*Official* NBA PLAYOFFS 2007 discussion

Just listened to SportsCenter on 1050 ESPN Radio. Horry is out Game 5 and 6 while Stoudamire is missing Game 5. :cry:

Edit - Sorry guys, totally messed up hehe. I was half asleep while listening to the radio.
[quote name='Kendro']Just listened to SportsCenter on 1050 ESPN Radio. Horry is out Game 5 and 6 while Stoudamire is missing Game 6. :cry:[/quote]

It's interesting that they would give Amare the game 6 suspension... I guess it's easier, he just gets to stay in PHX.
at least this still gives Phx a chance to win the series...they can win game 5 at home with all their players...then will probably lose game 6 in SA since they are missing their 2 big men...then they have a chance to win in game 7...but if pheonix loses game 5, they are fucked
PHOENIX -- Phoenix center Amare Stoudemire and teammate Boris Diaw were suspended Tuesday for one game for leaving the bench after Robert Horry's flagrant foul of Steve Nash in Game 4 of the Suns' Western Conference semifinal against San Antonio.

The NBA also announced Horry was suspended for two games for knocking Nash into the scorer's table with 18 seconds remaining in the Suns' 104-98 victory at San Antonio on Monday night. Phoenix's victory evened the series at 2-2.

All three players will miss Wednesday night's Game 5 in Phoenix of what has been a rough, intense showdown between two of the best teams in the NBA. Horry also will miss Friday night's Game 6 in San Antonio.

Horry was suspended for flagrantly fouling Nash and striking Raja Bell about the shoulders with a forearm, NBA executive vice president Stu Jackson said in a statement. Stoudemire and Diaw were suspended for leaving "the immediate vicinity of their bench" during the altercation.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press
wait...i thought diaw and amare were suspended for game 6!! yea...pheonix is gonna have to work hard in order to make it a 7 game series now...that's the only way
That's fucking bullshit, especially with Duncan leaving the bench earlier in the game during that Jerome James/Francisco Elson confrontation.

The NBA is pure crap. Stu Jackson should have his head squeezed until all the shit in it pours out.
It's a pile of crap. Duncan was on the floor, and isn't suspended because it wasn't an "altercation" but this incident was. What a bunch of crap. Bowen knees Nash in the groin, intentionaly tries to hurt Amare, and nothing happens. Our guys take two steps and get suspended. Refreakindiculous.
What a fucking joke. The Spurs get rewarded for their dirty play while the Suns get fucked. If the NBA would have taken action regarding Bowen's dirty play originally this would have never happened.

Unbelievable. Note the double standard: no suspension for Duncan and Bowen.

I guess the rationale is that there was no “altercation” in the earlier incident. Of course, Amare and Boris left the bench before the altercation and retreated to the bench when the altercation began, but they did leave the bench and an altercation did occur. Basically, they got suspended for the elbow that Horry threw at Raja. Presumably, if James Jones had taken a shot at Elson, then Duncan and Bowen would have been suspended too.

What an absolute disgrace. Once again proving that in the NBA, it’s better to be dirty than good. This is an incredible disservice to the game.
I'm not surprised one bit. The NBA has the dumbest rules. Even when Reggie Miller gets off the bench trying to stop the brawl, he still got suspended.

IMO it wasn't really that hard of a foul. Maybe 1 game suspension on Horry, and the 2nd one should've went for him AND Bell. This is gonna hurt the Suns big time. And if they lose the series, we'll know who exactly to blame it on.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']It's a pile of crap. Duncan was on the floor, and isn't suspended because it wasn't an "altercation" but this incident was. What a bunch of crap. Bowen knees Nash in the groin, intentionaly tries to hurt Amare, and nothing happens. Our guys take two steps and get suspended. Refreakindiculous.[/quote]

