One morning I shOTT an elephant in my pajamas.

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[quote name='Punk_Raven']How'd I lose you? I was born with this skin disease that gives me white skin even though I obviously have black features. Big lips, big nose, not straight hair ( that I keep cut usually ) and etc.

*sigh* You ever see the movie Powder?[/QUOTE]

Do you like Fried Chicken and watermelon? That's the only stereotype you haven't touched on yet.
[quote name='zewone']Where did you get the itinerary?

EDIT: I see, from the official website.

They really fucked you guys on the time they're giving performers this years. I hope it's not the same for Frisco.[/QUOTE]

Why do you say that? Is it usually longer?

fuckin' a, they could have done without David Banner and given that time to people like Pharoahe Monch who deserve it.

Edit: Honestly, though, I'm fine with the times because I've seen a lot of the acts before and the three I really want to see are getting a good amount of time: Felt, Wu-Tang and, of course, Rage. Brother Ali could have used more time, but that's alright. I'm sure he'll come around New England again soon.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Why do you say that? Is it usually longer?

fuckin' a, they could have done without David Banner and given that time to people like Pharoahe Monch who deserve it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, last year, gates opened at 10AM and it didn't end until 12AM.

Performers got at least 30 or 40 minutes if not longer. (Mos was on stage for like an hour and a half.)

I see a lot of good people on that list that are only getting like 20.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']How'd I lose you? I was born with this skin disease that gives me white skin even though I obviously have black features. Big lips, big nose, not straight hair ( that I keep cut usually ) and etc.

*sigh* You ever see the movie Powder?[/QUOTE]

Are you albino or do you actually have the thing that Michael Jackson claims to have (or is it something else?)
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, last year, gates opened at 10AM and it didn't end until 12AM.

Performers got at least 30 or 40 minutes if not longer. (Mos was on stage for like an hour and a half.)

I see a lot of good people on that list that are only getting like 20.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, but, like I wrote, still completely worth it to me. Also, my gf paid for my ticket so it's all gravy.

As long as I can see Rage, I can die happy. :)
[quote name='senorwoohoo']
Edit: Honestly, though, I'm fine with the times because I've seen a lot of the acts before and the three I really want to see are getting a good amount of time: Felt, Wu-Tang and, of course, Rage. Brother Ali could have used more time, but that's alright. I'm sure he'll come around New England again soon.[/QUOTE]

I'd love to see Wu. Just be sure your bonds are diversified before the show. I think I saw some youtube where they threw a kid offstage for having all his bonds in one asset.
I'm going on a plane trip this Saturday with my PSP. I hope there isn't anyone sitting next to me screaming "Cluster bomb! Cluster Bomb!"
[quote name='The Crotch']Once again I must ask the OTT, and Mononoke in particular: New Maps of Hell, yay or nay?[/quote]

I like it, if you can get over the fact that they make a shitty recording on purpose (trying to sound like they did in the early 90's) its probably my favorite album since Stranger Than Fiction
[quote name='fart_bubble']I like it, if you can get over the fact that they make a shitty recording on purpose (trying to sound like they did in the early 90's) its probably my favorite album since Stranger Than Fiction[/quote]

Yeah, the production was off. Certainly turned me off at first.
shit, I am really gonna have to drop some money on this girl's site. Only on the 7th track on my first playthough and so far, this is tits. Its not as cinematic as Sinking Shade but still 100% goodness. Her new one can't drop soon enough
[quote name='shrike4242']I guess you don't hate them enough not to shop there. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I had a gift card... what was I going to let free money go to waste? LOL
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I had a gift card... what was I going to let free money go to waste? LOL[/quote]Just buy $15 worth, then. ;)

Did you buy all of the seasons, or just one or more of them? I ended up dropping money on all of them, as I didn't have any, and I missed the $19.99 BB deal from a month prior.
[quote name='wubb']Are you albino or do you actually have the thing that Michael Jackson claims to have (or is it something else?)[/quote]

And I like fried chicken and hate watermelon
fuck, Nancy Pelosi is coming to Newport on Saturday...the same day I'll be at Rock the Bells.

