Official NHL 11 CAG Team - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Nights Tue @ 10e / Fri @ 8e

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[quote name='n8rockerasu']Oh, also, not sure if Ltor has checked in here since last night. But I took you off the team just as a joke, man. I mean, make no mistake about it, you absolutely suck at goalie and didn't even seem to care to try, but we're not COMPLETE douchebags. I will say though, while we have no problem with new people wanting to learn/try out goalie, we don't want the games to be a waste of time either. If we were boosting somebody to get their Legend card, yeah, sure, do whatever. But for regular private games we generally try to play well and keep each other sharp. Otherwise, what's the point of playing?[/QUOTE]

Just quoting this for Ltor's benefit. I posted this on 3/5, right after I removed you from the team. We kinda thought you'd see it and respond. When you didn't, we figured you either didn't care or didn't want to play anymore. Does "Spider Style" ring any bells? Honestly, most everybody was shocked when you popped into our party almost two months later.
We managed to hold on for the win, but we did play very, very badly at times. I'm going to work on another breakdown video throughout this upcoming week; my goal is to have it up by Wednesday.

I might be on later tonight Rob.
[quote name='moojuice']We managed to hold on for the win, but we did play very, very badly at times. I'm going to work on another breakdown video throughout this upcoming week; my goal is to have it up by Wednesday.

I might be on later tonight Rob.[/QUOTE]

Looking forward to it. I don't know if you have a system set up for finding specific plays (I can't imagine reviewing the entire game), but at worst, you could probably do goals we gave up and what we should have done differently (aside from fluke goals of course). Unless you jotted down period/times while we were playing or something. It would just suck to have to go through the entire game looking for us to screw up, haha.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Looking forward to it. I don't know if you have a system set up for finding specific plays (I can't imagine reviewing the entire game), but at worst, you could probably do goals we gave up and what we should have done differently (aside from fluke goals of course). Unless you jotted down period/times while we were playing or something. It would just suck to have to go through the entire game looking for us to screw up, haha.[/QUOTE]
Lets just say it's going to suck. Hard.

(I segment everything by period, but I forget to write down timestamps. When I'm tired though, I let the recording run between periods and segment by game)
Pretty good night of hockey last night. CAG team starts out the month of May 7-2-1, already up to 455 in the Elite division. Hoping we can finish in Pro this month and go after that banner.

Here's another great Borat classic we re-discovered last night. The whole thing is pretty funny, but 4:24 is where the magic starts. :)
[quote name='DestroVega']Sorry I bounced out after my one game, really wanted to see the Bin Laden stuff.

Nice work though![/QUOTE]

The most impressive thing about that record is that we actually went 6-1-1 with a combination of 7 different guys playing last night. You, Me, Brandon, Rob, Alan, Gary, and adawg all got in on games. And the last couple games were against Elite teams, one who was 100+ games over .500 and another that was 20-6-0. I think we played better last night than when we won our banner.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The most impressive thing about that record is that we actually went 6-1-1 with a combination of 7 different guys playing last night. You, Me, Brandon, Rob, Alan, Gary, and adawg all got in on games. And the last couple games were against Elite teams, one who was 100+ games over .500 and another that was 20-6-0. I think we played better last night than when we won our banner.[/QUOTE]

We also gave a team that was 10-0 their first loss. Or was that the team that was 100+ over .500?
Yeah, I thought I played much more fluidly offensively last night, although I did like my G/T ratio last month in the 9 games I played. Being able to play so well with a big rotation of guys is very good, that's really the way it should be so that's very promising.
Yowza... I know I had a much busier schedule this past month than I had in a long time. I didn't have anywhere near as much free time and when I did, I sometimes chose to do other things. But no club games for the whole month? I didn't realize that. At least I got to play some drop-ins and try a few different positions.
[quote name='Matt Young']Yowza... I know I had a much busier schedule this past month than I had in a long time. I didn't have anywhere near as much free time and when I did, I sometimes chose to do other things. But no club games for the whole month? I didn't realize that. At least I got to play some drop-ins and try a few different positions.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I actually double checked to make sure that was right. When I did the stats for FO%, OFF, G/T you had some numbers (from like 3 games played, I think) but on the club website, your totals were the same as last month. I figured you must have done a few drop ins.

