*Official* NBA PLAYOFFS 2007 discussion

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']That was pretty shitty. At least Dumars showed some class and stayed on the court. I'd laugh if the Bulls did the same thing after game 4. In fact I think they have to.

I can't imagine how mad Chicago fans got watching their team blow a 19 point 3rd quarter lead.[/QUOTE]

I'd laugh too, but I hope they don't do that if they lose the game.

And not really mad watching yesterday, just dissapointed. Complete meltdown.
When you hold a team to 28 points in the first half, you expect to win.

I think Skiles analysis sums it all up best, about half-way through the article:


Moving along...

I would like to know why Bruce Bowen hasn't been suspended for at least a game yet, the guy is a thug. He lacks the God-given talent that so many in the NBA have, so he makes up for it with dirty play. I do think it is funny that he continually finishes 2nd for DPotY, and will likely never win it at his age (35). What gets me is I don't have any memory of this guy playing in Boston, Philadelphia or Miami. You'd think his defense would have got him noticed elsewhere. Maybe it's Popovich encouraging this behavior.

I will give him some credit though, he's started all 82 games for the last 5 years he's been in San Antonio.
[quote name='Kendro']

I blame K-Fed for everything. :bomb:[/quote]
She looks great lately, though. She is, for all intents and purposes, not even bald anymore - because she never goes out in public without a wig on. It should pretty much be forgotten, as far as the public is concerned, because when we see her, she makes sure to have hair. I see photos of her these days and everything looks normal, she's putting her darker period behind her and moving forward.

[quote name='dallow']Am I the only one who likes Britney bald? (her scalp I mean).[/quote]
Yeah, she's gorgeous regardless of hair.

I caught that on SportsCenter last night and was pretty shocked. I knew Bowen could be a little rough on defense but that was just dirty. The NBA better do something about it. What is more suprising is that Amare isn't the type to speak up and complain about things, he just goes out and plays hard and doesn't argue with calls or flops on plays so I'm more inclined to take his side.
I'll tell ya, I'm not surprised Amare said something. In Amare's rookie season, in a game against the Knicks, Kurt Thomas gave him the usual Kurt Thomas treatment (tugging on a guy's jersey as he goes up for a rebound, tossing a couple of friendly elbows, etc) and Amare came out and said KT "plays too hard" or something to that effect. Granted, he was a 20 year old at the time, but Amare takes note of this sort of thing.

Like you said though, Amare doesn't WHINE during games, so I'm with you - he doesn't just conjure up complaints about plays that never happened. But the slow motion angle makes it pretty clear to me what Bruce did regardless of what Amare may say about it...coupled with Bruce's clear history of doing this sort of thing, I mean, the evidence speaks for itself. It's a shame, but nothing will be done about it.

The Suns might want to think about letting Kurt sacrifice the next few games of the series to enforce the rules, if you know what I mean. :) They won't, but some might say Bruce has long had it coming...
Fortunately Amare didn't get seriously injured on that, if he did Bowen would be in a world of shit right now.

But I can't really see Ginobili as a dirty player, I can't stand the guy for other reasons. But why would he call him out on something like that for nothing?
Watch for Saturday's game to be called really tight in the first half anyways, hopefully they'll let them play a little, but chances are there gonna F' the spurs now.
This has to be the slowest playoffs I've ever seen. Three days off randomly for Cleveland/New Jersey and Phoenix/San Antonio? Only Chicago/Detroit gets anything close to that with their current 2 days off. There's no reason to have the games scheduled in that manner.
[quote name='alucard8319']Watch for Saturday's game to be called really tight in the first half anyways, hopefully they'll let them play a little, but chances are there gonna F' the spurs now.[/quote]

whats with these fucking espn guys.. the warriors are flopping and hacking the jazz players ... i mean its cool their a fucking 8th seed.. but i mean come on.. these guys are the biggest GS homers since Reggie Miller..

