*Official* NBA PLAYOFFS 2007 discussion

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']You have your fans, you have your enemies. I've been rather opinionated in this thread, so that's what happens.

Obviously, Mr. Ryles is a very big Lebron fan, and he feels the need to defend his hero when I'm just pointing out that I liked him until he (James) started bitching about every call that didn't go his way. Sometimes even bitching when a call has gone his way before he realizes his team got the call.

This is only going to intensify when the Pistons play the Cavs in the next round.[/quote]

Well I meant in general.

Personally, I've never seen him play enough to make a call. When he and his team have even an outside chance of making it to the Finals, then maybe I'll care to see for myself.
[quote name='2Fast']Well I meant in general.

Personally, I've never seen him play enough to make a call. When he and his team have even an outside chance of making it to the Finals, then maybe I'll care to see for myself.[/QUOTE]

Cavs are going to the finals for the east coast.

West side it is looking like the spurs, they are now ahead of the suns by 10 in the game tonight.
[quote name='2Fast']Well I meant in general.

Personally, I've never seen him play enough to make a call. When he and his team have even an outside chance of making it to the Finals, then maybe I'll care to see for myself.[/quote]

Meh, I've only noticed a handful of people that generally keep to the OTT, then again I have about 8 people blocked, and save for the 1 that never posts here anymore they could all be posting very anti-ZL propaganda! The OTT used to be fun too, but it's almost completely different posters now unfortunately.

I don't mind though, if you can't be a good hero to everyone, be a good villian, it's the Krang way!
[quote name='mr ryles']Cavs are going to the finals for the east coast.[/quote]

:rofl: Next you'll be telling us Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2008 election.
Yikes looks like it might be Pistons/Spurs again... I'd rather see Suns/Pistons.... less boring/Bowen nut knee-ing/etc
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']:rofl: Next you'll be telling us Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2008 election.[/quote]

Why won't she win?
Because she is qualified or because she is a woman?
[quote name='MadChedar0']Yikes looks like it might be Pistons/Spurs again... I'd rather see Suns/Pistons.... less boring/Bowen nut knee-ing/etc[/quote]

Phoenix can certainly win game 5, but winning game 6 in San Antonio may prove too tricky. We can only hope though.

I don't see how Utah or Cleveland could beat either San Antonio or Detroit. Right now, I'd say Pistons and Spurs in 5 apeice. The finals, Pistons in 6 :) /Spurs in 7 :whistle2:(
[quote name='bigtymer']Why won't she win?
Because she is qualified or because she is a woman?[/quote]

If you'd like we can make a topic in the VS forum to discuss that, or in PM if you must. I'm not going to get into Hillary anymore in the NBA thread.

You can title it "Hillary in '08" and ask if people think she has a chance, make a poll even, but that has to go in the VS forum, not here.
[quote name='mr ryles']Cavs are going to the finals for the east coast.[/quote]

With all do respect, they'll be lucky to get within 10 points of Detroit in the final score column.
[quote name='2Fast']That was rough. The guy has like 6 titles, what is he so mad about?[/QUOTE]

That could be a good 1 game suspension. After replay it is obviously intentional.
gotta love that post game interview with steve nash.

Sager: You popped up pretty quick after Horry checked you.

Nash: Ya I've been working on my guns. Thought I could get a good combo in.

[quote name='mr ryles']gotta love that post game interview with steve nash.

Sager: You popped up pretty quick after Horry checked you.

Nash: Ya I've been working on my guns. Thought I could get a good combo in.


I laughed pretty hard at that as well.
Horry is a thug and the Spurs are showing why people have labled them as the dirtiest team in the NBA.

I really hope Amare doesn't get suspended for game 5 and the Suns go on to win this series and end that jackass Robert Horry's career.
[quote name='mr ryles']That could be a good 1 game suspension. After replay it is obviously intentional.[/quote]

Hit stick! Does anybody remember what happened to ... I wanna say Posey... for doing a similar thing to Hinrich last year?