I'd love to cover it but no way I'm not going to the concert.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']lol emo[/QUOTE]

You're just mad cause my garden > your face. But I was cutting some green beans off and cut myself some how. I didn't feel it but noticed blood coming down my wrist. It quickly stopped bleeding though. Good thing I decided to purchase some expensive super sharp cutters.

I got almost a half a pound of green beans again. Also brought in an ear of corn. My red corn is a bust which I thought was odd since it did well in the very beginning. The new corn I planted a few weeks ago seems to be burning up in the sun.
[quote name='shrike4242']Just buy $15 worth, then. ;)

Did you buy all of the seasons, or just one or more of them? I ended up dropping money on all of them, as I didn't have any, and I missed the $19.99 BB deal from a month prior.[/QUOTE]
As I REFUSE to go to bestbuy and buy from bestbuy if I can help it, I had no knowledge of the BB deal. I bought all of them as well. It wasn't too bad really for 5 seasons. And now that I have this miraculous 400 dollars from my room-mate I guess I don't feel as bad spending the money.
Who doesn't love fried chicken. Besides tfn of course.

I wonder if there are any stores lulu does shop at? :lol:
[quote name='wubb']Who doesn't love fried chicken. Besides tfn of course.

I wonder if there are any stores lulu does shop at? :lol:[/QUOTE]
Hot Topic? ;)
[quote name='wubb']Who doesn't love fried chicken. Besides tfn of course.

I wonder if there are any stores lulu does shop at? :lol:[/QUOTE]
physically, not many. I'm an online shopper.
[quote name='Eviltude']Hot Topic? ;)[/QUOTE]
Bah, I put that down as my favorite store on my teacher id sheet (for parents to look at for potential presents), and not one person got me a giftcard from there. I did get about 6 Wal Mart gift cards this year though. -.- I wonder why no one got me a gift card from Hot Topic.... I bet it has something to do with some people's irrational fear of that store.
I wish they had a least favorite store section on that page. I'd put Walmart and Starbucks. I got way too many gift cards for there and I hate them both.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']As I REFUSE to go to bestbuy and buy from bestbuy if I can help it, I had no knowledge of the BB deal. I bought all of them as well. It wasn't too bad really for 5 seasons. And now that I have this miraculous 400 dollars from my room-mate I guess I don't feel as bad spending the money.[/quote]BB had all five seasons of B5 for $19.99, though you had to buy Seasons 1-3 online, with shipping charges. If your BB had 1-3 in-store, then you lucked out, though the ad said Seasons 1-3 only available online. So, it ended up being $2.49 or so on shipping charges for three of them, if not more.

Walmart has had them for $22.49 each, though they didn't have Season 4 in-stock for a while. I was waiting for them to get all five in-stock, and then I'd order them all at once.
watermelon's alright. Always seems like a lot of work for what you get out of it to me. Anybody else salt their watermelon?

when i was in highschool, there were these honors programs run through the county board of cooperative eductation (BOCEs). to be eligible, you had to complete all of your graduation requirements by the end of your junior year and be an AP student with atleast a 90 average. there was one program for people who wanted to go into teaching, one for healthcareers, and one for law. when you got done with the program, you got some community college credit for the courses and could end up with some sort of certification (i had cpr/bls/first responder from the health program) well, i've decided to go back to college part time in the fall for another degree. not only do i need a copy of my college transcripts (two undergrads and a grad school), i also need a copy of my highschool and BOCEs transcripts. the problem is that the BOCEs program i was in no longer exitsts, and it's been 7 years since i was there, so they have no idea wtf to do. it was before all of their records were computerized and they have the records filed by program under each department, but the staff that ran this program haven't been there for like 5 years so no one knows what department to look in. this is some fucked up shit. they think it's going to take at least a week to search for my transcripts, if they can find them at all.

