Official NHL 11 CAG Team - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Nights Tue @ 10e / Fri @ 8e

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*awkwardly shuffling into the back of the room, hoping to appear to have been present the entire time*

Oh hey, guys! Just another normal day of me being here. Yep. Nothing unexpected to be seen at all, no way. I didn't just now get NHL 11 or anything. *cough*

But seriously, how's it going with you all?
To go along with that, here's a touching moment Rob and I shared last night.
Ha! I should have stayed home last night instead of going to my game since we lost 6 to 2. I got so pist off I broke my stick slamming it into the glass. Should have stayed home and played this and argued with rob about Wolverine. :D
Hmm, I thought I posted a week ago. I might not of, I dunno. I sent Nate a message yesterday saying that I should be back online by the end of the month. From what I've seen though, I shouldn't even try to come back because it looks like you guys have an amazing lineup.
[quote name='Matt Young']I thought maybe he had been waptured, but I guess he stuck around to see the Canucks in the Cup Final. ;)[/QUOTE]
It doesn't help that I'm a Bruins fan too, I've been arguing with myself over who I want to win more.
How is what possible, being a fan of 2 teams or arguing with myself? I think "man, it would be nice to have this series go on for a while" but I also think "Canucks better take this series quick".
Both. I think people who like two teams in a sport aren't true fans of any team. It makes no sense, but you aren't the only person.

Second, you should know which you want to win even in this scenario.
Actually, it was poor wording on my part. I like the atmosphere in both arenas, and Tim Thomas is quite an awesome goalie, but I pull for the Canucks in the end. It's not like I'm going to be pissed off if Boston wins though. It's nothing like a series against, say, Chicago.
[quote name='Magicking610']Hmm, I thought I posted a week ago. I might not of, I dunno. I sent Nate a message yesterday saying that I should be back online by the end of the month. From what I've seen though, I shouldn't even try to come back because it looks like you guys have an amazing lineup.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I didn't know what to make of your message. As for you coming back, I've said many times, I'm not opposed to anybody playing on this team. But the truth is, it's on each individual person to prove that they're not completely worthless. The "main lineup" that we've established now is pretty much structured around defense. In a game where you can't count on the goalie to not give up stupid goals, we win games by not letting people just cruise into our zone and take easy shots. We also try to minimize turnovers and make crisp passes.

If any of that is something you can't do, you're going to be looked down on and have a hard time finding a place for yourself. I hope the fact that only a handful of people are left playing this game can show you that this isn't anything personal. It pretty much goes for everyone. You bring your A game, or you find yourself on the sideline. That's just the way it is.
I'm a little worried that I'm going to be rusty from not playing for 4 months. I'm not sure how to get back into playing, since playing a club game right away would be stupid and OTP isn't much better. Should I just try to make due with OTP, or is there a better way that I'm missing?
I've been playing OTP on occasion. I'd suggest that. For various reasons, it probably wouldn't be worth your time to try to participate regularly in club play with this team in NHL 11. That statement would apply to anyone; it has nothing to do with you as a person or a player.
Yeah but there is a difference between having two favorite teams, and rooting for a team when yours is out of it.

I always root for a certain team in every Super Bowl, but that's not like "Hey I'm a 49ers fan AND Packer fan, I don't know who to pull for?!"

Changes sound promising, hopefully it all gets tuned right.
[quote name='DarkTower80']Thanks for posting that Nate. Have to check out that live chat.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, let's give em hell! No retarded AI, haha.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I see EB has updated there site with a Bonus for pre ordering, ANOTHER Bauer boost pack.....yeah! (insert sarcasm here)[/QUOTE]

Haha, well, in NHL 10, it was the best bonus you could get. In NHL 11, it was worthless. Which way will EA go this year??? *dun dun dun*
Just submitted my first question. "Is there any kind of AI learning? If people keep trying the same thing over and over (ie. cherry picking) will they adjust or keep letting guys get behind them?"

We'll see if they allow the question (obviously, the chat is filtered)

Revealed Info

No goalie injuries. They recognize it as a potential exploit.
Goalies can fight other skaters...not just the other goalie.
In front of the net, left stick will engage with player, you can tie up sticks by holding the right stick out, smaller players can do have circle motions to spin and try to get open
AI is going to play with more "intent" in the neutral zone and offensive zone, setting up more deliberately and taking more shots
Producers are making it their mission to stop easy dekes on the goalie (allegedly, it's "impressive" how the goalies handle it so far)
Defensive AI is being "worked on"
Same camera angles as last year for goalies (no mention if goalies will be transparent)
Probably no goalie fights in OTP...again recognizing that people would abuse it

I also tried asking: "Can you save different builds of your skater to use online (ie. Playmaker, Defensive D-Man, etc) instead of having to redo your stats every time?". No answer yet. Though "who's on the cover?" has been asked and refused to answer twice.
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Yeah, I put a question in about EASHL AI being improved.

