Official NHL 11 CAG Team - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Nights Tue @ 10e / Fri @ 8e

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[quote name='n8rockerasu']Here's the faceoff goal we scored a few nights ago in OT. Rob had a similar one last night where they tried calling the puck out and the goalie threw it in his own net. But at least this one wasn't due to their own stupidity, haha.[/QUOTE]

Nice. We had a similar one a few months ago, where Sean, I think, put home the rebound.
[quote name='Magicking610']I'm not expecting anything since we've been playing every night since Tuesday, but I'll be on if anyone wants to play.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my wife will kill me if I play five nights in a row. Plus, I know Rob usually plays on Sundays. So, no offense, Magicking, but I'd rather save myself for him. Oh yeah, saving myself for the big R-O-B. ;)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, my wife will kill me if I play five nights in a row. Plus, I know Rob usually plays on Sundays. So, no offense, Magicking, but I'd rather save myself for him. Oh yeah, saving myself for the big R-O-B. ;)[/QUOTE]

I was ready to play if people were also but I was able to come within 3 rounds of finishing the whole first year of Tiger in less than 2 months, haha. ripped through it.
I don't think too many people will go for it, seeing as the team has played on 5 of the last 6 nights. I'm willing to play, but I don't want to run 2s.
Anyone going to be on early tonight? If it's possible, I want to go into practice for a little bit so that I don't feel as unorganized as last night.
[quote name='Magicking610']Anyone going to be on early tonight? If it's possible, I want to go into practice for a little bit so that I don't feel as unorganized as last night.[/QUOTE]

Magic, the way you played last night had nothing to do with the rest of the team or being "unorganized". Your recognition was terrible. A lot of the time, you held onto the puck too long and got crushed or you forced a pass toward center ice when 2-3 defenders were inbetween. When you play decent teams, they're going to do that to you. As I've said to others, we can't just go around looking for the worst teams to play all night. You have to learn how to handle the good teams. If you're at all predictable, they're going to pick up on it.

One of the big things you kept doing (which Alan pointed out) was carrying the puck into the zone and then stopping almost immediately after the blue line. The IDEA of this play isn't bad because many teams will expect you to keep charging ahead to look for the cross crease. But when you pull up that early, it bunches everybody up at the blue line because your other two forwards are just making it into the zone behind you and your defensemen are out of the play completely.

On that play, you've either got to drive into the zone further or just dump the puck. Alan suggested even drop passing it and continuing forward (as though you still have the puck) to see if the defenders will follow you. Just ANYTHING other than a predictable forced centering pass or allowing them to destroy you and take the puck away (see also: turnover).

Also, your passing in general was AWFUL last night. I know you're aware of this as you even pointed out that your "passing detection" was off. You've just got to aim better...simple as that. It's not like we were running specific plays where you didn't know where we were going to be. There were times when you wanted to pass to someone to the right of you and the pass went backward. That's just paying attention and knowing what you're doing.

Making bad passes hurts your teammates because it takes away our scoring chances. When that kind of stuff happens, it feels like we need three possessions to get a good scoring chance while our opponent only needs one. This is part of the reason the "old CAG team" used to lose a lot of games. The more mistakes we make, the greater our chance of losing is (kinda common sense).

Everyone has bad days. That's no big deal. But you can't keep making the same mistakes game after game. Everybody has to recognize the things they do that don't work and try to fix them. Otherwise, people aren't going to want to play with you. That's basically the situation for everybody on the team.

I'll be on tonight (probably not early though) because I'm going out of town this weekend and will be gone all of next week. So, I'll be up for playing if people want to.
I never said that the way I played had anything to do with the team, it just seemed like nothing was going right for me last night. The only reason why I wanted to go into practice was to have a way other than playing against elite teams to work on entering the zone with the puck for me. I don't know if the only thing I was doing wrong last night was the passing and entering the zone, but it just seemed like no matter where I was, I ended up getting hit within 3 seconds of getting the puck.

Hopefully I'll be better tonight. Can someone remind me the button combo for drop passes though?
[quote name='Magicking610']I never said that the way I played had anything to do with the team, it just seemed like nothing was going right for me last night. The only reason why I wanted to go into practice was to have a way other than playing against elite teams to work on entering the zone with the puck for me. I don't know if the only thing I was doing wrong last night was the passing and entering the zone, but it just seemed like no matter where I was, I ended up getting hit within 3 seconds of getting the puck.

