PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

They are basically the same consoles at the moment the only difference is the $100 price tag. The numbers would be a lot closer if they had the same msrp. I sold a ps4 for $600 on Christmas week but I'm not sold on either console right now I guess I'll wait til the reviews on titanfall come out to take that plunge.
that stuff has been going on with machima with other companys on youtube non stop. activision does ith with cod Ea did it with bf3. it's pretty much companys putting ad budget into youtube which is cheaper then doing non stop normal ads on internet and tv so yeah nothing to really laugh at.
The issue isn't them putting money towards it. It's illegal (called Payola). When you receive goods, services, or cash in exchange for promoting something you must make it clear that you received compensation for your work and that you aren't an unbiased person. Other folks (completely unrelated to video games) got in trouble for this on the Internet a couple of years ago.

So MS and Machima are asking the YouTubers to sign a contract wherein they agree to break the law. I'm not a lawyer but my guess is that those contracts aren't valid. Regardless of the validity of the contracts, the people participating in it could get hit pretty hard for this. Obviously for the large companies it's nothing but it sure sucks for the ignorant (meant in the literal sense) YouTubers that have never heard of payola.

why would ps4 get price cut in first year of launch when it's not needed? ps3 and 360 have been 300 for how long now and ps3 is doing just fine. i could see ms doing some kind of buy system for cheap but require to sub to live for so long just like they did for 360. With all these x1's in wild it would be hard for ms to do a kinecless sku for 400 no one would buy all the 500 doller versions unless they drop to like 350 which is not going to happen. What will ms require all retail stores to send back all the systems with kinects to sell non kinect skus for 400?
I'm not saying with certainty it WOULD happen, I'm simply saying it COULD happen. Sony wants to have a much larger install base than MS and if a $50 price cut allowed this and they could afford it, I have no doubt that they'd at least consider it in order to reduce sales to MS. Think of it this way, in Sept there will be adequate supply of both consoles. MS announces a $100 price cut and people on the sidelines waiting for a price cut come in to buy. Sony responds with a $50 price cut. At least some of those people are now going to buy a PS4 instead.

The issue isn't them putting money towards it. It's illegal (called Payola). When you receive goods, services, or cash in exchange for promoting something you must make it clear that you received compensation for your work and that you aren't an unbiased person. Other folks (completely unrelated to video games) got in trouble for this on the Internet a couple of years ago.

So MS and Machima are asking the YouTubers to sign a contract wherein they agree to break the law. I'm not a lawyer but my guess is that those contracts aren't valid. Regardless of the validity of the contracts, the people participating in it could get hit pretty hard for this. Obviously for the large companies it's nothing but it sure sucks for the ignorant (meant in the literal sense) YouTubers that have never heard of payola.
then if that's true sadly youtube and companys break the law all the time. the one thing that stands out for me is that EA think it was the need for speed game that came out late 2012 they sent free copys to big macinama partners of the game for them to play it and earn extra money for every 1,000 views they got . it's the same thing that happend this past week with ms and like i said video game companys do it i have even seen companys like pepsi and others do it to promote products.

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then if that's true sadly youtube and companys break the law all the time. the one thing that stands out for me is that EA think it was the need for speed game that came out late 2012 they sent free copys to big macinama partners of the game for them to play it and earn extra money for every 1,000 views they got . it's the same thing that happend this past week with ms and like i said video game companys do it i have even seen companys like pepsi and others do it to promote products.
What you're talking about (with EA) is something that was public. That is NOT payola. My understanding is that the contract for Xbox One stipulated that these YouTubers not tell anyone. THAT is the definition of payola. Why are you defending a crime? I know you're in MS marketing, are you a party to this? Actually, don't answer that.

