Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

I think people also fail to realize that the video was of Act 1, Chapter 3. Most games final levels can't even match up to the epic feel of that demo, and that was only the third level!
I really wanted to not get this game. Still kind of bitter about the PC content not getting released on 360. But after seeing the footage, I can't ignore it. The game looks like abosolute awesome. I reminds me of the first time I played GoW in HD and how awesome that was.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I still don't see how people drool over this. I want it yes, but nothing blows my mind.[/quote]
If this were a Halo 3 thread I'd agree. At least this game isn't based on Hype. :roll:
[quote name='DarkRider23']Did you not see how many Locust were on screen at once? If you didn't, you are truly blind. That a great feat that people thought only Lair/PS3 would pull of. Apparently, the 360 can handle hundreds of enemies on screen at once. Not only that, but they actually looked good too. They weren't just blocks. You could also shoot them :). Brumacks + Whatever the COG were on top of + 50+ Locusts on the ground that you can kill = mind blowing.

That's what a sequel does. It builds off the last one to make a familiar, yet better mind blowing experience.[/QUOTE]

I can see, yes the tech is strong, but other than that I don't see anything gameplay wise that makes me go "ooh". the meat shield thing is kinda lame IMHO anyway. the game needs another element stronger to surprise me.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I can see, yes the tech is strong, but other than that I don't see anything gameplay wise that makes me go "ooh". the meat shield thing is kinda lame IMHO anyway. the game needs another element stronger to surprise me.[/quote]

You're saying that as if they aren't going to do anything else game play wise. We got a 2 minute demo. They weren't going to reveal everything to us in those 2 minutes.
[quote name='zewone']Who here stated that it blew their mind?

People are (rightfully so) excited because it seems to be building off of the last game's great gameplay and making it even more epic.

Threadcrapping = fun[/quote]


You threadcrap on everything you can.

You don't pay for any of your games, and steal everything you can.

You opinion is worthless.

Just Shut It.
[quote name='DarkRider23']You're saying that as if they aren't going to do anything else game play wise. We got a 2 minute demo. They weren't going to reveal everything to us in those 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]

I'd think they'd want to. In shooters if you have new gameplay mechanics, those are the first few selling points you want to show. I only saw of new things were the meat shield and chainsaw duels.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'd think they'd want to. In shooters if you have new gameplay mechanics, those are the first few selling points you want to show. I only saw of new things were the meat shield and chainsaw duels.[/quote]

Not when you've established that your first game was fan-fucking-tastic, you don't have to woo the audience. Epic could release no gameplay footage at all and all of us would still be anticipating it as much as we do now.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'd think they'd want to. In shooters if you have new gameplay mechanics, those are the first few selling points you want to show. I only saw of new things were the meat shield and chainsaw duels.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure I got hooked as soon as I saw that chainsaw to the back. They showed a couple of new things. They don't really need to make this game that hyped because everyone's going to buy it anyway. With how popular the first GoW was, this one is going to be even more popular. How often do you hear that a BRAND new game on the market sells 4 million+ copies in one year?
[quote name='VipFREAK']Again at least GoW hype was justified... unlike others. :cough: Halo 3 :cough:[/quote]

Quit bringing Halo3 or any other game into the discussion.

IMO, the Halo 3 hype was justified too. You might not like it, but I still play it on an almost daily bases.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Quit bringing Halo3 or any other game into the discussion.

IMO, the Halo 3 hype was justified too. You might not like it, but I still play it on an almost daily bases.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with the above posters.

When GoW came out, I played it with my jaw on the ground intensely for months (single and multiplayer). When Halo 3 came out, I played it intensely for 2 nights. I still haven't beaten the single player, and have only played about 15 minutes in multiplayer.... Just wasn't doing it for me.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I have to agree with the above posters.

When GoW came out, I played it with my jaw on the ground intensely for months (single and multiplayer). When Halo 3 came out, I played it intensely for 2 nights. I still haven't beaten the single player, and have only played about 15 minutes in multiplayer.... Just wasn't doing it for me.[/quote]

Well, to be fair, GoW had absolutely no competition in terms of FPS's. Halo 3 had Bioshock, Call of Duty, Orange Box and a number of high-quality PS3 titles to compete with.