What's been keeping you busy?
Pretty sure it was indeed 3 games. Watching playoff hockey got me in the mood to play some after losing a lot of interest after the recent stuff in the team thread, but those 3 OT losses to San Jose kind of killed my "Rar hockey/gonna play NHL 11 after this game's over!" vibe.

As far as what's been keeping me busy, the first part of the month it was attending hockey games, and I've also been spending time with a friend of mine who is a Marine and is once again getting deployed- this time to Afghanistan- coming up in a week. On top of that, his wedding was 2 weeks ago. Then just random social gatherings/barbecue type things since the weather's been warm. Even while I have been at home, I've been watching NBA and NHL playoff games and White Sox baseball. When I've turned on the Xbox, it's mostly been after midnight Pacific time and usually for an arcade game, quick sports game, or Netflix.
Great job with the video, Alan! I watched it as I ate my breakfast this morning. I think being able to see the difference when we do things right and when we do things wrong should really help. And I agree with Rob, everyone should watch this video, whether you were involved in the games or not. There's things in it that we all need to work on.

That last play in particular I actually remembered. Sometimes it seems like Gary passes on a shot or holds the puck a bit too long before shooting. I just want to tell him, when we move the puck around like that, it's basically FOR you. It's really no different from you and Alan running "the play". Their defense was overcommitting so bad, once we got the puck around to the other side, it was all you. Just know that we want you to take that shot. You probably would want to fire it as quickly as possible before they have a chance to recover, but whether it goes in or not, it's a great scoring chance.
Thanks for the comments guys. Also, if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

As I said at the end of the vid, I'm going to make a more offensive minded video for the next installment. I'll be using new material just because I really don't feel like rewatching everything yet again.
[quote name='moojuice']Thanks for the comments guys. Also, if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

As I said at the end of the vid, I'm going to make a more offensive minded video for the next installment. I'll be using new material just because I really don't feel like rewatching everything yet again.[/QUOTE]

Well I plan on being on tomorrow night for some hockey, so hopefully we can get it rolling. I'm ready for my closeup!
So, what time are people able to play tonight? Since I'm done with my skating class I can play later again. Is anyone going to be around for 8 PM EDT, or are we shooting for later?
Good play to highlight, Alan. That pretty much happened because I went hard for the turnover, and got bit in the ass for it. When the puck squirted out toward the blue line, I thought at the least we could get it out of the zone. Not a great gamble to make on a PK, for sure. But with all the penalties we had in that game and it being the 2nd OT, I think I was just trying too hard to make something happen. That one was my fault.
Even though that chain started with you, it's not 100% your fault. It also helps to show that this is a team effort. As I mentioned, destro probably could have picked up the loose puck to begin with, our D was playing way too soft and weren't really covering anyone until it was too late, and I took the penalty that got us in that situation to being with.

If destro picked up the puck, we would have avoided that situation; if you covered the guy on the left, we could have avoided that situation; if I didn't take the penalty, we could have avoided that situation; if one of the d stepped up to cover Nate's point we could have avoided that situation; if the d didn't play so deep one of them could stepped up for the hit quicker and we could have avoided that situation.

In other words, in order to play successfully, we all have to see more that what's just infront of our skaters.

Sure, as a dman, if the puck is all the way at the point, we don't immediately have anything to do with the play, but we still need to position ourselves accordingly, and on the flip side, if the puck is in the slot and you're a forward, you still need to position yourself in a traffic lane rather than stand in a random area on the point.
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yeah, I actually thought I made the worst play on there, and I knew this was gonna be the play you had video off haha.

the pass came to my guy and if you see my delay, I definitely was a second or two slow to react. I actually was shocked one of my two pokes didn't knock the puck loose.

From there, I get sort of picked by Nate for a second, and then I try to chase him (which I know isn't what we do on PK, but considering the play breakdown, I thought I should try to get back to him)

But yeah, I was slow to react to that pass, I definitely thought it was my fault that goal was scored.
Anyone up for hockey tonight? I'm in a celebrating mood. For some unknown reason, these randomly showed up at my local Wal-Mart again.

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