PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

After a shit load of troubles and frustrations with the system restore and back up, thinking I lost over 80+ game saves, I was finally able to get the restore function to restore (from the looks of it) all of my game saves. Game installs/downloaded games are gone, but at least those are easily taken care of.

Could you guys clarify something for me:

1. My restored accounts have an asterisk next to them, what does that mean?

2. I now some game saves are locked... but are they locked to the PS3 account you use to log into the system or are they tied to the PSN account?
What was wrong with your restore and backup? Was it corrupted?

I bought an Arkham PS4 bundle last night before the Cartwheel deal ended, not realizing until I got home that those are the 1115s, and I could've had a 1200 if I'd gotten the TLOU bundle.

What's the consensus around here? Is it worth doing whatever I need to do to get a 1200 instead?

I figure I have a ~decent~ chance of them doing an exchange, allowing me to keep the Cartwheel discount, if I go back today. I didn't open it yet.
Me personally, if I was in the market for a new PS4 I would be looking for the 1200 simply for the power savings alone. Couple it with what is supposed to be quieter operation and physical buttons on the front and there is plenty of reason to want it. Plus the all matte finish looks great also. I would attempt the exchange if I were in your shoes.

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Finished Arkham Knight this morning, plan on starting Until Dawn tonight. Really enjoyed Arkham. I wasn't able to finish the first two games, I just got super bored with them.
I'm trying to finish Tales of Symphonia in time to start Mad Max on Tuesday.. can't wait, the gaming season is upon us!

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What was wrong with your restore and backup? Was it corrupted?
I honestly couldn't tell you. I was able to make the backup without issue but the restore always locked at 54% before I got an error code 800283F0 which results in no real explanitions. People have said it was due to too much data being backed up and/or corrupted data/saves that existed and/or certain game installs. One common suggestion was doing the file system restore and rebuild database options in the safe mode and also deleting some game installs and then making the back up but that didn't work for me. Still got the same error.

As a last ditch effort, I did the system restore on my NEW HD. My new HD was blank but I figured I'd try it... but when I put my old HD back in, all of my accounts were also gone. I really don't understand how or where the PS3 stores user account data b/c it didn't make sense that me doing the restore option on my new HD would delete my accounts on my old HD.

I thought all hope was lost but decided to do the file system restore and rebuild on my new HD (which again, had nothing) and do the restore. It failed again but I guess it did enough to restore my saves/accounts... only didn't restore my game installs/downloads.

I'm now scared the saves are incompatible b/c I don't know if they're tied to my PS3 account or my PSN account. And I also don't know why all my restored accounts have asterisks next to them.

I really don't understand how the PS3 works when it comes to storage. When I first put in my new HD, the PS3 did it's normal formatting/set up of the HD and to my surprised, was able to pre-load all of my accounts to the new HD. I was super confused as to how the PS3 put my old accounts in my new HD. I've never heard of the PS3 having any type of built in storage, outside of the HD so I don't know how or where it would get that data from. I also have the 80GB software BC MGS4 console, which seems to be a bit different than any other PS3... not sure if that had something to do with it.

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Me personally, if I was in the market for a new PS4 I would be looking for the 1200 simply for the power savings alone. Couple it with what is supposed to be quieter operation and physical buttons on the front and there is plenty of reason to want it. Plus the all matte finish looks great also. I would attempt the exchange if I were in your shoes.
Yeah, I couldn't resist trying. They were fine doing the swap. I did accidentally get a TLOU Remastered bundle that was an 1115 out first (is that just a voucher, not a disc?) and didn't realize it 'til I was up at the counter, so I had to get the poor guy to walk a second PS4 bundle up front with me. I made sure that one was a 1215 before we closed the case.

Success! Thanks, Target. Thanks for the replies.

Oh because I lost PT and my MK save when I did the system restore, said that my backup was corrupted. Was hoping there was a way to fix this.
That sucks, I'd think the PS4 back up and restore would work better. I luckily decided not to do anything with my old HD until the back up was done so I could try a few things incase it failed. It didn't help but it let me try a few things. Do you still have the original PS4 HD? Maybe the PS4 has some kind of safe mode or something you could try to fix up the data?

Gotta admit, either the PS3 is a lot slower than I remembered or my new HD (which has much better specs) isn't completely gravy with the PS3 b/c everything seems to be pretty fucking slow on this new HD.

Finally started Until Dawn, only played for an hour or so. Not real sure how I feel about it. After completing Dying Light, The Witcher, and Arkham Knight in the past few months, I'm not feeling the lack of control.
Finally started Until Dawn, only played for an hour or so. Not real sure how I feel about it. After completing Dying Light, The Witcher, and Arkham Knight in the past few months, I'm not feeling the lack of control.
And you did realize before starting that it wasn't an open world hack/slash/shooter?