Also added a question about the ridiculous hitting after the whistle getting called.

Asked your build question too Nate. Hopefully they will answer if it gets asked enough.
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I asked if the AI will start stepping up. I just picked up NHL 2K 10, and was surprised to see an AI defenseman step and take a player out on the offensive zone.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Big announcement is probably KHL or something.[/QUOTE]

He did say they had something exciting to announce for EASHL I believe.
[quote name='jza1218']He did say they had something exciting to announce for EASHL I believe.[/QUOTE]

Oh, was it for EASHL specifically? I just kept hearing "big announcement". Maybe it's line changes then?

I like how at the end of the broadcast they couldn't find any good questions to answer. They were probably getting flooded with stupid crap, but it would have been nice if they could have looked at one of our questions.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Oh, was it for EASHL specifically? I just kept hearing "big announcement". Maybe it's line changes then?

I like how at the end of the broadcast they couldn't find any good questions to answer. They were probably getting flooded with stupid crap, but it would have been nice if they could have looked at one of our questions.[/QUOTE]

I asked about three different questions, ranging from AI defenseman to new moves for defenders (like bumping a player instead of checking him).
Wow, I really hope that in the Goalie Interactions video, he is playing on easy, because the A.I. does something absolutely retarded.

At 00:48, after he passes the puck to the point, pay attention to the guy on the other team who steps up to the point and what he does...and how far.

And for a nearly 3 minute video titled "See the All-new goalie interactions," I love how the only interaction we see is at the very end of the period in a goalie fight.

Edit: And in the third video "have you seen the new gameplay...", WTF is the goalie doing around 1:38. He also runs into his own goalie at 3:23, nothing happens.

Haven't watched the others yet, but man...
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I would like to further Matt's post and put it into song.[/QUOTE]

Haha... well, I wasn't going in that direction. I simply meant that it seems extremely unlikely to me that anyone who is currently on the team would have an opportunity to take a spot, much less someone who hasn't played the game for 4 months. As far as the "few people playing/bring your A game or sit on the sidelines", while that is indeed your philosophy, a big reason several people haven't been playing often is due to the fact that such opportunities aren't given out anymore and the one person who decided to make all the decisions has been stubbornly set in his ways for months.
[quote name='moojuice']Wow, I really hope that in the Goalie Interactions video, he is playing on easy, because the A.I. does something absolutely retarded.

At 00:48, after he passes the puck to the point, pay attention to the guy on the other team who steps up to the point and what he does...and how far.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I see what you're talking about. My guess is the defender that board plays is actually a forward, and the other one who comes into the play late and skates by the pass all the way into the corner is a d-man getting "back into position". After the other guys gets off the boards, he goes back to the point. Obviously, they should have stayed switched there, but that's at least my explanation. That's pretty much the type of intelligence (or lack thereof) we've been talking about though.

[quote name='moojuice']Edit: And in the third video "have you seen the new gameplay...", WTF is the goalie doing around 1:38. He also runs into his own goalie at 3:23, nothing happens.

Haven't watched the others yet, but man...[/QUOTE]

At 1:38, you mean the way he plays the shot or the way he tosses the puck back out? It looks a little spastic, but at least he didn't miss the shot or throw the puck to a player on the other that's an improvement, haha.

At 3:23, I don't know, maybe he wasn't skating hard enough? Or maybe you can't knock your own goalie down (kinda like how you couldn't poke at him in NHL 11). I really question how easy it will be to knock the goalie over or to knock a guy over the boards. In that "All New Board Play Footage" video, it doesn't look like he has that much momentum when he hits the guy. Then he kinda just turns and goes over the boards. Hopefully they'll tune that down a bit because that looks too easy.
[quote name='Matt Young']...a big reason several people haven't been playing often is due to the fact that such opportunities aren't given out anymore...[/QUOTE]

I kinda have to disagree here Matt. Although I will admit that yes, we do kind of have a "core" group of guys, we by no means purposely leave out any roster player. For example, Destro pretty much plays with us at least once every two weeks when he isn't playing some Pop Cap game, Ltor has played quite a bit, and even Kaster, who just recently got the game, has played with us and held his own (I think in his first game he got a goal and an assist even). If people show up and are in the lobby, we will try to get them into the game if there's room, or even try to split the group if necessary. In your case Matt, we don't even know if you're online, or if you'll be playing something else when you are.