This shows you how stupid the rules are when Bowen does all that shit and nothing happens.
you intentionally try to kick a guy in the achilles...nothing happens
you knee a dude in the groin...nothing happens
you throw a guy by the kneck to the ground...nothing happens
you elbow a dude in the head...nothing happens
you take 3 steps onto the court when a scuffle MIGHT be occurring...bam, suspension
Uh, Bulls are winning by 18? Not to say Detroit won't come back in the 4th, but I expected the Bulls to fold and lose by 25 tonight.
[quote name='thamaster24']Uh, Bulls are winning by 18? Not to say Detroit won't come back in the 4th, but I expected the Bulls to fold and lose by 25 tonight.[/quote]Yeah, I have given up on this game. They need to get their shit together going back to Chicago on Thursday. Not that the three fouls on Billups in a span of two minutes weren't bullshit, but their defense has been pretty atrocious from the 12 minutes or so I saw.
[quote name='evanft']fuckin' Pistons are gonna blow this series. Motherfucker.[/quote]
Nah, I doubt it. This game isn't even over yet... They'll come back with their best basketball in game 6. At least if they want to finish off the series, they better.
[quote name='thamaster24']Nah, I doubt it. This game isn't even over yet... They'll come back with their best basketball in game 6. At least if they want to finish off the series, they better.[/quote]If they have any sense of pride, they'll dominate in Game 6. If not, they may as well just stay in Detroit after the game tonight.
Go Bulls!
They can now be forgiven for the first 2 games of the series but I don't think I will ever forget game 3 and the 50 bucks I spent watching it.
[quote name='swetooth9']GS off to a good start...richardson and ellis doing great so far[/quote]

Here's to a Bulls-like comeback with Suns' style execution :beer:
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I wonder if the Pistons are aware that if Chicago wins game 6 this series is tied...[/QUOTE]

Well lets hope they dont :lol:

I drove out to Detroit for the game and I must say it fucking rocked. The Detroit fans, no offense to any of the fans here, but they are a really shitty bunch of fans. Half of that stadium was gone at the start of the 4th period. They can sure jump right off that bandwagon in a heartbeat.

Anyways, is anyone going to be at game 6 on thrusday? I can't fucking wait!! W00t w00t go Bulls!
[quote name='Prepster']Well lets hope they dont :lol:

I drove out to Detroit for the game and I must say it fucking rocked. The Detroit fans, no offense to any of the fans here, but they are a really shitty bunch of fans. Half of that stadium was gone at the start of the 4th period. They can sure jump right off that bandwagon in a heartbeat.

Anyways, is anyone going to be at game 6 on thrusday? I can't fucking wait!! W00t w00t go Bulls![/quote]

See, no offense to you, but that's a very ignorant comment. Why would the Piston fans stay when #1. The refs weren't going to let Detroit come back (bullshit 4th foul on Billups), #2 Chicago could've had guys stuffing the ball up their asses and launching it at the basket and it would've went in, and #3 The Red Wings were playing game 3 of their WCF series against the Ducks tonight.

I most likely would've stayed, but that's because I don't leave games early, especially not play-off games. I can justify people leaving this game though, mainly because that Red-Wings game was on. Detroit is Hockeytown afterall, not Basketballtown.
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']Stern was scheduled to attend the Phoenix game tomorrow, but he promptly canceled that visit.[/quote]

Hence, why I hope the cleveland fans boo him like we would have. :)

BTW, how do you justify suspending Boris, he made two steps, was still in the bench, and he's French, he would never run TOWARDS a fight. :D
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I hope to god The Cleveland Fans boo David Stern tommorrow when he goes to their game.[/quote]

This post probably shouldn't be read by anyone... so I'll make it a spoiler

First on why the Cavs won't boo Stern
Why would they, he makes sure the league sucks LeBron's penis every chance possible. Seriously, the spoiled little bitch gets every call in the world, and of course continues to whine, bitch and chew his fingernails.

On why Doug Collins is retarded
I loved that comment "Oh they're going fishing." Ya, they sure are just like you did... with Michael Jordan on your team. Just like you got fired as the Bulls coach, and surprise, surprise the next year they win the title. Great insight, dumbass. I love the ridiculous bias of the announcers, especially idiots like Doug Collins.

