIT: Looking at them now myself, it took me like a day to get 100 kills with each weapon. I didn't have any problems.
[quote name='Trakan']Haha, well, then you'd be calling me a liar then, right?

Look, I played the game with friends and we all got the achievements at the right times. Check my weapon achievements; I had pretty much all of them the week the game launched.

No glitches for me.

EDIT: Looking at them now myself, it took me like a day to get 100 kills with each weapon. I didn't have any problems.[/quote]

Well, you wouldn't be so conceited to think that just because it didn't happen to you that you are in the vast majority, right?
kills only count towards achievements if you complete the game and no one leaves the game if i remember correctly. this was announced a few months after the game came out on Epic's message board.
[quote name='help1']Well, you wouldn't be so conceited to think that just because it didn't happen to you that you are in the vast majority, right?[/quote]

All I've been doing the whole time is explain my situation and a couple of other friend's. I personally had no problems. I'll just let it go.
[quote name='Trakan']All I've been doing the whole time is explain my situation and a couple of other friend's. I personally had no problems. I'll just let it go.[/quote]

I didn't mean to be an asshole Trakan, sorry.
[quote name='AshesofWake']kills only count towards achievements if you complete the game and no one leaves the game if i remember correctly. this was announced a few months after the game came out on Epic's message board.[/quote]

Only kills with 6 or more people in a game count. Even then, the game has to go to completion. One team has to win. If the host quits, nothing counts.
info leaked from a mag onto gametrailers forums:

-New weapon Scorcher (Flamethrower) "most realistic fire in a game we've ever seen"
-5 vs 5
-Assasination gametype altered. everyone respawns until their leader is dead. when the leader is killed they stop rewpawing and the game ends when everyone is dead on one team.
-Assasination renamed 'Guardian'.
-New gametype 'Wingman' 10 players split into teams of two.each team is played as different character (eg marcus and marcus vs Dom and Dom etc)
-Features Matchmaking
-Exectucions now vary on the weapon you holding (eg sniper rifle will be used like a golf club)
-Curb stomp returns
-'Y' will cause your character to unleach several brutal punches to a downed enemy, killing him.
-'A' will cause you to pick up the enemy and use him as a shield. The player your using as a shield will go to the respawn line.
-New gametype 'meatflag' sort of like CTF but epic have done this in their own way. The flag will instead be character wandering around the centre of the map. He has his own weapons and even a place on the leaderboard.
To capture him you will need to down him and pick him up as a meatshield and take him back, slowly, to your base. If you shoot the meatflag enough times while he's being dragged back to base, his captor will loose him and he'll go crazy on everyone around him.
-Specific weapons will cycle round the maps.
-Stopping power - if your running towards an enemy but he is firing straight into your chest, you will slow down.
-The oppurtunity to spawn with either the lancer or hammerburst.
-Hammerburst gone through significant alterations. The faster you tap the the right trigger, the faster it fires. quicker shooting = more recoil however.
-New weapon Medusa. could be considered a power weapon. 6 shots per burst.
-Bullet shields. big metal shield that stops you from getting hit. can be planted into the ground to make a new cover. enemies can kick it down though if they get close enough.
-Grenades can be stuck anywhere. not just on enemies. they can be planted on the ground,walls,doors etc to produce a proximity mine.
-smoke grenades carry a stun effect that ragdolls anyone in range.
-new weapon poison gas grenade. produces a cloud of smoke that kills anything that lingers in it. they can be stuck onto enemies were the will slowly die. people stuck by the gas grenade can also injure team-mates if the get too close.
-On games with no respawn, when you are dead you can fly around the map as a "ghost cam". You can even take screenshots that will be uploaded to the community.
-Gridlock returns. However its more overgrown now, plants and grass growing.
(everything is still the same though- cars are where they where etc)
-New map - 'river' - symetrical map, each team has a thin strip of land with a house and sniping tower, and inbetween them a river.
-New map - 'Security' - long thin map. to the left and right are stairs leading to veranda's that run the entire length of the map. you are barred access however by red lasers, which will kill you if attempting to pass through. A power weapon is barred on the other side of the map while at the other it is defended by sentry guns. There is a button in the middle of the map that turns the lasers and sentry's off for 20 seconds.
-New locust 'hammerhead' (helmet makes him look sorta like a hammerhead shark)
-New locust 'Grenadier' (this is the guy we saw in the video were marcus punches him to death)
-Two people can chainsaw one guy at the same time.
-New cog 'Tai' has aboriginal tattoo's.
-New cog 'Dizzy' "looks like chuck Norris"
-Cole returns for multiplayer at least.

so far I like the CTF scenario.
The only thing I'm concerned about is the controls, in that I'm so used to RSV2's controls since it's so natural. I'm hoping I can play GoW2 decently and go back to RSV2 without messing up. I'm not very good with changing setups...
Yeah, they got out of hand at times. I have to admit sometimes in RSV2 it does as well. I guess nothing is perfect. It's a kick arse feature none the less.

I might have to pop in GoW to remember stuff. I thought about selling it though.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I hope the control stays the same as the first GoW. I loved it even if wall-stickie stuff got out of hand at times.[/quote]

I am hoping for some customizeability of controls, which the first completely lacked. I want to be able to turn and beat down simultaneously, which was not possible with the first.
Things I love about this new information:

Assassination being transformed into more of the Team Leader gametype from Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Also, the introduction of this Capture the Flag variant definitely gets me excited to play something other than Execution. I am hoping for some tweaks to Annex, though, because it sucks at it's current state. I'm still not sure what to think of Wingman.

The weapons update sounds awesome. I really love the option to spawn with either the Lancer or Hammerburst (and the Hammerburst's improvements). I've never been a fan of flamethrowers in video games, but I'm eager to see what they can pull off. I like the sound of this Medusa weapon and the availability of different kinds of shields (corpses or metal ones), because I know a certain old man who loves to use shields. The option to plant frag grenades on the ground or on the side of a wall is brilliant and will definitely change the way the game is played. Also, a multi-person chainsaw will be awesome to see.

It's nice to see that they are going to keep up with a Gears of War community in this game and that you'll be able to take screenshots. Videos would be awesome to have, though.

In response to the character information: it's kinda lame that they are making this cowboy, Dizzy, fit this "Texas Ranger" image. Tai looks like he belongs in Crackdown. I am glad, though, to see more Locust classes come out this time around. Although there were 6 or so different characters for the Locust team on the first Gears, many looked alike (Grenadiers and Snipers, Theron Guards and Theron Sentinels, etc.). What really disappoints me is the fact that they say Cole will return for multiplayer at least. That line alone makes me think he gets offed in the game, though I can't imagine them getting rid of one of the biggest faces of the franchise.
bread's done