I love how GS doesn't get any fouls called on them.. the NBA must want them to win a game
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']AK47 has officially received the posterization (??? :lol:) of '07.[/QUOTE]

after he shoved his hand in AKs face and yes he got a tech... fuck that guy
[quote name='urzishra14']after he shoved his hand in AKs face and yes he got a tech... fuck that guy[/QUOTE]

I was about to say why he didn't get one before commercial break.
[quote name='urzishra14']whats with these fucking espn guys.. the warriors are flopping and hacking the jazz players ... i mean its cool their a fucking 8th seed.. but i mean come on.. these guys are the biggest GS homers since Reggie Miller..

I love how GS doesn't get any fouls called on them.. the NBA must want them to win a game[/quote]

SOMEONE'S a jazz fan...
Well urzishra14, you shouldn't be too disheartened by this.

The most important factor in this series right now? Utah has home court advantage still.

That's huge, no need for Utah to start worrying yet. Even if they come out of Oakland tied up, it's all about HCA right now.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Well urzishra14, you shouldn't be too disheartened by this.

The most important factor in this series right now? Utah has home court advantage still.

That's huge, no need for Utah to start worrying yet. Even if they come out of Oakland tied up, it's all about HCA right now.[/QUOTE]

Maybe GS can do what Utah did to Houston and steal Game 7 in Utah to advance ^_^
[quote name='yukine']But I can't really see Ginobili as a dirty player, I can't stand the guy for other reasons. But why would he call him out on something like that for nothing?[/QUOTE]

You've been rooting for the Suns, have you watched them play other then the postseason? Ginobili has a reputation as a flopper. Last year during one of his flops (watching the replay it was a clear flop) he fell back onto Barbosa and he sprained a ligament because of it. Also, at one point in the game when Manu fell behind Amare, he was holding him by his legs so he couldn't move. Coming off two knee surgeries, I wouldn't want anyone grabbing at my knees either.


This year, when Manu was driving to the basket Amare went up for a block and Manu stuck his let out and kicked him square in the junk. It was pretty obvious as his let came out at the last second. That's why Amare was calling him out.

Bowen is a thug, he sticks his feet under shooters so they come down and roll an ankle. He's done this quite a few times.




^ There's a very good chance of that happening, considering how competitive both games in Utah have been...but what Utah really has to focus on right now is making sure they can win at home. Regardless of how big a momentum swing two wins in GS would be for the Warriors, that would only make the pendulum due to rock back in Utah's direction.

But this is going to be a heck of a series, clearly...
well, the anthony carter situation i dont think was intentional, but the other 3 are asshole moves

especially the one with francis and almost crawford...it's pretty damn obvious that he does that stupid foot think to try and make people land on his foot

i like bowen's sticky defense, but he's trying to hurt players and that's not cool
I like the Spurs, but I'm not a diehard fan or anything. I knew Bowen was a little dirty, but I mean so are all teams these days. I didn't know Bowen was THAT dirty, that ridiculous. He should be fined at least.

But, calling the Spurs a dirty team when you hook Tim Duncan to get around him for your main post move (except fast breaks) isn't right.

More and more teams are playing like this, I'm not really calling anyone out here, but I just saw a playoff commercial with the Pistons and Billups throws a elbow right at his defender, fades, and hits a shot. Didn't really mean to point anyone out, but refs are really ignoring more and more every game along with the rest of the league.
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']You've been rooting for the Suns, have you watched them play other then the postseason? Ginobili has a reputation as a flopper. Last year during one of his flops (watching the replay it was a clear flop) he fell back onto Barbosa and he sprained a ligament because of it. Also, at one point in the game when Manu fell behind Amare, he was holding him by his legs so he couldn't move. Coming off two knee surgeries, I wouldn't want anyone grabbing at my knees either.

This year, when Manu was driving to the basket Amare went up for a block and Manu stuck his let out and kicked him square in the junk. It was pretty obvious as his let came out at the last second. That's why Amare was calling him out.

Bowen is a thug, he sticks his feet under shooters so they come down and roll an ankle. He's done this quite a few times.
Yup, I've watched every single Suns game this season.