On the Jazz/Warriors game 5
Nice to see Utah get what, 8 additional free throws thanks to ref stupidity at the end. A blantent foul on one end by Kirilenko not called, then called on GS at the other end. Maybe had the game been officiated by people with vision, the Warriors would've win. Then again maybe had the Warriors not jacked up a 3 every time they came down court, they would've won. Really doesn't matter now.

On the biggest pussy in the NBA
Obviously Kirilenko, I'm 100% sure I could find a 13 year old girl that could kick the shit out of "him" and I use that term as loosely as possible. Flopping through the lane at the end of the game, pathetic. I hope "he" cries again when "his" team gets destroyed by most likely San Antonio. Which of course is bullshit.

Finally, fuck SAN ANTONIO.

Now that NBA has given the Spurs a free pass to the WCF, I really hope there's an earthquake/tornado/bomb dropped in Utah for game 3 and they're all just wiped out. Both of those teams make me sick.
you know.. i really won't anwser you on above post.. i don't like what the suspensions

but you know.. the jazz won.. baron got deron in foul trouble on a lot of phantom calls.. i mean a lot of over the back calls on their smaller players.. but you know it don't matter now.. the warriors are out.. and the media darlings are gone.. the jazz won even though they shot poorly, missed 6 straight free throws and had like a million turnovers this series..
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Hence, why I hope the cleveland fans boo him like we would have. :)

BTW, how do you justify suspending Boris, he made two steps, was still in the bench, and he's French, he would never run TOWARDS a fight. :D[/quote]

Because he's not dating that slut from Desparate Housewives. The politics at play here make me sick, absolutely sick. The Spurs epitomize the international NBA game with their blend of players from across the globe. These are the ideals that David Stern rubs one out to every night.

They've got that squeaky clean bitch Tim Duncan as their centerpiece, as well as, the invincible Bruce Bowen, who could literally fuck David Stern's wife, videotape it and play it before a game on the jumbotron and not get a suspension. Then there's that French twat and his whore, that I want to see get hit with a shovel every time they show her at a game. What does she have to do with ANYTHING? Seriously... it's not like Jack, who has been going to Lakers games since they moved to LA. Then you've got that douchebag Francisco Elson, who'll go after your nuts (at least that was his game plan back in Denver, maybe he was hanging around Reggie Evans). Then to top it all off they have that jackoff Robert Horry. The only player on that team that is even remotely tolerable is Manu, and that's just because he looks like Balki Bartokomous.

Stern LOVES every aspect of that team though, and will do nothing to stop them from reaching the NBA finals again. So, despite the fact that Duncan & Bowen should be suspended for game 5 if you follow the rule that got Amare and Diaw a game off, they're not because as I type this Stern is jacking off on his life size cut-outs of Duncan and Bowen.

If it ends up Spurs and Cavs, I'm done with the NBA, because you can rest assured to more than a certain degree this crap is rigged.
[quote name='urzishra14']you know.. i really won't anwser you on above post.. i don't like what the suspensions

but you know.. the jazz won.. baron got deron in foul trouble on a lot of phantom calls.. i mean a lot of over the back calls on their smaller players.. but you know it don't matter now.. the warriors are out.. and the media darlings are gone.. the jazz won even though they shot poorly, missed 6 straight free throws and had like a million turnovers this series..[/quote]

Don't worry, Utah's season ends in the next round, Stern wouldn't have it ANY other way.

I may actually find myself rooting for Utah, because the Spurs, the politics surrounding that team, and the bullshit that's going to put them into the next round make me want to vomit.
[quote name='urzishra14']hey if this game was rigged the jazz wouldnt make the playoffs.. stern hates the jazz..[/quote]

Ya, I don't think he can rig a whole season, but him, that moron Stu Jackson & Billy Hunter sure can have a hand in who wins the play-offs.

