PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Not sure if this is good news or what... but the reasoning for not saying PsOne and PS2 games in Playstation Now is those games are coming using emulation.

Another win for Sony in my books of allowing this... guarantee Xone is not getting original Xbox support.
My initial reaction was, can't wait to have these games available for download on PSN but the article does specifically indicate this would include disc based games. I'm still skeptical but if this ends up happening I would be very impressed and actually a little surprised.
My initial reaction was, can't wait to have these games available for download on PSN but the article does specifically indicate this would include disc based games. I'm still skeptical but if this ends up happening I would be very impressed and actually a little surprised.
My big one would be PS2 games, I still own some, and my wife has a bunch at her house that she loves. This would be awesome if we could play off a disk! There is your somewhat backwards compatibility. I just love how Sony has focused on nothing but games, and this is a huge win for gamers that enjoy classic games! I will take this over TV controls anyday!

amazing news when it comes to ps1/ps2 games. Lets be honest first xbox did not really have amazing xbox  only games compared to ps1/ps2. This would mean i could end up getting rid of my ps2 and ps1 and clean up my collection a bit.

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I still need to okay Infamous 1 and 2. Have the first on disc and 2nd from PS+.

Is there any real reason to play the first. Or should I just go right to the second that's a lot better by most accounts?
Well there are some story aspects that carry over. I'd agree that the 2nd is better but I really liked the first one.

This is how every new console launches. I would say this gen is better than previous. The PS4 has free games with PS+. I don't recall any console that allows me to have 3 free games to play. It looks like there are some really good games coming in February and March so I think it's going well.

On Xbox 360 I remember only playing COD2 for a long time because of a lack of other interesting titles. On Gamecube I remember playing Star Wars Rogue leader.

Playing AC4 on the PS4 is a great experience. (only PS4 game I've bought so far) (I guess being cheap I expect to wait for more deals.) :)
There are a lot of gamers new to gaming that don't realize this. Just about every console has a dry spell after coming out. A lot of time it's just developers waiting to see which system they want to support more. I think I played a LOT of The Outfit when the Xbox came out. Just for fun here is a list of games I played a LOT of when I bought at launch until other things came out:

Sega CD - Sol-Feace

Super NES - Super Mario World / F-Zero

Sega Saturn - Clockwork Knight / Virtual Hylyde / Daytona USA (DAY-E-TOH-NAAAAAA!)

Playstation 1 - Battle Arena Toshinden / ESPN Extreme Games

Nintendo 64 - Super Mario 64

Sega Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure / Soulcalibur / Blue Stinger

Playstation 2 - Summoner / Dynasty Warriors 2 / SSX

Xbox - Halo / Mech Assault / Crimson Skies

Gamecube - Star Wars Rogue Squadron II / Luigi's Mansion

Xbox 360 - Kameo / Perfect Dark Zero / Call of Duty 2

Wii - Twilight Princess / Wii Sports
Playstation 4 - Assassin's Creed 4 / Lego Marvel

Lots of hits and lots of misses there, but it's the same each time. It always takes a bit of time to ramp up.
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amazing news when it comes to ps1/ps2 games. Lets be honest first xbox did not really have amazing xbox only games compared to ps1/ps2. This would mean i could end up getting rid of my ps2 and ps1 and clean up my collection a bit.
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there Timbo. Original Xbox's first party exclusives were amazing

Halo 1 and 2

Mech Assault 1 and 2

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2

Jade Empire

Crimson Skies

Fuzion Frenzy

There might not be a lot of them but they have aged incredibly well and were some real quality games.

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People tend to forget that Dec, Jan, Feb are usually pretty dead months in general for gaming. Doesnt really start to ramp up again till march.

Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there Timbo. Original Xbox's first party exclusives were amazing

Halo 1 and 2
Mech Assault 1 and 2
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2
Jade Empire
Crimson Skies
Fuzion Frenzy

There might not be a lot of them but they have aged incredibly well and were some real quality games.
To be fair, most of those aren't even exclusives. You could, and still can, play them on any decent PC.
To be fair, most of those aren't even exclusives. You could, and still can, play them on any decent PC.
But even funnier, all next gen xbox exclusives are the same way.... it's just the way that Microsoft works, they may be creating the games, but they want to make as much money as possible without helping Sony or Nintendo.