I was actually relieved that I was able to find a quality game that didn't send me out on "fetch" missions redundantly.

Finally started Until Dawn, only played for an hour or so. Not real sure how I feel about it. After completing Dying Light, The Witcher, and Arkham Knight in the past few months, I'm not feeling the lack of control.
I'm interested in trying it out, though I'll likely wait for a potential BF sale. Unless, of course, it receives a deep discount before then.
I'm interested in trying it out, though I'll likely wait for a potential BF sale. Unless, of course, it receives a deep discount before then.
If you think games like Heavy Rain are a novelty or if as I said earlier, if you complained about The Order: 1886 having too many QTE's (they weren't QTE) then I would wait until $19.99.

I don't buy many games at launch, and I tend to not complain about the price if the game was short or if I didn't enjoy it because you typically can find that information out well before you make the purchase, but your enjoyment of the game will lay heavily on if you want to play something like this.

If you're "too cool" to enjoy teen horror/slasher movies then you're probably not going to like this. If you get mad because you can't run all over the environment and shoot whatever you want then you're definitely not going to enjoy this. The game paces itself... you don't pace the game.

I don't see it holding retail long. It'll be $40 somewhere in the next few weeks but that is more a reflection of how poorly it was marketed and that you can play through it multiple times in a week and pretty much experience everything.

And you did realize before starting that it wasn't an open world hack/slash/shooter?

I was actually relieved that I was able to find a quality game that didn't send me out on "fetch" missions redundantly.
I knew what i was purchasing, if that's what you ment. I'm not saying I dislike it by any means. And it's most likely exactly what I need before MadMax and Metal Gear. It just feels slower paced, which I'm sure is only because I'm in the beginning.

I tend to purchase most games at launch, with GCU and the other promos at BB. It's cheaper to preorder say Metal Gear, then wait a month and pick it up. I don't always play them right away due to gaming time limits, but I never regret it.
Finished Until Dawn last night, it definitely picks up!  I loved it, and my wife actually played as well, very rare to get her interested in a game.  Scares were good and story was surprisingly good.  Had a few twists and fun moments.  Will play through 2 more times for the platinum.

If you think games like Heavy Rain are a novelty or if as I said earlier, if you complained about The Order: 1886 having too many QTE's (they weren't QTE) then I would wait until $19.99.

I don't buy many games at launch, and I tend to not complain about the price if the game was short or if I didn't enjoy it because you typically can find that information out well before you make the purchase, but your enjoyment of the game will lay heavily on if you want to play something like this.

If you're "too cool" to enjoy teen horror/slasher movies then you're probably not going to like this. If you get mad because you can't run all over the environment and shoot whatever you want then you're definitely not going to enjoy this. The game paces itself... you don't pace the game.

I don't see it holding retail long. It'll be $40 somewhere in the next few weeks but that is more a reflection of how poorly it was marketed and that you can play through it multiple times in a week and pretty much experience everything.
I enjoy games like Heavy Rain & Beyond, so QTE's don't bother me at all... What makes me a bit hesitant is I'm not a big fan of horror. I like games like RE, Dead Space & Alien Iso, but I don't like horror movies - which more or less seems to be what this game is. That's the only thing that didn't make this a day 1 purchase for me.

I do, however, tend to enjoy all types of games and will give anything a shot for the right price. For this game, that price is probably $25-30. Especially since MGSV, Mario Maker, P4 Dancing All Night, Lego Dimensions, RB4 and AC Syndicate are all coming within the next 6 weeks.
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Finished Until Dawn last night, it definitely picks up! I loved it, and my wife actually played as well, very rare to get her interested in a game. Scares were good and story was surprisingly good. Had a few twists and fun moments. Will play through 2 more times for the platinum.
How long would you say it was? Because whenever I saw it advertised I always thought it looked like it'd be too short to buy full price

Spent some more time with Until Dawn before work this morning. I'm enjoying it, currently on Chapter? 4. I always feel like no matter what decision I make its a bad one lol.
How long would you say it was? Because whenever I saw it advertised I always thought it looked like it'd be too short to buy full price
6-8 hours first playthrough... only three of my characters survived. I am going back for the collectibles, having everyone die, and everyone live as well. Should be another 10 hours or so to do it. For a cheaper price its worth it and if the Best Buy ad for next week is right, everyoneshould pick it up for $32 GCU price