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What you're talking about (with EA) is something that was public. That is NOT payola. My understanding is that the contract for Xbox One stipulated that these YouTubers not tell anyone. THAT is the definition of payola. Why are you defending a crime? I know you're in MS marketing, are you a party to this? Actually, don't answer that.
who says i was defending it? was just saying alot of companys do this with partners of companys like macinma and what not. there has been machinma partners that left machinma because things like this. i know in machinma contracts they state the person singing it they NEVER talk about what they make per 1,000 views and require most of them to do machinma logos on stuff and never bash talk them as company. talking about Ea this just showedup

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who says i was defending it? was just saying alot of companys do this with partners of companys like macinma and what not. there has been machinma partners that left machinma because things like this. i know in machinma contracts they state the person singing it they NEVER talk about what they make per 1,000 views and require most of them to do machinma logos on stuff and never bash talk them as company. talking about Ea this just showedup
Guess what? EA and Microsoft are in for a lot of legal trouble
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Wow...MS is throwing Machinima under the bus. You can disregard the Verge's headline because the quote from MS is basically, "We gave them cash and they set up everything. We had nothing to do with the contracts, terms, etc."

"This partnership between Machinima and Microsoft was a typical marketing partnership to promote Xbox One in December. The Xbox team does not review any specific content or provide feedback on content. Any confidentiality provisions, terms or other guidelines are standard documents provided by Machinima. For clarity, confidentiality relates to the agreements themselves, not the existence of the promotion."

Guess what? EA and Microsoft are in for a lot of legal trouble
They may not. It looks like further down in the article from the verge that MS is going with the claim that they had no knowledge of this and as soon as they found out that they suspended the promotion and demanded the videos be put into compliance with regulations/laws. Who knows, that sort of voluntary compliance may get them out of trouble.

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ea and ms should be fine machinmima might be in deep legal problems. i have been talking to some past partners on twitch and sound like machinima has been doing this stuff for years and banking on the up views when they do this stuff. 

ea and ms should be fine machinmima might be in deep legal problems. i have been talking to some past partners on twitch and sound like machinima has been doing this stuff for years and banking on the up views when they do this stuff.
Both parties are at fault. Ea and Microsoft should never have told them to keep it a secret

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The funny thing is the 10 million was just a business example. HEre is the thing, Xbox sales will slow down due to the hype going down and being regularly available. The PS4's hype keeps growing with the shortage. But the greatest point of all, is even though they have a shortage, PS4 is still outselling Xbox. The shortage is business 101, a lack of supply can raise the demand. The PS4 has almost no new games and no software to back up the hardware yet it is selling like hotcakes. Once it does get some triple A titles it will continue to sell at this pace. While Sony focuses globally, Microsoft has focused domestically and it has back fired. Once PS drops in Japan, I have a feeling the console lead Sony has is going to really kick in... Microsoft better be thinking quickly about a kinect less sku, otherwise the defecit could be too much.
I would post this in the Xbox Forums but I know it would just start a big shit storm so ill post it here so we can all laugh .
Wow, this was the response Microsoft had for the upcoming Japan release of PS4, which is sure to dominate the headlines and sales numbers, and it is illegal. Good show. Just take a second look at the #XB1M13 promo dates of when it started/would have ended. EA got caught now too? Just keeps getting more interesting.

For Timbo: Pachter talks about economics and console production lines, etc. Not sure if he mentioned opening up extra production lines for initial console release in this episode, but he has talked about that before.

The PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at 60 frames per second, producer Scott Amos confirmed in a GamesRadar live stream today.

Earlier this week, it was reported the game would run at 30 frames per second on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Amos confirmed this is not the case, and that the PlayStation 4 version, at least, is running at 60 frames.

“Uh, no, I mean, you’re seeing it right here,” Amos said. “So, there definitely, you know, one of the things that people had asked, they had heard various quotes, actually heard some misquotes, our goal from the beginning was always to be 1080p gameplay at 30 frames per second minimum.

“Some people have taken that and misconstrued like, ‘Oh, it’s locked to 30!” Actually, no, it’s literally, the game was always from the beginning, our absolute requirement was gameplay at 1080p and minimum 30 frames per second. And anything past that was gravy. That’s the kind of game we are, the kind of world we are, and as you’re sitting here looking at it, like we said on the PS4, this is running at 60.”

Amos didn’t mention the Xbox One version. But according to a Rocket Chainsaw source, the game is running at 30 frames average on Microsoft’s console. The author of the article, also known as NeoGAF admin EatChildren, claims the information comes from “verified sources” at Square Enix.