Sorry, perhaps I didn't put it clearly. I meant that I can't see Ginobli as a dirty player like Bowen. I know he is a consistent flopper, but so are a lot of players from other teams (including the Suns) so I wouldn't considering flopping a dirty play per se. Although him holding onto Amare's leg recently was utter bullshit.
when i think of dirty, i think of things that could potentially injure/hurt an opposing player

there are other things that arent dirty to me (flopping, etc.), but it's all opinion really
I agree with you guys, I don't think Manu plays dirty. I do think he plays like a d-bag, though...but he's not alone there. I hate floppers who overdo it. I understand knowing how to properly flop or take a legit charge is a valuable ability in the game, but guys who flop all over the place like a fool, I have little respect for on the court. It's a sissified way of playing that has especially become prominent with the infusion of more international players and a more Eurofriendly game. (It's not only international players, but they have led the wave of this trend growing.)
Wow, this is amazing. The Warriors/Jazz series has yet to go under a 100 pts for either team.

That alone makes this series awesome

aanndd it blows at the same time because I totally missed this game.
[quote name='DT778']just started watching the game. what happened to ginobli?[/quote]

He got poked in the eye, it left a weird bruise under his eye
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I'll keep it simple for this post: BOOOOOOO NETS. :whistle2:(

Cavs still got this though, IMHO.[/quote]

eww, who likes the cavs? i know they will probably win the series, but i like the nets better for some odd reason...either way, the pistons will beat either team in the ECF's anyway
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The Suns should've kneed Bowen in the groin before he made those 3's at the end of the third.[/QUOTE]

They tried to distract him when he threw one of the 3, shouldn't they be fined for that shit or at least get a Technical? And btw the groin thing, its called clearing space, i'm sure alot of people do that in any kind of basketball game.
[quote name='DT778']the suns should have spent less time bitching about fouls and more on getting back on defense.[/quote]

Yes. But in all fairness, they had every right to bitch.
I guess we saw home court > Amare complaining. Although I want the Spurs to win the series, I'm still an objective fan that just loves basketball. Plain and simple- the Suns got screwed on several calls tonight. However, the Spurs outplayed them and deserved to win the game. The Suns must regain their composure in the next couple games b/c the Spurs will always be on point.
[quote name='2Fast']Yes. But in all fairness, they had every right to bitch.[/QUOTE]

No, they were bitching about EVERYTHING. There were some clean blocks/steal yet they still wanted a foul for them. The ones that they should have gotten a call was the one where Horry came in to strip Nash and the one where Duncan blocked Stoudemare.

The funny part was, Mike D`Antoni was shouting *Don't call the Foul now* when they finally got one.
[quote name='gokou36']They tried to distract him when he threw one of the 3, shouldn't they be fined for that shit or at least get a Technical? And btw the groin thing, its called clearing space, i'm sure alot of people do that in any kind of basketball game.[/quote]
I don't know what you're refering to with the first sentence.

There's clearing space and then there's hitting below the belt. You don't stick your knee out in front of you to clear space. People that play by the rules of the game don't pull that kind of shit.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't know what you're refering to with the first sentence.

There's clearing space and then there's hitting below the belt. You don't stick your knee out in front of you to clear space. People that play by the rules of the game don't pull that kind of shit.[/QUOTE]

I guess you missed the replay where they showed the Suns bench getting up and talking shit to Bowen when he had the ball to shoot the 2nd(?) 3pointer. And I guess you didn't hear one of the announcer clearly saying it was to clear space, even one of the ESPN guy said it as well.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't know what you're refering to with the first sentence.

There's clearing space and then there's hitting below the belt. You don't stick your knee out in front of you to clear space. People that play by the rules of the game don't pull that kind of shit.[/quote]

Bowen turned to look at Stoudamire after one of his threes. Stoudamire was on the bench, standing along the sideline near the corner. It seems as if something was said during that shot attempt.

Edit: In too late...
I'm torn between wanting Duncan to get another ring and not wanting Bowen to get another ring. A shame the Suns kinda fell apart at the end. They could have had a chance to steal one today or at least take it to OT. Leaving Finley open with that huge 3 hurt them and the 2 missed alley oops put the nail in the coffin (though to be fair, the 2nd one was hard to put down even though Nash made an incredible pass).
[quote name='primetime']Maybe he's referring to when Bowen turned to look at Stoudamire after one of his threes. Stoudamire was on the bench, standing along the sideline near the corner. Possibly something was said during that shot attempt.[/QUOTE]

Thats correct. They were standing there talking shit to him, then he turned around and smiled at them after he made the shot.

