Official NHL 11 CAG Team - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Nights Tue @ 10e / Fri @ 8e

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It's hard to really take much away from these at all as they have stated many times the sliders are going to be heavily changed from now to release. Hopefully they don't listen to the whiners this time around.

look at the differences from when 11 launched and the changes they made just from the tuner sets.
So, who all is playing tonight and when? I can get on now if anyone's around. We had a pretty good run last night, going 6-1 (counting the game we got screwed out of). I think we were ranked like 820 in Elite when we stopped.
[quote name='moojuice']Has the FB page gotten any response?[/QUOTE]

It's gotten four likes so far (two are from Brandon and Rob), but no comments. The video got two comments on Youtube though. I'm still waiting on EA to make their statement, haha.
[quote name='moojuice']I kinda have to disagree here Matt. Although I will admit that yes, we do kind of have a "core" group of guys, we by no means purposely leave out any roster player. For example, Destro pretty much plays with us at least once every two weeks when he isn't playing some Pop Cap game[/QUOTE]

Am I getting a Pop Cap rap? haha

I've actually been playing Tiger a lot. It looks like my wife is going back into the restaurant business, I should be back to being able to play most Friday nights within a month or so and definitely when NHL 12 drops.
Wow, I haven't been able to play more than one case per sitting since Vice, so kudos to you for finishing it in a marathon. I'm on
and DLC cases, so the end is near.
It was hard trying to do that Alan. I honestly couldn't get into it so it was really mediocre for me. Like you said how ever, it is hard to just play more than two cases but that's your and my opinion honestly.
The AI improvements sound great, even though I feel like I've heard some of them before...

  • New CPU shot-decision logic -- they shoot more and are more aggressive
  • New skate with intent animation and logic -- better planning by the AI
  • CPU will aim for goalie's pads to create rebounds when no other scoring chance is available
  • CPU puck carriers will skate more aggressively towards open space
  • New "stay onside" logic
  • Improved in-zone set up logic.
saw you guys last night at about 12.. put my NHL in and you guys entered 1st period, don't know if you had 5... tried to meet up!

BTW worst Game 7 ever.
[quote name='DestroVega']saw you guys last night at about 12.. put my NHL in and you guys entered 1st period, don't know if you had 5... tried to meet up!

BTW worst Game 7 ever.[/QUOTE]

Like we tell everybody, the party is always open (and even if for some weird reason it wasn't, message one of us). If you have any intention of playing with the team, join the party and let us know so we can wait for you. We had a LW spot open all night. It's kinda hard to notice every time someone from the team signs on, or if it's even them, or if they'll want to play NHL 11. Just jump into the party. This pretty much goes for everyone.
Just saying, I thoroughly enjoyed LA Noire. :p

This Friday I probably won't be there, guys. It's possible I will, but it's shaping up to be a busy day. If not, kick some ass for me.
Took a couple losses early on, but rattled off four straight wins (with a little help) to finish the night with a 5-2 record. That put our record for the month at 39-17-5 and 640th in the Elite division. Obviously, we don't want to finish Elite though, so we've got some fun screw around games coming up next week.

Also, Brandon that clip is hilarious. I love how committed he is to the joke. That lady's just like "WTF???"
Yeah, I saved a few videos from last night too. We'll start with a good one. In our first game of the night, Brandon and I trailed 2-0 late in the 2nd period when one of our AI took a penalty. We responded with 2 shorthanded goals, followed by 4 more goals, finishing a 6-2 win with this hit.

Next is my angle of the video Alan posted. I tried to show that nobody called for the pass. Simply AI being AI.

And finally, AI getting raped in OT. Notice how he screws up both offensively and defensively in the span of two seconds.
Unfortunately the most non-nauseating view I could get was the overhead cam. Classic, the camera I usually use, nearly made me throw up (I'm not even kidding, it was that disorienting) when I first tried flipping it. It really gives a good look at how we play compared to others, though that team was an amateur, which is why I am hoping to get footage against an elite team and a full team.
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Nice! Steven Stamkos is the cover boy!

I think Tampa Might be becoming my favorite team over the Penguins honestly. I loved the Pens with Jagr and Lemieux but Tampa has a soft spot in my heart now!
Nice! Steven Stamkos is the cover boy!

I think Tampa Might be becoming my favorite team over the Penguins honestly. I loved the Pens with Jagr and Lemieux but Tampa has a soft spot in my heart now!
Anybody feel like playing tonight? I'm just a few games away from my next card, I'd like to have that stat boost before the playoffs.
Anyone going to be on tonight? I should be on around 8, but I'm a little worried about my connection.

Also, I guess I should fill this out again:
#28 | Magicking610 | Magicking610 | John Winchester | Left Wing/Goalie/Left Defenseman
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