Preorder Eternal Sonata, Get free faceplate

Will cancel my pre-order @ GC and switch it to GS. I really enjoyed the demo, even though I'm not that big on RPG's. BTW the visuals are gorgeous, yet the framerate stutters a bit, hopefully it will be fixed by release.
Thanks for the reminder, OP.
[quote name='jazzman']Will cancel my pre-order @ GC and switch it to GS. I really enjoyed the demo, even though I'm not that big on RPG's. BTW the visuals are gorgeous, yet the framerate stutters a bit, hopefully it will be fixed by release.
Thanks for the reminder, OP.[/QUOTE]
it is possible game crazy would also get the bonus
[quote name='62t']it is possible game crazy would also get the bonus[/quote]

Will have to check with my local GC. Thanks.
I've never done a preorder at before. Is it possible to get the same faceplate deal if you go in the store to preorder it?
I dont like the idea of getting a random faceplate and counting on luck to get one I like.
I'd defintely do this is it was in-store as well.
Does anyone know if they're in stores yet? Probably not. I'm always getting screwed over with pre-order items. Whenever I go and reserve, I ask about the item and they tell me that I'll get it when I pick it up. Then they recieve the shipment x days before and give them all out because they're promoting "Hey, reserve this and we'll give you this cool tshirt/ art book/ Cd/ figure", and when I go and pick it up on release date, "Oh we're sorry, they're all gone." :bomb:
[quote name='xxtheycallmedxx']where is the demo ? I dont see it in the marketplace ......[/QUOTE]

its on the japanese marketplace. You have to make a japanese account to access it. Google it, its pretty simple to setup just need to make a hotmail account, and make sure its in the japanese region.
I have gotten preorder goodness from a gamestop locally without preordering the game. However, I know the manager really well, and I do a ton of business there.
[quote name='Link927']Does anyone know if they're in stores yet? Probably not. I'm always getting screwed over with pre-order items. Whenever I go and reserve, I ask about the item and they tell me that I'll get it when I pick it up. Then they recieve the shipment x days before and give them all out because they're promoting "Hey, reserve this and we'll give you this cool tshirt/ art book/ Cd/ figure", and when I go and pick it up on release date, "Oh we're sorry, they're all gone." :bomb:[/quote]

Nope, stores haven't gotten them yet.
[quote name='reibeatall']Nope, stores haven't gotten them yet.[/QUOTE]

I'll just need to stalk and wait it out then >_>

Probably around a month to a few weeks before release date.

Or there is ordering online, but the cons would be the fact that you probably couldnt decide which one you want, and waiting an extra couple days for it to arrive.
Oooh, the Beat one looks nice, but I never have my 360 vertical, only hortizontal. Still might get preorder this though, but I really wanted to used my Target giftcards on this... oh well. I will defininetly keep looking at this thread to see if anyone has seen them instores.

Now only if Blue Dragon had that sweet faceplate come to America...
[quote name='jazzman']Will have to check with my local GC. Thanks.[/quote]

I have haad this on preorder for about a week at GC. The reason I did is that they told me about it coming with a free faceplate.
Wait, where does it say which faceplate you get on the page? I would assume you would get one of the five randomly (but hey, they could be extra generous and give you all five :D).
[quote name='prateeko']Wait, where does it say which faceplate you get on the page? I would assume you would get one of the five randomly (but hey, they could be extra generous and give you all five :D).[/quote]

Nah, it's got to be just a random one.

Anyway, as someone that doesn't usually dig JRPGs, I really liked the demo a lot and will probably be preordering this for the faceplate. FYI, EB/GS has a similar offer for preordering Stranglehold (free faceplate).
[quote name='jazzman']Will cancel my pre-order @ GC and switch it to GS. I really enjoyed the demo, even though I'm not that big on RPG's. BTW the visuals are gorgeous, yet the framerate stutters a bit, hopefully it will be fixed by release.
Thanks for the reminder, OP.[/quote]

this is also good at gamecrazy
I've been hyping it for a week now
We need to come up with a trading solution so we can all get the faceplates we want, if we get one that we didn't want XD.