Gears of War, in late 2006, had ... Viva Pinata?
If Halo 3 was as good as the hype claimed it wouldn't need to compare itself to another game. This is something GoW did and GoW2 will do again but not as much as the first one. I mean, I can't even compare it to RSV2 or vise versa. Well maybe the cover system, but that's about it.
People are always looking for the next great thing, and Gears 2 will most likely be it for the 360 - that's why there's so much hype. GTA 4 had it. Halo 3 had it. Even Bioshock had it.

That's why there's so much hype ... people are hermit crabs looking for somewhere to take refuge. And that somewhere is the next blockbuster game.
There's hype because people (myself included) loved the first one and can't wait for more.

The first one kicked ass and was worth it's hype, and it looks like the sequel will do the same.
Whoa, I never saw the Marcus Fenix beat down footage:
Holy crap at those gifs Zewone posted!

Weapon specific executions sounds hot and all, but all that flash doesn't help in MP where the guys team mate might be around the corner waiting for your animation to be over.

However, those could be epic to END rounds.
ok, the weapon execution make the game more appealing now. like I said I'm getting it no matter what, but now I find something I like. Also, I like the fist beatdown.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Speaking of MP, I really hope they make sliding legit this time around.[/quote]

I don't think they will make weapon sliding legit, but I could see them doing something where you are allowed to dive over guns and pick them up.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Weapon sliding?[/QUOTE]

You must not have played much Gears of War?

Weapon sliding was a very popular glitch that allowed you to pick up weapons off the battle field while sliding into cover or running.
That glitch was the one glitch everyone knew. X + A or LB +X were the two ways you could do it, and it wasn't until the very last patch that they fixed it. Worked great on weapons or curb stomps.
Damnit ... this thread made me add GoW to my games wanted list on Goozex and now it's on its way. Oh well, at least I'll be able to be less rusty when the game comes out later this year.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']:dunce:

I don't think that's possible[/quote]

Only thing I experienced was the chainsaw not working when I wanted it to. (no, I don't suck and I knew when and how it worked.) :roll:
[quote name='CaseyRyback']7 game modes, party system, and more maps than what initially shipped last time was all I needed to hear.[/QUOTE]


This game is going to consume me.

Can't wait.

Please let one of those game modes be CTF.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Speaking of MP, I really hope they make sliding legit this time around.[/quote]

I miss my fuckin' moonwalk.
Here's an interview with Cliffy B:

And this is what's revealed:
  • Gears 2 will feature 5-on-5 multiplayer with more modes and more maps out of the box than Gears 1. Online functionality wasn't detailed, but Cliffy promises it will be "very competitive with other titles in this space." Dare we hope for a Halo-inspired party system?
  • About executions:
    • Chainsaw duels can end in a draw, but only occasionally.
    • The curb stomp is back
    • Players are no longer invulnerable when performing executions
    • Once a duel is over, the actual chainsawing is faster, making the entire duel last about as long as a normal chainsaw kill.
  • Players who are down but not out can now attempt to crawl away, tapping the A button to crawl faster.
  • The game will have "buckets and buckets" of blood. For example, Marcus will leave trails of blood on a wall while taking cover after being injured. "Meat shields" (i.e. hostages) will also drip blood as they are dragged around.
  • Players will be able to drive the new Centaur tank, which is something like a cross between a tank and a monster truck (we think it's briefly in the video at around 3:50)
  • Carmine (most famous for being on the receiving end of a headshot in the first Gears) will return ... somehow.

I already got my LE preordered from Amazon :cool:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Carmine action figure is coming out soon as well...saw it on I'm sure he'll be picking up at least one of those.[/quote]

Bad news Trakan:

This year NECA will be unveiling some of our best Convention Exclusives yet, and for the next few weeks, they'll be debuting every Friday! Up first is a highly requested fan favorite, coming on the heels of Gears of War Series 1: everyone's favorite doomed member of Delta Squad, Anthony Carmine. The Gears of War Carmine San Diego Comic Con Exclusive 7" Action Figure comes with his standard Lancer weapon and the all-new Gnasher Shotgun! Take a look at the first official photos of Carmine.
bread's done