Official NHL Not 15 (14) Discussion/CAG Team Thread - Headsets On Pants Off! New Team!

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Oh my damn...


Soooo yeah, Project CARS is almost indistinguishable from real life at this point (if you have monster dual GPUs and a 4K monitor, I'm sure). For the people who don't think console games can look much better, it will be pretty incredible when they are able to reach this level. The world just doesn't know yet, haha.

Me: Hey, a thread for NHL 2015. I like and play NHL 15, let's see what's going on.....oh, we are talking about drawing guy's junk of course.
lmao, honestly, it's probably a pretty fair representation of our group. This thread is kind of just a hangout at this point. We've all been playing together since NHL 09 and enjoy similar interests. We always have room for new friends if you're a decent person. And if you're not...well, you just might have a rank in a GTA V clan named after you, haha. But we always have a good time...despite EA's best efforts.
And on that note, I'll be on for what I assume will be our last Payday night for the forseeable future (unless GTA V gets an 11th hour delay, haha) in about 5-10 minutes.
So, on a complete whim, I just decided to load up NHL 15 for the first time in months. I went into HUT and noticed that for some reason, I had one unopened gold premium pack. I open it up...and get a 92 OVR "Team of the Year" Vladimir Tarasenko...and it tells me the last one sold for 240,000 coins. Maybe I will finally be able to buy a Rinne and Weber and complete that Preds collection after all, haha.  :)

EDIT - true EA fashion, I'm already skeptical if it will even work. It appears that they updated HUT collections at some point, as they finally have Filip Forsberg in the Preds collection (he was still in the AHL collection in February or whenever the last time I checked was).

I'm guessing because of these changes, the collection numbers got all screwed up because when I was scrolling through the teams, it told me I had 28/33 for the Preds collection. But when I went into the collection, it said I had 29/33.

That's when I discovered they added Forsberg and Taylor Beck. So, I bought Forsberg in an auction, went back to the collection, and now it shows 29/33 outside, 30/33 inside...but when I scroll to the end of the collection to the "show more" option, there's no prompt to press the A button, and pressing it does nothing. EA Sports...

See, this is why we talk about drawing guy's junk.

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Well, I put the Tarasenko on a 3 hour auction with a starting bid of 160,000 (the amount I figure I need to get Rinne and Weber), and it just sold for 199,150 coins. Now to finish off this foul beast, haha.

And there we go. Rinne for $37,000 and Weber for $104,000. Little over 50k left. Not bad...especially since I didn't see this happening at all. Oh, and naturally...the 6 reward packs were filled with complete shit.

Highest player was 86 ovr James Wisniewski who I've owned like three separate times and costs like what 900 coins in the auction house? Kind of sad that the pack that contained a 2,000 coin bonus was a better pull, lol.

Oh, I also figured out what the weirdness with the collection was (I think). When you look at it from the team view, it justs lists players/jerseys/logo. But when you go into the collection, it actually includes the arena too. So, when I finished, the team view showed 33/33, but inside the collection showed 34/33. Makes sense.

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Do you (or anyone) need any contract or consumable cards? I have a few packs leftover from the HUT version, but my consumables and "excess" card capacity are at their limits too...i forget what that's called... Inbox maybe?
Ehh...I don't even know how much more I'll play. After completing the Preds collection, I feel like I can rest now, haha.

Also, in case anyone was wondering, according to PC Gamer, GTA V will unlock tonight at 7PM ET.

All right...Iet the chaos begin. Downloading 54mb patch and attempting to start the game. :)

Annnd it's getting to 50mb and timing out, lol. "Connection to download server lost".

Grab your popcorn.
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Got to 52mb this time then got an error message prompting me to start over. It's funny how companies are never prepared for this. They must be incredibly miserly with their servers.

Hey, 4th try is the charm! Installing update and attempting to sign in now.

Now a 354mb update after signing in. Started out at 2mb/s. Has slowed to 500kb/s. Estimating 10 min.
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The GTA launcher keeps crashing on me.  As soon as I start it just goes right back to the desktop.  One of these days Rockstar will learn how to have shit working on the launch day.