So the 20th anniversary dual shock 4 is up for actual same on GameStop. Says released 8/30. Mine from best buy is still pre order. Anyone have any info on these?
So the 20th anniversary dual shock 4 is up for actual same on GameStop. Says released 8/30. Mine from best buy is still pre order. Anyone have any info on these?
I believe the official release date for these was 9/1. BBY is likely just a little behind... I wouldn't worry unless it doesn't ship within the next couple days.
6-8 hours first playthrough... only three of my characters survived. I am going back for the collectibles, having everyone die, and everyone live as well. Should be another 10 hours or so to do it. For a cheaper price its worth it and if the Best Buy ad for next week is right, everyoneshould pick it up for $32 GCU price
Yeah that's pretty much what I expected. So i'll definitely wait for a price drop, thanks for the heads up

Did anyone get a code for the 3.0 beta? They said it started but I haven't received a code and I didn't hear of anyone else getting one either.
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Yeah that's pretty much what I expected. So i'll definitely wait for a price drop, thanks for the heads up
Looks like you are currently playing MGSV so you should definitely wait for a price drop if the $39.99 at Best Buy next week isn't cheap enough for you yet. I imagine Until Dawn will be $30 or less on Black Friday, but I definitely would recommend the game as I really enjoyed and my girlfriend loved it as well. It's short, but definitely has replay value and is generally an entertaining experience as a whole. With MGSV though I don't know when I will end up playing through Until Dawn again as the only game I care to play right now is Metal Gear.

Looks like you are currently playing MGSV so you should definitely wait for a price drop if the $39.99 at Best Buy next week isn't cheap enough for you yet. I imagine Until Dawn will be $30 or less on Black Friday, but I definitely would recommend the game as I really enjoyed and my girlfriend loved it as well. It's short, but definitely has replay value and is generally an entertaining experience as a whole. With MGSV though I don't know when I will end up playing through Until Dawn again as the only game I care to play right now is Metal Gear.
I am working through everything else I have before starting up MGSV... Finish plat in Until Dawn, Finish a bit more in Madden, play through mad Max... then sit down with MGSV for it to get all my attention.

I am working through everything else I have before starting up MGSV... Finish plat in Until Dawn, Finish a bit more in Madden, play through mad Max... then sit down with MGSV for it to get all my attention.
How are you liking Mad Max so far? I've been considering picking it up this weekend and having a little Mad Max marathon with Fury Road and the new game.

So I'm a little confused, people said you can get through Until Dawn without anyone dying, but I was at a point where I had to pick one person to die? Is this based on a decision I made earlier in the game? Or maybe I just picked the wrong person to die?
So I'm a little confused, people said you can get through Until Dawn without anyone dying, but I was at a point where I had to pick one person to die? Is this based on a decision I made earlier in the game? Or maybe I just picked the wrong person to die?
Keep playing and you will understand the truth about that particular decision.

How are you liking Mad Max so far? I've been considering picking it up this weekend and having a little Mad Max marathon with Fury Road and the new game.
Don't know yet, Like I said, trying to plat Until Dawn first, just finishing up my everyone dies playthrough, then I have everyone lives and collectibles... then I will work on Mad Max.

Keep playing and you will understand the truth about that particular decision.
Yup what he said, we won't spoil anything....
Thanks even though I kinda have an idea about it. Glad you kept it spoiler free. I'm currently on Chapter 5 or 6 I think, right after the tower and bathtub scenes. How many chapters are in the game? I'd look it up but I'm afraid to see any spoilers.
Thanks even though I kinda have an idea about it. Glad you kept it spoiler free. I'm currently on Chapter 5 or 6 I think, right after the tower and bathtub scenes. How many chapters are in the game? I'd look it up but I'm afraid to see any spoilers.
Until Dawn has 10 Chapters total, you are halfway there!

Awesome! Played a few more hrs before work, enjoying it more and more each time I sit down with it. I was thinking I'd have everyone survive and then realized someone died earlier in the game. I believe it was due to picking the wrong way to try and rescue her? Does the questions Dr. Hill asks actually affect the gameplay, or is it basically the type of jump scares? Also really like the idea of the Cheap Shots, PS4 camera feature. Though I haven't really been scared, more like a little flinch, it'd be Kool to see other people's reactions. Most likely I'll play some more tonight after work.

Afterwards I'd like to go back through it a few more times, but I still have MGS & Mad Max to get to. They are both still sealed.

I figure hopefully beat Metal Gear and Mad Max before Rock Band releases. If not I'll shuffle the three until the Nov rush.

Mario Maker is coming soon too...
Just got my beta key for firmware 3.0 so looks like Sony is sending them out.. it's a regular 12 digit Sony code you have to redeem and I guess you're in.