“Both [versions] feature unlocked framerates, meaning framerate fluctuates between higher and lower values,” the site’s report reads. “The Xbox One build can technically reach around 45 fps, though this performance is generally only achieved during the most empty, simplest environments. For most of your play, and during action scenes, the Xbox One build will sit on around 30 fps.”

It continued, “On the other hand, the PlayStation 4 build will attempt to hit 60 fps as often as possible, and does a pretty good job of doing so, but does have slight dips under 60 fps during certain scenarios.”

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The PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at 60 frames per second, producer Scott Amos confirmed in a GamesRadar live stream today.

Earlier this week, it was reported the game would run at 30 frames per second on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Amos confirmed this is not the case, and that the PlayStation 4 version, at least, is running at 60 frames.

“Uh, no, I mean, you’re seeing it right here,” Amos said. “So, there definitely, you know, one of the things that people had asked, they had heard various quotes, actually heard some misquotes, our goal from the beginning was always to be 1080p gameplay at 30 frames per second minimum.

“Some people have taken that and misconstrued like, ‘Oh, it’s locked to 30!” Actually, no, it’s literally, the game was always from the beginning, our absolute requirement was gameplay at 1080p and minimum 30 frames per second. And anything past that was gravy. That’s the kind of game we are, the kind of world we are, and as you’re sitting here looking at it, like we said on the PS4, this is running at 60.”

Amos didn’t mention the Xbox One version. But according to a Rocket Chainsaw source, the game is running at 30 frames average on Microsoft’s console. The author of the article, also known as NeoGAF admin EatChildren, claims the information comes from “verified sources” at Square Enix.

“Both [versions] feature unlocked framerates, meaning framerate fluctuates between higher and lower values,” the site’s report reads. “The Xbox One build can technically reach around 45 fps, though this performance is generally only achieved during the most empty, simplest environments. For most of your play, and during action scenes, the Xbox One build will sit on around 30 fps.”

It continued, “On the other hand, the PlayStation 4 build will attempt to hit 60 fps as often as possible, and does a pretty good job of doing so, but does have slight dips under 60 fps during certain scenarios.”
Well.... 60 fps is overrated, i have never seen the difference and it will be fine. I mean we have kinect and the systems are selling left and right, I am not worried about that, it isn't really about the games, or the specs, or the resolution, a game is a game... -Timboslice


30fps for a last gen port on the Xbone? :lol: So I guess the PS4 version will be the only "Definitive Version" releasing next week then, HAHA. I expect this to be the norm for most multiplats this gen though, the PS4 is just too good. Kudos to the devs for not holding the more powerful console back for parity's sake, I really thought that would happen this gen, so happy that it wont be the case!

It doesn't really leave an excuse for Square-Enix though. I figure they would drop to 900p, hell 720p and maybe reduce TressFx or you know, anything, to keep up with the PS4 frame rate. But Square-Enix believes the same visual fidelity is better then having it 60fps on both consoles *facepalm*

Great for you PS4 owners though. This is my GOTY pick from 2013, and I'll be getting it on PS4 when I get my PS4 down the road. No sense in buying the X1 version unless It's say 10$ or free with Games with Gold on X1.

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Well.... 60 fps is overrated, i have never seen the difference and it will be fine. I mean we have kinect and the systems are selling left and right, I am not worried about that, it isn't really about the games, or the specs, or the resolution, a game is a game... -Timboslice

From the X1 thread

does it really matter? it's a port of a game. just having ps4 not running at full 60 fps at 1080 p shows the devs were lazy. tomb raider was made for last gen systems so ps4 if it can run most games at full 60 fps at 1080 p it should do same for tomb raider. i played tome raider in 1080 p on pc it was nothing jaw dropping that x1/ps4 could not handle.

seems like from devs that x1 is hard like ps3 was to program for. i expect it to take some time till 3rd party devs learn to use all the resources of x1 to program games for. When that happens with the power in that system most games should be close to 60 fps at 1080p. if you build a gaming pc with all of x1 specs you can get very close to playing games at 60 fps 1080 p.
Id say you about nailed it.

still don't make it right to post other junk from other forum which is why i reported your post
Lol, its what happens when you freely post things on the internet.