Here's Wade's free throw stats vs the WHOLE Maverick's team free throw stats for the finals

Game 1: ------6/10--------20/26
Game 2: ------11/14------20/32
Game 3: ------13/18------21/26
Game 4: ------8/9---------21/27
Game 5: ------21/25------21/25
Game 6: ------16/21------19/23
the spurs did play pretty dirty.. Bowen should be kicked out.. he crowds, with kicking nash.. tony parker/nash collision.. horry has always been a dirty player..

Its not fair... the jazz play the spurs pretty good.. but we're built to play the suns and the dallas's of the world.. but we play duncan pretty good.. ah well..

you know..jazz fans this year we've been very lucky.. the goal was to get to the playoffs.. and win 2 series? .. wow.. thats above and beyond my expectations of the season.. maybe winning 50+ games yes. .but winning in the playoffs.. wow.. incredible..
[quote name='urzishra14']the spurs did play pretty dirty.. Bowen should be kicked out.. he crowds, with kicking nash.. tony parker/nash collision.. horry has always been a dirty player..

Its not fair... the jazz play the spurs pretty good.. but we're built to play the suns and the dallas's of the world.. but we play duncan pretty good.. ah well..

you know..jazz fans this year we've been very lucky.. the goal was to get to the playoffs.. and win 2 series? .. wow.. thats above and beyond my expectations of the season.. maybe winning 50+ games yes. .but winning in the playoffs.. wow.. incredible..[/quote]

Charles' picked it when the playoffs started! Not me though :lol:

Especially without one of those superstar players, kind of like Detroit. With no Snack, Wade, Lebron, Kobe, Duncan or someone else that gets ALL the calls, the Jazz will be hard put to beat the Spurs, but I really hope they do... assuming they're playing San Antonio that is.

Oh how sweet it would be for the Suns to pull off the major upset tomorrow and win game 5, then follow it up with game 6, and that twit Horry's career comes to end with him being suspended. That'd almost be storybook.
*sigh* I fucking hate you Horry.

I agree with the rest of you: If Amare/Diaw are suspended for something as trivial as walking on the court, then Bowen should of been suspended for that bullshit knee maneuver. The only thing the league has proven is that you can use flagrant fouls to your advantage.

Whatever, I can only hope we win Game 5.
If Amare/Diaw are suspended for something as trivial as walking on the court, then Bowen should of been suspended for that bullshit knee maneuver.
Those are two different things dude. They walked onto the court so they got suspended. They know they aren't supposed to do that.
Hey yukine, might wanna change your stats soon to 2-3!

I can already see it, Clutch Shot Horry winning the series for the Spurs even without playing!
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']See, no offense to you, but that's a very ignorant comment. Why would the Piston fans stay when #1. The refs weren't going to let Detroit come back (bullshit 4th foul on Billups), #2 Chicago could've had guys stuffing the ball up their asses and launching it at the basket and it would've went in, and #3 The Red Wings were playing game 3 of their WCF series against the Ducks tonight.

I most likely would've stayed, but that's because I don't leave games early, especially not play-off games. I can justify people leaving this game though, mainly because that Red-Wings game was on. Detroit is Hockeytown afterall, not Basketballtown.[/QUOTE]

Not sure how that was an ignorant comment since I was just stating exactly what I saw while at the game......

The Utah and GS series was an interesting one, but I knew in the end that Utah was going to win that one. Is it just me or did GS seem like a very dirty team against the Jazz. Dont get me wrong, I love the Warriors, but they really let their emotions get the best of them.

Anyways, tonights game should be a fun one to watch. I really hope its a Detroit/Indiana brawl all over again.
[quote name='DT778']Those are two different things dude. They walked onto the court so they got suspended. They know they aren't supposed to do that.[/quote]

Last time I checked, your not supposed to knee someone in the groin, or are you supposed to kick a guy in the back of the foot as hes going up to dunk. But that's just me.
[quote name='Prepster']
Anyways, tonights game should be a fun one to watch. I really hope its a Detroit/Indiana brawl all over again.[/quote]

So as I read your heading under your av I thought outside of Chicago so thats most likely east on Indiana. So you hoping for a Detroit/Indiana brawl was understandable, but then your sig says "Chi-town Forever".

