Official NHL 11 CAG Team - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Nights Tue @ 10e / Fri @ 8e

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It went pretty well until we dropped down to 3 guys. Alan and Ltor left and then Brandon, Gary, and I got destroyed in 3 straight games. We just haven't been playing well enough lately to go with only one human defenseman. Other teams just exploit the AI and then capitalize on our mistakes when we don't cover properly. If we're going to play with AI players, we've gotta be basically perfect because any mistake we make gets magnified by about 1000.

Speaking of mistakes, here's a video from a few nights ago that I keep forgetting to post. Alan, can you break this one down for us? :)
Well, I can't see if Rob is in the play, but if he was, more than likely he was the one that got the puck behind the net, but he wanted a goal, so he used it dirty goal stealing powers to move the puck and goalie after the pass to get the puck into the goal.

If he wasn't in the game, well, we know the gamertag of the guy who scored probably...
Anyone playing hockey tonight? I can get on in the next 15-20 minutes if anyone wants to play early. Otherwise, I'm cool with waiting til 10 PM EDT.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I should be able to be on in the next 15-20 minutes to play.[/QUOTE]

Cool, shoot me a message and I'll switch games.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Why do I have a feeling EA is going to overdo it with the goalies this year?[/QUOTE]

Well, that article pretty much confirms goalie interference penalties (thank God) and goalie fights (yay...I guess...). Also, it looks like we're getting broken glass and checking players over the boards. Those are all good things. But I just hope they focus on real gameplay improvements and not just a bunch of "cute" superficial changes.
I am definitely interested in how they handle jostling in front of the net, as I am really tired of wondering if I'm going to draw a penalty any time I try to clear out the front with checks. Otherwise, on paper, these changes sound really good, though the glass breaking looks very bad graphically.
Well, it sounds good so far. I'm a little worried about the little things that, knowing EA, will make the games long and annoying, such as having the one idiot on the other team who makes it his goal to knock the net over, or having every hit around the bench send you over the boards. Maybe I'm obsessing over those, but other than that, I can't wait to see what else they tell us. BAP is also getting improved for once as well.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I'll be on tonight. Also, some new stuff! :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can play tonight. The playoffs have started now, so I don't know when all five of us will be available to make a run, but the sooner the better. I question how many Amateur teams are even left, haha.

Also, as far as the NHL 12 improvements, if EA is going to make all these adjustments to the physics and give players new ways to screen/body the goalie, they need to make the goalies serious for once. There don't need to be ANY bullshit goals if there are this many legitimate ways to affect the goalie. 99% of the goals should come from poor defense IN FRONT of the goalie. Not from the goalie being an idiot.
I'll be on tonight. Should be around pretty early if anyone wants to get started earlier too.

Edit - After watching those videos all I can say is goalies better not get hurt or people are just going to crash the net to take out your starter.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I can play tonight. The playoffs have started now, so I don't know when all five of us will be available to make a run, but the sooner the better. I question how many Amateur teams are even left, haha.

Also, as far as the NHL 12 improvements, if EA is going to make all these adjustments to the physics and give players new ways to screen/body the goalie, they need to make the goalies serious for once. There don't need to be ANY bullshit goals if there are this many legitimate ways to affect the goalie. 99% of the goals should come from poor defense IN FRONT of the goalie. Not from the goalie being an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Earliest I can be on is Sunday.
Hmm I'm not too confident on the changes from NHL 11 to 12 but most likely will just continue to skip the one iteration, like I did with 09 to 11, and get NHL 13.
Good for Sunday as well. Going to hop on after the Tampa game. Also, I'd like to see little things in NHL 12, like different pants, laces, skates and colors. It just looks like everybody is the same on a team and nobody stands out and the only way you know the player is by the number honestly.
Good games tonight guys. Sucks that we get screwed out of defending our banner because EA screwed up the servers the other day.

For those not there, our division standing got reset so we didn't qualify for the playoffs. No word from EA on if they are going to do anything about it but it's doubtful.
Yeah, I don't know what it is, but it seems like the matchmaking always works better during the playoffs. We really didn't have to work hard at all to find amateur and pro teams to play, and managed to win 6 games in a row. Our only loss came in the first game when Gary tried playing goalie. It's too bad we got screwed out of a shot at a three-peat though.
[quote name='DarkTower80']Good games tonight guys. Sucks that we get screwed out of defending our banner because EA screwed up the servers the other day.

For those not there, our division standing got reset so we didn't qualify for the playoffs. No word from EA on if they are going to do anything about it but it's doubtful.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like it happened to everyone at least, so there's that.
[quote name='jza1218']Sounds like it happened to everyone at least, so there's that.[/QUOTE]

No, not everyone. Just teams that didn't play between when the server was reset and when the playoffs started (if I understood Brandon correctly). Every team we played last night had already been eliminated from the playoffs.
Apparently, EA's going to start discussing the goalie improvements for NHL 12 starting on June 1st in their blog. This will probably be one to keep an eye on.

What's funny is they posted that on Facebook right after I left them this comment:

I'm excited for all the new features in NHL 12, but please tell me you guys are ramping up the ability of the AI players. I feel like this year's game was severely dumbed down to appease lesser skilled gamers. I realize offline play has difficulty levels, but most people I know enjoy competing online (EASHL especially). I want NHL 12 to be built around defense, and not be an exercise in who can exploit the AI's poor play the most. Also, give the goalies a fighting chance next year. What's wrong with this picture?


Oh, I should add...yes, he scored on that play.
I encourage everyone to heckle EA for the betterment of NHL 12. :)
Despite EA cockblocking our 3rd straight banner, we didn't play terrible this month. There were some good nights and some bad ones, but we faced some pretty tough teams and finished over .500. Here's the stats from this past month.

May 2011 Stats
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