[quote name='wubb']watermelon's alright. Always seems like a lot of work for what you get out of it to me. Anybody else salt their watermelon?[/quote]

Its a must to make it juicier
[quote name='Chika'][rant]

when i was in highschool, there were these honors programs run through the county board of cooperative eductation (BOCEs). to be eligible, you had to complete all of your graduation requirements by the end of your junior year and be an AP student with atleast a 90 average. there was one program for people who wanted to go into teaching, one for healthcareers, and one for law. when you got done with the program, you got some community college credit for the courses and could end up with some sort of certification (i had cpr/bls/first responder from the health program) well, i've decided to go back to college part time in the fall for another degree. not only do i need a copy of my college transcripts (two undergrads and a grad school), i also need a copy of my highschool and BOCEs transcripts. the problem is that the BOCEs program i was in no longer exitsts, and it's been 7 years since i was there, so they have no idea wtf to do. it was before all of their records were computerized and they have the records filed by program under each department, but the staff that ran this program haven't been there for like 5 years so no one knows what department to look in. this is some fucked up shit. they think it's going to take at least a week to search for my transcripts, if they can find them at all.

Ug that sounds like when my fiance had to get his SAT scores sent to a university. It cost 50+ dollars because they weren't on computer because he took them so long ago. It also took an extra couple weeks because they had to "find them".
[quote name='Chika'][rant]

when i was in highschool, there were these honors programs run through the county board of cooperative eductation (BOCEs). to be eligible, you had to complete all of your graduation requirements by the end of your junior year and be an AP student with atleast a 90 average. there was one program for people who wanted to go into teaching, one for healthcareers, and one for law. when you got done with the program, you got some community college credit for the courses and could end up with some sort of certification (i had cpr/bls/first responder from the health program) well, i've decided to go back to college part time in the fall for another degree. not only do i need a copy of my college transcripts (two undergrads and a grad school), i also need a copy of my highschool and BOCEs transcripts. the problem is that the BOCEs program i was in no longer exitsts, and it's been 7 years since i was there, so they have no idea wtf to do. it was before all of their records were computerized and they have the records filed by program under each department, but the staff that ran this program haven't been there for like 5 years so no one knows what department to look in. this is some fucked up shit. they think it's going to take at least a week to search for my transcripts, if they can find them at all.


What degree will you be getting now? And I think the HS stuff is just for records as I had to send Tech my HS transcript in order be able to start school this summer.
Holy shit, the new RE5 trailer on XBL is so sick.

It actually shows gameplay, and it looks fantastic.

I don't know why they wouldn't have shown this trailer at E3 instead of the other shitty one.
[quote name='Dkellar']What degree will you be getting now? And I think the HS stuff is just for records as I had to send Tech my HS transcript in order be able to start school this summer.[/quote]

gonna finish my nursing degree. i was originally a nursing major completing requirements for premed, but i changed to hospital administration in my junior year. it's a bit different because i actually have degrees from accredited colleges which they could use for records, but they still want proof i graduated from highschool.

[quote name='AngellicLulu']Ug that sounds like when my fiance had to get his SAT scores sent to a university. It cost 50+ dollars because they weren't on computer because he took them so long ago. It also took an extra couple weeks because they had to "find them".[/quote]

yeah, it's a headache. god forbid i need to get them copies of my SAT's or AP's. THAT would be a nightmare. the last time i needed to get copies of my AP's it cost like $30 and took forever.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Fried chicken is awesome. Same goes for watermelon and cornbread.

I'd be a stereotype if I was, you know, not white.[/QUOTE]

I have a few packages of watermelon seeds if you want to grow some next year.
[quote name='Dkellar']I have a few packages of watermelon seeds if you want to grow some next year.[/QUOTE]
Or he could just buy and eat a watermelon and save the seeds. There are like 20 billion in like 1 melon.
[quote name='Eviltude']Or he could just buy and eat a watermelon and save the seeds. There are like 20 billion in like 1 melon.[/quote]

Seedless FTW...............even though there really is no such thing as a seedless watermelon
I don't really like watermelon. I'll eat it, but it doesn't really taste at all as it is mostly just water (Who would've thought?).
Think I would get banned if I made a thread that said,

'340 games $10 off at /w GCO'


Might cut down on some other threads...
I'm about ready to go take this final. Just wish time would hurry up so I can just say I'm done with it.

Looks like it might rain. That'd be fun.
the desert grows 3 miles a year
it just grows, it just grows

i put my pain in a jar and
it will be full......... tomorrow
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bread's done