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Awesome! Played a few more hrs before work, enjoying it more and more each time I sit down with it. I was thinking I'd have everyone survive and then realized someone died earlier in the game. I believe it was due to picking the wrong way to try and rescue her? Does the questions Dr. Hill asks actually affect the gameplay, or is it basically the type of jump scares? Also really like the idea of the Cheap Shots, PS4 camera feature. Though I haven't really been scared, more like a little flinch, it'd be Kool to see other people's reactions. Most likely I'll play some more tonight after work.

Afterwards I'd like to go back through it a few more times, but I still have MGS & Mad Max to get to. They are both still sealed.

I figure hopefully beat Metal Gear and Mad Max before Rock Band releases. If not I'll shuffle the three until the Nov rush.

Mario Maker is coming soon too...
I know the Fall gaming season is in full effect now!

I also really liked the Cheap Shots feature and thought it was a really clever use of the PS4 camera which is welcome since the camera barely gets any love. I would like to see an update that allows us to share the videos with friends and online like other game clips and screen shoots.

fuck, I didnt get in either. For those of you that did, is there any unannounced organization options like pins or deleting/hiding stuff from your library? I saw on reddit that you can now disable the automatic trophy screenshots so thats one thing I wanted crossed off my list.

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Looks like you are currently playing MGSV so you should definitely wait for a price drop if the $39.99 at Best Buy next week isn't cheap enough for you yet. I imagine Until Dawn will be $30 or less on Black Friday, but I definitely would recommend the game as I really enjoyed and my girlfriend loved it as well. It's short, but definitely has replay value and is generally an entertaining experience as a whole. With MGSV though I don't know when I will end up playing through Until Dawn again as the only game I care to play right now is Metal Gear.
I am indeed playing MGSV, and enjoying it quite a bit! Until Dawn would probably be a Black Friday purchase at the earliest. In October I'll be playing the Uncharted Drake Collection and then Fallout 4 in early November so my gaming dance card is pretty full for awhile. *not to mention the slight backlog I'm slowly working thru*

finished my everyone dies playthrough... Love seeing all the deaths...

Just need the collectible/everyone lives play through for the Plat, but may take a break till I can sit down and go through it in almost one sitting.
Started Chapter 10 before I left for work. I believe I had 2 people die so far. Does the story change depending on who die? Or just minor things and the outcome? Could I get all the collectibles and have everyone die in one play through? I must have missed a few items somewhere, I'm missing one or two in each category.
Started Chapter 10 before I left for work. I believe I had 2 people die so far. Does the story change depending on who die? Or just minor things and the outcome? Could I get all the collectibles and have everyone die in one play through? I must have missed a few items somewhere, I'm missing one or two in each category.
FYI, not spoiler as I won't name who or anything like that, but finding certain collectibles is the only way one character lives, so no you can't do a collectible run and having everyone die also.

It's best to do an everyone lives run with the collectibles, then an everyone dies, or vice versa

I know the Fall gaming season is in full effect now!

I also really liked the Cheap Shots feature and thought it was a really clever use of the PS4 camera which is welcome since the camera barely gets any love. I would like to see an update that allows us to share the videos with friends and online like other game clips and screen shoots.
Just wanted to let you know, I found if you press the share button and go under Until Dawn, all of the Cheap Shots are all saved automatically. So they won't need a update to do what you said.

Finished the game and really enjoyed it. Made a dumb move at the end(didn't understand my choices) and a few more people died. I had 3 people survive, well technically it was 4 I guess.

Started MGS, and I'm liking it. Last Metal Gear game I played was Snake Eater, and that was when it released lol. I own #4 but never played it. I did read to catch up story wise though.
Just wanted to let you know, I found if you press the share button and go under Until Dawn, all of the Cheap Shots are all saved automatically. So they won't need a update to do what you said.

Finished the game and really enjoyed it. Made a dumb move at the end(didn't understand my choices) and a few more people died. I had 3 people survive, well technically it was 4 I guess.

Started MGS, and I'm liking it. Last Metal Gear game I played was Snake Eater, and that was when it released lol. I own #4 but never played it. I did read to catch up story wise though.
IMO, Snake Eater is still the best MGS game and one of my favorite games ever. That being said, I'm feeling like MGSV may be the best game Kojima-San has ever done... If that makes any sense. :lol:
I have a question about upgrading my hard drive in my PS4. I am going to open up my external hard drive and put it in the PS4. Could I just download the system files onto that hard drive and then open it up and put it inside the PS4? Or do I need to have a flash drive too?

bread's done