I can't believe San Antonio let that game get away from them.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Horry is a thug and the Spurs are showing why people have labled them as the dirtiest team in the NBA.

I really hope Amare doesn't get suspended for game 5 and the Suns go on to win this series and end that jackass Robert Horry's career.[/QUOTE]

Again I have to disagree with you, horry is not a thug, this is really the only thing like this he has done in his career. Spurs may be a little dirty, but not thugs.
I like how i can never get good highlights after each fucking game.

Nba.com always takes at least a full day or 2 before there highlights are up.

Espn always just has box scores for like a day before its up.
I can't see them not suspending Amare. It really isn't fair however because it is a rule, they have to enforce it. Otherwise, as Kenny pointed, it will bring up major problems the next time something like this happens (where they will always fall back on this incident).
[quote name='Kendro']I can't see them not suspending Amare. It really isn't fair however because it is a rule, they have to enforce it. Otherwise, as Kenny pointed, it will bring up major problems the next time something like this happens (where they will always fall back on this incident).[/QUOTE]

It's a stupid rule, if the player, in this case Amare, doesn't get involved in the action or cause any problems he shouldn't be suspended. Maybe enforce a fine, but this is the playoffs and you can't be suspending a star payer over a stupid rule
[quote name='mr ryles']Again I have to disagree with you, horry is not a thug, this is really the only thing like this he has done in his career. Spurs may be a little dirty, but not thugs.[/quote]

He stopped the Pistons from winning back to back titles :whistle2:(

Anyway, I can agree with that, but that was a really dirty move. Especially from someone that knows better than that. This could be the way his career ends should he get a 2-3 game suspension for that dirty hit and then tangling up with Raja Bell.
[quote name='mr ryles']Again I have to disagree with you, horry is not a thug, this is really the only thing like this he has done in his career. Spurs may be a little dirty, but not thugs.[/QUOTE]

When Horry played for the Suns he threw a towel into the face of Danny Ainge when he was the Suns coach. Suns fans have hated him since. His ass was shipped out promptly the next morning.
fuck yeah! Thank you Suns!

Ahem... I don't think Horry should be suspended, but I don't think Amare should be suspended either. They should just call it even and not suspend anyone. :D
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']When Horry played for the Suns he threw a towel into the face of Danny Ainge when he was the Suns coach. Suns fans have hated him since. His ass was shipped out promptly the next morning.[/quote]

So, he's not a thug, but has a bad temper... not that we know anyone like that around here 8-[
[quote name='yukine']fuck yeah! Thank you Suns!

Ahem... I don't think Horry should be suspended, but I don't think Amare should be suspended either. They should just call it even and not suspend anyone. :D[/quote]

Sorry man, both deserve 1 game off, and the loss of a starter (Stoudamire) hurts more than the loss of a marginalized role player. I don't even know if the Spurs would agree to a wash if they could!

Edit: Stoudamire is still maintaining that he was going to check in at the scorers table after the foul. He said it with a straight face...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']So, he's not a thug, but has a bad temper...[/QUOTE]

Yea sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. I basically wanted to point out that he is a disrespectful ass.
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']Yea sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. I basically wanted to point out that he is a disrespectful ass.[/quote]

No need to apologize, I completely agree with you.
[quote name='Kendro']I can't see them not suspending Amare. It really isn't fair however because it is a rule, they have to enforce it. Otherwise, as Kenny pointed, it will bring up major problems the next time something like this happens (where they will always fall back on this incident).[/quote]
It's a tough call. The rule really does not seem to be as consistent as the Inside The NBA guys were implying.

Back in Barkley's day, it was pretty clear-cut; you step on the court, you're suspended.

Today, there are two SUBJECTIVE factors at hand here:
a) Was there a bonafide 'altercation' on the court?
b) Was the player who stepped off the court intending to intensify said alteraction?

If it's not deemed an altercation, and the offender is not seen as trying to escalate things, stepping off of the bench will not warrant a suspension.