FYI, Jade Empire was one of my most favorite games period! And I do not like RPGs

For those of you that care about ESO, PS4 won't require PS+ to play. Same can't be said for X1 though lol.
To be fair, from what I gather the reason for no ps+ requirement is the montly fee associated with ESO since they decided not to do the FTP.

Either way not surprised about live gold requirement. When you require it arbitrarily for stuff like netflix, you sure as shit aint gonna let a game not require it.

Pretty happy about PS1 games on PS4 hate the upscaling shit on my PS2 I have to see and I want to play Suikoden 2 but the price and the VERY limited availability of the game has made that not possible. If this allows it I think we have a new contender for best console ever.

To be fair, from what I gather the reason for no ps+ requirement is the montly fee associated with ESO since they decided not to do the FTP.
We'll never know, but I kind of doubt ESO would have required PS+ regardless of the sub. Actually, strike that; we'll know in about a year when ESO is forced to go F2P.

I know the PS2 has arguably the best library ever but seriously, to the ultimate bottom line I don't see it as big of a deal.  To the hardcore, it'll definitely be a boon and kudos to the Sony dev team for adding a feature that was never even touted as a selling point before and all - making this an enhancement - but even I won't have any use for this feature.  I just can't go back to playing previous gen games.  I'm more than content working through the current gen stuff.  It's been more than 5 years since I played Dark Cloud and that's not going to change soon, if ever.  This is great for I'd say less than 5% of the install base.  So to me, it's not a big deal.  But of course, it wins brownie points and undoubtedly adds to the goodwill that Sony has earned since E3.  I'm sure the online communities like GAF are really pleased with this. 
We'll never know, but I kind of doubt ESO would have required PS+ regardless of the sub. Actually, strike that; we'll know in about a year when ESO is forced to go F2P.
If ESO were to go FTP, it wouldn't change how the game is structured currently so it Plus requirements should remain unchanged.

As I understand it if Sony is hosting, then the game or service requires PS+. If Sony is not hosting (FF14, ESO, DCUO, Warframe, Blacklight Retribution, Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu Plus, NFL, WWE Network, ect), then it does not require PS+.

Donut2922 said:
I know the PS2 has arguably the best library ever but seriously, to the ultimate bottom line I don't see it as big of a deal. To the hardcore, it'll definitely be a boon and kudos to the Sony dev team for adding a feature that was never even touted as a selling point before and all - making this an enhancement - but even I won't have any use for this feature. I just can't go back to playing previous gen games. I'm more than content working through the current gen stuff. It's been more than 5 years since I played Dark Cloud and that's not going to change soon, if ever. This is great for I'd say less than 5% of the install base. So to me, it's not a big deal. But of course, it wins brownie points and undoubtedly adds to the goodwill that Sony has earned since E3. I'm sure the online communities like GAF are really pleased with this.
Totally agree - I still have my PS2 setup but I think the last time it was used was by one of my boys playing some Star Wars games - probably 4 years ago if not longer. I just don't see myself playing much of anything from PS1/PS2 times given how many PS3/360/Wii games I have yet to tackle, let alone DS/3DS/Vita/PS4/X1/Wii U stuff.

Erad30 said:
If I can play Rogue Galaxy on my PS4, I'll be psyched.
That was an awesome game that I played and beat on the PS2. I'd have little interest in playing it again in its original form. But if it came out as an HD remake with trophy support for PS4, I'd probably give it another shot.
Yeah I doubt I'd get much use out of PS 1/2 games, but I'm glad Sony is doing a lot to cater to the hardcore gaming crowd while Nintendo is more focused on kids and casuals and MS on the CoD/madden crowd and casuals who are lured in by the tv/media stuff.
I think we talked about this before but i played a few hours into Infamous awhile ago, i want to play more before Second Sun comes out. Should I go back and finish the first Infamous or just skip and and play through 2?

