Official NHL Not 15 (14) Discussion/CAG Team Thread - Headsets On Pants Off! New Team!

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Wasn't the Kinect supposed to do something like that?
I don't really remember anything with the Kinect being able to discern your physiological state. Not sure how it would. I guess it can sense different thermal levels (sort of) it could maybe detect which parts of your body were the warmest. Although, using that method, it would probably just end up thinking that my balls were always distraught. :lol:

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lol...burn. In somewhat related news that many won't care about, WWE 2K15 is coming to PC (and I would imagine, Steam). This is the first time the WWE series has been on PC. I'm curious to see what mods people come up with for the game.

And in actual relevant news, Lethal League is on sale on Steam for the next 48 hours. $6.99 stand alone, $5.50 (each) for a two pack, and $5.00 (each) for the four pack.

This concludes the news. Go fuck yourself, San Diego. :)

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I'll host it if you guys want. I know there are a few guys in the Madden league who play games on Steam. And worst case scenario, I could probably post in the Steam Deals thread to unload the extra copy.

Money Sent.

And holy crap, Payday 2 Stealth totally happened in real life (watch the video too):


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"Man inside reading newspaper says he heard nothing. Blames cubicle."

Haha, that's awesome. It really calls my morals into question, but I kind of want to say good for I mean, they put so much thought and effort into it, recognizing a job well done only seems appropriate.

Also, Lethal League gifts have been sent. I spent way too much time trying to think of a funny message. But anyway, now we can try to kill each other with balls! :)

The custom radio station in GTA V is nice to have.  Not a huge fan of the built in radio tracks, a good song here and there but no one station to leave running.  It's cool that they set it up so you can just play tracks or have them add in the DJ banter and funny ads.

If you go to "self radio mode" in the options and pick radio it adds in the dj banter and ads. Random and sequential just play the music.

I am glad they made it so you could just use a shortcut to the music folder instead of having to add everything to the custom music folder. So much easier to do.
Ok, Alan. I will see your monkeys...and I raise you...whales. it's almost like GTA V is turning into Goat Simulator :lol:


Also...I can't believe it. All that hype for the new Silent Hill game...PT, the Norman Reedus trailer, and it ends up getting cancelled entirely.

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Why is your mom in GTA 5?

I kid, I kid. That Montage is hilarious though. Some weird physics, especially how it bounces in some clip. It's almost like puck-in-corner physics.

Considering how Silent Hills was announced, I wouldn't be surprised if the cancel rumours are a marketing tactic. Not trying to say it isn't being canceled, just that it's a possibility.
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I PM'd Alan about this since he was looking last weekend, but posting in here in case anybody else needs it. 12 month XBL subscription for under $34...even cheaper if you "like on Facebook".

I know a name like looks sketchy as hell...but I've seen a lot of posts for them in the deals forum on CAG, and I was notified of this deal through an IGN Deals email. You'd think if they weren't legit, IGN wouldn't be promoting them.

My subscription runs out in September, so I'll probably just jump on this now. Can't imagine a better price coming up in the next few months.

Cdkeys is legit. Its where I buy all my dogital codes from. Luckily my live is out in two years. I got in when Sears was clearancing out Year Codes at a Penny. Can't believe that was almost 8 years ago. Holy shiznit.
Ha, it was the best deal really. Plus,I just ordered the new WolfenstieN game off there for 18 and I got State of Decay for 24 on there. I love CDkeys website. Also got Assassin's Creed Blackflag for $3 and Assassin's Creed Unity for $8 off of there. I love that site. Just keeps making my backlog bigger.
Well, how quickly things change. Madden all of a sudden has a 3GB update and Tanabeo got stuck at work and won't be home for 45 minutes. So, we're just saying "screw it" for now. Brandon, if you want to a Bash Brothers game or two, I'll be on. If you're already doing something else, no worries. I'll just dick around in the meantime, haha.

EDIT - ...and now my 360 has a system update. What in the fuck nuggets is going on? "Hey, it's May 1st...let's use up all of Nate's shitty bandwidth!" lol. God damn, man...

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Yeah, it took me for freaking ever to sign in. And then when I tried sending Brandon a party invite, my system locked up. This is AFTER downloading the system update. This is like every Friday now. What in the hell is going on? It's like somebody figured out how to permanently fuck up Xbox Live and Microsoft has no clue how to stop it.

No one interested in Toybox Turbos then? Not like it's a massive difference between the individual buy and the 4 $0.59. It has Rift support, so I'm going to grab it anyway. Just thought I'd ask.
Played a bit of Toybox Turbos in the Rift just now, and it's actually pretty fun. I completed the first "world"...which is basically just the kitchen. But the VR was really great at making you feel like you were in the kitchen, standing above the cars as they race around cereal bowls and use plates as ramps to jump over the sink.

I hope the car selection opens up a bit as I move on to other areas, because right now, there are only 5 vehicles...and the buses don't seem like they serve any purpose. Seems like a neat game though...and it's always nice to have something that runs perfectly on the DK2.

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Hey, anyone have Battlefront II? Is it easy to try and play online?
I got it in the Humble Star Wars bundle from a while back. I haven't installed it yet though.

Looking at the Steam forums, it seems like you have to go through a service called GameRanger to get online working. Natively, the game used GameSpy...but of course, they're shut down now. This thread gives decent instructions on what you need to do though.

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