Back in '02, in that wild Rick Fox / Doug Christie fight in the tunnel, several players left the bench area to head over there; a no-no, which would have led to an instant suspension if not for the fact that rulemeister Stu Jackson ruled that "the players who left the bench...did not escalate the situation."

In '04, in the first game of the Knicks/Nets opening round series, Frank Williams and Jason Kidd had a brief scuffle, which led to Richard Jefferson stepping off of the bench very briefly, headed towards the action. He was, however, NOT suspended because, again, IIRC Stu Jackson ruled that the Williams/Kidd scuffle was not an actual 'altercation.'

In this case, Amare started heading over towards the action as soon as the foul happened, NOT during the scuffle between Horry and Diaw (IIRC). I'm pretty sure Amare was already being held back by the time any altercation (Horry/Diaw) was taking place.

So I think in this case, it has to do with timing. If they deem that Horry's foul on Nash in itself constituted an altercation, Amare would most likely be suspended. If they deem that the Horry/Diaw scuffle was the only altercation, it's a totally subjective opinion based on Amare's timing. If they view there being NO real altercation or that he was off the court before any altercation took place, he should be fine.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']He stopped the Pistons from winning back to back titles :whistle2:(

Anyway, I can agree with that, but that was a really dirty move. Especially from someone that knows better than that. This could be the way his career ends should he get a 2-3 game suspension for that dirty hit and then tangling up with Raja Bell.[/quote]haha. robert horry is just awesome.

does he have the most titles among active players?
Actually, Robert Horry should probably get suspended for two games. There were two seperate incidents. The Nash foul, which was blatantly cheap, and then he went over and elbowed another Suns player in the throat.
[quote name='DT778']haha. robert horry is just awesome.

does he have the most titles among active players?[/quote]

Robert Horry is about as overrated as Phil Jackson. The most titles?? WTF does that mean? The guy played with quite possibly the greatest three big men of all time. Olajuwan, O'neal, and Duncan. Yeah, he hit a big shot here and there but those teams won because of the other guys. I seem to remember quite a few other mediocre players looking pretty great when paired with these three beasts, too. If you look at this guys stats they show his role player ability, nothing more.
[quote name='yukine']I like how people in the Spurs' forum are claiming "Nash flopped! Horry just grazed him a little!"[/quote]

Horry certainly nailed him, but Nash clearly added some theatrics. You can see near the end of the play where he falls back completely from a sitting position after a slight pause while throwing out his arms. He then waits a little on the ground before jumping up to hit somebody. I always chuckle when they show that replay.

Also, Horry doesn't deserve a game off for the forearm to Bell. I don't think anyone would argue he's a superstar, but to suggest he doesn't deserve his titles because he's not Michael Jordan is pretty silly. He's fit his role well, consistently performing over his career. Maybe I just misunderstood you, I don't know.
[quote name='primetime']Horry certainly nailed him, but Nash clearly added some theatrics. You can see near the end of the play where he falls back completely from a sitting position after a slight pause while throwing out his arms.[/quote]
LOL. I was going to post something similar but decided to quit after 2 failed attempts because I couldn't word it right. There was definitely a little odd pause between falling down and spasming backwards with his arms out. He was definitely decked hard and his first fall into the table was legit however that little "spasm" at the end makes me laugh.

You can see it clearly at the 0:40 mark. :lol:

In regards to Nash's "hesitation" it was probably due to his being stunned by hitting his melon on the stat table, and not to his "flopping"
[quote name='doho7744']In regards to Nash's "hesitation" it was probably due to his being stunned by hitting his melon on the stat table, and not to his "flopping"[/quote]

His actions were theatrical. He could have easily supported himself along the advertisements or even with his hands yet chose to "spasm" to make the hit seem more forceful. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's pretty funny to watch. I'm not even sure his head hit the table, but even if it did, his actions weren't caused by him being "stunned."
LMAO that was purely flopping. Why would you throw your arms back when you're falling? And damn I can't believe they lost like that(I didn't watch the game). IMO the winner of game 5 will win the series.
More punkass tactics from the Spurs.