Both cheeks can't be kissed at the same time(period)
[quote name='Prepster']Not sure how that was an ignorant comment since I was just stating exactly what I saw while at the game......[/quote]

Your ignorance is due to your failure to recognize the importance (to Detroiters) of the Red Wings game that was starting up as the Pistons were still down 20.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Last time I checked, your not supposed to knee someone in the groin, or are you supposed to kick a guy in the back of the foot as hes going up to dunk. But that's just me.[/quote]Of course you are not supposed to but it isn't a set rule that you will get suspended for doing those acts, unlike rushing onto the court during an altercation.
May 15, 2007

David Stern:

I write you today to inform you that Operation Save Spurs (OSS) is still hidden from the media's piercing cameras and stretching ears. Admittedly, Tony Parker's heatbutt to Steve Nash's nose could have been settled with less publicity, and I dare not shy away from the blame. However, I sincerely believe that Bruce Bowen's kick to Amare Stoudemire's Achilles tendon while he was airborne was properly handled; the cold shoulder, feign ignorance ruse works every time!

I had a hard time deciding how to deal with Bruce Bowen's knee to Steve Nash's groin. In fact, I was worried for a split second -- only a split second, mind you -- that OSS would be uncovered. I wanted to smack myself when I saw how obvious Bruce was being! Maybe we need to speak to his ninjitsu sensei and convince him to tell Bruce to be a bit more subtle when trying to inconspicuously land a few blows. I thought for sure the difficulty in covering for Bruce's flying kick to Wally Szczerbiak's face will surely match the difficulty that would ramify from Bruce's knee.

However, my subordinates who refereed Game 3, Eddie Rush, Greg Willard, and Tim Donaghy, did some fast, effectual thinking. How brilliant to only give Bruce a personal foul during the game! Of course, to appease the money orchard (I couldn't help it! I can't seriously call them "the fanbase," can I?), I had to upgrade the foul to Flagrant 1. I called him later to apologize, tell him it was to keep OSS covered. I was happy to hear that he understood!

Anyway, Eddie, Greg, and Tim's fast thinking should be rewarded. I say we take the $100,000 fine from Houston Rocket's ex-head coach Jeff Van Gundy and split it among them, maybe take them out for Indian food later. By the way, I still can't believe Van Gundy was on to us! He didn't look like a very astute man back then, and two years later, he doesn't look any better. How did he know that we don't officiate fairly? That $100,000 fine is still keeping him quiet, though! Ha!

Back to the subject of the matter. Game 4 was a disaster for OSS. Why did Tim Duncan step away from the bench during the second quarter? He knew that we'd end up nailing Stoudemire with a suspension before the game was over. He only ended up giving the media and money orchard another reason for suspicion. On the one hand, we were lucky to kill two birds with one stone and suspend Diaw in the process. On the other hand, we've got some peering eyes watching over us, noting that we did nothing about Duncan. Should we give Duncan $25,000 and subsequently "fine" him the same amount? That has worked for a while, now, and I suspect it will continue keeping the media off our backs.

But of course, nothing comes free, not even for the Spurs. Ideally, we would have suspended Beno Udrih for the rest of the series, but for some reason, Robert Horry was the one who checked Nash. Didn't Gregg Popovich know that Beno was vicious when it came to cheap shots? Beno would have drawn Nash's blood, there's no doubt in my mind!

Robert isn't nearly as much of an impact player as everyone thinks he is now, so I handed him a two game suspension (he didn't seem to mind during my phone call apology). Now, some of the money orchard is placated. They believe that without Robert, the Spurs lost they're ability to execute in the clutch. However, the wiser part of the orchard is far from placated.