Would it make you feel better if I linked to that post instead of re-posting it then?

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Lol, its what happens when you freely post things on the internet.

Would it make you feel better if I linked to that post instead of re-posting it then?
no i just asked simple question why did you see need to post a post on same website from dif forum? never gave me response. im not mad you reposted it but makes no sense why it needs to be in ps4 forum when it's a topic being talked about in x1 forum.

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no i just asked simple question why did you see need to post a post on same website from dif forum? never gave me response. im not mad you reposted it but makes no sense why it needs to be in ps4 forum when it's a topic being talked about in x1 forum.
I did answer you. Context. If you read the thread you would get your answer.

It's a pretty bad case of the pot calling the kettle black there given how much you've brought up the X1 in this thread and PS4 stuff in the X1 thread over the past few months.

Your bias, rants and atrocious abuse of the English language make you look like both a moron and a fanboy, so you shouldn't be surprised at the grief you get.
It's a pretty bad case of the pot calling the kettle black there given how much you've brought up the X1 in this thread and PS4 stuff in the X1 thread over the past few months.

Your bias, rants and atrocious abuse of the English language make you look like both a moron and a fanboy, so you shouldn't be surprised at the grief you get.
i never posted a thing said in x1 into here was my point. i don't care is reason if someone wanted to read that they could in x1 just because it has ps4 word in it the dude thinks it's ok to re post it here.

why don't we just combine these things into one so it can be seen in both forums.all he is doing is trying to start junk on this website with me seeing he has nothing else better to do in his gf's parents basement

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i never posted a thing said in x1 into here was my point. i don't care is reason if someone wanted to read that they could in x1 just because it has ps4 word in it the dude thinks it's ok to re post it here.

why don't we just combine these things into one so it can be seen in both forums.all he is doing is trying to start junk on this website with me seeing he has nothing else better to do in his gf's parents basement

First of all its attic. Second, I thought you said no personal attacks.
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Well.... 60 fps is overrated, i have never seen the difference and it will be fine. I mean we have kinect and the systems are selling left and right, I am not worried about that, it isn't really about the games, or the specs, or the resolution, a game is a game... -Timboslice


From the X1 thread

Id say you about nailed it.

why is this needed to be posted in this thread? im sure if someone wanted to read it they could view it in x1 thread
If you actually knew the definition of context, then you wwould know why he posted that to this thread... let me explain for you. I was the one who mocked you and stated what I am sure your response was to the news of Tomb Raider being 60fps on ps4 vs x1. He then proceeded to prove me right using your post from the xbox thread. There was plenty of reason to use it in this thread to back up what I had said. So he shouldn't be the one that you think is going after you, since I was the one who posted orignally :rofl:

I wonder more and more how he is even able to post what he does with no grasp of the english language.

My favorite Timbo moment is still him taking off work on the day of the Microsoft reveal event for X1 just so he could preorder it. Also his discussion before E3 about how he works in the industry, but be never went into detail about where he works or what he does. (Part of me hopes this is really Major Nelson). The last 2 pages of this thread are pretty damn close to the entertainment value of those incidents though. Why does he keep visiting this thread though?
My favorite Timbo moment is still him taking off work on the day of the Microsoft reveal event for X1 just so he could preorder it. Also his discussion before E3 about how he works in the industry, but be never went into detail about where he works or what he does. (Part of me hopes this is really Major Nelson). The last 2 pages of this thread are pretty damn close to the entertainment value of those incidents though. Why does he keep visiting this thread though?
because as he states over and over again, "I have both consoles, I want both to succeed, I have had an xbox 360 and PS3..." He acts like he is for neither console, but then says remarks that state otherwise... very passively of course, don't want to get in trouble with the mods.

because as he states over and over again, "I have both consoles, I want both to succeed, I have had an xbox 360 and PS3..." He acts like he is for neither console, but then says remarks that state otherwise... very passively of course, don't want to get in trouble with the mods.
He doesnt have both. He keeps saying he is getting a ps4 in the spring, when second son comes out I think.