When we get hockey games going, we don't really even send out invites once we get started; we leave the party open, and whoever want's to play, joins. Usually two or three people are online, send each other a message if they want to play, and if they do, they start a party and play. If someone else hops on, they just join the party without even needing an invite. The only time we really send out an invite is if someone is sitting in the locker room after a game.

In other words, if you want to play, just join the party, we leave it open for a reason.
[quote name='Matt Young']Haha... well, I wasn't going in that direction. I simply meant that it seems extremely unlikely to me that anyone who is currently on the team would have an opportunity to take a spot, much less someone who hasn't played the game for 4 months. As far as the "few people playing/bring your A game or sit on the sidelines", while that is indeed your philosophy, a big reason several people haven't been playing often is due to the fact that such opportunities aren't given out anymore and the one person who decided to make all the decisions has been stubbornly set in his ways for months.[/QUOTE]

Nine different people participated in games in April and eight participated in May. I think seven have already participated in June. None of them were you. It's very rare now that we have five people on at the same time. There's pretty much always room for others to join us. Whether or not their one position is available may be an issue, but we haven't turned anybody away in a long time, and most of us have rotated positions fairly often (Gary even played wing recently).

Kaster just picked up the game last week and jumped right in with us no problem. As I've said many times, Matt, the only person preventing you from playing is you. Yes, when the team makes a bad play, we point out what went wrong and what we should have done. No one is excluded from that. If that lessens anyone's enjoyment of the game, too bad. It lessens our enjoyment of the game when people suck and we get our asses kicked all night. That probably sounds harsh, but it makes sense doesn't it?

The opportunity to play is always there. Your (not you, specifically...a general "your") play may not be as good as some people's, but that holds true in any game where people log significant hours. The overall goal is to improve, and that's what we've done. If you want to play, show up and play. It's that simple.
He said in the live session today that all that is turned way up to highlight it. Losing helmets and checking thru glass will be toned way down.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I see what you're talking about. My guess is the defender that board plays is actually a forward, and the other one who comes into the play late and skates by the pass all the way into the corner is a d-man getting "back into position". After the other guys gets off the boards, he goes back to the point. Obviously, they should have stayed switched there, but that's at least my explanation. That's pretty much the type of intelligence (or lack thereof) we've been talking about though.[/QUOTE]

It actually seems like worse A.I. than this years, since in 11, the only time they do something remotely close to that is on the PK.

At 1:38, you mean the way he plays the shot or the way he tosses the puck back out? It looks a little spastic, but at least he didn't miss the shot or throw the puck to a player on the other that's an improvement, haha.

At 3:23, I don't know, maybe he wasn't skating hard enough? Or maybe you can't knock your own goalie down (kinda like how you couldn't poke at him in NHL 11). I really question how easy it will be to knock the goalie over or to knock a guy over the boards. In that "All New Board Play Footage" video, it doesn't look like he has that much momentum when he hits the guy. Then he kinda just turns and goes over the boards. Hopefully they'll tune that down a bit because that looks too easy.
As far as the 1:38, its how close an opposing player is to the guy he tosses it out to. And it's a straight up toss from his glove. In 11, the only time the A.I Goalie played it out is if he stick handled the puck, unless my memory is hazy.

I'll keep an eye out when I watch the other videos for goalie contact, but the things you said might be true (cant interfere w/own goalie)
The one that really worries me is the goal scored about a minute in on the third video. The D looks like he's getting into position to take the pass away and proceeds to slide way too far forward and leaves the shot and the cross crease pass open.
[quote name='DarkTower80']The one that really worries me is the goal scored about a minute in on the third video. The D looks like he's getting into position to take the pass away and proceeds to slide way too far forward and leaves the shot and the cross crease pass open.[/QUOTE]

For that one, it's hard to tell if it's an A.I. or the guy playing though since it was Washington who scored. There is another play where he made a pretty stupid dive as a defense man too, which makes me think he might have made the mistake you're talking about.

I do realize he's talking, and half the time both his hands aren't even on the controller, so it's hard to criticize his play too much.
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