Now, to the point of my overly verbose letter: What should I do about the wiser part? Ignore the suspicions? A national reprimand? A small fine?

Thanks for your time, David, and long live OSS!
Stu Jackson
NBA Senior Vice-President of Basketball Operations

P.S. I still break out into gleeful giggles when I see my subordinates corroborate with every single one of Manu Ginobili's flops. Manu's flops are so obvious, but they intrepidly give him the call! Take that, Spurs opposition!
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Your ignorance is due to your failure to recognize the importance (to Detroiters) of the Red Wings game that was starting up as the Pistons were still down 20.[/quote]

And they blew out anaheim 0-5 >.>''
[quote name='Inf^Shini']And they blew out anaheim 0-5 >.>''[/quote]

Which was sweet. The benefit of having two really good teams in town in the play-offs is when one loses, the other can come up with a big win to raise your sports spirits. The bad part is when both lose... The great part could be both winning a title this year though, that'd be fun. Michigan could use a little something like that to pick up everyone's spirits. I'll be happy with just one local champion and a nice parade though.
I don't mean to be rude, but some of you need to take off the glasses, set aside the Kool-aid and approach the series more objectively. I'm tired of reading through all the mindless drivel. I don't understand how anyone can argue against STAT and Diaw being told to sit a game- they stepped away from the immediate vicinity of the bench during the altercation between Horry and Bell (I actually thought Diaw could deserve a pass). Maybe it's not fair, but it's the rule. Therefore, it's an automatic suspension of at least one game.

Duncan did not step off the bench during an altercation, therefore he is not up for suspension. There, that's the Stoudamire/ Diaw situation.

Horry was suspended 2 games, that's actually more than I thought he would get.

As far as Bowen being not suspended, that's a judgment call. I personally think Bowen kicked STAT on purpose. I also think he kneed Nash on purpose. However, these occurred during moves common to the game, and intent is up to judgment. Maybe the NBA didn't think they were intentional. Maybe they're like me and thought they were intentional but did not deserve a suspension. The point is, the suspension wasn't automatic like in the Horry situation.

Mainly I just want to say please set aside some of the homerism- it really brings the overall discussion down. I also hope the conspiracy theory post (which I read all of 2 sentences of) was a joke b/c this pops up every single year.

Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to try to bring the discussion back on track.
[quote name='primetime']I don't mean to be rude, but some of you need to take off the glasses, set aside the Kool-aid and approach the series more objectively. I'm tired of reading through all the mindless drivel. I don't understand how anyone can argue against STAT and Diaw being told to sit a game- they stepped away from the immediate vicinity of the bench during the altercation between Horry and Bell (I actually thought Diaw could deserve a pass). Maybe it's not fair, but it's the rule. Therefore, it's an automatic suspension of at least one game.

Duncan did not step off the bench during an altercation, therefore he is not up for suspension. There, that's the Stoudamire/ Diaw situation.

Horry was suspended 2 games, that's actually more than I thought he would get.

As far as Bowen being not suspended, that's a judgment call. I personally think Bowen kicked STAT on purpose. I also think he kneed Nash on purpose. However, these occurred during moves common to the game, and intent is up to judgment. Maybe the NBA didn't think they were intentional. Maybe they're like me and thought they were intentional but did not deserve a suspension. The point is, the suspension wasn't automatic like in the Horry situation.

Mainly I just want to say please set aside some of the homerism- it really brings the overall discussion down. I also hope the conspiracy theory post (which I read all of 2 sentences of) was a joke b/c this pops up every single year.

Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to try to bring the discussion back on track.[/quote]

So, someone who has a different opinion than you is drinking the kool aid? Hehe, thanks O'reilly! I'm not a Suns fan. I just think that objective thinking should come into play here. When Stu Jackson says that the decision wasn't about 'fairness' it was about 'correctness' ... shit that just makes me sick.

If the Suns are down by 15 or more late in the 4th, I really hope Rajah Bell kills somebody. A nice closeline maybe.
bread's done