You know, to make it seem like he is for both systems, when he only owns one of them currently.

My favorite Timbo moment is still him taking off work on the day of the Microsoft reveal event for X1 just so he could preorder it. Also his discussion before E3 about how he works in the industry, but be never went into detail about where he works or what he does. (Part of me hopes this is really Major Nelson). The last 2 pages of this thread are pretty damn close to the entertainment value of those incidents though. Why does he keep visiting this thread though?
He works at shopko lol.
My feelings toward Timbo have evolved quite a bit since he first started posting in this thread:

Stage One - "Man, this guy is annoying..."

Stage Two - "What is wrong with this guy, is he really that deluded?"

Stage Three - "Oh, okay, he's just an attention whore."

It's just amazing to me that he hasn't been banned yet...  Hopefully his pestering of the Mods by reporting posts for stupid reasons will push them over the edge.  

I think its funny how quickly things escalate with him, lol. As soon as you disagree with him out catch him in a lie he goes off the deep end.

Anyways, I did see some PS4s in stock at Target and Gamestop around me so thats good.

I have never played any Thief games. What should I expect form them? Are they good?

Timbo reminds me of a customer I used to have at EB Games, circa Xbox release.  He would come in wearing an Xbox hat we gave him constantly and borderline harass other customers asking them questions about all things Xbox.  When we had no customers, he'd come chat us up even though our routine by then was to completely ignore him.  Didn't faze him in the slightest and if you made the mistake of answering a question or tell him you weren't getting an Xbox, he'd defend the system so hard it'd make M$ blush.  The guy was clearly desperate for a friend and missed all social cues, but at least he had Xbox in his life.

Timbo reminds me of a customer I used to have at EB Games, circa Xbox release. He would come in wearing an Xbox hat we gave him constantly and borderline harass other customers asking them questions about all things Xbox. When we had no customers, he'd come chat us up even though our routine by then was to completely ignore him. Didn't faze him in the slightest and if you made the mistake of answering a question or tell him you weren't getting an Xbox, he'd defend the system so hard it'd make M$ blush. The guy was clearly desperate for a friend and missed all social cues, but at least he had Xbox in his life.
Was it Neo?

My favorite Timbo moment is still him taking off work on the day of the Microsoft reveal event for X1 just so he could preorder it. Also his discussion before E3 about how he works in the industry, but be never went into detail about where he works or what he does. (Part of me hopes this is really Major Nelson). The last 2 pages of this thread are pretty damn close to the entertainment value of those incidents though. Why does he keep visiting this thread though?
If he is Major Nelson I really want to know how they just turned off the "Always ON" feature and also ask if Angry Joe helped implement said feature by questioning it.

I honestly imagine Timbo as a lonesome Gamestop worker who is in love with the girl who works with Xbox to set up the units... kind of what Charlie has with the waitress in Always Sunny.

If you guys think Timbo is bad, you must be forgetting Neo.
what ever happend to neo. i will admit i do lean to xbox a bit but that guy scared me and started to think he was a troll. he has been gone since week of launch.

i will admit at times i do have a short stick and can lose it at times and later on saying why the heck did i say all that.

deader if you read this just wanted to say i im sorry for bringing up that personal stuff early on when that stuff don't belong in this type of website.

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If he is Major Nelson I really want to know how they just turned off the "Always ON" feature and also ask if Angry Joe helped implement said feature by questioning it.

I honestly imagine Timbo as a lonesome Gamestop worker who is in love with the girl who works with Xbox to set up the units... kind of what Charlie has with the waitress in Always Sunny.
dude i would not work at gamestop if that was last job on earth no offense to gamestop workers but storys i hear just down right awful.

To be fair, I don't think you're a bad person. You just get worked up easy and I think maybe you don't choose your words correctly and it creates a lot of confusion.

And I don't care lol. I live happily with my girlfriend's parents. No sense to have to pay rent for both of us when we can live for free and help them out.
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bread's done