Edit : Also what about Bell trying to start shit with them, think they'll look into it? I think he said something to Horry and Parker on the court, can't recall.
[quote name='gokou36']I guess you missed the replay where they showed the Suns bench getting up and talking shit to Bowen when he had the ball to shoot the 2nd(?) 3pointer. And I guess you didn't hear one of the announcer clearly saying it was to clear space, even one of the ESPN guy said it as well.[/quote]
I'm sorry I didn't memorize what the announcers said while watching the game with a friend. They're always the final word on any questionable call.
[quote name='gokou36']Thats correct. They were standing there talking shit to him, then he turned around and smiled at them after he made the shot.

Edit : Also what about Bell trying to start shit with them, think they'll look into it? I think he said something to Horry and Parker on the court, can't recall.[/quote]

Shit talking in a basketball game?! That's unheard of!
[quote name='gokou36']Thats correct. They were standing there talking shit to him, then he turned around and smiled at them after he made the shot.[/quote]

All STAT could do was smile back. But you see, that's the difference in the approach of the Spurs and Suns in this series- the Spurs are responding to adversity by making plays while the Suns yell at the refs and fall apart. Kurt Thomas was clutching Duncans shorts every time he tried to move. Duncan brought that to the attention of the ref AFTER the play and continued to dominate (you could see the shirt pulling still continued).Much of the frustration at the end of the game from the Suns was stemming from their play- especially missing shots and poor D. The refs, Bowen's knee, etc. were far from the reasons the Suns lost that game.

Edit: Bell was jawing at Bowen during one of the stoppages primarily.
[quote name='2Fast']Shit talking in a basketball game?! That's unheard of![/QUOTE]

If you saw the look on Bell's face, it was like he was *provoking* a fight. Its not the normal shit talk you're thinking of.

And primetime I saw that, aren't you suppose to tuck it in all times? Maybe he got asked by a ref or something?
[quote name='gokou36']Thats correct. They were standing there talking shit to him, then he turned around and smiled at them after he made the shot.[/quote]a lot of teams do that whenever an opponent is shooting near their bench.

[quote name='gokou36'] Edit : Also what about Bell trying to start shit with them, think they'll look into it? I think he said something to Horry and Parker on the court, can't recall.[/quote]Bell is just a little bitch, no need for them to look into it.

And primetime I saw that, aren't you suppose to tuck it in all times? Maybe he got asked by a ref or something?
I'm pretty sure he was complaining to the ref because that dude was trying to undress him instead of playing defense.
[quote name='gokou36']If you saw the look on Bell's face, it was like he was *provoking* a fight. Its not the normal shit talk you're thinking of.

And primetime I saw that, aren't you suppose to tuck it in all times? Maybe he got asked by a ref or something?[/quote]

If you looked closely, Thomas was clutching a fistfull of Duncan's uniform and waistband for much of the time he was guarding him. You could even see it on the normal telecast and especially on replays. While holding a jersey is not something new, you could see Thomas holding it on screens, while Duncan was posting up, and even when Duncan was executing post moves. If you catch some replays on SC tonight you might be able to see it, there is a replay where Duncan pulls a reverse spin that it's really evident. I'm sure Duncan was frustrated by it, as Thomas was grabbing onto a lot of jersey, so he showed a ref how his tucked jersey was being yanked out of his shorts during a stoppage.
The Suns lost today because they played terrible. What frustrates me though, is that the refs were calling the Suns out on all their fouls (rightfully so) but were conveniently ignoring fouls made by the Spurs.
[quote name='yukine']The Suns lost today because they played terrible. What frustrates me though, is that the refs were calling the Suns out on all their fouls (rightfully so) but were conveniently ignoring fouls made by the Spurs.[/quote]

Home court advantage had a lot to do with how the game was called tonight IMO.
bread's done