Yep, already tried that and verified files.  Apparently it is happening quite a bit tonight, some are getting error messages and others just aren't starting.

Weird. Did Steam pick up both updates? There was one for the launcher (which I assume just unlocked the game), and then a larger patch after signing in. Could be a hardware specific thing too...maybe something they missed in testing compatibilities.

I had to tweak my graphic settings a bunch because it first told me I didn't have enough video memory (2GB card), but then it reset it way too low. So, I messed around until I was just under the limit. Kinda nice that it lets you do that and keeps a running tally.

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And all of a sudden it works fine.
Maybe something was bugged from so many people doing it at the same time and needed a fresh restart. Or even something on Steam's end. Who knows. I played for about an hour and a half just to learn the map and the new controls a little bit. Considering this is my first time with GTA V at all...I know nothing, lol.

Assuming my daughter sleeps tonight, I can probably play online around 9:30 MDT if you guys want to mess around.

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A couple fun videos:

First, from Payday 2 on Saturday....that time when Alan's ECM disappeared. You can see, that's literally what happened, haha. Also, after Brandon left, Alan and I took one more shot at stealthing that bomb mission. We did it, but man was it close.


And secondly, once I learned that GTA V already has modded Rift support via VorpX, I had to get in on it. So, I stole a tiny car and parked it in an odd spot. And then went on a bus rampage. You know...just normal GTA stuff :lol:


Yeah, it's not bad. That VorpX program is actually very well made. It automatically attaches itself to most games (meaning you just need to have it running when you launch the game). And it has a really extensive menu with a virtual cinema mode, lots of settings tweaks, and even a controller emulator.

The only reason I held out buying it before was because I already invested in Tri-Def when the DK1 was out. But the Tri-Def makers basically decided that they weren't going to support the DK2, so it's been mostly useless since then. Meanwhile, VorpX has continued developing and is much more user friendly.

If you guys are in the xbox one preview program you should turn off auto updates.  Apparently something is wrong with the newest update and it is wiping hard drives.  A buddy of mine posted it on facebook and it is also on the xbox forums.

If you guys are in the xbox one preview program you should turn off auto updates. Apparently something is wrong with the newest update and it is wiping hard drives. A buddy of mine posted it on facebook and it is also on the xbox forums.
Wow...thanks for the heads up. I'm actually not in the preview program (never bothered with XB1), but that's crazy. Nothing like that old feeling of when your N64 or PS2 memory cards died and you lost years worth of game time. That used to depress me for like a week, lol.

Woohoo! VR Karts now on Steam Early Access. If this isn't one of the most popular games when the consumer headsets are released, I'll be shocked. It's so easy to just jump in and play.

Also, have we really not talked about that Lethal League game in here? I saw Markiplier's video of it today, and then I noticed that Alan has it on his wishlist. But somehow, I didn't know/had forgotten about it. It's like Smash Brothers and baseball combined. Kind of in a Speedrunners/Mount Your Friends vein. Seems hilarious. The last 3 minutes of this video are great.


Obviously, it's the type of game you wait for a sale on, but it could be very appealing when the summer sale rolls around.

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All right...against my better judgment, let's play NHL, lol. I've got the Preds game streaming on my PC, so I can at least keep an eye on that while we play. If either that game or NHL goes bad, I wouldn't mind jumping straight to GTA V and murdering people though, haha. :)

I vaguely remember bringing up Lethal League either in this thread, or during a hockey night. I think it was shortly after I first brought up Mount Your Friends

Is XBL acting weird for anybody else. At first I thought maybe it was because I was streaming the game at the same time. But now I stopped, and it's still super slow to connect.

It is acting abnormal though? Cause when I was signed in, I tried joining your party and it told me "cannot connect to party". My browsing and stuff appears to be fine it made me suspect something could be up with Microsoft.

For anybody who doesn't follow the NHL thread in off-topic, this is how Patrick Kane scored last night.


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