Official Goozex Thread - Goozex is Hiring!

so i'm gonna assume that 3DS games will be either 700 or 800 points.

time to start building points up.

I would trade my DJ hero bundle but shipping kills it.
yaaa i just a trade to get Lego Star Wars 3 for the ds.
glad i got first in line
400 points for a brand new ds game
though i still want the 360 version
ive never traded DLC content
i suspect its easier to recieve it then give it cause the buyer can just say the code doesnt work, unless you mail it or something

just be careful
[quote name='eldergamer']How does trading online content (things like add-ons) work? I've put in a few requests for them, but....[/QUOTE]

I've only done it twice (Sonic Adventure and something else). Basically they will either send you a code for the game itself or a code for a PSN card to pay for it. I had the code for Sonic Adventure, but a $10 PSN card for the other game. There is no guarantee which you will get, it's a toss up.
I really wish matching up was easier. I'm sitting on 5450 in points and slowly get stuff. And then when I do, the shipper doesn't ship. Took me forever to get Infamous.

I can't really complain, because I've got a nice start to my PS3 collection with little out of pocket expense.
[quote name='eldergamer']How does trading online content (things like add-ons) work? I've put in a few requests for them, but....[/QUOTE]

[quote name='4thHorseman']I've only done it twice (Sonic Adventure and something else). Basically they will either send you a code for the game itself or a code for a PSN card to pay for it. I had the code for Sonic Adventure, but a $10 PSN card for the other game. There is no guarantee which you will get, it's a toss up.[/QUOTE]

For 360 content it's either going to be a code for that content that someone got from somewhere or a equal amount of MS points , pretty much the same for PSN content although its more likely to be a code here since you can get codes from amazon. For the Wii you just swap friend codes and the seller just gifts you the game that you requested. Ive never requested nor sent out online content for the 360 or PS3 but I have sent out stuff for the Wii before with no problems.
[quote name='adriley313']haha
i got 1100 points but dont spend only hoping better games come along

i could spend 5450 points in a heartbeat

I'm really trying, but no one wants to send what I want.
Stayed up until past the midnight launch mark. No sign of 3DS games anywhere. Major fail on Goozex's part. I'm really disappointed. I really wanted an early place in line for the 3DS games. I've traded a fair amount of games in recently and am sitting on 4000 points I wanted to use just for 3DS games.
damn way more points then me
i stayed up too waiting for this and a lowball to end
damn goozex

can u message me if they do post
gonna go see Sucker Punch 2moro but after that ill be home waiting
[quote name='adriley313']ok i want to send DJ hero to goozex
what would it be considered if i just send the turntable and the game
no box[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I'd probably mark it FP, and upon match, message the user and say it's the FP game(disc, case, manual) and turntable, but you don't have the big box it came in. I'm guessing that anyone who is up to match for that shipping monster will just be glad to get the game with turntable. I know I wouldn't give you bad feedback for that, I'd be estatic.
ya it can fit it in one of those mailing shirt boxes that look like the long fmedium flat box, because i am not mailing that big *ss box and cost more than the game. glad its 850 but wish it was 1000 to make up for the shiiping
3DS games were FINALLY added to Goozex sometime in the night. I got first in line for all the titles I cared about. Put almost all the games on hold, but I always enjoy knowing I can pop into the first place in line whenever I feel like it. ;)

just got The Orange Box, came in today.
Game was in great condition but was in a dvd case and the artwork was one from Hollywood Video. Im kinda leaning towards neutral feedback.

what do you guys think?

Also tried the idea for DJ hero but the first time the guy cancelled for other reason and the second dude said no, i want it complete with the big box too which im not shipping.
So i made it case and manual and will email them before i ship if it get accepted. really wanted the 850 points for 3DS games
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If you ordered TOB complete with game, case and manual and that's what you go then you should at least leave a neutral. Personally, I'd lean more towards a negative. Ordering something GCM and getting some crappy rental case is intentionally not completing the agreement.
adriley313 it's neutral feedback.

--- Edit ---
@ neocisco, unfortunately we are not allowed to leave negative if the game works but is missing everything else. =/
I requested a complete copy. the nice guy in me says just deal with it but the collector in me is furious as i dont want a black case on my shelf. i send games in perfect condition.

i think ill leave neutral after i test the game.
wanted it for just team fortress
Wait until the last day possible to leave the feedback. If he can't be bothered to send what was requested, then you shouldn't be bothered to leave feedback until you feel like it.

[quote name='pcktlnt']adriley313 it's neutral feedback.

--- Edit ---
@ neocisco, unfortunately we are not allowed to leave negative if the game works but is missing everything else. =/[/QUOTE]

That's just ridiculous since it makes the option to request GCM essentially pointless. That's a problem that needs to be addressed (but most likely never will).
ok i just opened it and noticed there was no manual and now im pissed as hell, im hellapissed
i want to just sent it back and get my points back
what do i do
I know that as long as you get a working game, you aren't supposed to leave negative feedback. Your best bet would be to trying working something out with the seller, although if he was careless enough to send something like that out, you may have a hard time dealing with the individual.
the case isnt original and it has no manual
its was listed as complete
ill try messaging him and trying to cancel the trade and sending it back
So I just got a game I requested (NFL 2K2 for DC) and it's unplayable because there's a crack on the edge of the disc. I gave negative feedback for sending me a broken disc (plus a photo for proof) and he sends me a PM apologizing because he hadn't played it in years and didn't check the game before listing it or sending it out. Then he suggested that we cancel the trade and that I can keep it. Keeping it does me no good since it's unplayable and blatantly not checking the things he's selling on Goozex seems like a bad thing that he shouldn't get away with to sell more potentially bad product. Any advice?

Edit: And looking at his feedback, he's had seven trades cancelled as a seller and another one offered but not accepted.
He's opened a dispute now, so the only option I can see to try to keep the negative in place is to escalate the dispute to Goozex. If I do that, do I get the chance to add some more to the dispute in light of what the PM says or are they able to see that since it's mentioned on the dispute page?
I would forward the PM along anyway. If in one breath he takes responsibility for the damage, and in the next denies it (i.e. escalating), you gotta defend your position. You might even save yourself some hassle if they (Goozex) rule in your favor just by looking at the PM and don't require you to mail the game to them.
So what's the general consensus on listing games without manuals? I have the case and disk but don't want to just list it as disc only. I'm thinking listing it as disk and manual.
Now he's replied to the escalation begging me to cancel the trade so that I can get my points and token back along with a possibly free game if I could get it to work.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Now he's replied to the escalation begging me to cancel the trade so that I can get my points and token back along with a possibly free game if I could get it to work.[/QUOTE]

I'd say fuck him. At this point it principle.
Now the seller has apparently escalated the dispute to Goozex, which I could've sworn I had already done. I'm not sure why he's doing this is other than maybe making his case for why he shouldn't have to keep the negative.
[quote name='jza1218']Just started trading on goozex, man it takes awhile to get points for a game.[/QUOTE]

They're just being safe than sorry, it wasn't that way a couple of months ago. It seems people were abusing the instant points after confirmation.
bread's done