I used to really like them and respect them but this is ridiculous. If someone did to Tim Duncan what Horry did to Nash, they'd want blood in San Antonio.
[quote name='primetime']Sorry man, both deserve 1 game off, and the loss of a starter (Stoudamire) hurts more than the loss of a marginalized role player. I don't even know if the Spurs would agree to a wash if they could!

Edit: Stoudamire is still maintaining that he was going to check in at the scorers table after the foul. He said it with a straight face...[/quote]According to Steve Kerr's column today, apparently if they're strictly following the rules and suspend Stoudamire (and apparently Diaw) for the Suns, Duncan and Bowen will probably be gone too - they stepped off the bench earlier in the game:
In a play that went entirely unnoticed until well after the game was over, both Duncan and Bowen actually left San Antonio's bench early in the second quarter after Francisco Elson and James Jones were entangled. Replays clearly show Duncan walking several steps onto the court as Elson and Jones appeared to be ready to get into it. Bowen then followed Duncan onto the floor, grabbed him and led him back to the bench.
So I'm hoping they just suspend Horry for being a cheap fuck, and let the others play.
[quote name='gokou36']LMAO that was purely flopping. Why would you throw your arms back when you're falling? And damn I can't believe they lost like that(I didn't watch the game). IMO the winner of game 5 will win the series.[/quote]

maybe he was just fucking exhausted with the wind blown out him and the minutes he played...

it's easy for us to say he flopped from our Point of view, but maybe he was just lying down

anyway, cavs are gonna close out the series and will lose to the pistons like they did last year (but will lose by much more this year)...then i'm hoping suns fans will energize the suns in game 5 and they win that one...then SA will probably win game 6 then i hope suns win game 7 at home
Everything I was going to say has pretty much been said, Horry did hit him, but Nash added a little acting... etc.

Calling Horry a thug is wrong though, although he definetly shouldn't have done that, the guy is a future hall of famer and one of the playoffs best clutch players ever. Punkass is not a good way to describe it either. In case no else was watching the rest of the game, the Suns, because Amare bitched about the Spurs, got tons of calls that usually go the home teams way, let alone other picky fouls. Mid-fourth qtr Nash set 2 moving screens in a row. Oh and I agree with whoever said the team that wins game 5 will win the series.

Edit: Forgot to add, even through all the stuff I said, I give the Suns credit for hanging around and winning in the end... if only Ginobli had made that layup, things might be different.
Although completely unrelated to this year's Playoffs, all that talk before about how Mehmet Okur deserved to get knocked down for his late drive to the basket reminded me of Ricky Davis getting hit when he was one rebound shy of a triple double and decided to miss a shot from his own net to try and get one.


It still cracks me up. Sloan's face was priceless. :lol:
[quote name='Kendro']Although completely unrelated to this year's Playoffs, all that talk before about how Mehmet Okur deserved to get knocked down for his late drive to the basket reminded me of Ricky Davis getting hit when he was one rebound shy of a triple double and decided to miss a shot from his own net to try and get one.


It still cracks me up. Sloan's face was priceless. :lol:[/quote]

One of the replies from that vid...

Ricky Davis. One of the most selfish, greedy players in the NBA. If he was on my team i'd trade him away for four basketballs and a bottle of floor cleaner.

i think it's pretty reasonbale...almost obvious...that whoever wins game 5 will win the series

if suns win, they can win in game 7 at hoem...if spurs win they can win in SA in game 6
[quote name='swetooth9']i think it's pretty reasonbale...almost obvious...that whoever wins game 5 will win the series

if suns win, they can win in game 7 at hoem...if spurs win they can win in SA in game 6[/quote]

I wouldn't go as far as to say obvious. There's no telling what will happen in this series. While the team that wins game 5 clearly has an advantage, nothing is certain- here's to hoping for 7 games of sublime playoff ball.
bread's done