The new PS4 don't comes with the 30 Days Trial of PS+ Anymore. I know cuz I bought mine yesterday and it didn't come with it. But yeah I got the $10 PSN Code and the Music Unlimited Code too. 

I think we talked about this before but i played a few hours into Infamous awhile ago, i want to play more before Second Sun comes out. Should I go back and finish the first Infamous or just skip and and play through 2?
I would skip it and wiki the story, Im planning on playing through 2 again before Second Son drops as well.

I think we talked about this before but i played a few hours into Infamous awhile ago, i want to play more before Second Sun comes out. Should I go back and finish the first Infamous or just skip and and play through 2?

I would skip it and wiki the story, Im planning on playing through 2 again before Second Son drops as well.
That would work. If you try to rush through the two games(they can take a long time if you want to do everything/trophy hunt) it may become a bit of a slog by the time you get done, thus making the formula a little tired to you once SS comes out. If you wind up liking 2 & SS a lot, you can always go back to the original.

Besides, the sequel is the better game in basically every way possible.

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Outlast was officially announced as the February Playstation Plus game for PS4.


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Great month for PS+. Some people will continue to whine about not having a full retail PS4 game yet, but I'm actually impressed they have had this much PS4 support since launch. I will probably never make it through Outlast, but I am interested to play all the PS3 games for February.

Eh expecting a full retail game already is pretty unrealistic, I mean I guess they could throw something that was a cross-gen game that wasn't selling that well, but then who wants that? I'll take highly reviewed indie games for awhile instead and get me some full retail when they actually have a decent library to begin with. I'm wouldn't be surprised if the first free retail are Knack and/or Killzone sometime this holiday.

Eh expecting a full retail game already is pretty unrealistic, I mean I guess they could throw something that was a cross-gen game that wasn't selling that well, but then who wants that? I'll take highly reviewed indie games for awhile instead and get me some full retail when they actually have a decent library to begin with. I'm wouldn't be surprised if the first free retail are Knack and/or Killzone sometime this holiday.
There were plenty of people on this site before the PS4 launched who were predicting Knack as a free game in Jan/Feb and they didn't think that was unrealistic. If you ever read a PS+ article on a gaming news site or Facebook comments, the top comments are usually people whining about lack of PS4 games. I agree that we probably won't see one until the end of the year at the earliest. I'm happy with the support so far and it was more than I expected after they delayed Driveclub and we didn't get the PS+ edition of it at launch.

I'll be holding on to my PS3 for awhile games like Stick of Truth, Tales of Xillia 2 and Persona 5 plus digital titles I have bought pretty much make it impossible to ditch anytime soon.

Those vita games are kinda lackluster to me, but M:LL, payday 2, and remember me are all 3 games I have not played but will play now that they are on plus.

Specially last light, I almost bought it from ms store but thanks to their shitty site not letting me check out I missed out on the deal (think it was 10 bucks maybe?) So glad that happened. Havent hardly touched my xbox since I switched to sony and finally got plus.

As far as the "retail" game for ps4, wtf do people expect? Its a brand new system, they are not going to give away one of the FEW games it has out now for free. I am stoked about outlast, definitely a full dark sound turned up kinda game it looks like. 

Oh and also agree, Knack will most likely be the first retail game on plus (which is why I cant bring myself to pick it up), I dont really count drive club as it has always been announced to have a ps+ mode. I could see Lego Marvel being in there as well at some point. 

FFXIV was a surprise success to everyone, including SE. ESO is already facing fierce resistance from fans and SWTOR is precedent for these type of MMOs.
Plus when they launched the game and it stunk they spent years fixing it before they made people pay for it.

The PS2 emulation interests me for some of the titles that got lost by the wayside that generation. I wouldn't mind going back and finishing Maximo and playing through the Onimusha games again.
Plus when they launched the game and it stunk they spent years fixing it before they made people pay for it.

The PS2 emulation interests me for some of the titles that got lost by the wayside that generation. I wouldn't mind going back and finishing Maximo and playing through the Onimusha games again.
Also be sure to try Persona 4 if you haven't already. It's got a great story and is really pretty fun

bread's done