Please don't waste your money on The Last Airbender

I gotta say. I really enjoyed this movie. The story was pretty deep at points and I have yet to see a movie with action this well done. Favorite movie so far this year!
I love M. Night Shaymalan. The Happening was the most fun I've ever had watching a movie because it took the entire theater about five minutes to turn completely MST3K.
[quote name='Rodimus']Maybe the cast not being Asian is the twist.[/QUOTE]

Anyone else caught up on the irony that the cartoon's lead voicing cast is mostly non-asian?

[quote name='Rodimus']Maybe the cast not being Asian is the twist.[/QUOTE]

nah the twist is that the film not only didnt live up to peoples expectations but was even worse than many expected it to be.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I've heard that the genius M. Night thought it sounded more Asian. Then he cast a white boy to play the character.[/QUOTE]

I guess I'm the most multi-culturally unaware person in the world, but I so didn't think Aang looked white in the movie.

[quote name='bardockkun']My friend dragged me to see it Friday. The only movie I've ever walked out of.[/QUOTE]

I wanted to walk out. My husband was like, "Oh, something will get better."

He was wrong.

[quote name='Strell']We need shitty movies like this to exist. Otherwise, how would I know whose taste is 100% trash?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Rodimus']Maybe the cast not being Asian is the twist.[/QUOTE]

And again: :applause:
The only Sham-a-long movies I have seen are the Sixth Sense and Signs so I am basically unscarred by his bad movies. It just occurred to that his only good films begin with the letter 'S'.

So he needs to make movies that start with the letter 'S' - that will completely solve his problem and he will make great movies and Al Gaeda will dissapear and the world will be a better place.

So Mr. Sham-a-Long....if you are reading this? Can you please make a "S" movie? Thank you and god bless America!!

- Xevious

PS. Don't cast Mel Gibson, Ron Howards daughter or the Marky Mark guy....Cast that dude from the "Good Times" TV show, J.J. - the dude who always says "DY-NO-MITE!!!" He needs the money and I have a feeling he's due for a comback.
[quote name='Indignate']Damn it Xevious, you figured out his twist!

Does that get me into your Signature of Quotes?

Unfortunately I am out of room in the signature section. I've been damned too many times here on CAG.
The wife took Caitlyn to this last night while I tended to The Boy who had strep throat and a fever. Finally, sickness provides a positive.

Yet... I want to see this movie at home for free in 6-8 months if only to mock it.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
Yet... I want to see this movie at home for free in 6-8 months if only to mock it.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I think I may even be willing to pay $1 to Redbox it.
[quote name='ZeroFactorial']
Shamalama deserves for me to at least give it a chance. I, for one, actually really liked Lady in the Water. It was kind of an age of innocence type of fantasy movie.
You don't see much of that nowadays. People seem to have lost all hope for humanity, even though there are still good people in the world.[/QUOTE]

This post is a joke right?! "Lady In the Water" was fucking HORRIBLE! I'm not so much mad at the plot but the constant fucking monologuing made me want to stick my head in a blender or microwave. I mean who the fuck thinks monologuing which came so CLEARLY and ANNOYINGLY so as trying to explain to the audience like they're idiots, would be a good idea? Never mind the fact it came across as a fucking lecture as well. I like to watch movies, foreign et al, and will likely take a film studies but I don't want it delivered from one character to another in a movie as an explanation. The only difference is "Lady In the Water" did it in terms of certain types of stories, explaining them.
The sad thing is the idea of a modern Lady Lake concept isn't a bad idea. The issue? Shymalan delivered it terribly.
Oh and speaking of the color issue in the movie you'd think a guy like Shymalan would want to see color in "Avatar: The Last Airbender" considering he's a fan of the series. Add to that he's not White and maybe Asian kids and others seeing this might think they could get a job in Hollywood or want to try acting.
I mean does Shymalan not see himself as Indian? Does he clearly see himself as White or what? Seriously.
edit: I also hate to break it to ya'll but even "The Sixth Sense"'s twist is ripped off that "Are You Afraid Of the Dark?" episode. Shymalan even admitted to it. I think I might have even remembered that show after ending Sense or thinking it seemed familiar.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Same here. I think I may even be willing to pay $1 to Redbox it.[/QUOTE]

be sure to get you 99 cents change back lol.
THe only good thing about Lady In The Water was the character Freddy Rodriguez played.


Nice gun, dude.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']THe only good thing about Lady In The Water was the character Freddy Rodriguez played.


Nice gun, dude.[/QUOTE]

So was this for real or were some special effects/makeup involved?
I'm surprised that this was worse than the Happening (from what I've been hearing). I actually saw some promise in terms of the CG in some of the trailers. So was there ANY good fight scenes or cool special fx moments?

I'd like to see M.Night get a small budget and work on some indie style films instead of these big picture ideas. I think he'll shine in that medium much more.
There was absolutely nothing good in this movie whatsoever. The fight choreography and acting were a joke, they did a horrible job with the bending, the plot was a completely bare-bones version of Book 1, and the CGI was horrible. I cannot think of 1 thing positive to say about this disgrace of a movie
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm surprised that this was worse than the Happening (from what I've been hearing). I actually saw some promise in terms of the CG in some of the trailers. So was there ANY good fight scenes or cool special fx moments?

I'd like to see M.Night get a small budget and work on some indie style films instead of these big picture ideas. I think he'll shine in that medium much more.[/QUOTE]

I've never watched the tv show, but the fight scenes were ok. Special effects were good....nothing eye popping. That white yack thing reminded me of that white furry thing from never ending story lol.

it was a so so movie...mostly for fans of the show..
bread's done