I want the Chopin one D:, so I may order online (backup solution) and in store just to try and get one.
[quote name='tenzor']its on the japanese marketplace. You have to make a japanese account to access it. Google it, its pretty simple to setup just need to make a hotmail account, and make sure its in the japanese region.[/quote]
I heard that microsoft is deleting acounts like that. If that is true would that jeoperdize my normal account?
thanks op, i preordered at just need 2 more referrals and ill have a 360 to play this game!
I went to Gamestop today, and they didn't get the faceplates in yet. The cashier really tried to get me to preorder it even though they didn't have the faceplates, but there is no chance I am preordering Eternal Sonata there, if the only reason I am getting it from EB/GS is the faceplate, and they aren't there.
[quote name='mrcheapo11']I went to Gamestop today, and they didn't get the faceplates in yet. The cashier really tried to get me to preorder it even though they didn't have the faceplates, but there is no chance I am preordering Eternal Sonata there, if the only reason I am getting it from EB/GS is the faceplate, and they aren't there.[/QUOTE]
usually the preorder bonus arrive at the same time as the game
Got my Allegretto faceplate today when I went in to pick up a Rachet and Clank demo for PS3. Check out your store if you reserved it.
Popping my CAG cherry with this post hurrah! Anyway I went into my local GS today and preordered the game and also received 2 of the 5 possible faceplates for the 360. The clerk is in a sales contest with everyone at his store and if he wins he get's a free copy of Halo 3 and Blue Dragon so he offered them both up to me for my preorder which I gladly accepted. The demo for this game is awesome and I cannot wait for the full shebang.

*As an aside this contest the employee is taking part in has to do with the GS managers conference going on so you may want to chat up the guy/gal working and see if they are willing to hook you up with more then one for a preorder as it is worth it.
I went in today. The faceplate haven't arrived yet at my location, but it is good to hear it is not packaged with the game so I might get it a little early.
[quote name='suko_32']Do these look good on an Elite?[/QUOTE]
The Chopin one is a nice dark blue that I think would look really nice on an elite.
[quote name='jazzman']Will cancel my pre-order @ GC and switch it to GS. I really enjoyed the demo, even though I'm not that big on RPG's. BTW the visuals are gorgeous, yet the framerate stutters a bit, hopefully it will be fixed by release.
Thanks for the reminder, OP.[/quote]

Geez, first Heavenly Sword and now this? I hope this isn't a developing pattern. I hope there's no issues like this with Mass Effect, Alan Wake or others.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']They look nice, but I'll pass and buy this on my PS3.[/QUOTE]

Yes, since this game will be out... um....
[quote name='The Mana Knight']They look nice, but I'll pass and buy this on my PS3.[/QUOTE]

Just couldn't resist, could you? Have fun waiting 6 months and buying at full price while the 360 version will probably be $40 by then. Troll.
I believe Game Crazy is supposed to get these faceplates in as well, at least that was on their paperwork they let me see last month when I asked to see what pre-order deals they had upcoming. I did reserve mine at GS though. They didn't get their faceplates in today, but I did get the R&C PS3 demo disk.
So, for those of you who have recieved their faceplates, did they employees let you choose, or were they all in some sort of unmarked mystery bags?
[quote name='Link927']So, for those of you who have recieved their faceplates, did they employees let you choose, or were they all in some sort of unmarked mystery bags?[/quote]

they let me choose although at the store i was at they only received 4 of the 5 faceplate types.
[quote name='floatingaccount']my store recieved 8 of the faceplates. apparently they are limited to 5,000 each. employees might let you pick YMMV[/QUOTE]

Thats what all the ebay auctions say, is that really official? Or did your GS just recieve enough to cover preorders and a couple extra?
bread's done