Hopefully I'll be better tonight. Can someone remind me the button combo for drop passes though?[/QUOTE]

Let go of everything (including left stick) and press RB.
Hey guys, been feeling pretty ambivalent over the last couple weeks about NHL (it's always harder for me to enjoy it out-of-season) but you can count me in for tomorrow night.
I'm still alive if anybody cared, I had my last league game last Thursday night and I was just beat. Ended my league with 2 goals, 1 assist and 2 Penalty Minutes. I should be back home next Sunday, but then I have to head over to Orlando to get my custom X60's. So hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be back in full swing with some butt rockets!
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I'm still alive if anybody cared, I had my last league game last Thursday night and I was just beat. Ended my league with 2 goals, 1 assist and 2 Penalty Minutes. I should be back home next Sunday, but then I have to head over to Orlando to get my custom X60's. So hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be back in full swing with some butt rockets![/QUOTE]

Yeah, we remembered you were on vacation. I'm actually out of town until Friday, but it will be good to have everybody back together after that. We really could have used you the past couple nights as teams were raping our AI whenever they felt like it. Just finding a team that would play fair was a challenge.
Whew...finally home and ready to play some hockey tonight. I'm up for starting at 8 PM EST if anybody else can play then. It's nice to have real internet again. :)
I was looking forward to playing and then went to the Red Sox game last minute. The heat was insane, not so much when the sun went down, but every bar in Boston saved one seemed like it had no AC.
[quote name='moojuice']awesomeness[/QUOTE]

I've scored a lot of stupid goals, but this is probably the stupidest, haha. I was pretty out of it by this point (not sure what was wearing on me worse, having been awake for 20 straight hours or listening to Magic/Ltor talk about sweaty balls and "moves" all night).

Thank you for recording that though, Alan. That shot will never get old.

EDIT - Also, the slide in at the end is pretty damn funny. :)
Awesome goal. Back from Orlando and I'll have pictures up later of my awesomeness. Also, I want to play but my live ran out yesterday. Can't update till Thursday when I can get a live card, anybody got a spare month they can spare?
Well, I'm out of town again. Last weeks trip turned up some job opportunities for my wife. Depending on how things go we could be moving in a hurry. if that happens, most likely I won't be around for the playoffs. It would be great though cause this is where we want to be and would be our last big move. Hoping for good things. In this economy, you can't take anything for granted.
Good Luck Nate hope all works out!

Also, thanks for ditching me Rob! But seriously I hope your wife also got the job! Good to see everybody is doing good at least! If you do just message me on live. I should be on catching up on games since I played when I was at my sisters house only.
[quote name='moojuice']Best of luck Nate!

Gary, I don't have month codes, but I do have a 48 Hr trial

Might be on for hickey later[/QUOTE]

That's Gary's department.
Thanks for the positive thoughts, guys. My wife got the job, so now we just have to find a place to live, and then the mad dash of packing/moving will begin. The next couple weeks will probably be pure chaos. At least I'll be good and settled in by the time NHL 12 hits.
Love watching that goal. Grats on the job. Good luck on the move. Speaking of NHL 12 hitting...

Pre-order NHL 12 now get $20 Amazon Credit - Link
[quote name='jza1218']Where are you moving, if you don't mind my asking?[/QUOTE]

I've always been curious as to what kind of work you do too, Nate... too much information?

That's pretty awesome. I know my wife finally getting a job was a huge weight lifted, and I've had a good amount of free time now so it's nice.


As for NHL 12. the 20$ credit is too good to pass on for me I think, I buy a ton of stuff from Amazon now that best buy official sucks worse than ever.
Thanks guys! We're moving to Nashville. I've been a musician my entire life but went to college because it was the "smart" thing to do. My wife was still in school when I graduated, so I started my own videography business and did a few corporate projects (which I hated). But other than that it was mostly weddings (which I grew to hate).

Once the economy tanked I decided to just go with what makes me happy. Being in a bigger city always made sense for us anyway, and even with my degree there wasn't a lot of opportunities where we were. Hence the move to Nashville. As long as I can do something musically it will be worth it.

Now, that's enough about me. How did the hickeys go last night?

EDIT - oh, and also I kill people. Just kidding...or am I???
Well you missed it, we completely wrecked a team that was 24-1 with a human goalie That had an average goals for of about 5, and Goals against of 2. We jumped out to an early 3-0 and won 4-2. The best was that I got a message after the 2nd period (when we were leading 4-1) from the opposing center that said "Nice record scrubs."
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